Will things in the middle east ever become stable?

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  1. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    Will things in the middle east ever become stable?

    it seems like throught history the middle east is always in some kind of conflict, is it possible for this to end?

  2. okta12 profile image60
    okta12posted 13 years ago

    Things will become stable some day. The penetration of mass media, globalization and spreading ideas of secularism (exlusion of religion from government), pluralism (deeper understanding, wider views) and also modernization and democracy in general should do this job slowly.

  3. Wayne Brown profile image81
    Wayne Brownposted 13 years ago

    That likely depends on your definition of "stable".  Most of the conflict in that region is based in religious fundamentalism or fanaticism.  There are disagreements which are as old as time itself.  In all liklihood I think we will just continue to see an unstable environment as various countries go through ups and downs. Iran's intentions and potential future actions may well be the powder keg that sends the situation spiraling out of control. On the other side of the coin rides the question of how long Israel is willing to hold back in light of the threats they feel.  I do not see a diplomatic solution which is palatable to all the countries involved and their particular interest in the near future. WB

  4. profile image0
    Kbraggposted 13 years ago

    In our lifetime, and probably even in the lifetime of our chidren, there will likely not be total peace in the middle east. There may be times of relative peace, but until there comes a time when the different groups can come to a consensus, peace will not be lasting.

  5. Iontach profile image68
    Iontachposted 13 years ago

    Maybe some day, but i say that will take a while. Religion is probably the main reasons for the conflict there, hopefully they just accept each other.

  6. Zubair Ahmed profile image75
    Zubair Ahmedposted 13 years ago

    Yes it can only if the West stops meddling in their affairs.  Historically western powers have only interfered with countries where they stand to benefit by standing up stooges, like Libya, Egypt, Tunisia and many more.  The moment the stooges become useless or disobey like Saddam or Mubarak they are like dispensable dog's.

  7. rchapman05 profile image60
    rchapman05posted 13 years ago

    I think they are closer than ever to reaching some form of stability. Each new country that stands up and demands freedom encourages others to do the same. What they do with their freedom only time will tell.

  8. Mark Upshaw profile image60
    Mark Upshawposted 13 years ago

    Not in our life times. The middle east has always and will always have conflict. Brother against brother, religious faction vs. another faction of the same religion, tribe against tribe and nation vs. nation.

    Rather than despairing over the lack or peace, maybe we can work on how to make it better right now. Realizing that the US and the West has brought the Middle East revolutions in the way they communicate and connect, in business and also in working with each other; How can we all support the further progress of our planetary brothers.

    It is so easy to be against someone for how they are different, religion, culture, looks, but our common humanity once recognized is for more powerful and understandable. (We want what is best for our families and loved one.)

    Israel needs to be secure and all Arab countries need opportunities for their young to work and marry, to have the chance at success however the individual defines. 

    Our beloved internet has brought opportunities to people everywhere there is an internet connection.  That is a US invention and a US/European proliferation.  Cellular communication from the US/Asian markets made the changes possible in the protesting countries.

    It seems that US businesses have made some great changes in the world.

  9. joshhunt83 profile image61
    joshhunt83posted 13 years ago

    As soon as the planet isn't completely reliant on oil we'll have a much better chance of peace there.

  10. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    Zubair Ahmed ; you blame the US on the problems in the middle east and i find that so funny it's hilarious. were talking about a region that has been in some sort of conflict for thousands of years with almost no time when something wasn't in conflict and the US is how old?
    What bothers me is when people try to blame other countries for their problems. if the citizens there have any strength or brains, they would never let another country cause problems. if the leaders of these countries weren't corrupt and greedy , no other country would be able to influence them.

  11. profile image0
    Mr Tindleposted 13 years ago

    Definitely not any time soon. Dictators, religious radicalism and conflict, corrupt foreign aid being distributed, and U.S. imperialism to protect the flow of oil are all contributing to a messy and violent situation.

  12. tom hellert profile image61
    tom hellertposted 13 years ago

    Eventually the sun will expand to a radius that will engulf the earth- then there will be peace in the middle east.

  13. danthehandyman profile image70
    danthehandymanposted 13 years ago

    The Middle East hasn't been stable in recorded history. I don't think it will happen anytime soon. If it were not for oil, we wouldn't even pay attention to the sand dwellers plight.
    When the oil runs out, and it will, their world influence will diminish but the conflicts will continue, and the world will then again ignore them. That is, if they don't acquire nukes with all that oil money. It’s one thing to face Bedouins on camels, quite another to dodge a nuclear missile.


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