Do you feel that racism still exists in the US today? And if so, how bad do you

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  1. marketingskeptic profile image68
    marketingskepticposted 13 years ago

    Do you feel that racism still exists in the US today? And if so, how bad do you think it really is?

  2. maxoxam41 profile image64
    maxoxam41posted 13 years ago

    The immigration law in Nevada, profiling, the acquittal of Luis Ramirez's killers... are enough proof.

  3. Jonesy0311 profile image61
    Jonesy0311posted 13 years ago

    Absolutely. Any sociologist will be able to explain it. Look at poverty statistics; 24% of blacks live below the poverty threshold. How about incarceration statistics? Blacks make up 13% of the national population, but account for 33% of the prison population. When DNA evidence was able to re-examine capital criminal cases, blacks were exonerated six times more often than whites; meaning that blacks were wrongfully convicted at a much higher rate. 90% of the people executed for rape since 1930 were black. The stats for Hispanics aren't much different.

  4. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 13 years ago

    Ummm.... I live in Texas. It's still here, and its pretty bad. I don't believe we have KKK members, but we are more upset with the Mexicans for multiplying at such a pace.

  5. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 13 years ago

    I think racism is the US. It is woven into the American culture. The progressive attempt to change this makes it worse to some degree. Even non-racist people are racist. Maybe this will change some day.

  6. profile image0
    Rosemary Banksposted 13 years ago

    Yes ofcouse, just based on how the President of the USA is received is bad enough. How bad, well you can't measure it you can feel it.

  7. Jay S profile image60
    Jay Sposted 13 years ago

    Yes, racism still exists in the USA. And the really bad news is, it may be worse now than ever. It seems that everyone is jealous of the next person, no matter what color or whether it's a man or a woman. Americans are way to scared of what they don't understand. So instead of trying to understand, it's just easier for us to distrust or hate and as Americans, we'll take the easy way out.

  8. profile image51
    mali2010posted 10 years ago

    Have you ever read the book Sundown towns by  a hidden dimension of American racism by James W. Loewen? First of all you may ask what a Sundown Town is, it is a city or town that once openly banned blacks from any entrance the white residents usually placed a large sign at the town's border that read Nig-- don't let the sun go down on you in ----- or either signs that had these printed words, Nig---- if you can read" You'd better run" or " If you can't read "You'd better run anyway". You may be saying "oh that was probably a long time ago whites people don't hang signs out and they don't act like that anymore!" oh don't they? The state governments may have forced these cities and towns thousands of cities and towns to take these signs down but they never could force that deeply embedded hate for blacks out of the minds of all of these whites.According to the book there are small cities and towns across America if a blacks wander through and do stay too long they run into white harassment.One example was the city of Anna Illinois.It  is a city of about 7,000 people. In 1909 Anna expelled  their African American citizens and it has been all white ever since.  In fact the name Anna stands for Ain't no Nig-- allowed. Any black people who find themselves in Anna after dark are treated badly by the white towns citizens. I was conversing with a white lady recently who told me about an incident that took place. Her son who doesn't live far from Anna told her about a black utility worker who was on a job in the city, a group of white men approached him and told him "he'd better be out of town before dark". According to the book's author Loewen there are thousands of sundown towns and cities sprinkled across America. Imagine if the white citizens went crazy at the sight of black people like they do in Anna well that would answer your question! Hell yes racism is still bad, very bad and potentially dangerous to Black Americans!


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