Was it a good idea for Barack Obama to be elected president?

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  1. toys-everywhere profile image60
    toys-everywhereposted 13 years ago

    Was it a good idea for Barack Obama to be elected president?

    I ask this, not as a racial issue, but simply as a response to the controversy over his birth certificate and other documents' authenticity, his origins or intentions, and his effectiveness in office.

  2. pstraubie48 profile image81
    pstraubie48posted 13 years ago

    I am not sure that anyone else could have done any better than he has. There has been so much in fighting between the Democrats and Republicans that not much has been accomplished.
    The birth certificate and all is a dead issue with me...if anyone was all that concerned about that it should have been investigated before he took office.
    His intentions? I think they were good...just as I believe that those who enter the White House have good intentions..but they find there are much more powerful machines at work that tie their hands while they are in office.
    His effectiveness: It is difficult to measure. Four years is not enough time to FIX the issues we have in our country. I addressed my views on that in an earlier question.
    It would be easy for me to be an arm chair quarter back on the Presidency. I KNOW I could do the job...I am not sure any ONE person can.

  3. msviolets profile image80
    msvioletsposted 13 years ago

    That's a complicated question.  I think the answer lies in what the alternatives were. 
    I don't think Obama was a bad choice for president.  He just happened to come to the opportunity at an exceptionally difficult time. 
    Anyone would be struggling.  Most would be shortsighted as to implications of their actions (like healthcare).  At least he was upfront that things were going to be uncomfortable.  They are, and will continue to be as long as we are looking at DC to change things, rather than our own hometowns.

  4. profile image0
    jdatwellposted 13 years ago

    in some ways it was good it let us known as American's we wanted change, but unless we look at him like any other politician then he was good because he gave us what we wanted a chance to have see things better, but in regards to him maybe, maybe not. We want change but we can't accept he's human, but as president is doing what he can our economy is in the toilet and we are all to blame, not just our president we all need to grow up act like adults and start making this things better get a grip we all have to help and not use scapegoats.  no matter what  he's our president and we need to let him do his job.

  5. aygabtu profile image64
    aygabtuposted 13 years ago

    Nope!  His health care plan and enormous deficit spending is what has kept companies from hiring.  It is a huge unknown, but by most estimates, health care will cost businesses even more, so they are doing more with less employees.  I also believe it has divided our country more along racial lines, which is not good either.

    While no one could have easily turned around the mess from our country overspending for decades, with companies unwilling to hire and just the cost to service our debt skyrocketing, I think his policies have kept any decent turn-around from gaining any traction.

  6. mattforte profile image86
    mattforteposted 13 years ago

    First off - people who still trash talk the health care system clearly do not understand the complexities of it. They're just riding the bandwagon.

    That said - the president really doesn't matter. We have allowed our two party system to make nearly all of our elected officials, *especially* the president, useless. Mr. Prez can suggest an idea. It'll go through congress. Well you see, this was a democratic idea. So Mr. Senator over here who is a Republican is going to vote against it. The majority of the people in Mr. Senator's state like the idea, but he doesn't care. You see, he is a Republican. So he can not possibly back a democratic idea!
    This goes the same way for the democrats voting against the republican ideas.

    Granted, I do believe one side is far worse than the other about refusing to make compromises happen - but that's a different debate entirely.

    As long as this is happening, our country is going NOWHERE.

  7. Faceless39 profile image93
    Faceless39posted 13 years ago

    It doesn't matter anymore.  The powers-that-be buy the elections and will only allow people into that position who will be their pawn.

  8. chuckbl profile image69
    chuckblposted 13 years ago

    At the time, yes. Now, i think he has sort of failed america and by extension the world. So, in hindsight, no.

  9. GoGreenTips profile image60
    GoGreenTipsposted 13 years ago

    Really I don't think it matters much whom the President is anymore. It's amazing how many people blame Obama for the deficit...Bush had pretty far in debt before Obama took office and he was the Republican. Really whether it's a Republican or Democrat the policies aren't changing all that much. Lots of wars, or police actions...Reagan..Grenada, Beirut. astronomical cold war spending, Bush Iraq.. Clinton Somalia, Bosnia Bush Jr. Iraq, Obama Iraq Afghanistan, Libya..Iran?.

    Really Obama wasn't any better or worse than anyone else. Personally I think that anyone of either party that makes it to the general election has been vetted by the military/industrial complex, banks and corporations so really we aren't going to get anyone in the office that stands up for the common folk.

    So the answer is NO!


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