Kitties are a lovely addition to a home. But, too many is TOO many, especially when your home is small, Follow the journey of these kitties.
Having multiple kitties is an adventure to begin if you are sure you really want them. Feeding and pottying are two important parts to consider before inviting so many babies into your home.
Momma kitty gave birth earlier this spring at my daughter's home. Into the world came quadruplets: four adorable little almost carbon copies of Momma. And now they are rehomed at my place.
A pup can bring so much joy and comfort to our lives. That is especially so when the pup survives seemingly insurmountable odds to do so.
For twenty five years, my daughter has fought cancer. She was told more times than I can count that her days are numbered. And now she hears those words again. She, however, continues to fight through the pain and the exhaustion that being chronically ill causes. She has never given up.
Finding the right animal to become a family member sometimes happen easily and unexpectedly, Felines often choose us rather than being chosen by us. When you are chosen, your life will be filled primarily with lots of adoration from your kitty. Just know that they do have a mischievous side too.
Animals gravitate to me Perhaps it is my touch or my voice but they seem to be drawn to me. And, this makes me very happy.
A family member lands in jail. And that's is the beginning of the cost to a family. Emotional and financial costs to the family are on-going.
Our prisons are overflowing with people. Let's not forget that. People who for whatever reason landed within the confines of cell walls. And who gives a damn?
My daughter was diagnosed with endometrial cancer 14 years ago. Since then it has metastasized to multiple organs in her body. Many times she has been told that her time on the planet is limited. Once again she has been given a warning that her time is now very short.
An image can easily spark fond memories. That is what happened when I spied a photo of a building not unlike one from many years ago when I was very young.
Stress is present in everyone's life to some extent every day. Identifying and sorting how to manage it is something that must happen on an individual basis. If you're looking for the answers on how to lose all of the stress in your life this is not the article for you to read.
One Christmas we here homeless. So many wonderful things that happened to us during the many months of being without a true shelter has remained with us. Angels swooped in and made a huge difference in our lives. They were not just Christmas Angels...but Angels for all time.
Kitty and I have found that we are not walking alone. We are only a tiny part of the family of humans and creatures. We depend on each other daily.
Once a year here in the U.S. we pause to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Giving thanks every day may help us appreciate more all of the positive things that come our way in a 24 hour period.
Life throws all kinds of curve balls our way. We can run and hide or we can find the 'simply wonderful' in every day. Make today your day full of wonderful even when 'stuff' longs to intrude.
Padikay and Kitty who is not my Kitty often spend excellent moments together. Learning why we are on the planet is one way we have found our way into each other's hearts.
Spending final moments with a loved one can be at once uplifting and heart-wrenching.
Just when I needed her most I found Padi---I am a stray and I needed someone to adore me.
Falling from our lips, often this time of the year,the words 'Happy Thanksgiving'. Reflecting on what our family is really thankful for this year brings a plethora of emotion and a wish to express thankfulness every day.
Make this Halloween over-the-top for everyone as you combine original creations with easy to find, inexpensive decorations. And, create some of your very own.
Adult coloring books can give hours of pleasure and self-expression. If you have not discovered them, find one today and begin a new adventure.
Challenging moments and situations arise in many lives. Facing them and finding a way to navigate the unsettling waters may lead to feeling hopeless. Not so for me.
Payne's Prairie in Alachua County, Florida, will offer a walk to remember for many years: up close and personal with gators and sometimes bison....breathtaking journey.
Find JOY and LOVE every day.....Allow your light to shine each day and you will be amazed, simply amazed at what that means for others and you.
Catastrophic illness comes to so many. It is frightening and a difficult place to be.My grandson is fighting for his life.Our hearts go out to all who share a similar walk~~we remain ever hopeful.
My little grandson has multiple rare diseases and is in bone marrow failure. He has a gj tube which is how he gets most nourishment. Many of you know what such illness can mean for a family.
Hope still reigns even with my five year old grandson gravely ill. To give you some insight into his condition information about his rare disease will be shared.
Slowing down, giving attention to the beauty nature affords us each day is a first step we can take to renewing our minds, bodies, and soul. Take time for YOU today.
ASK YOURSELF FIRST----am I willing to do the work that it takes to lose the weight? You may find hope if you read about my journey. It is, after all, up to you ....YOU can do it.
From the Moment I arrived in Texas, I was mesmerized by the sights I saw with my sister on a daily basis....many of which I had only seen in photos or magazines.
Thoughts and ideas swirl around just above my head waiting to appear on the page. Words falling out of my head give voice to thoughts left unexpressed until now.
Have superstitions about black kitties? Leave that all behind after you meet Libby . . . a one-of-a-kind kitty.
What are the secrets that writers hold close? Can anyone be a 'writer'?
Death does not signal the end of is only the beginning of the second phase of our existence. Knowing that we will meet our loved ones again makes losing them a little less painful.
Imagine each day of the summer, stepping out to be entertained by butterflies, bumblebees, and sometimes hummingbirds. A butterfly garden can offer hours of sheer pleasure .
Tempting Pinwheels are a tasty food for a summer evening. Assemble them quickly or have each person places their own selection of foods on the tortilla.
Structures come and go throughout our lifetime....the beautiful part of life is that when the structures are gone the memories remain forever to be cherished.
Unwanted, uninvited, Cancer invades lives and tries its best to destroy the individual and the family. Learning to LIVE with cancer in your family is challenging but it can be done.
Lawn Art can be an expression of your whimsical side and will add fun and additional focal points to your garden and lawn. Create some today.
Momma teach us so much that no one else can. How to love others, how to be the best version of ourselves, how to share and care about and for others...a mere smathering of lessons we learn from her.
Words words words..step up to the buffet and choose the deliciously crafted ones that will amuse, enchant, inflame, arouse, calm. Endless possibilities await as we choose.
Angels....real? not real? A lot of talk about something you do not believe in??? I am a believer....fortunately they follow my family and me everywhere on every journey.
Write About Whatever Stirs Within: Scribble your thoughts on a yellow pad---- pluck away on a matter how you do it...just do it...Leave a trail...we will come.
Shoofly Pie is one of my favorite breakfast and brunch foods. It is full of flavor and texture and many memories of visits to Pennsylvania to visit my sister and her husband.
Choosing how we live each day is truly up to each one of us. Choosing to rise above obstacles is a way to loose the shackles that hold us down.
Send positive energy to the core of your being and likewise to the core of someone you love directing it to act upon negative energy that resides within you or your loved one. It can be life changing.
Music transcends fear and anguish and brings joy and exhilaration. Need a pick me up? Turn on your favorite music and get lost in the sounds.
Cancer has a way of making your vision 20/20. For many years my daughter has fought cancer. The journey is not one any one wants to take. Choosing to be thankful is one way.
Taking time to assess what we read or hear, to digest it, and then decide if it is factual or not is difficult when we have so many sources to verify.
This family's bakery was begun to give their adult son a chance at a job and a possible future. Stories like this family's should be front page news every day.
Grow your very own lemon tree using seeds from a luscious lemon you have enjoyed. In a few years you will have lemons of your very own.
Caylee Anthony died as a toddler and no one has ever been held accountable. Her Mother became infamous as a result. She charmed her lawyers and hypnotized the jurors and she got off. How can this be?
Hemingway Kitty Extraordinaire....Milo Kitty was featured last year in an article. He is a gift of a lifetime!
Living with a terminal diagnosis is not easy. Finding your way to LIVE with it and not miss today is the key. Learning to fully embrace each day will be the best gift your family will ever receive.
Making a birdfeeder that is creative and imaginative is exciting and fun and can include other family members.
Kindertransport brought thousands of mainly Jewish children to safety in Great Britain between November 1938 and September 1939. They came without their parents and most would never see them again.
Take a bite of one of these and you will be hooked....deliciousness in a cookie
Spanish Moss, not a moss at all, dangles from many trees lending an ethereal feel to the surroundings in which it is found.
Teaching our children to give is one of the best gives we can give them. Sharing our time and possessions with others fills others with joy and refills those who do it.
Healing after the death of a beloved friend or family member is possible. Taking one step at a time and walking into the sun allows it to happen. You can find your way back.
Celebrate something special each of the thirty one days in the month of December.
Choose today to call someone --a friend, a family member, someone that you have not visited with in too many days or months. Just a "hello, I am thinking of you call". What joy you will share!!
My daughter and grandson continue to battle cancer. Ups and downs, highs and lows....we remain thankful for every day we have together.
Unexpected situations arise each day that may cause us to want to scream. Scream if you must and know that in the scheme of things, those little things do not really matter.
Cinnamon rolls are an all time favorite no matter what time of the year it is. Everyone will be gathering in the kitchen to be the first to get one of these.
Turn an evening meal into a special occasion when you serve up these tender, delicious rolls that can be prepared in no time.
Life is not fair. Understand that and get on with the living. Embrace today and refuse to stumble over the past or second guess tomorrow.
Fire ants are one of the most unwelcome insects in any yard. They move in and they are very difficult to control. Eradicating them is next to impossible.
Having grandchildren has increased my JOY in life ten-fold!!! Loving them is easy and uncomplicated causing my heart to sing all the way to the moon and back.
Parents and teachers working together is the key to fixing our schools.
Life lessons include sadness and death. A little girl was born and lived nine short years. Her death caused sadness but taught the family to live and love passionately.
Growing Citrosa Geranium is easy to do. The fragrance and the vibrant green curly-edged leaves are reason enough to add this to your garden.
If even one child goes to bed hungry in our country, in any country, then steps must be taken to insure an end to it. It is not somebody else's is OURS...yours and mine to help feed them.
A DIY project that many of you can construct with ease. It will means hours and hours of fun for children in the family and their friends.
Depression affects families in every social and economic level in our country and throughout the world. It is at times a silent killer.
Suicide prompts those who are left behind to ask: "What could have been done to prevent this from happening?" Although there is no definitive answer, these are some of my thoughts on the topic.
Make a charming, rustic, forever bench of stone pavers and wood. It can be a DIY project you can complete in one afternoon (alone if need be). Give your yard an area where you can "just breathe."
Experience exquisite plant life including fragile looking delicately painted blossoms to a small "garden" of Bonsai trees. Marie Selby Botanical Gardens is a must see destination in Sarasota Florida.
Struggling to manage the pain of loss of a precious family member finding quotes to thoughtfully consider and to remind me of one of the mantras that have guided me: Do not miss one day of this walk!!
Death is a topic that brings us face to face with our own mortality. Losing a loved one unexpectedly is especially troubling. This is a memorial for a precious nephew.
The death penalty: where do you stand? Read of Karla Faye Tucker---guilty as charged. Read of others who were found guilty, sentenced, and then exonerated.
Animals anomalies are not extremely uncommon. My new kitty has an anomaly on his paws. Meet Milo in this pictorial journal: my Hemingway kitty.
Angels come to everyone not just those who profess a particular religious connection. . Sometimes the connection is for a brief moment and sometimes they will last a life time.
Bite into a tiny bit of a biscuit when you give these a try. This is a simple quick delightful little biscuit to serve any time.
Fordhook (lima beans) soup is another vegetable soup that you will wonder why you did not know.
Donate your shredded documents to humane societies, animal shelters, vet clinics, and pet stores. Call first to be sure they will want them but most gladly welcome this gift.
A child's play is their work. Much of it requires thoughtful consideration of options and decision making. Providing tools and opportunities for exploration is a way to enlarge playtime.
Marjorie K. Rawlings' maid was Idella Parker. Marjorie said she was her 'perfect maid.' This maid, Idella Parker, went on to write about life as the maid of M.K. Rawlings.
Venice, Florida, offers several beaches that will launch you into a world of beauty. If you are interested in finding shark teeth, Caspersen Beach is the best. Bring your Florida and come along.
Choose favorite onions to turn into a crispy topping for soup or salad. Make a big batch because you will eat many before you serve them.
Terminal as it relates to the health of someone we love can be a daunting word. It suggests imminent death. However, that is not what it means.
Decorating clay pots can be accomplished however you wish. In this article you will read how to decorate pots two ways: highlighted---splatter-painting.
Gyoza is an appetizer that turns any occasion into a celebration. You can have the family help make them, enjoying the experience from beginning to end.
Homemade spring rolls will make your mouth do a happy dance. Fun to make and delightful to enjoy!!!
Two Florida Writers Zora Neal Hurston and Marjorie Kinnan who opened doors for American women as writers.
Light and flaky, buttermilk strawberry shortcake is a dessert that will win over even the pickiest eaters. Tender, warm short cakes topped with fresh or frozen berries is over-the-top. Try it soon.
How often someone has said so succinctly and well a thought that becomes food for our brains These are just a few of my favorites
This tuna fish salad recipe gives you just the perfect balance of flavor and texture. You will fall in love with it.
Celebrate a whole month of love with your family. Work together to show H.O.W. you can share the love with your community.
Moving?? Does the word make you break out in a sweat? If so, you are not alone. But the good news is the packing part of the move does not have to make you crazy. Tips from the queen of moving are provided.
Lessons learned ---includes the possum. Possums have gotten a bad wrap down through the ages. They really are not a throw away animal. They really can be quite precious, believe it or not.
Angels changes lives gives voice to my belief that we all have Angels who surround our lives. They may be earthly Angels that offer support and kindness when we need it most. Or, they may be our spiritual Angels who are with us as we greet each new day.
All day mashed potato soup is filled with yummies just like the title says. It is full of flavor and is a filling soup to serve any time for family and for guests.
Let this story remind you there is goodness and there is hope for our future. These kids cheered on a classmate when he needed it the most.
Have a cookie party for any occasion. Celebrate any holiday, anniversary, or birthday in this unique way.
Jam-filled crater cookies will melt in your mouth. It will be love at first bite with these cookies.
Giving with no expectation of anything in return is one of the purest kinds of love...
Recognizing that someone else may need you to reach out to them can be life changing for them and for you. A smile and greeting can be enough to turn the day around for someone we encounter.
Life's struggles brings us more unwanted challenges than we bargain for. How do we stop the insanity that cause individuals to become unhinged and shoot to kill?? But, it is much larger than shootings if that is possible. It is unbridled, unchecked, wholesale violence pf all types. It is surreal.
me new special, unique event to make each holiday more special than ever.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
High school is hard. Not so much the academic part as the social aspect. Perhaps it should say high school can be hard. Sometimes unexpected things happen that make it seem harder than it would be otherwise.
Eating out in a foreign country can have unexpected results if you are not fluent in the language of the country and insist on ordering like you do know. Read on to see what happened in Japan.
A military wife, a husband, and a few other characters make this a humor in uniform tale that has been remembered down through the years.
Laugh out loud, A LOT....and Say THANKS often!!!!
In part 1 of decorating clays pots for fun and for gifts, a few tips were shared. In this second part, more tips and suggestions are shown and explained. Young children can do this craft too.
Get a headstart on planning for decorating for Christmas. Decorations can be made that will brighten your day and bring some cheer to your home. Look for items on sale now and in the coming months.
Munchausen by proxy syndrome is a mental disorder that is characterized by a Mother's need to have an overabundance of attention focused on her. This is accomplished through abusing her children.
Think positively. Live positively. Create a positive life.
These lemon bread squares a to die for!!! Make a double batch because they will disappear quickly.
Herb bread rounds are crusty, delicious and will liven up any meal.
Queen Elizabeth cake is decadent and rich. It is a nutty date dessert that is very satisfying if you have a tiny square with a glass of ice cold milk, hot coffee, or tea.
Housecleaning can control you or you can control it. One simple will help you with your cleaning: vinegar and Dawn dish washing liquid.
Each one of us is a teacher by what we do and say, every day....
Surviving divorce is possible. In order to do so it is important to allow time to grieve. Be patient and allow yourself time to adjust to the new construct of your family. Be kind to yourself.
Earthly Angels and Celestial Angels and prayer are ways that we can be protected, assured, lifted up, and comforted. Of that I am certain.
When you think about it, praise is your gift to someone else. When you give sincere praise to another, you are giving a gift that is much more powerful than tangible gifts.
When you make a decision about nursing home care make it an iformed decision and include yourself in the picture. If you want the best care, you need to be visible in the nursing home.
Your toddler and you will travel a wondrous journey as each new day brings new accomplisments for your child. What to expect is a general guide as to what toddlers may be doing as they develop & grow.
One thing i certain----Angels exist and carry us through our dark hours and celebrate our glorious hours with us. Earthly Angels and Celestial Angels are real.
Life's journey gives a newness to life each day. This is the last entry in this series about experiencing Japan as a visitor in the seventies. It was an experience that opened my eyes and my soul. Learning the culture of another country helped me to form bonds with them that remain today.
Life's journey took me to a Japn with my husband and baby.Part 3 tells of new experiences wtih our hosts and hostesses and of the land we grew to love.
Visitng Japan as the wife of an Air Force sergeant was an adventure that would change my life forever. Join me as I share my experiences as a newbie to the land of the rising sun.
A light airy cookie that you will fill with homemade whipped cream is what you will find here. Easy, fun, and quick to make and serve.
Life's journey took me far from home to find a new land filled with wondrous things to see and do filled with the precious Japanese people. Japan was my home with my husband and daughter for four years. The whole experience was one that has been a part of my life ever since then.
Cancer knocks and comes in. Sometimes you conquer it and you are done with it. When you least expect it, it returns. Again, you stay the course...choosing to LIVE rather than to give up and give in.
This is the second entry in series concerning cancer and how to LIVE with it once a diagnosis has been made. Most of all it is about hope.
No family is immune to having their lives touched my cancer or some other catastrophic illness. This is a series about my famiy's journey through the illnesses that my grandchild and daughter have. It is about HOPE.
Being thankful for the small things in our lives is something that will keep everything in perspective. A collection of quotes that remind us of opportunities to give thanks.
Right here on HubPages are a wealth of wonderful gardening articles. Flowering plants are showcased in this one. I have learned so much by reading the many articles I have found. This is a thank you to just a few of many.
Brain food and exercise keep your brain healhty and working well and keep your synapses firing. Eat and drink your way to a healthy brain.
Fall and winter offers many opportunities for family fun. The fun can continue right into spring and summer. Make new memories with our family this year.
Recycling at its best is turning would be waste into new creations around your home and yard. Enjoy making these imaginative creations.
Learn about pinecone ginger, including facts and uses. It is a fascinating plant that adds a tropical air to the landscape on your property.
Life's mysteries--- My sister recounted for me this story of the time she was dead for seventeen minutes and was brought back to life.
Choose a doctor who listens to you when you come into the office. Look for red flags that tell you it is time to find a new doctor for you and your family including elderly parents.
Bromeliads are exotic tropical wonder plants that are found in the warm humid zones. They are a diverse group of plants that are relatively easy to grow and care for. They add a unique flavor to your indoor or outdoor garden.
Why we are on the planet has plagued mankind since time began. This is my personal explanation of why.
Are you fascinated with words? If so, you may be a verbarian.
These buttermilk dinner rolls will make you want to do a happy dance every time you eat one....yum yum and yum!!! Easy to prepare, tender, flavorful, moist rolls to eat plain or dressed up.
Mouthwatering, scrumptious, and over the top in flavor and texture!!! The flavors will dance around in your mouth as soon as you take the first little taste
Everything you wanted to know about entomophagy (eating bugs) but were afraid to ask. There actually is much more to eating bugs than be covered in one article. Fascinating information was uncovered.
Recycling magazines for crafting is one way to reuse magazines. Make decorative containers using rolled magazine pages or cut out pictures and words and make a collage.
Baked Brownie Alaska is a luxurious dessert that turns any evening into an extravaganza. It is light and refreshing and so full of diverse flavors and textures you will not want to stop with one serving.
All is well with my soul is a refrain that helps to keep things in perspective. Even in the face of adversity, be still and listen and all will be well with your soul.
Breakfast twist with sour cream and cinnamon is a delightful pastry that is not too sweet. It is great to dunk in your morning coffee.
Quilling is a craft that involves paper rolling. It has been in existence for hundreds of years but is not widely known. It is a sure to please kind of activity.
Lemon cake pie with a lemon graham cracker crust is a 'must try' recipe. It has the texture on top of a cake and inside it is creamy. The lemony cracker crust adds a new layer of flavor and texture. Sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Mock hollandaise sauce served over Poached Salmon is easy and delicious. There are many variations on this sauce so if you have special dietary needs you may still be able to enjoy this tangy sauce.
Corn fritters are a pancake-like bit of goodness made with fresh corn just off the cob. They are light and tender, very satisfying, and add a nice change to a meal.
Looking for an easy and inexpensive craft for the summer? You found and adults enjoy making their own version of this fun activity.
Makeover your child's bedroom yourself.Transform it into a place a child will spend hours enjoying what you have created. Imagination, creativity, and patience make this happen.
Women and men who have chosen to serve our nation in our armed forces deserve to know they will have: medical care and a job when their service time ends...that is the bottom line.
When you are told you have a terminal have a choice...give up and give in....or PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR. My grandson and daughter have chosen to PARTY.
Fun Ways to Get Kids of all Ages to Read....These teacher tested ideas work!!!
Summer is almost here and kids love to make crafts. This is a fun craft that kids can wear when they finish.
Looking for a unique gift idea for someone who has everything? Decorating terra cotta pots is an easy, satisfying craft for you and the family. Special gifts for a special someone.
What can be more fun than crushing squares of paper and creating a mosaic using them...simple and inexpensive.
How to use paper plates for crafting with children is inexpensive yet a source of amusement. It is a craft that you can do often as it is 'new' each time it is done.
Part 1 of How to use paper plates for crafts gave examples of some ready-made paper plate crafts that can be used to serve as models for creating an original. Paper plate crafts are entertaining and inexpensive to make Hours of fun await.
Reading can become more exciting as children begin to record new words that they are learning. A personal word wall is a great wall to help accomplish that. Kids are eager to learn those new words.
Tangrams offer that kinisthetic approach to building and creating. KIds still love to use them.
Hands on practice in phonics is a fun, effective way to practice. Children like to do anything that looks like a game. Make some hands on practice available for your children.
10 Must do science experiments that children of all ages will fun doing these experiments. They are excellent to use with children who are homeschooled.
10 little candies that are fat-free. Flavorful, chewy, minty..take your pick. Most are readily available at your market.
Canned biscuits can be served many different ways. Give some of these a try.
Deciding it is time to overcome drug addiction will change your life. One day at a time, you will learn to live drug free.
How to discipline kids without tears....theirs or yours...offers ways to use positive parenting strategies when discipling your children.
Creative ways for little ones to have fun while learning using templates
Make simple birthday and greeting cards using your imagination and tools of your choosing. Choose: a Cricut, a calligraphy pen, sharpies with a paintbrush tip, pens, or stickers.
Giving a quilt made by your own hands will become an heirloom for the one who receives it. My sister shares creation of this quilt with us.
My daughter, grandson, and i were homeless. We learned to feel what that was like. We learned so many lessons about life because of it. Being homeless in most cases is not a choice. It can happen to anyone.
Looking for outstanding books for children is not always easy. The market and internet are flooded with books. The books suggested here will help narrow your list of choices. Today children as well as adults are distracted by social media and often refrain from finding the joy that reading unleashes
Books for All Time: The Best Christmas Pageant Even and the Polar Express....gather round the family, young and old, and share these stories.
Teachers may want to include a science notebook as a tool for learning next school year. It becomes a journal of the year's learning experiences.
Homemade hot chocolate---made with powdered milk, chocolate powder, confectioner's sugar....this was a gift over 30 years ago and we still have it each time we want a luscious cup of hot goodness.