Are human clinical trials in the third world countries ethical and justified?

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  1. inaniLoquence profile image73
    inaniLoquenceposted 12 years ago

    Are human clinical trials in the third world countries ethical and justified?

    I wasn't aware of this at first but it appears that large multi-national pharmaceutical companies go to the third world countries (e.g. Kenya, India) and do their clinical trials there. Most 'volunteers' are not even aware that they're "lab rats". These lab rats are humans as well. It seems that the governments are willing to just close one eye and pretend no such thing is happening in their own soil. It does increase the pace of the drug approval so that WE can readily use them if the need arises. SO what do you think?

  2. Peter Leeper profile image60
    Peter Leeperposted 12 years ago

    It is unethical if the ones being experimented on aren't aware of what is going on.  Anyone involved in something like this need to know what the risks versus rewards are to allow them to make a good judgment about whether to partake in the study.  They should also be paid fairly if they do decide to participate.

  3. S M Bilal Shah profile image61
    S M Bilal Shahposted 12 years ago

    @ Peter Leeper
    Theres still the issue of coercing poor helpless people into it, exploiting their needs & greed.
    @ Inani
    I'd recommend a movie here, "The Constant Gardner".

  4. ptosis profile image72
    ptosisposted 12 years ago

    Non consent medical experiment taking place right now in USA because hardly a month goes by without a drug or device being pulled off the market. It is happening worldwide.

    WINDS - Human Guinea Pigs Used for Involuntary Experiments &

    Friendly Fire: The Mandatory Military Anthrax Vaccination Program

    drug trials without their knowledge done in prisoners @

    Stateville Penitentiary Malaria Study
    Tuskegee Syphilis experiment

  5. WD Curry 111 profile image58
    WD Curry 111posted 12 years ago

    Are you kidding me? The ones conducting the experiments know it is unethical. My opinion is that they see the people there as inferior to themselves and not deserving of the same rights.

  6. athena2011 profile image60
    athena2011posted 12 years ago

    It is completely unethical and unjustified, but then again Big Pharma doesn't really care about people. They only are interested in profits. As if I wasn't disgusted enough with them already, now to read this?! This is really disgusting. Somebody should put an end to this asap.

  7. Paulw2751 profile image60
    Paulw2751posted 12 years ago

    Although I am sympathetic with your question, the proof is not yet established. I am certainly not on the side of Big Pharm, nor do I sanction most of their sometimes unscrupulous moves. It is well documented that the government has given these people reign to do so many things that are skeptical practices at best, and even 30 years ago our African neighbors were subject to our "clinical" studies.
    Unethical, YES!! Justified? Duh...they may have us over a barrel there. What a strange legal web we weave...especially for lobby groups that give so much to re-election campaigns.

  8. mintinfo profile image63
    mintinfoposted 12 years ago

    Those who are unaware of these things are naive. There are only two reasons for experimenting on people who lack a basic understanding and knowledge of capitalism and racism;

    1) Survival of the better
    2) Money over everything


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