Is the Media partly responsible for the economic crisis?

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  1. algarveview profile image73
    algarveviewposted 13 years ago

    Is the Media partly responsible for the economic crisis?

    Shouldn't newspapers and television be held accountable for speculative information that is damaging economy even further? What can we do? Perhaps boycott them?

  2. Angela Blair profile image68
    Angela Blairposted 13 years ago

    In my opinion it is. It appears to me we rarely get unbiased news today and it's usually with a liberal spin. It appears to me the media was very instrumental in the last election  for POTUS and will be again this election. This country is in pitiful financial shape and a lot of that credit goes to the POTUS and the mainstream media that quite obviously supports him. Some of their information can't even be described as "speculative" but rather than news should be described as personal opinion by the undistinguished few. Many Americans now listen to and/or read national news but take it with a grain of salt, form their own opinion about the subject matter and it's source and rarely expect bottom line truth/facts about anything. As to what we can do about it -- seems we've all got to think for ourselves and not be led like sheep by mainstream, biased media. As to a boycott -- there's too many variables involved to even imagine how that would work or what effect it would have.

  3. JON EWALL profile image60
    JON EWALLposted 13 years ago

    The media appears to be biased on the side of you remember any of them reporting on
    The Senator Coburn report '' WASTE IN GOVERNMENT'' … 1ba7bc448a

    ‘’ Back In Black’’

    The President needs to tell the American people the truth about the economy.It appears that watching his performance the last 3 years that he is over his head, incompetant and attempting to break the country.Obama has no plans, he only talks and continues to threathen Congress for not acting the way he wants.
    Oh, let's not forget Obama complaining for what he inherited from the previous administration.We all know that the he and the Democrats had majority control of both the House and the Senate from Jan. 2007 to June 2010.

  4. Lions Den Media profile image61
    Lions Den Mediaposted 13 years ago

    There is no doubt the media is liberally biased, however that is no excuse for the intentional perpetuation of propaganda that is blatantly wrong and in many instances is a pure falsehood. In fact I recall making some incredibly important financial decisions predicated on the media and political reports about the stability of the financial system. And somehow calling telling the American people the truth about the economy or the Marxist socialist Obama agenda is not news worthy.

    The media does bare responsibility for the economic crisis because it is their job to investigate and follow these things, which is why they have special "First Amendment" rights. The media today has continued to allow Obama to lie perpetually. This is a disservice to Americans and the country

    And example of the uselessness and spin of the Mainstream media is the LEAD story being Jan Brewer, Arizona's governor, pointing her finger at the President...I'm surprise she didn't punch him in the face, while the Occupy Wall Street protest in Oakland which is out of control, is no big deal. … ll-street/

    But also the way NBC covered the Brewer/Obama confrontation made Brewer out to be unladylike, when in fact the President lacked any degree of gentlemanly honor. So once again the media lacks integrity in claiming fairness.


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