Is there really an economic crisis?

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  1. chaixkee profile image62
    chaixkeeposted 15 years ago

    Is there really an economic crisis?

  2. JC Grif profile image56
    JC Grifposted 15 years ago

    The banks have stolen $14.5 trillion from the American taxpayer; you better believe there is an economic crisis and its not going away.

  3. profile image52
    AM Manposted 15 years ago

    Our economy has always recovered before.
    The American people are the hardest working and the smartest in the world!!
    We are in a time when the economy is making an adjustment due to all of the credit that has been extended and not been repaid.
    We are not in a crisis but our children will be,due the massive debt that they will have to repay  because of Obama,s expansion of our government.
    You will see the economy start to recover greatly if ,in 2010
    new senators are elected who can repeal 2/3 of the stimulus.

  4. profile image57
    panchajanyaposted 15 years ago

    To pin point u r question.. yes there is an economic crisis. Leave apart the problem in financial terms. It is more of a psychological aspect where people start musing over an unseen gaint. Talking about him, feeling afraid of him.They stop roaming outside, trying to hide.
    The same psychological aspect is one of the causes of freezing of liquidity in the markets and aggravating the situation.
    The more bold the decisions are made from a multitude of groups can bring out a change.

  5. wARtist profile image66
    wARtistposted 15 years ago

    Definitely not. The trillions of dollars can never just disappear. It should be transferred from the US citizens to someone. As we know, that someone is not the US Government, not any companies. Who would that be? Goldman Sachs? Morgan Stanley? UBS? Credit Suisse? Or the Federal Reserve System?
    Here's the truth. … rve-System

  6. mthurston profile image80
    mthurstonposted 15 years ago

    I believe that there is a psychological aspect of crisis as well as very real one, but this is just the classic case of chicken-and-egg.  One could argue this crisis, more specifically, the credit crunch, didn't just spring up overnight.  We all walked into this and it will take as long to get out, which means we swallow our pride and get through it.  Yes, its the banks, but its you and me because it affects you and me.  Its one thing to point fingers but its another to effectiely avoid the problem next time around.

    On the flip side, as Asian markets heat up, we might recognize this as a sign of the times; the world is no longer a two- or three-player game.  The US is not the biggest dog in the yard, but this isn't a doomsday prophesy either.  Its all about sticking to priorities that qualified public administrators can effectively handle.

  7. profile image0
    andrewdabneyposted 14 years ago

    We are actually in an economic upturn, however we were in a downturn for a long enough time that people are panicky about whether we will ever get back to where we were.  The 1990's were the most prosperous time in America.  However, lack of consumer confidence in the market causes consumer spending to go down, which then causes the market to decline.  Whether you would call it a crisis at this point - hopefully not.  Unemployment is extremely high for the US, but we were not coming out of a recession in the true economic definition of 6 months or more in a downturn.  My best advise is for consumers to invest wisely and not to mess with the stock market.

  8. H P Roychoudhury profile image39
    H P Roychoudhuryposted 14 years ago

    Yes, there is unemployment. In many cases people failed to repay the mortgage loan. There is debt. People failed to meet up insurance premium. That has created a panic, an economic crisis. But the real crisis if at all is yet to begin.

  9. DonDWest profile image70
    DonDWestposted 13 years ago

    Your government has handed $14.5 trillion of your tax dollars to reinforce the social/class status of what has now become a fascist system. Wake up, people have gone to war for far less. . . There is an economic crisis.


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