Do we still need punishment by death, and why?

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  1. whizcreed profile image61
    whizcreedposted 12 years ago

    Do we still need punishment by death, and why?

  2. meow48 profile image66
    meow48posted 12 years ago

    this is a question that will never be solved.  Pros:  it will make people stop and think before doing the crime.  Cons:  People who would do something deserving of the death penalty probably are not thinking of the consequences.
    There is a need for it.  If it is proven without a shadow of doubt, including dna evidence, then the death penalty it is, without stay of execution.  It is for the victim's family.  And, well, that person, if executed, won't kill again.
    This may be a harsh answer to your question.  DNA evidence is actually helping get wrongly convicted prisoners off of death row.
    So I guess I did answer your question.  Yes, we still need it.  The punishment should fit the crime....
    One other argument has been made.  People say if the convicted murderer has gotten religion and is forgiven by God, he should be set free.  Well, God does forgive, but that forgiveness doesn't take away consequences of actions.

  3. profile image38
    Jayesefposted 12 years ago

    Life is something that man cannot give or take. If the quality of life is not socially acceptable, does society have the right to take away that life, when taking away life is murder, by whoever done? read more

  4. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 12 years ago

    We should have more of it. Some people just do not deserve a chance at rehabilitation. People who feel a  need to rape children should be killed the moment they are found guilty. If this happened less people would do such crimes. Anyone who chooses to hurt their child should be killed. If someone can hurt the most innocent they do not deserve life. We have fallen into the "God is the only judge" crap for far too long. Make examples of people  so that we can prevent further crimes.

  5. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    yes we do. the problem is that it takes too long for the sentence to be carried out. here in Canada we don't have the death penalty and it sucks.this need to "forgive" is getting to be a bit much. kill someone i love and the only forgiveness you will get is from the tax guy, i promise.

  6. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    The problem with the death penalty and it has been proven in recent years is that juries make mistake. Investigators and prosecutors make mistakes. Today, with DNA testing and analysis available, may accused and imprisoned persons have been released.

    Do you really want to take the chance of putting someone to death, when there is a reasonable doubt.

    Also, is the death penalty more of a punishment that life imprisonment. Many death row inmates do find God in the months or years after sentencing. If they have accepted Christ, then when they die, they are going to a better place.

    I have always thought that spending your life in a six by six foot cell, with limited contact with other prisoners more of a punishment than the death penalty.

    I will concede that if the person who is jailed for life and kills personnel in prison, he would have to be put in solitary confinement, with absolutely no contact with the prison population or put to death. That choice should only apply to the most extreme cases.

  7. Kebennett1 profile image61
    Kebennett1posted 12 years ago

    I have actually thought a lot about this question. There are times when I am angry over hearing that another innocent bystander has been shot down by a gang member, or a child has been molested, raped and murdered to try and cover up their disgusting deed and my first thought is that they should get the death penalty but then on the other hand I am reminded about the people have ended up on death row only to FINALLY have their cases overturned when it was found that they truly were innocent. It their execution date had come up BEFORE the truth was found, they would have been executed wrongly. I think what if that happened to one of my family members or friends, then would I be so quick to say YES to the death penalty? Yes, prisons are over crowded and the cost to house a prisoner each day is constantly rising but, executing even one guiltless human being is unthinkable. So there it is! There is nothing fail proof about the death penalty so no, I think we can do without it!

  8. jeanniedoe profile image55
    jeanniedoeposted 12 years ago

    Death penalty is only recommendable for those who found guilty with the crimes they committed. However, of course this should be proven first so that no innocent individual will suffer the consequences that the real criminal committed.

  9. feenix profile image58
    feenixposted 12 years ago

    Do we still need punishment by death?


    What we need are slimy, filthy, rat-infested dungeons to confine brutal criminals in for the remainder of their lives.


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