Was the Virgin Mary truly a virgin or just a young girl? Is it mistranslation?

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  1. brittvan22 profile image75
    brittvan22posted 12 years ago

    Was the Virgin Mary truly a virgin or just a young girl? Is it mistranslation?

    There has biblical dates since the story has been passed down. Was Mary truly a virgin or just a young girl? Some orthodox believe she was? Why some correlationist translate it to mean young girl because the two words are similar.


  2. d.william profile image72
    d.williamposted 12 years ago

    In those days if a young girl, or any woman, was pregnant out wedlock they were ostracized and often killed.  These would certainly be good reasons to insist that this was an "immaculate" conception.   The unintelligent gullibility of modern day people still amazes me.   There is absolutely no empirical evidence that this was a true case of parthenogenesis or not.

    1. brittvan22 profile image75
      brittvan22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great insight and comment! I am inclined to agree, but I won't insult those who don't just try to expose them to my stance. I think I have found another correlationship ally, ha. lol.

    2. d.william profile image72
      d.williamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I do not consider my comments insulting.  Making a social comment based on every day observation is only an insult to the guilty who follow anything blindly, without any fore thoughts, or common sense, of their own. Only a fool follows folly.

    3. brittvan22 profile image75
      brittvan22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No, I just wouldn't cal them unintelligent, maybe call them gullible. They would take it as an insult, for me you might not agree, but less keep it calm. As you know some ppl's r surviving off of their embedded theology and have yet to find their

  3. brittvan22 profile image75
    brittvan22posted 12 years ago

    What I was saying is some are still living off of their embedded theology from childhood and have yet to even conceive a theology other then that. Some people can not conceive other points of view. It's sad, but I try not to hurt them further if I can help it. I have experienced first hand people holding tight to a theology that caused them nothing but misery, but if you said the wrong thing they went into defense mood. You can attract more bees with honey, as my mom would say.

    1. d.william profile image72
      d.williamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I DO agree with you.  But i still maintain that intelligent people do not continue a path that leads no where. Pussy footing around them ls like sweeping the dust under the rug so no one will see it.

    2. brittvan22 profile image75
      brittvan22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh snap! Got to make sure this isn't my mom! Pussy footing around is her on any given day, lol. I understand, great comment my fellow correlationist!

    3. profile image0
      Larry Wallposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      With your theory, you would contend that there no constants in life or history. There was an earthquake once in California. Nothing is going to change that. Mary was a virgin when she was conceived by the holy spirit. No one has proved otherwise.

    4. brittvan22 profile image75
      brittvan22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is not what I am saying at all this is a debate to this day amongst scholars that are hebrew bible as week as aramaic and greek translational experts. What you are talking about is a theophany. I will do a hub so you will understand my argument

  4. profile image0
    Emily Sparksposted 12 years ago

    Take the Bible for what it says.  It says that "no man had known her".  The word "know" refers to sexual activity.  It is plainly written, just accept it! smile

  5. eternals3ptember profile image61
    eternals3ptemberposted 12 years ago

    Were you watching the beginning of Snatch?

  6. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    You know it is possible for an young girl to be a virgin and it is possible, very possible, for a virgin to be an young girl. Granted, I am Catholic, and the Catholic Church has a unique devotion to Mary. However, I was raised as a Baptist, was always taught that she was a virgin.

    1. brittvan22 profile image75
      brittvan22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I was raised Missionary Baptist, I was taught that as well, but when I got to seminary and had to exegete and during linguistic their is that debate due to the word for young girl and virgin. Its a Judaism debate to this day.


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