Why aren't governments calling China, Communist China anymore?

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  1. pagesvoice profile image72
    pagesvoiceposted 11 years ago

    Why aren't governments calling China, Communist China anymore?

    I know that China is a global force to be reckoned with, but I'm confused at why the world is no longer calling them "Communist China?"

  2. billybuc profile image86
    billybucposted 11 years ago

    My guess is it's all political now.  Most countries need China's trade so they try not to offend them if at all possible, although I don't know why calling them Communist would offend them.

  3. chef-de-jour profile image100
    chef-de-jourposted 11 years ago

    Good point. It's noticeable that since the new Chinese leader was 'sworn in' the media have loosened their grip on the Communist title but I bet it'll reappear at some time in the future if things started to go wrong politically and economically in that country.

    Perhaps the world's media have at last got the idea that China is communist only in uniform so to speak - it's a hollow communism which is fast filling up with good old capitalism.

  4. Theophanes profile image89
    Theophanesposted 11 years ago

    We used to say Communist China because we believed Communism to be a threat.. it was just a way of reenforcing we should be wary of them. That's why we don't use this for other forms of government. We don't for instance say "Parliamentary England" or "Democratic Canada" in a sentence unless we're speaking about their government.  However with the cold war ending and everyone settling down we just don't care anymore. Keep making our technology and we'll keep just calling you China...

  5. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 11 years ago

    Because we don't give a shit. We're tired of the labels and the name calling of other nations. Don't forget that there are actual people living in these countries who are perfectly innocent (victims in most cases), regardless of what their governments did back in the 50s through the 80s. Oh, and the other reason is because there is no country called "Communist China" anywhere in the world. The country is called China and its official name is People's Republic of China.

  6. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 11 years ago

    Since we have started talking to China, which began, when the United Nations recognized it as the official Chinese government back in the 1970s, relations have been hot and cold.
    China is now attached to the American dollar, and many American manufacturers have been operating facilities in China. Granted, no one likes to see American Jobs go to other countries, However, this increased in trade and commerce makes that country less of a threat and provides us with some degree of assurance that China would not join North Korea in an attack on the U.S. We may not like Communism, and we may be appalled at how human rights are ignored, but we can take some relief in knowing that China now has some dependence upon the U.S. through the increase in commerce. Thus, because of this, it just may not seem appropriate to use the term Communist China any longer.

    1. Chinaimport profile image75
      Chinaimportposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good point Larry.  China holds enough reserve in US dollars and its export growth is largely tied to the US and other western economies.  This ensures both countries will depend on each other for economic stability.

  7. Marisaupa profile image73
    Marisaupaposted 11 years ago

    To be perfectly honest, China's current model for economic activity is quasi-capitalist and not communist.  Yes, the stern centralized control by the government is still present, but the driving force is definitely not an adherence to the "workers unite" paradigm.  Consumerism and the middle-class is on the rise in China, both things which would have been seen as evil and as a threat in the not too distant past.

    Something tells me that neither Marx nor Lenin would be to pleased with what they would see in China in the present day.

    I chalk it off to the gentle cloak of free market capitalism gently beginning to envelop what was once Red China.  I suppose it is now more of a Soft Cerise China.

  8. d.william profile image74
    d.williamposted 11 years ago

    since the U.S. is practically owned by China with all the money we have borrowed from them, we can not afford to tick them off or they will call their notes and totally bankrupt the U.S.
    http://youtu.be/Lvl5Gan69Wo  This video will explain how Corporate America is selling the US out for China.   It is entitled: General Motors is becoming (or already become) China Motors.

    1. pagesvoice profile image72
      pagesvoiceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Plus on Monday China purchased 50% of Chesapeake Energy which is the 2nd largest producer of natural gas in Oklahoma. http://www.pressconnects.com/viewart/20 … opec-1-02B

  9. LandmarkWealth profile image67
    LandmarkWealthposted 11 years ago

    Good Question.  The Chinese govt is hardly the worlds best human rights example.  But in some ways they have instituted enough free market reforms that they are more of a free market than the US is these days.

  10. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    Because there's only one China, and pretty much everybody knows they're Communist, so calling them "Communist China" seems kinda redundant.

  11. Brandi Cooper profile image59
    Brandi Cooperposted 11 years ago

    Because they aren't really that communistic anymore. I know someone who grew up in China and his entire family still lives in China and they don't really consider China to be that much of a communist country anymore. There are some remnants, true, but there are also a lot of capitalistic things about China as well. So "Communist China" would be something of a misnomer as the country stands today.

  12. profile image52
    rameschgfposted 11 years ago


    1. FatFreddysCat profile image84
      FatFreddysCatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ummmm....OK! That was...enlightening.

  13. profile image49
    phuchh1402posted 11 years ago

    China is still a communism country. The world stop calling them Communist China any more because of Mao ZeDong died and new leader come up with a new idea that prove China and Chinese people are not communist any more.

  14. lauragee profile image60
    laurageeposted 11 years ago

    Because it's the only China there is, so it doesn't require an adjective? For the same reason that the US isn't called the democratic republic of the US. smile

  15. Chinaimport profile image75
    Chinaimportposted 11 years ago

    I am an expatriate living and working in China for last 8 years.  In my personal opinion, China has given enough economic freedom to her citizens.  They are free to work, run a business or go abroad as they please.  There is a thriving middle class and a plethora of SMEs fueling economic growth.

    However, news & internet, access to domestic markets by international companies is largely controlled by centralized government machinery. The Chinese currency is still not freely convertible.

    However, it is a balanced mix of control and pragmatism which is working in favor of her citizens.

    1. pagesvoice profile image72
      pagesvoiceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      China manipulates its currency on the world market, exports toxic and slipshod products and hacks our computers here in the U.S. Now they're buying into our utility companies. I don't trust then...not even a little.

    2. Chinaimport profile image75
      Chinaimportposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree that China manipulates currency by not allowing it to float freely and be convertible on capital account.  Only developed countries (about 40 odd) have robustness to allow free float of the currency.  Fiscal systems of countries like India an


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