Does George Zimmerman have the right to sue the State of Florida, for racial dis

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  1. Ashleign profile image65
    Ashleignposted 11 years ago

    Does George Zimmerman have the right to sue the State of Florida, for racial discrimination?

    Was George Zimmerman racially profiled?

    Is there a double standard on racism?

  2. Josak profile image60
    Josakposted 11 years ago

    HAHAH no.

    He was taken to court, the case was kept in trial by the judge, the jury had a very long deliberation on the issue.

    That is the justice system.

    1. Ashleign profile image65
      Ashleignposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Now wait a minute. There are some that believe he should have never been taken to trial. Therefore, he may have been racially discriminated against for being white.

  3. FatFreddysCat profile image83
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    If George Zimmerman is smart, he'll change his name, move to a different country and lay low for a very long time....

    1. Ashleign profile image65
      Ashleignposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Had he done that, he may not have been able to save those people from that burning motor vehicle collision.

    2. junkseller profile image80
      junksellerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Burning vehicle? I heard it was a bus full of black orphans and he flew in with a red cape. Let's all get together and sing, "For Ze's a Jolly Good Fellow." How about Man of the Year?

    3. profile image0
      CalebSparksposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Lol...some people just can't let it go...

  4. profile image0
    Klevi M Fushaposted 11 years ago

    Yes, he absolutely does. The case was originally dismissed and he was set free. At that point, if he were a black man and Florida state decided to reopen the case, the streets would have been filled with "anti-racism" demonstrators who claimed that the state was trying really hard to incriminate a black man even though he was originally found innocent. It's disturbing, really. Zimmerman is not a racist, he has been a victim of reverse racism. I even wrote a Hub about it... … t-12060614

  5. LandmarkWealth profile image69
    LandmarkWealthposted 11 years ago

    I don't know about filing a suit against the State, since it is hard to prove that he was indicted based on racial bias...although probably true.  He should certainly file a suit against the networks for altering the 911 calls to make him sound like he was targeting a kid for being black.  Just because they fired the sacrificial lamb who did it, doesn't negate the impact the media had on shaping the narrative.  That was their intent the whole time, but the doctoring of the 911 call was just the way they got caught.  He certainly deserves restitution.  I am not sure, but he may have already begin pursuing that one. 

    Plus since Ms Chantel claims that Trayvon thought he may have been  a "gay rapist"  he may have a lawsuit for his civil rights being violated.  If he was punched in the face because Trayvon thought he was gay...that qualifies as a hate crime.  If his family sues Zimmerman in civil court...which they will...He should file a counter suit against them since Trayvon was a minor, and they are liable for his actions.  If they're son assaulted someone because he was believed to be gay...They could be liable for him committing a hate crime.

    1. Ashleign profile image65
      Ashleignposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting answer! I really did not think of it that way.

    2. SOBF profile image60
      SOBFposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There is a big difference between being gay and being a gay rapist stalker.

    3. LandmarkWealth profile image69
      LandmarkWealthposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There is nothing that allows you to assault someone because that's what you think they are.  Just the mention of him being assaulted for being gay makes it a hate crime. That didn't fit the media narrative of Trayvon they created.

  6. SOBF profile image60
    SOBFposted 11 years ago

    He should have the right if he doesn't...after all he only shot a killed a teenage child. You know what? O.J. should be able to sue on racial bias charges also and how about Casey Anthony, sounds like a good gender bias case there.

    1. Ashleign profile image65
      Ashleignposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Shot and killed a teenager, that was assaulting him. Given the same circumstance. If you were in fear for your life, would you not do the same? Would you just lay there and let someone kill you?

    2. SOBF profile image60
      SOBFposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No Ashleign I would not shoot and kill someone who was assaulting me. Especially if they only did the damage that Zimmerman had. Zimmerman injuries were by no means life threatening, not to mention that his entire story makes no sense.

    3. profile image0
      Klevi M Fushaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course you wouldn't kill someone who was assaulting you... behind the safety of your computer screen. It's so easy to sit at the comfort of your home and fantasize about what you think you would do in that situation.

    4. SOBF profile image60
      SOBFposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Klevi - Contrary to what you want to make Zimmerman out to be the man had a gun. He could have simply held the kid at bay until police got there. He did not have to pull the trigger. I also find it very juvenile when people make assumptions.

    5. profile image0
      Klevi M Fushaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      And how would you know what I make Zimmerman out to be? I'm not defending the man. I think he's a violent, paranoid psycho. With all due respect, you're the one making juvenile assumptions in this situation, sir.

    6. SOBF profile image60
      SOBFposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are contradictory in your argument. First you say I'm hiding behind the safety of my computer because I wouldn't shoot but then you say Zimmerman is a violent, paranoid psycho because he did. I am not assuming you just changed your stance.

    7. profile image0
      Klevi M Fushaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not contradictory at all. That's how you're interpreting what I'm saying. I'm not defending his actions, I'm simply criticizing your hypothetical, unfounded  argument. You have no idea what you would do in that situation because you weren't there.

    8. SOBF profile image60
      SOBFposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      During my life I have been in more than enough altercation to know that they should never end in death.

    9. Ashleign profile image65
      Ashleignposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Okay.. Let's everyone just calm down. The jury has deliberated, the trial is over. Do you believe that racism exists on both sides of the fence? Or do you believe that racism only effects blacks and not whites?

    10. SOBF profile image60
      SOBFposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The answer to your question is actually in the definition of the word.

  7. junkseller profile image80
    junksellerposted 11 years ago

    Charging someone with a crime is only racism if the charge is brought due to the person's race. Florida did not act because of Zimmerman's race. They acted because of his actions: stalking a young kid with a gun, then shooting and killing him.

    It isn't unlike the defense used by people in Zimmerman's favor. Many people argue that Zimmerman didn't follow Martin because of his race, but rather because of Martin's alleged behavior and the context of a neighborhood with recent crime. To so exonerate Zimmerman and then turn around and think he can levy such a charge against Florida is simply bizarre.

    1. Ashleign profile image65
      Ashleignposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No. They took him in, and released him after it was deemed self defense. He was then brought in a second time due to public outcry. Black Panthers offered a reward for him to be brought to justice.
      And.. then they found he was hispanic.

  8. stanwshura profile image73
    stanwshuraposted 11 years ago

    The state of Florida might as well have worked in cahoots with this glory-seeking coward.  How on Earth has he been profiled?  He definitely profiled Trayvon Martin!  "Black teen-aged male in a hoodie!  Look out!  Time to clean up the riff raff,   upstanding hero that I am!   Da da DAHHHHH!   One more bag of skittles off the streets and Gotham City can rest in piece!"

    Oh, wait.  The one resting in piece (God willing) is Trayvon!  The only rights Zimmerman should have are the right to rot in prison for the rest of his life, and to rot in hell thereafter.

  9. Borsia profile image38
    Borsiaposted 11 years ago

    He should have some kind of recourse against the Feds for pushing the trial on the state, who wasn't going to charge him and had found that he acted in self defense.
    However I don't see any racial aspect to it. If he could show that X number of similar cases were considered and no charges brought when the crime was black on black / Hispanic on Hispanic / black on white, etc he might have a leg to stand on,,, but I doubt it.
    His best shot would be malicious prosecution or something like that. There is also the withholding of evidence that the prosecutor did, and should be disbarred for.
    That said do believe that he was racially profiled. Had this been a black who shot Martin under the exact same circumstances it is very unlikely that it ever would have gone to trial.
    As LMW said he might have a slander suit against the networks for altering the 911 calls.
    Were I him I would definitely move and consider changing my name, I would never be unarmed.
    The justice Dept. putting a hold on the return of his gun is pure BS. Hopefully he has another since he is in much greater danger now. It was very courageous of him to come out of hiding and save those people in the collision! He took a big chance to save them I hope all will go well for him but I doubt that he will ever be safe in FL.


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