Poor people are black, black people are poor. Why does America believe this?

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  1. Stephen J Lawson profile image57
    Stephen J Lawsonposted 9 years ago

    Poor people are black, black people are poor. Why does America believe this?

  2. FatFreddysCat profile image60
    FatFreddysCatposted 9 years ago

    A better question might be why this was posted under the "Science/Meteorology" heading.

    1. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this


    2. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Keith.....LMAO.  If I was around you everyday, I'd collapse from too much laughter.  You remind me of my very comedic sons. Their families laugh constantly.  tell me, does your wife still laugh at even your stupid jokes??  LOL

    3. FatFreddysCat profile image60
      FatFreddysCatposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Not so much, we've been married for sixteen years now, so she's reached the phase where she just rolls her eyes and mutters "Oh good Lord..." a lot.

    4. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Your wife has learned the trick to appearing sane, which is good!  My son & DIL celebrated 25 years & she continually giggles at his nonsense......so we just figure she's simply gone off the deep end, never to be normal again!  LOL!

  3. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    Anyone who believes this is completely ignorant or has their eyes closed.
    According to Statista.com in 2013 eight percent of all multi-millionaires in the U.S. are black.
    Both Oprah and Michael Jordan are billionaires, lots of other celebrities, athletes and countless entrepreneurs who own various small and midsize businesses around the country are millionaires.
    Shonda Rhimes produces three hit TV shows for ABC; "Grey's Anatomy", "Scandal", and "How to Get Away with Murder and is launching a new show called "The Catch".
    Rappers "Dr. Dre" sold his Beats Audio System to Apple for $3 Billion, Jay-Z is worth over $500M, P-Diddy is worth $700M.
    Madam C. J. Walker born in 1867 was the (first female) self-made millionaire in America.
    Cathy Hughes founded the media company Radio One and later expanded into TV One. She owns 70+ radio stations in nine major markets in the U.S
    Janice Bryant-Howroyd is the founder of ACT•1 Personnel Services is the first Black woman to own a billion-dollar company with $1.4 billion in revenues for 2010. The company has global operation that today employs more than 1,300 people in 240 satellite offices in the U.S. and eight other countries.
    Kenneth Chenault  is the CEO of American Express, Ursula Burns is the CEO of Xerox, Kenneth Frazier is CEO of Merck, and Don Thompson is a former CEO of McDonalds.
    John Thompson was appointed chairman of Microsoft, taking over from Bill Gates. Prior to that he was  the former chairman and CEO of Symantec Corp. the maker of Norton Antivirus software and various other security software products.
    There are many companies that have top sells reps who are black, middle managers that are black,  there are several black doctors, dentists, lawyers, professors, police officers, teachers, union workers in automobile plants and various other industries.
    The sitting U.S. president is an African American with a law degree from Harvard. His wife Michelle is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law. The current Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch recently succeeded Eric Holder another black Attorney General. Collin Powel and Condoleezza Rice held the position of Secretary of State, and there are numerous congressmen and women along with mayors..etc
    According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (40.2 percent of food stamp recipients are white), 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.
    Being rich or successful is the "exception" regardless of race.
    They don't call it "the one percent" for nothing!

    1. FatFreddysCat profile image60
      FatFreddysCatposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Dashingscorpio with a cinder block for the win! (crunch!!!)

    2. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks FatFreddysCat! smile

  4. tamarawilhite profile image85
    tamarawilhiteposted 9 years ago

    To almost guarantee you will be poor, have kids outside of marriage, never marry, work part time or not at all, don't finish high school.

    Blacks have a 3/4 illegitimacy rate, far higher than the 1/4 illegitimacy rate that caused Daniel Patrick Moynihan to bring up that up as a concern in the 1960s. Add to the fact that it is hard to work full time and get an education when you have illegitimate children. And illegitimate children of all races are far more likely to do drugs, commit crimes, skip schools and have poor life outcomes.

    Then you end up with a population segment that has pretty much guaranteed it will be in poverty, due to the lifestyle choices of that group.

    1. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      +++++++++++++.  Also to guarantee being poor,have large/very large families! Poor people tend to have LARGE/VERY LARGE families. Such children often END up with very poor life outcomes/results!

  5. peachpurple profile image83
    peachpurpleposted 9 years ago

    racist happens in every part of the world. Even in our country, the malays look down on other races. Just a common reality you have to accept

  6. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 9 years ago


    Studies have substantiated that the majority of poor people in America are classified as Caucasian i.e. white.  While there are a percentage of Blacks in the lower socioeconomic bracket, there are a significant percentage of Blacks in the middle class category.   Many Americans believe that poor people are Black & Black people are poor because of stereotyping in the newspapers, movies, television, & other forms of media.

    The premise that poor people are Black & Black people are poor is propagated in order for hype & for politicians to up their political game, especially the so-called poverty predators i.e. poverty pimps among them such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, & others of similar beliefs.  They also want to disseminate this premise in order to have even more social/welfare programs & to lull many Black Americans that it is "the man" keeping them down instead of pointing out their negativity behavior, mindset, & mentality are what caused their dire socioeconomic conditions.  The premise that poor people are Black & Black people are poor are stated to further aid in Black victimology so politicians can have voting power & sway over the lower socioeconomic segment of Black people.


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