What will Historians pinpoint as the cause(s) for America's collapse (unless we

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  1. RJ Schwartz profile image84
    RJ Schwartzposted 7 years ago

    What will Historians pinpoint as the cause(s) for America's collapse (unless we change)?

    The National Debt under President Obama has skyrocketed to levels unheard of.  Former President Bush went into the Middle East in a very unpopular war.  Former President Clinton made immorality a front page issue but refused to concede power when caught in the act.  We have seen countless battles fought on issues such as abortion, welfare, numerous social programs, and other manufactured crises.  Our media has become an arm of the state.  Our military is used in non-traditional ways.  Common sense is no longer part of the conversation when it comes to running the nation. 


  2. profile image0
    Old Poolmanposted 7 years ago

    Ralph, I would have to write a book to answer this question, but I won't.

    It all depends who the Historians decide to blame for the failure.  Some of course will blame it on Bush.

    Corruption:  Our current level of corruption in our government has reached an all time high.  Much of the waste is due to corruption and individuals pocketing taxpayer money.  We now have a Justice Department and other government run departments such as the FBI who are controlled by a corrupt administration.

    Lack of new blood in Congress causes many problems.  The good old boy club who have been there for most of their lives now dictate exactly which bills will pass and which will fail.  We have two parties as a check and balance system, but in reality they all work together to maximize their own personal agendas and financial gain.  These career politicians could care less about what is good for the country.

    Our debt keeps rising because we now have around 50% who even pay income taxes.  Our entitlement systems make it far to easy, and more profitable in some cases, to just stay unemployed and live off the dole.  Our unemployment numbers far exceed the numbers reported by the government.

    Our lack of strong leadership has set us back many years and further divided this country in the process. We have lost the respect of many countries throughout the world due to this weak leadership.

    Our Military has been decimated to the point we are no longer a big power in the eyes of many countries.  They no longer fear killing civilians right here on our own soil because they no longer fear our Military.

    I could go on and on but you get the picture.

  3. PhoenixV profile image65
    PhoenixVposted 7 years ago

    I believe it's the Golden Rule. Only it's the one about whoever has the gold makes the rules. If nations rise or fall, you can bet somebody is making money on it, or short selling it.

  4. Ken Burgess profile image69
    Ken Burgessposted 7 years ago

    I think it will be able to be pinned to our agreements to make China a 'favored nation', now that definition and legal labeling has been changed over the years... but the actual benefits of not being taxed or tariffed have had their effect, and have never waivered.

    In my lifetime I have watched as everything essential in our lives was either made in America or Japan... IN MY LIFETIME... and now everything is made in China that is essential to our lives.

    In my lifetime I watched gas go from 25 cents (or less) a gallon, to $4.25 a gallon, and back down to $2.00 a gallon.  It has been a matter of whether we were producing a significant amount of oil here in America or not... and so to does our economy and our eventual collapse, depend on whether or not what we consume and use in our lives is produced here in America... or not.

    With NAFTA being added to China's free trade favored nation status we were dealt another blow, and CAFTA after that, and now with TPP set to take hold, and TTiP and WTO... the finishing blows are set to fall, as is our economy, jobs, and social stability.

  5. bradmasterOCcal profile image51
    bradmasterOCcalposted 7 years ago

    Your question has created a liberal free zone.
    Let me bask in it for a while.

    1. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image60
      Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Enjoy it while you can Brad it will end as soon as some looney left hubber answers that Donald Trump's lewd talk and his accusers of groping 30 years ago will be the reason historians pinpoint as the cause of America's collapse!

    2. PhoenixV profile image65
      PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Lol@ Brad


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