Will the FBI Investigation of her emails, hurt Hillary Clinton?

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  1. lhubbard profile image60
    lhubbardposted 8 years ago

    Will the FBI Investigation of her emails,  hurt Hillary Clinton?

    With eleven days until the election,  I question the integrity of the FBI. The head of the FBI needs to step down. He is not giving any information that is supportive of the investigation. The FBI is covering their ass. They didn't find anything in July. This is politically motivated by the FBI and the Republican Party. This investigation will have no bearing on supporters for Clinton.


  2. profile image0
    savvydatingposted 8 years ago

    Huh??  Something tells me you loved the FBI back in July, when Comey didn't have the balls to indict Hillary. The letter Comey sent out today also went out to Democrats in Congress--just so we're clear. Comey may be covering his "ass."

    Maybe something very embarrassing is going to come down which will make him look like an idiot, or someone who obstructed justice---which he did.

    Did you know that the FBI actually destroyed many of Hillary's emails and devices. Why would they do that? Tell me. Did you know that the morale among honest FBI agents is at an all-time low....because they actually thought the last email investigation was real?

    I don't trust Comey anymore. I know someone who is an an NCIS agent. Back in April, she had no doubt that Hillary would be indicted. Had this agent done even one of the things Hillary did in compromising National Security, her career would be toast. And my agent acquaintance isn't even a Conservative. She's a liberal who has the good sense to be appalled by Hillary.

    My point is, all Republicans, including Trump, who are now praising the FBI, need to see reality. Comey sold his soul. Why? I have no idea, but he can't make amends now. Unlike Hillary, who he deemed "above the law" Comey is going to have to pay. He made his bed....

    And, as for Hillary's statement that Comey should reveal the emails, that is a bunch of crap. She knows what she is hiding in those emails.  She also knows that investigations don't work that way.  Just another clever ploy. Thus, she is buying time with the hope she will become President. Well, if she does, she will surely follow in her husbands footsteps by being impeached, not that the majority of Americans will care, since at least half of this nation apparently can't get enough of Bill Clinton, who by the way, is used in FBI training on how to detect a liar.

    So you are correct. The damaging information in Huma and Clinton's emails, which may or may not come out months from now, if ever, will most certainly have no impact on Hillary supporters who are apparently fine with denying her life long record of lies and pay to play deceit. Nope. None whatsoever.

    1. Readmikenow profile image96
      Readmikenowposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I think you touched everything.  I can't add anything.  Excellent comment!

    2. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well Readmikenow, let's see what happens next... Now Clinton is going after Comey. God help him. Nevertheless, he screwed up the entire investigation. The chickens have come home to roost.

    3. Shyron E Shenko profile image73
      Shyron E Shenkoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      There were probably a couple in the e-mails since it came from weiner maybe trump bought comey a couple. is sending sexy e-mail to Comey?  In anger or to get back at Huma.

  3. Shyron E Shenko profile image73
    Shyron E Shenkoposted 8 years ago

    Louis, isn't it funny that other Secretaries of State have had personal servers but only Hillary's is questioned?
    Isn't it funny how Comey found AN e-mail on weiner's computer after trump accused him of favoring Clinton?
    Isn't it funny that trump claims that he knows what is in the weiner's e-mail.
    Isn’t it funny how trump can offer up a politicization of a confidential national security briefing and his blabbing and talking about their body language implied that they were unhappy with President Obama?
    Isn’t it funny that Chris Christy was allowed to attend a National Security Briefing reserved for Presidential Candidates?
    Isn’t it funny that trump can talk trash about any woman with impunity?
    Isn’t it funny trump can even grab them by their private parts with impunity and he calls any woman who reports that he grabbed them liars with impunity?
    Isn’t it funny that trump knows more about ISIS than the Generals do? Just ask him.
    Isn’t it funny that trump will FIRE the Generals when he becomes President?
    Isn’t  it funny? I don’t  mean funny like Ha Ha, I mean funny like strange.
    In answer to your question, I hope not!


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