-- The special counsel Robert Mueller has reportedly subpoenaed the Trump Organization for documents related to its financial dealings, including with Russia.
-- The move brings Mueller one step closer to the "red line" President Donald Trump said he would cross if he ventured into the Trump family's finances.
-- In particular, Mueller is said to be scrutinizing the company's push to build a Trump Tower in Moscow in late 2015 and early 2016, at the height of Trump's presidential bid.
http://www.businessinsider.com/mueller- … nts-2018-3
First, contrary to the statements of some Trump supporters, it is clear that Mueller has not "run out of evidence" and there are no signs that this investigation is about to end.
Second, Mueller's grand jury handing out subpoenas as opposed to Mueller just asking for documents probably means that Mueller didn't trust the Trump organization would cooperate in a comprehensive and thorough manner unless compelled by legal force.
Last, does this cross Trump's "red line"? If so, what will he do?
So, that's why this was news today? Maybe?
"Preemptive strike"?
Every time. LOL
"In particular, Mueller is said to be scrutinizing the company's push to build a Trump Tower in Moscow in late 2015 and early 2016, at the height of Trump's presidential bid."
You mean "push" as in throw out a couple of feelers and promptly abandon the idea? That kind of "push"?
Hmm, I don't know. Do you have inside info that the rest of us aren't privy to?
From what I've heard Trump's been trying to broker a Tower deal in Moscow for almost a decade. No ties with Ruskies though!
Hmmm. If he had solid ties, I would think that the tower would have built years ago. On the other hand, if those ties don't exist, or are tenuous, then it seems unlikely he'll get one completed.
Somehow I don't see failure to complete a business deal as indicative of strong business or, given the country in question, political ties. "Oh, hi, Anton, how are you today", a handshake and move on type of thing rather than "Now, Anton, who do we pressure to get that building permit?"
Thought the same thing when I saw Randy's comment. Maybe he can clarify.
It does seem a little contradictory, doesn't it? I did see where the possibility of building a tower in Russia was briefly looked into some time ago, but promptly dropped as not being feasible. I'd have to guess that that brief inquiry turned into a decade long effort to some.
Actually, reports indicate the Trump's have been pursuing Russian interests for decades and his sloppy attorney claimed a letter of intent to build a trump tower in this corrupt land was executed DURING THE Presidential Campaign which is proof that a considerable amount of due diligence was performed and the entanglements between both must run very deep and wide.
Are we all becoming a little more educated as it pertains to the severe conflicts of interest and Trump's cowardly obedience to Vladimir Putin and perhaps his business dealings?
This is just one incident that is now public, wait until an examination of Felix Sater, Azerbaijan, Panama money laundering and all other deceitful webs are thoroughly investigated.
But hey, don't worry, Russia is a ruse and charlatan liar Donald says he has NOTHING TO Do with Russia, and how rotten of a reputation does a person need have for a ruthless, brutal unthinkably corrupt dictator like Putin to turn down a business deal with that person like he apparently did with Donald?
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-kn … d=49472342
And these "reports" and letter of intent are like those "multiple in depth psychiatric exams" you mentioned, aren't they? Nonexistent, in other words, just like the "strong connection to Putin" and other "Russian connections".
According to the article, Mr. Trump's sloppy attorney not me said a letter of intent to build in Russia was signed DURING the presidential campaign. So If you don't believe a letter of intent to build a crappy looking Trump tower in Russia was actually executed, you're calling Mr. Trump's lawyer a liar, not me, and would that actually be such a big surprise?
If you wish, go back and read the ABC article I posted.
If I write a letter of intent to my city council, saying I want to build a store in that city, does it indicate that I have "connections" or "ties" to that city? That's what you're trying to claim is true, but of course it isn't.
And no, I'm not calling Trump's lawyer a liar for he hasn't said anything to me. Just you and, via the internet, whoever wrote that link you gave. And whether they lied or not (either one of them) is pretty much irrelevant in the matter of "russian ties", "Russian collusion" or anything else except whether Trump did indeed investigate the possibility of building a tower there. Which Trump says he did.
lol, you're impossible wilderness. So if you don't believe anything you see, read or hear, where do you get your information? Whether anyone likes it or not, Trump's attorney said a letter of intent was signed during the election to build a cruddy trump named building in Russia and that's a reported fact.
What about the pathetic miss whatser name contest STD Donny produced in Russia in 2013? Or his well documented relationship with Russian Criminal Felon Felix Sater? lol, No connections there either I suppose.
The orange slob in the oval office is this close to prison, or possibly even a more severe penalty if he's charged with treason and he knows it, Right now, he must be slamming his head up against anything and everything hard. Poetic justice.
According to the following report, here's what Felix Sater wrote:
“Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Mr. Sater wrote in an email. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/28/us/p … sater.html
In another email, Sater looked forward to the eventual ribbon-cutting on a Trump Tower in the Russian capital. “I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,” he wrote.
That's absolutely correct IslandBites and before someone comes barging in here to claim STD Donny never had a relationship with X-Felon Felix Sater, here's just another damning evidentiery exhibit within the enormous truck load of factual data which solidifies the case that he has connections to Russia.
If they are fakes, they did a pretty good job and to my knowledge, neither Felix no Donny has refuted this relationship nor the business card.
Here's smiling Felix Sater Russian Mafia Figure, former convicted criminal felon with printed business cards stating his affiliation as SENIOR ADVISOR to STD Donny. I'm confident special prosecutor Mueller must have this evidence in his possession. But hey, don't worry none, no Russian connections here right?.......
It seems as if every time some individuals shout there's no evidence, more criminals and conspirators against the United States within Donny's inner circle get locked up and thank God for that. Do we honestly think Paul Manifort will die in prison for Donny or flip?
Brief Public Dossier: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Sater
Hi there Jake,
Well damn! After following this thread for days, I did try to stay away. Another anti-trump thread - almost as bad as another gun-control thread. But... A Russian-born Mafia guy identified as a SENIOR ADVISER to Trump! That was just too juicy. You got me.
So I Googled Satter and that card. What a trail. And to repay your effort for providing links, I too will document my trail.
First I hit TheMoscowProject.com. For sure it has a bias - they were formed by Center for American Progress Action Fund, (A Pro-Hillary group, well, at least a pro-Democrat group), to prove there was collusion. but, what about their facts?
I followed one of their links to a Washington Post article That described the circumstances around the card, and included this blurb:
"... .After Sater left Bayrock, he was given Trump Organization business cards and office space so he could continue searching for deals for the company, Garten said. The cards, first reported by the Associated Press, identified Sater as a “senior advisor to Donald Trump.”
Garten said Sater was never a Trump Organization employee and was paid nothing during the brief 2010 arrangement. “Nothing came of it, and they went their separate ways,” Garten said."
Then another of their links took me to a Forbes article that included a similar "card" blurb as the Post's.
One more link to a Vanity Fair article that also spoke of Sater's reputation, and the fact that he was a valuable confidential informant for the FBI during this time.
And another of their links to another Washington Post article that spoke of that "Letter of Intent" you mentioned.
And I did follow several more of their links, but the bottom line didn't change, nor did the context surrounding the accusations.. Felix Sater was a super salesman, (for himself?), or a shyster. Depending on the charity of one's description. And he was a convicted criminal that turned FBI informant to avoid jail on other "fraud" charges.
But what he was NOT, was a SENIOR ADVISER to Donald Trump. As you took pains to paint him as. He was a connection to project developments and financing. A useful tool for Trump. Which explains Trump's connection with him.
The context of all those article links make this clear, so why did you dilute the authority of your points by twisting things to make them look like what they were not?
No wonder Wilderness has problems with your declarations. (like that "signed" letter of intent which really amounted to nothing more than authorization to keep looking for deals - for one more year, that you twisted into proof of collusion)
Of course, I may have misread your comments, but this response is based on the perceptions you imparted - even if those perception are mistaken.
ps. It was your poorly photo-shopped image, that made such an obvious statement, (that turned out to be misleading), that finally lured me in. Maybe if you had used one of the other, less inflammatory images, (like the one below), that Forbes and Vanity Fair used, I might have been able to continue my resistance. :-)
source: Forbes.com
Well, since I started this thread, I must state that my OP is not "anti-Trump." It is about Mueller's subpoenas of the Trump Organization. The OP includes quotes from a Business Insider article, with my speculation about what the subpoenas indicate, and concludes with a question. Yes, I am no fan of Trump,but if this is what you consider to be bashing then I fear your bias is showing.
By the way, Here is wilderness' opening response:
"You mean "push" as in throw out a couple of feelers and promptly abandon the idea? That kind of "push"?"
Hardly an open-minded, thoughtful response to the information provided.
Hi PrettyPanther,
I did see that your OP was about Mueller's investigation. Did you see the content of the replies to it?
Are you saying they were not anti-Trump, by either outright declarations, or by context? (I started out highlighting just a few, like; "... life imprisonment at a minimum and that would be a light sentence for what he's already done to this once great nation and God save the world from this weirdo looking nazi racist nut case...", but then abandoned that idea)
Addressing"Wilderness' "push" response... From a declared anti-Trump source, The Moscow Project, I read a bunch of linked stories that discussed the "push" to get a Trump Tower building in Moscow. All of them painted a very anti-Trump picture because of his connection to Felix Slater. Trump may have wanted a Moscow project, but the extent of his "push" seems to be allowing/facilitating Slater's efforts. It appears that any "pushing" done, was done by Slater. And when Slater failed, it appears Trump walked away from it. At least that is what the articles referenced by The Moscow Project said.
Does that differ from Wilderness' response? I didn't go into this with a closed mind. By my perception of Donald Trump, and my perception of what his business practices probably are/were, I expected to find support for your "push" quote. But I didn't. Did I not dig deep enough? Is digesting "the proof" provided by a major "get Trump" organization not a valid effort? If their proof couldn't get the job done, where else should I look, or where else have you looked that makes you feel Wilderness' response came from a closed mind?
Wilderness' response was directed at my OP before any other comments were made. Notice he zeroed in on the wording and failed to address the major points of the article. That is what I mean by it "hardly being an open-minded and thoughtful response." It is typical for him.
As for the rest, yes, Jake is over the top in his hyperbole. Of course, you know I believe Trump is unfit for office and I wouldn't let him near my dog, much less my country, so I find his comments to be funny exaggerations, similar to what one hears from comedians on late night TV. They are funny because they ring true.
That is my bias which I freely admit.
Now, if there are falsehoods or misstatements of fact, then I disapprove. The rest just makes me chuckle. After all, Jake is just another forum dweller with an opinion, not the president of the United States.
I think any more about this aspect is best addressed by Wilderness, so how about a thought relative to your OP.
It is just a thought, and it is a legitimate question, but, could Mueller's move to business records infer that the investigation is looking at crimes other than collusion?
If so, I would not be surprised to see more Manafort-type indictments. And... if that is the case, does it also infer no collusion has been found, or could it be that Mueller has come across some adjunct crimes, and collusion is still an open subject? What do you think?
it will be interesting seeing this unfold.
My pure speculation is that Mueller will probably uncover Manafort-type crimes on the part of the Trump Organization. To me, Trump's behavior and the behavior of his campaign staff and related cronies points to some type of Russian connection. Innocent people do not lie and obfuscate. It could be something other than collusion, but there is something.
You're right - I zeroed in on the language used. The "push" instead of "looking at a possibility" or some other terminology. One gives the impression of a large effort made, one gives what seems to be more factual - a look at possibilities, a business investigation of the viability of a project.
When language is used that is intended to give a false impression - spin - I will often question it. Is that wrong? Should we (I) let such language go and leave the false impression alone? I don't see it that way - do you?
But beyond that, I thought we put that tidbit to bed...until Randy cranked up with the idea that Trump has been trying for a decade, and that to build a tower there, I absolutely took exception to and asked for evidence of. Most of this thread has been about that comment (and an unsigned letter of intent), not about the "push" (at least in my mind).
Oh, the horror of using the word "push." I see the word as an accurate reflection of what occurred. You don't. Who TF cares? We undoubtedly know just a fraction of the full story so pardon me if I don't see quibbling over use of the word "push" as a worthwhile endeavor any more than your silly obsession about whether Trump signed the letter of intent after his own lawyer said he did, during testimony no less.
I really need more than just a rolleyes icon, if those are the points you consider to be important in this sordid affair,
Sorry I "cranked up" the Trump tower deal, Dan. I thought you'd enjoy defending the Don on that one.
I take issue with the inflammatory phrase "cranked up." You didn't crank up anything. You merely "mentioned" or "suggested." Wilderness is obviously trying to paint a dark, menacing picture of your motives, implying nefarious, evil intent when you are just an innocent, simple forum dweller gently making an innocuous point.
You're getting the hang of it. If you can just use the right loaded, connotative language you can (perhaps) convince others that what is false is actually true. Like saying Trump "pushed" for a tower when he made a simple business inquiry to determine feasibility/possibility.
There is a Costco coming (I think) near me. They inquired a couple of years ago and found the zoning wrong but liked the site and location. Now they're "pushing" the city to re-zone, improve the roads and install sewer. They even sent emails to all the Costco members in the area, asking them to attend the zoning meeting - most certainly a "push" and no longer a simple inquiry/look.
I agree. You are no more simple than Trump is innocent.
Now you are realllyyy hoping Mueller finds collusion aren't you? :-)
You're right - it's really hard for me to believe anyone claiming there have been multiple, in depth, psychiatric test on Trump. Really hard to believe anything they say.
But yes, I believe there was a letter of intent. Your point? That a letter was sent to the proper authorities in Russia? I don't think so - your point is that there has to be strong "connections" to evil Russians because an exploratory business letter was sent. And that I do not swallow any more than that there are multiple reputable doctors willing to commit themselves to publicly stating they have examined the mental status of Donald Trump and have concluded that, based on their in depth exam, he is mentally disturbed. Neither one has even a small hint of truth about it.
Well wilderness, he does indeed have connections to Russians and we've already seen an extraordinary amount of evidence of that fact right here on this thread, not to mention within the internet universe and here's one more exhibit of proof, the secret meeting at Trump tower between Vladimir Putin's Russian Agents and mousey grifter Donny Junior. Nope no connections there either. Russian Stooge Paul Manifort was indicted and already faces life in prison and it must be just a matter of time before he and others at that secret collusionary affair are charged with conspiracy for that treasonous crime against America. Even nazi bum Bannon called it treason and he has all the inside info.
I can only imagine how much more evidence the special prosecutor has in his hands and he'll have even more once his subpoenas to force the Trump Organization to turn over more documents is fulfilled. there's way too many potential serious Earth shattering crimes here, I don't think Donny gets away with it this time, life imprisonment at a minimum and that would be a light sentence for what he's already done to this once great nation and God save the world from this weirdo looking nazi racist nut case if he does get away with it.
So I'll just leave you with even more evidence of just how alarming and Earth threatening this whole insane fake orange presidency truly is.
https://www.usnews.com/opinion/thomas-j … ct-himself
No connections to Russia? Well here he is in our white house laughing it up with 2 Russian Spy Enemies, and reports say he divulged our top secret intelligence. And guess what? American reporters were banned from this affair while Russian reporters were welcome. What kind of un-patriotic, un-American treasonous behavior is that? Yup, no Russian connections here either. Actually, he should be on trial for treason right now for this appalling incident alone.
See, there you go again. So far no one has shown any "connections" between Trump and any Russian outside of a handshake kind of thing and political meetings any president would have. But you'll claim them anyway, without any evidence at all except your own hate - in place of actual facts you just call names as if means something. No wonder I don't believe it all!
You apparently haven't heard about the Moscow Tower deal Trump's been seeking for many years, Dan. More than merely a handshake I'd imagine...
Evidence, please, that it was pursued for "many years". I see the claim, I see what Trump says, and they don't match - as it is far more difficult to prove a negative it would seem to fall to those claiming an immense effort to build the tower to support their claim. Can you do so, or do we all take that lack of evidence as "proof" that very little effort was made?
Perhaps a half dozen letters or bribes (given the country), scattered over a decade or so? Multiple efforts to push it in the Russian political system, again with lobbying or other efforts in each of several years? Financial records from many years of paying Russian citizens or organizations, hopefully with contracts stating that the money is being given to purchase aid in clearing legal/political obstacles in building a tower?
What can you offer outside of rumors that 2 people spoke to each other?
I've decided there is little point in discussing the fine points of the Mueller investigation with wilderness or jack. They obviously don't follow the details and it's become apparent that they really don't want to know. The information is out there and is easily found. Wilderness minimizes and distorts it. Jack calls it fake news.
They are both in for a rude awakening. It's just a matter of time. The question now becomes, how far will they go, how long will they continue to minimize, distort, and deny? All the way to resignation or impeachment? Probably.
CARL BERNSTEIN, JOURNALIST AND AUTHOR: "There's only one institution that really has been tainted through these months and that is the Trump presidency. It's tainted by the president's lies, by his disrespect for American institutions operating under the law with traditional American democracy and instruments thereof. He's contemptuous of those instruments.
And what we're seeing in those constant attacks which are undermining, indeed, confidence in the legitimate institutions of our government, which are trying to do their job. If the president is as confident as he says that this investigation is going to end very soon and with him being exonerated, he ought to welcome all this instead of attacking constantly. He's doing a grave disservice to our democracy."
This is an older quote, but Carl Bernstein was on CNN this morning talking about the outstanding investigative reporting that is being done. All you have to do you is read.
"The information is out there and is easily found."
I like that. What it means is "I saw it somewhere, didn't think enough of it to check the veracity and thus cannot remember or repeat where I saw it. Find it yourself and prove my statement for me because I can't do it myself.
And your response means, "I want you to jump through hoops just so I can minimize and distort the information you provide, information that I either already know and ignore or haven't bothered to find out about because I don't care."
See, I can play your silly game, too.
No, my response means "I don't believe your claims as I have seen nothing but rants to support them". Which is reasonable, as I attach it to requests for evidence - evidence that is either denied or indicates the opposite of what is being claimed and thus reinforces the disbelief.
No evidence? At least five links (I stopped counting at five) have been provided in this thread alone. You dismiss, distort, or deny, then claim there is no evidence.
Your prerogative. It doesn't go unnoticed, though.
Oh, I'm sure there are at least five. And they all say pretty much the opposite of what is being claimed. Or, at best, a statement similar but stated by someone with no more authority than my dog has.
Lol, okay.
I really cannot wait until this investigation is over. I'm sure Trump is just a successful, law-abiding businessman who had "nothing to do with Russia" and that is exactly what Mueller will conclude. Nothing gut a witch hunt, right? LOL
Personal note and letter of intent
Four months into his campaign for president of the United States, Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to pursue a Trump Tower–style building development in Moscow, according to a statement from the Trump Organization’s then–chief counsel, Michael Cohen.
Uhhh...your link is from someone asking someone else to ask Trump to sign a legal letter of intent (which does not, in itself, indicate anything more than interest; a proposal, then, not an agreement or contract).
It does NOT say that Trump signed anything at all; instead it says he had NOT signed it, as of when that letter was made. And it certainly does not indicate any connection between Trump and Russia for the same reason.
Well wilderness, IslandBites never said Trump signed a letter of intent she's quoting what his sloppy attorney Michael Cohen said. It appears to have been initiated by Felix Sater, Senior Advisor to Trump, X felon, Russian Mafia sleaze and connected to the Russian hierarchy . But nope, no ties there. lol
So if you don't believe it, you should actually call Mr. Cohen a liar and nobody else.
And guess what else STD Donny apparently never signed, yup Stormy Daniel's non-disclosure agreement, and guess who did apparently sign it? yup Sloppy Mr Cohen STD Donny's attorney. So by your standard of proof, Stormy's NDA is invalid because STD Donny never signed it and Stormy can now offer the public her explosive story right?
Remember those Russian spies Donny got so comfy and cozy with in our oval office? Then gave them top secret intel just like a traitor would? Nope, no ties there.
Looking at the public evidence, STD Donny is long gone, just a matter of what he's charged with and if he gets life imprisonment or worse.
Yes, I know. She quoted what someone else said (without verifying the truth of the statement) and then produced a letter of intent as proof...a letter which indicates the opposite of what she quoted. Makes good sense, doesn't it?
I produced a letter of intent as proof of... a letter of intent.
The quote is what was reported about Trump's lawyer words. Trump signed the letter that was sent to them.
What does that proves? That's for Mueller to decide. You asked if the letter existed. It does. You asked if Trump signed it. He did, according to his own lawyer.
Not that you care. It's all fake news.
Apparently, you're supposed to personally verify whether Trump's lawyer is telling the truth.
On the other hand, we're supposed to believe Trump's denials because, you know, there is so much evidence of his veracity.
What a joke.
Biggest thing might have been to look at that letter or read the link and figure out that Trump never signed it. Then question the statement that he did. At least that's what caught my eye. Of course, I've learned to take things with a grain of salt, and if it's on the WWW, take it with a pound instead.
Biggest thing might have been to read, or do your own search, then, again, read. The letter of intent was sent to Cohen for Trump to sign. Which he did, according to Cohen.
Felix Sater
Oct 13, 2015
"Dear Michael, Attached is the signed LOI (Letter of Intent) by Andrey Rozov. Please have Mr. Trump counter-sign, signed and sent back,"
"The preliminary agreement for the Moscow project was signed by Trump on or around October 28, 2015, according to a statement Cohen gave last week to Congressional committees investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election."
“To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Trump was never in contact with anyone about this proposal other than me on three occasions, including signing a nonbinding letter of intent in 2015,” Cohen statement says.
Yeah, but that's fake news.
-Someone who has no idea what he's talking about, but knows better than Trump's own lawyer.
"Please have Mr. Trump counter-sign, signed and sent back"
"including signing a nonbinding letter of intent in 2015"
You don't see any difference in these two statements? You quoted the first; how did it suddenly change to a signed letter? Plus, of course, the entire thread began over a statement that Trump has been working for a decade on building the tower. Doesn't sound like it to me...
Yes. One is someone (Sater) asking Trump (via Cohen) to sign a letter. The other is Cohen explaining what happened with the proposed Trump Tower Moscow.
That's usually how it happens, you know. You're asked to sign a paper and suddenly (weeks later ) you sign it.
Erm. That is the letter of intent forwarded by Russian-born businessman Felix Sater to the Trump Organization's lawyer at the time, Michael Cohen.
The quote is about what M. Cohen said.
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-kn … d=49472342
You asked if the reports and letter were nonexistent. That's your answer. Not that you care about facts.
New spin in 1,2,3...
Perhaps I spoke sloppily, for it never occurred to me that anyone would produce a letter sent to Trump, and unsigned by Trump, as a "Letter of intent" proving Trump's interest in building in Moscow. It just didn't occur to me that such a thing would be taken as proof of anything at all, let alone that Trump had interest. After all, if he was interested, the letter would be sent from Trump and would most definitely be signed by him.
wilderness, If there was or is no intent to build a Concrete Trump Building in Russia which everyone knows there is, or for him to just slap his name on it for a fee, why on Earth did his sloppy attorney Cohen testify to congress that Donald did indeed sign a letter of intent?
I suppose in 2013, he never sponsored that boring outdated Miss whatever pageant in Russia either right? It was all just a mirage.
What else are they trying to cover up and if Trump never signed the letter why did Cohen commit perjury and lie to congress with a fabricated story about it?
Oh, but Islandbites, that's only 7 years ago, not 10. That's definitely not a "push." It's more like a "tickle" or a "slight brush of the pinky finger." And, a video is not evidence of anything. I need a document signed by Donald in his own blood, with a DNA test proving it's Donald's blood. Oh, wait, is the lab run by a Republican whose wife donated $200 to Hillary in 2008? That totally makes it all a witch hunt. I don't trust anything I see on the internet, unless it's a denial of wrongdoing from Donald. That's golden!
There, I saved you some time, wilderness.
Well wilderness, it looks like we have a SLAM Dunk ---- GAME Over ---- Either that's comrade Donny in 2011 talking about his bona fide 'INTENT', plans to build in Moscow, or he has a body double running around just like Saddam Hussein. I guess this puts that 'letter of intent' in a new light.
Too bad for the Trump family that we live in a modern age where all the film footage evidence that prosecution needs to indict, is right there at their finger tips.
Special Prosecutor Mueller must be adding this these two damning films to his body of evidence to indict.
I'd be willing to bet quite a few bucks that wilderness will not view this as a slam dunk. He'll probably argue it is an air ball. With an offensive foul on the shot. Lol.
A slam dunk? That a possible business was considered in Russia? I guess it is - that Trump considered building a business in Russia - which is what I've said all along.
(From my earlier post: "I did see where the possibility of building a tower in Russia was briefly looked into some time ago...")
But a slam dunk that Donald Trump has "connections" in Russia, or that he is "pushing" to build a Trump Tower there? I didn't see anything about either one of those - just that he has investigated the possibility of opening a business there and obviously spoke to Russians about it.
As usual, an innocent, simple business contact is blown into a dark, nefarious and evil "connection" with Putin, the Russian mafia and anyone else on the shady side. Or was that always what that "connection" with Putin was about? That Trump had made business inquiries with Russian people instead of colluding to fix the election?
Listen very closely, if my ears don't deceive me, you might hear STD Donny say "We're thinking about doing a trump tower Moscow"
Felix Sater was and perhaps still is a senior advisor to STD Donny, and by the way, he's also a convicted felon and Russian mafia member.
Why do you think mentally unhinged Donny is going ape in his room right now? He knows he's going away for a very very long time if he's lucky. His campaign manager Russian puppet traitor Paul Manifort is facing 300 years in prison, you think he might flip?
Randy, you might want to know about the Florida mansion he bought for $40 million and sold only four years later to a Putin buddy for $100 million.
The Russian bought the grossly overpriced house right in the middle of the 2008 recession when housing prices had plunged. Miraculously, the value of Trump's mansion went in the other direction.
And it was just a few months after Trump's resorts declared bankruptcy and no banks would lend to him.
That's what I call a solid tie.
http://www.newsweek.com/trump-sold-40-m … tic-802613
By the way, bogus real estate transactions is one way someone like Putin launders the money he steals from his own country.
He can't get away with personally buying real estate in the U.S., so he runs it through someone else's business. Organized crime does the same thing.
Why do you think the Cayman Islands are home to twice as many corporations as people?
Not only is it a solid tie, but the potential for solid money laundering if you connect all the evidence which isn't that difficult to accomplish. i'd be surprised if the special prosecutor is not probing this fishy transaction.
I believe I recall an investigative report which described the 40 million dollar mansion as full of filth and scum, which would be perfectly appropriate for the Trumps, but Russians are not dumb investors. If money laundering wasn't a purpose, why did Putin's pal pay more than double the market value for a filth filled house that he never occupied or used? I don't even think he rented it. What's up with that?
You're right. The Russian cariologist who somehow ended up with $10 billion -- kind of like Putin's billionaire "chef" -- never lived in it.
http://www.miamiherald.com/news/busines … 87364.html
Yeah promisem, I thought I'd recalled some of the details of this highly suspicious deal. Donny buys a 40 million dollar filth filled house, along comes a Russian oligarch and without explanation, significantly over pays Donny for the dirty property, never lives in it, never rents it out and who knows, I might wager a few bucks that the Russian never even personally inspected nor visited the house.
A 100 million dollar purchase sitting idle. That's unheard of.
lol. Nope, no money laundering here, just your average real estate transaction right?
But here's a creative idea, maybe Donny's nightmare Stormy could rent it out, hire a team to clean up all Donny's orange and green filth, add a few pay per view cinemas, a vendor cage and a very large popcorn machine, charge 100 bucks per seat and maybe play some films.
And hey, even Melanie could buy a ticket if it's not sold out.
Just more damning evidence of conspiracy / collusion for special prosecutor Mueller to investigate
Cambridge Analytica ----> white nationalist Steve Bannon ----> Mr. Trump
YIKES, sorry, I promise it wasn't my intent to frighten everyone with that gratuitously large big headed portrait of Mr. Wonderful‘s bloated puffy, not so handsome face, but I think he’s got even bigger problems than his lovely appearance. This must be included in the special prosecutors criminal investigation.
Mr. Trump ---- Roger Stone ---- Guccifer ---- WikiLeaks ---- Russians
The unprecedented unlawful conspiracy to undermine democracy and embed what appears to be a Russian puppet in the oval office included the illegal intrusion into and theft of, private property owned by citizens of the United States. Intentional espionage / hacking by Russian agents with intent to steal secret info in an elaborate bid to place a friendly in a position of power as proven by United States Intelligence Agencies.
Now, shocking reports indicate "GUCCIFER 2.0' is indeed a hostile Russian agent as suspected and reports also indicate Roger Stone, a close associate of Mr. Trump's was in contact with this Russian operative. The connections could be aligned as follows.
Mr. Trump ---- Roger Stone ---- Guccifer ---- WikiLeaks ---- Julian Asange ---- Russians ---- Vladimir Putin
Another MAJOR Development in the Trump Campaign Criminal Investigation ----
https://nypost.com/2018/03/22/dnc-hacke … l-officer/
Why did Trump apparently ban American reporters from this secret oval office meeting with Russian agents while allowing Moscow reporters in? Why did Trump recklessly compromise our national security by divulging secret intel to these two Russian spies? Why is Trump cowardly obedient to Vladimir Putin in public? Why is Mr. Trump sabotaging the American healthcare system while congratulating Vladimir Putin as he disrupts our power grid and vital water supply? Why did some Americans actually believe Mr. Trump when he blatantly lied and said he had no Russian ties when film evidence proves otherwise?
Donald looks pretty comfortable around Russian spies wouldn't you say? Much more so than with Americans.
by Mike Russo 8 years ago
This is why Trump will not release his tax returns. The Trump Organization is an octopus with financial ties in many foreign countries that create a steady stream of millions into the Trump family coffers. if Trump becomes president, these ties can present a huge conflict of interest for our...
by Sharlee 2 years ago
And So It Begins WASHINGTON, D.C. – Special Counsel John Durham’s team in its opening argument Tuesday alleged that former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann used the FBI as "a political tool" to "manipulate" the bureau on the eve of the 2016 presidential election to...
by Readmikenow 2 months ago
I think harris lacks a lot in debate skills. She avoids questions from the press. Interviews she has done are very few. With the one national press interview done by her she was accompanied by her VP. It was taped. harris will have a difficult time answering questions...
by Sharlee 2 years ago
A New York judge held former president Donald Trump in contempt on Monday over his lack of response to a subpoena from the state's attorney general and ordered him to pay $10,000 a day in fines until he complies.Attorney General Letitia James sought the contempt order earlier this month, saying...
by Scott Belford 2 months ago
All of the available evidence seems to say so.Here is a workable definition of a coups d'état as an "organized effort to effect sudden and irregular (e.g., illegal or extra-legal) removal of the incumbent executive authority of a national government, or to displace the authority of the highest...
by Jack Lee 6 years ago
The Russian collusion has dominated the main street media for over a year now.What is going on? It is time for the special counsel Mueller to wrap things up.Either he has evident or not. No more fishing expeditions.This investigation has taken its course. Time to end it and move on... ...
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