Did Trump Really Try To Implement a Coup?

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  1. My Esoteric profile image84
    My Esotericposted 3 years ago

    All of the available evidence seems to say so.

    Here is a workable definition of a coups d'état as an "organized effort to effect sudden and irregular (e.g., illegal or extra-legal) removal of the incumbent executive authority of a national government, or to displace the authority of the highest levels of one or more branches of government. " - https://clinecenter.illinois.edu/projec … roject-cdp

    In this case, the "incumbent executive" would be the newly elected President, Joe Biden.  To you sharpshooters, it matters not that Biden had not been sworn in yet, he was the duly elected president.

    The person organizing the coups is the then current president, Donald Trump, and his minions.  The nescient coups attempt began months before the election as Trump  laid the groundwork to falsely claim the election was rigged in the event he lost in November.  Fast forward to the election and Trump did lose and he started implementing his plan to overthrow the will of the people.

    There are several good timelines on Trump's efforts to remain president and throw Biden out of office.  This is just one:

    https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/05/politics … ndex.html.

    It should be noted that Trump is still trying to overturn the election.

    1. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Here is a little more on how Trump and his minions tried to weaponize DOJ to overturn the election results.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/06/politics … index.html

    2. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      At this point, it would seem all once again an "if come". At best we are at a wait-and-see juncture.  In my personal view, nothing will come of any of the investigations but fodder for media, and some very disappointed Trump haters.

    3. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I don’t remember you putting so much effort in when Hillary was whining about a stolen election.

      Why is that, do you think?

      1. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Maybe because she conceded the day after the election, didn't call her supporters to the Capitol and gleefully watch them violently storm the halls of Congress. 

        And since Russian interference was proven, as was members of the Trump Campaign conspiring with Russian Intelligence, the case of a stolen election actually has some validity. 

        Why on Earth so many Americans accepted Russians chosen candidate still baffles me.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Me too, it is a mystery. 

          To this day, Trump supporters and minions spout the Putin party propaganda line (they are called Republican talking points) almost verbatim.  What is their affinity with everything communist and Russian?  (Oh, I think I know, they want autocracy not democracy)

        2. Live to Learn profile image60
          Live to Learnposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Russian interference was not ‘proven’. I doubt the Russians did any more than our government does to influence opinion during foreign elections. I saw no evidence that they swayed voters or tampered with our voting. There was clear evidence of tampering by Hillary and the DNC with the fake and bogus dossier they floated that disrupted our republic for years.

          Nor did she concede the election. I believe she is still whining about having lost it unfairly.

          And, honestly? I find the civil disruption pushed by the left, before and after the election (which is still ongoing) to have been much more destructive to our cohesiveness as a society.

          I’m sorry but you’ve already pushed a lie about January 6th in a prior conversation so you lack any credibility on this topic. Your feces claims were ridiculous. I have far left family members I shared that claim with and each of them rolled their eyes and complained about both sides making up bs stories.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Here is the Senate Report confirming Russian Interference.  It's actually titled Active Measures and Interference:
            https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sit … olume1.pdf

            "We found irrefutable evidence of Russian meddling," Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., acting chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in a statement, directly refuting President Donald Trump's repeated assertions that Russian interference was a "hoax" perpetrated by Democrats.

            Hilary did not concede?  What reality are you living in?

            Ummm, the feces claim was not mine, but thanks for being confused about who said what at this site.  Please go back and look at that thread so you can be clear about who made that claim so you can make accurate accusations from now on.  But just to show you where those claims might have originated, here are a few links:
            https://nypost.com/2021/01/08/rioters-l … s-capitol/
            https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politi … story.html
            https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/national … r-BB1cAQXK
            https://www.revolt.tv/news/2021/1/8/222 … eared-poop
            https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … pitol.html
            https://www.ibtimes.sg/dna-test-poop-sm … gins-54777
            https://www.the-sun.com/news/2105149/tr … -building/

          2. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "Russian interference was not ‘proven’. " - Obviously a far-right false talking point.  In addition to what Valeant wrote, you should read this:

            https://www.justice.gov/archives/sco/fi … 6/download

            "There was clear evidence of tampering by Hillary and the DNC with the fake and bogus dossier they floated that disrupted our republic for years." - What proof, lol?  Nobody even looked because this is nothing more than another Republican/Putin lie.  As to the Steele dossier, the person who first "floated" was, if memory serves, Sen McCain - a Republican. 
            Pertinent facts about the dossier that Trump minions prefer to ignore in there bogus attempt to change the narrative:

            1.  The dossier "is an unfinished 35-page compilation of raw intelligence"

            2.  The dossier was leaked (contrary to the commenters claim)

            3.  "The dossier's 17 reports allege that Trump campaign members and Russian operatives had conspired to co-operate in Russia's election interference to benefit Trump." - While Mueller didn't have quite enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was a conspiracy, he did prove what we commonly think of as collusion (I think Mueller was wrong regarding Paul Manafort, I think there was more than enough evidence to prove "conspiracy")

            4.  "It also alleges that Russia sought to damage Hillary Clinton's candidacy, including sharing negative information about Clinton with the Trump campaign." - This was TRUE

            5. "The draft dossier was published in full by BuzzFeed News on January 10, 2017, noting that it was unverified"

            6.  The Steele Dossier began with Republicans - "In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates."

            7.  It seems like Steele didn't even know the Democrats had taken over the Republican effort for quite a while. "DNC officials denied knowing their attorney had contracted with Fusion GPS, and Steele asserted he was not aware the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research until months after he contracted with Fusion GPS."

            8.  "Some aspects of the dossier have been corroborated in particular its main allegations that Putin and Russia actively favored Trump over Clinton and that many Trump campaign officials and associates had multiple secret contacts with Russians.

            9. "Contrary to a conspiracy theory promoted by Trump, Fox News, and many of Trump's congressional supporters, the dossier was not the trigger for the opening of the FBI's "Crossfire Hurricane" counterintelligence investigation into "whether individuals associated with the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign were coordinating, wittingly or unwittingly, with the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election,"

            10. "It did play a central role in the seeking of FISA warrants on Carter Page in terms of establishing FISA's low bar for probable cause" - And that was ALL it did, contrary to all of the lies put out by Trump and his minions and defenders

            All of that was easy to find, you just needed to look rather than believe Republican/Putin propaganda.


            "I find the civil disruption pushed by the left, before and after the election (which is still ongoing) to have been much more destructive to our cohesiveness as a society." - first, it wasn't the "left" pushing anything, it was the killing of unarmed blacks that did the "pushing" and second, it is sad you don't recognize that

            "I’m sorry but you’ve already pushed a lie about January 6th in a prior conversation" - What Lie??  That it didn't happen or that the police are lying about getting beat up?

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              The Russian dossier was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. They were the only ones that have been proven to be using Russian contacts to compose lies about Trump. This is a fact and has been well proven via the Muller report.

              "The Democratic Party-financed dossier, once celebrated by liberal Washington politicians and journalists, is officially debunked, according to a review of special counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page investigative report.

              Dossier creator Christopher Steele, who was paid with money from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, leveled at least a dozen Russian election conspiracy charges against President Trump and associates."
              https://apnews.com/article/technology-j … d92b775d98

              SORRY FOR THE LONG LIST --- BUT ONCE AND FOR ALL HERE ARE MUELLER"S FINDING'S --- The facts as Mueller reported

              Here are 12 of Mr. Steele’s 2016 conspiracy charges that were in the dossier, as compared with Mueller's factual findings.

              Mr. Steele: There was an “extensive conspiracy between Trump campaign team and Kremlin” and a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation between them and Russian leadership.”

              Mr. Mueller: Not true. “The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,” he wrote.

              Mr. Steele: Mr. Trump and his team set up a hacking operation in the U.S. Mr. Trump funded hacking teams overseas along with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

              Mr. Mueller: Not true. The Mueller investigation found no such illegal activities.

              Mr. Steele: The supposed U.S. hacking operation was funded by the Russian Embassy in Washington. It skimmed cash off pension payments to emigres. The Trump team was involved.

              Mr. Mueller: No such evidence was presented.

              Mr. Steele: Former campaign manager Paul Manafort and volunteer adviser Carter Page worked as a team to liaison with the Kremlin on election interference.

              Mr. Mueller:   Not true. “The investigation did not establish that Page coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election,” the report said.

              For Manafort, the Mueller report cited his sharing of internal polling with his longtime employee in Ukraine, Konstantin Kilimnik, whom the FBI believes is tied to Russian intelligence.

              “The Office did not identify evidence of a connection between Manafort’s sharing polling data and Russia’s interference in the election, which had already been reported by U.S. media outlets at the time of the August 2 meeting. The investigation did not establish that Manafort otherwise coordinated with the Russian government on its election-interference efforts,” the report states.

              Mr. Steele: The Trump campaign received a regular flow of anti-Democratic Party intelligence from the Kremlin.

              Mr. Mueller: Not true.

              Mr. Steele: Mr. Trump exchanged information with Russian intelligence for eight years.

              Mr. Mueller: Not true.

              Mr. Steele: Mr. Trump knew of and supported WikiLeaks’ alliance with Moscow, which fed stolen Democratic Party emails to the anti-secrecy group. It released them in huge batches during the campaign.

              Mr. Mueller:   Weeks before the election, evidence pointed to the Kremlin as the hacker. There is no evidence that Mr. Trump supported the illegal activity.

              Mr. Steele: The Kremlin told Mr. Trump it had incriminating evidence on him but would not use it.

              Mr. Mueller: No evidence of conspiracy.

              Mr. Steele: Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen secretly traveled to Prague in August 2016 to meet with Putin cronies to devise a cover-up of the conspiracy and pay off hackers. This is one of Mr. Steele’s most sensational charges.

              Mr. Mueller: Not true. “Cohen had never traveled to Prague and was not concerned about those allegations, which he believed were provably false,” the special counsel wrote.

              Mr. Steele: Carter Page, while on a public trip to Moscow in July 2016 to deliver a commencement speech, met with two powerful Putin associates. Mr. Page agreed to a huge bribe in exchange for lifting U.S. economic sanctions on Russian businesses and figures.

              Mr. Mueller: Investigators couldn’t determine everything Mr. Page, an energy investor, did during the trip. Mr. Page repeatedly has denied the Steele tale. He wasn’t charged. Mr. Mueller cleared him of any election conspiracy.

              Mr. Steele: Russian intelligence has material on Mr. Trump’s sex escapades in The Ritz-Carlton hotel in Moscow during the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant, which he co-owned with NBCUniversal.

              Mr. Mueller: His report contains no evidence. Rumored tapes of the encounter with prostitutes are “fake,” Giorgi Rtskhiladze, a U.S.-based businessman, told the FBI. Mr. Rtskhiladze was an early player in the Trump Organization’s 2015-16 bid to build a Moscow hotel.

              Mr. Steele: Russian entrepreneur Aleksej Gubarev, owner of the web-hosting service firm XBT, hacked Democratic Party computers under pressure from Russian intelligence. Mr. Gubarev categorically denies the charge and has sued Mr. Steele in London.

              Mr. Mueller: His report depicts Russian military intelligence officers as the lone hackers, working out of boiler rooms at a Moscow headquarters. There is no mention of Mr. Gubarev.

              These are the facts as Mueller discovered in a twp year investigation.

              There was no evidence that Trump conspired with Russia to win the election. Mueller did find Russia did interfere with the election but were non-related to conspiring with the GOP or Trump.

              It is disheartening to see many still spread conspiracy theories and make claims that Trump worked with Russian's to try to win the election. There is only one person that did that --- Hillary Clinton she bought and paid for the information that was reportedly from Russians.   

              It always amazes me how Democrats can make accusations against someone, as Hillary did,  of exactly what they tried to perpetrate.  More amazing they can sell it to some of the public.

              1. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "The Russian dossier was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. " - Since you appear to be confused about this,  let's reprise a couple of facts:

                6.  The Steele Dossier began with Republicans - "In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates."

                7.  It seems like Steele didn't even know the Democrats had taken over the Republican effort for quite a while. "DNC officials denied knowing their attorney had contracted with Fusion GPS, and Steele asserted he was not aware the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research until months after he contracted with Fusion GPS."

                So much for that false narrative.

                I just noticed the source of your information - a right-wing opinion piece from a right-wing newspaper, Washington Times.   So there is no telling if the author reported the right context.

                Here are a few examples of what IS TRUE from the raw intelligence:

                ... that there was an extensive and "well-developed conspiracy of co-operation between [the Trump campaign] and the Russian leadership",[170] with information willingly exchanged in both directions.[171] That this co-operation was "sanctioned at the 'highest level' and involved Russian diplomatic staff based in the US" - While Mueller couldn't delope enough evidence to convince him he could win a conspiracy conviction in court, he definitely laid out lots of examples of what we term collusion (keep in mind Mueller ALSO SAID much information was kept hidden from his team).

                "...That the Trump campaign used "moles within DNC as well as hackers in the US and Russia" - Not Dispproven

                ".. that Trump associates had established "an intelligence exchange [with the Kremlin] for at least 8 years". That Trump and his team had delivered "intelligence on the activities, business and otherwise, in the US of leading Russian oligarchs and their families", as requested by Putin." - Apparently verified  - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39435786

                ".. that a major goal of the Russians in supporting Trump was "to upset the liberal international status quo, including on Ukraine-related sanctions, which was seriously disadvantaging the country" - Mueller and others verified this

                "... that Putin aimed to spread "discord and disunity" within the United States and between Western allies, whom he saw as a threat to Russia's interests." - Mueller and others verified this

                "... that "TRUMP was viewed as divisive in disrupting the whole US political system; anti-Establishment; and a pragmatist with whom they could do business." That Trump would remain a divisive force even if not elected." - Common Knowledge

                "... that Putin feared and hated Hillary Clinton." - Not sure about the "feared" part, but the "hated" part is obvious

                "... that Putin's interference operation had an "objective of weakening CLINTON and bolstering TRUMP"." - That was one of Mueller's major findings

              2. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "The Russian dossier was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC." - is false.  Testimony says that Hillary and the DNC didn't even know about it to start with.  Give me the quote in Mueller's report that says they did.  If you can't, concede you are wrong.

        3. Miebakagh57 profile image72
          Miebakagh57posted 23 months agoin reply to this

          So biden should not raise a heel against Putin?!

      2. My Esoteric profile image84
        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Because HIllary never "whined" about a stolen election. She conceded right away like any honorable and ethical person would and not put democracy at risk like Trump is doing.

    4. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      More about the attempted coup by Trump prior to the Jan 6 insurrection.  This is a statement from Sen Blumingthal after listening to testimny from former acting AG Rosen on Saturday.

      "Blumenthal said he “was struck by how close the country came to total catastrophe” after listening to the entire closed-door testimony of Rosen Saturday."

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/07/politics … index.html

    5. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Analysis by Stephen Collison of the latest revelations about Trump's on-going coup attempt.

      It starts out with "A burst of new disclosures exposing the extraordinary efforts by ex-President Donald Trump to steal power after his election defeat constitute a grave warning about the future and his potential bid to recapture the White House.

      The audacity of the former President’s attempts to subvert the law by weaponizing the Justice Department not only underscores how close the United States came to a full blown constitutional crisis this year. It also emphasizes that any attempt by Trump to use a war chest already worth $100 million to try to recapture the White House in 2024 would represent a mortal threat to democracy and the rule of law from a leader who was undeterred even by his own first impeachment."

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/09/politics … index.html

    6. crankalicious profile image89
      crankaliciousposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Trump never had any evidence the election was "rigged" and still doesn't have any such evidence - as demonstrated by his lawyers' inability to verify any fraud claims in court. Yet, he attempt to force the Justice Department to overturn the election. Bill Barr has stated so and Jeffrey Rosen has testified to that.

      What is clear now is the former President Trump needs to be in jail for treason and that anyone who could possibly still support the man is a traitor to this country, more interested in worshipping a demagogue than the country's Constitution.

      1. My Esoteric profile image84
        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        "Trump never had any evidence the election was "rigged" and still doesn't have any such evidence " - Didn't you know Trump never lies and his word is gospel?  LOL.

    7. Kyler J Falk profile image83
      Kyler J Falkposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      This is mostly-irrelevant to the conversation, but I had to comment because it made me laugh. I misread this question as:

      "Did Trump really try to impregnate a cop?"

      I was like, "Uh, probably," but then I realized I misread the title, lmao!

    8. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Well Gee, Trump was wrong again - he wasn't installed as president today as he and his supporters tried to scare us with.  That said, he is still stoking the flames and inciting his more violent supplicants to stage another attack - at least that is what DHS believes.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/13/politics … index.html

    9. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      They also rebuked Reeder for claiming in an April FBI interview that the riot was "a plan to allow people in" so the media could "demonize the Trump people" -- a conspiracy theory that 55% of Republicans believe is true, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that was conducted in April.

      Isn't it absolutely amazing that 55% of supposedly intelligent Republicans believe this conspiracy theory BS.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this


        Not sure how to break the news ---  So I will let Reuters do it -- "WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) - The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials."  https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclus … 021-08-20/

        "FBI finds no evidence Capitol riot was coordinated
        Dozens of followers of far-right militias have been charged with conspiracy from the January 6 riots, but the FBI doesn’t believe they had a plan once they entered the US Capitol"

        "The FBI has reportedly found no evidence that far-right allies of Donald Trump conspired to overturn the presidential election during the January 6 assault on the US Capitol, according to law enforcement officers briefed on the investigation."   https://news.yahoo.com/fbi-finds-no-evi … 03169.html

        Did Trump Really Try To Implement a Coup?  It appears the FBI does not think so... 

        It just was not fair for some to accuse President Trump of participating in any form of planning of the Jan 6 riot.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I don't think anybody ever claimed there was one or two central figures that sat down and actively planned the riot.  As the article says, there were a few groups who did organize and plan to enter the capitol - many of those are facing conspiracy charges now.

          But that is not what implementing a coup means.  Trump knows how to rile people up.  Trump knows they were primed to riot because he set the stage.  Trump sent them to the Capitol with a specific purpose - to stop the vote count.  They did that.  That is a coup.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "The person organizing the coups is the then current president, Donald Trump, and his minions.  The nescient coups attempt began months before the election as Trump  laid the groundwork to falsely claim the election was rigged in the event he lost in November.  Fast forward to the election and Trump did lose and he started implementing his plan to overthrow the will of the people."

            Need I quote some of what you claimed in the weeks after the Jan riot?
            Come on... You were very much accusatory of Trump, and the people that entered the Capitol.  Conspiracies as a rule don't pan out. As all the Trump accusations, from his Taxes to Russia Russia  --- none turned out to be factual.

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Your quote is correct.  And to the extent that Trump set the stage and pulled the trigger, he "organized" it.  He didn't the inflammatory lying.  He assembled his "troops" in Washington DC.  He sent them to the Capitol with the words to "Fight for America".  And that is what they did.

              Now, were there formal strategy sessions by Trump or any others to lay out the tactics and plan the minute to minute moves, I seriously doubt it.  It is THAT level of planning that the FBI found little evidence of.

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I would have to say that liberal cities "set the stage" with months of demonstrating that rioting is not only all right but the right thing to do.  Of course, the rioters in DC didn't do near the damage that was done elsewhere, but maybe they weren't very experienced at burning and looting, either.  Or maybe they just had an agenda (demand a fair election) and stuck to it rather than simply destroy under the guise of demanding an end to law enforcement.

                Of course I also understand that you will disagree that months of watching thousands upon thousands of people burning cities with no response (except to refuse any help)  played no part in "setting the stage".  But it is my opinion, along with millions of others, that watching that disgraceful display of anarchy DID have an effect beyond burned out buildings and livelihoods destroyed.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Your so-called liberals cities didn't lie to Trump supporters about not losing the election, now did they.  They protested cops killing blacks.

                  You are again making things up. There were never "thousands upon thousands of people burning cities" - that is simply a lie.  If you had said tens to a hundred CRIMINALS burning cities, then you might have something.

                  Saying  "with no response" is another lie - plain and simple.

                  I'll use one of your tactics - Did you talk to each of those millions of people you reference?

                  And once again you show you are not capable of understanding the difference between some buildings in a city and the seat of American Democracy.  SAD.

                  1. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Unfortunately our Capital building is no longer the seat of American Democracy.  It used to be, but the American form of democracy requires people working together and  compromising with each other to guide and run the nation.  That concept has died, with every year making it more and more obvious that the "leaders" of our nation are not interested in working with each other and not interested in either the needs of the nation or its people.  Thus that building is no longer the "seat of American Democracy"; it is only the place where professional lifelong politicians use Democracy to pad their own pockets and build their power.  SAD.

                    You want the real "seat of American Democracy"?  It is in the towns and cities of the country.  It is in the police precinct buildings from which Democratic based laws are enforced.  It is in the courtrooms in those same towns and cities.  It is even in at least some of the state capitals where laws are enacted.  But it is no longer in Washington DC, where no one cares about American Democracy any more.

    10. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      6 Weeks Later and Trump is STILL trying to overturn the election.  He recently sent a letter to the GA SOS demanding that he decertify the GA election results. (Which is being included in both the GA and House investigations of Trump's illegal activities)

      Then there is this where it appears Trump came closer to succeeding with his coup attempt than we thought.  Newly discovered emails describe the extent of his effort.

      "New bombshells show Trump's coup threat was real and hasn't passed

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/22/politics … index.html

      One ironic quote puts a floor on Trump during the days after his defeat (keep in mind, this from people who don't believe Trump was trying to execute a coup)
      And skeptics of the coup terminology also suggested that Trump's efforts were little more than madcap and incompetent political theater.

      And then there is this from Trump lawyer on how VP Pence can overthrow the election.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/21/politics … index.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        A bombshell IMO would be some sort of factual proof that leads to an arrest. Not a bunch of he said she said. New evidence of a coup??? Really, any dated when the insurrection was to take place? Any instruction in regard to anything? Any instructions of any kind?  Quoting your CNN article

        "Trump had blueprints that the Republicans tried to use to prevent Congress from certifying President Joe Biden's clear and genuine victory, in the form of a memo that laid out a plan for then-Vice President Mike Pence to thwart Biden's Electoral College triumph. The memo was reported in the new book "Peril," by Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, and was later obtained by CNN.
        Trump's own campaign staff knew that outlandish claims of fraud made by the then-President's lawyers were utterly false, according to a report in The New York Times. But they did nothing to stop his dangerous allegations.
        Trump sent a letter full of false information to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, asking him to start the process of decertifying the 2020 election.
        "Peril" also contains a passage that shows Trump cared little for truth, what voters decided in November or bedrock constitutional values -- but agonized about his reputation and mused that accepting defeat would brand him as one of history's losers."

        Your comment  "organized effort to effect sudden and irregular (e.g., illegal or extra-legal) removal of the incumbent executive authority of a national government, or to displace the authority of the highest levels of one or more branches of government. "

        Do you have any form of evidence of an "organized effort on Trump's part to plan a coup? Not words he said at a rally that you add your own context, but a coordinated Plan...

        Your comment -- "The person organizing the coups is the then-current president, Donald Trump, and his minions.  The nescient coups attempt began months before the election as Trump  laid the groundwork to falsely claim the election was rigged in the event he lost in November. "

        "False claims" are in any respect well-set out plan or instructions to commit a Government coup. 

        Perhaps it's time to return to the unraveling Russia conspiracy you felt was 100% true.  John Durham has indicted a second co-conspirator that participated in the Hillary Clinton Russian Hoax. This is current and worth discussing. Here is the  Sussmann indictment...  It's well-written and factual.
        https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/17/politics … index.html

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          "A bombshell IMO would be some sort of factual proof that leads to an arrest. " - And why do you qualify that with "leads to an arrest"?  Is the proof not valid if there is not arrest?  If so, why?  You definitely have factual proof in the emails.

          Do you not agree that Trump was trying to remove the lawful executive (Biden) by overturning a fair and free and certified (by the States) election?  If you don't think so, then exactly what do you think Trump has been up to since June of 2020??

          Since Trump had

          1)  been prepping his base with his Bid Lie since June getting them ready to revolt in case he lost, and
          2) then he and his minions then driving home the Big Lie in the two months after he lost the election and
          3) then crafting his plans for Pence not to certify the election, and
          4) then calling his troops to Washington D.C. on the day of the certification vote, and
          5) then inflaming the mob that showed up with hate and violence filled rhetoric (always being care to say one or two peaceful things in there for his supporters to trot out and say SEE), and
          6) then sending them marching to the Capitol to SAVE AMERICA (a march he promised to join but characteristically lied about doing), and
          7) then not reacting when word of the horrific violence taking place at the Capitol reached him.

          To me, that is a slam dunk prosecution that any juror with half a brain could follow leading to a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt.

          Since there was no so-called "Hillary Clinton Russian Hoax" that statement cannot in any way be true.  Now if you had said the truth which is a Republican-driven investigation into the Trump campaigns Russian connections (of which there were many), then at least you started from a true premise.

          As to the laughable indictment of Sussmann:

          https://www.lawfareblog.com/special-cou … l-sussmann


          Durham had, beyond that one case (a low level FBI lawyer) issued no findings or reports and had charged nobody with anything. He had merely existed and, by existing, allowed expectations and conspiracy theories to swirl around him.


          But now Durham has spoken on his own. He has indicted a cybersecurity lawyer named Michael Sussmann for allegedly making a single false statement in a conversation in 2016 with then-FBI General Counsel Jim Baker. The allegedly false statement concerned not Trump or Russia, but whom Sussmann represented when he brought Baker some information about an alleged electronic connection between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.

          WOW, Explosive!

          The indictment is, in other words, far removed from the grave FBI misconduct Durham was supposed to reveal. Very far removed. In fact, it doesn’t describe FBI malfeasance against Trump at all, but portrays the FBI as the victim of agitprop brought to it by outside political operatives. It describes the FBI as diligently running down the leads it had been fed by these operatives and then, well, dropping the matter when it learned they had no merit.

          Sussmann has pled not guilty and I bet will win.

    11. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Well, as expected the SHAM Arizona Republican so-called "audit" (part of Trump's coup attempt) found that Biden beat Trump.  In fact, if you can believe the "audit", Biden GAINED 99 votes while Trump LOST over 200!! LOL.

      Now Texas (where Trump won) and Pennsylvania will waste a lot of taxpayer's money to come to the same conclusion.

      I would say "what a farce" if it weren't so damaging to American democracy.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/24/politics … index.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Such old news, most have long moved on from the 2020 election. We have had a new president for 8 months. And it is very clear at this point the majority of American's are having buyers remorse. Polls are worsening daily.

        The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by The ANTIFA by Jack Posobiec, for Friday shows that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-six percent (56%) disapprove.

        The latest figures include 23% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 47% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -24. (see trends)

        Fivethirtyeight this morning  49.2 disapproval -- 45.4 approval.
        https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/bi … al-rating/

        Maybe you might want to keep a closer eye on your guy, and his grifter of a son.
        And all the revelations that are being reported on the Durham investigation.

        So, odd you can ignore all of the current news. Seem's like you only worry about the past, not the present.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          ALL the Revelations?  Come on, give me a break.  He has had zero, none, nada, zilch "revelations" about anything.  Even the one, singular, unique guilty plea wasn't a "revelation", it was already known.

          Durham has been a huge waste of money and resources and a stain on his good reputation.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            As was Mueller... I consider Durham connecting the Clinton Campaign and the very attorney that represented that campagn planted one of the firsts Lies or seeds of Hillary Russia grift very very relevant.  It would seem you are willing to ignore evidence, as you did with all the Steel dodier. and the railroading of Fylnn and Carter Page.  The puzzle is coming together nicely.  Not sure what else Durham has, but hopefully he traps Hillary, she is a slipper rat, and always has been.

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              So you think not telling the FBI who he represented is relevant?  What is it relevant to?  Sorry, but you are clearly tilting at windmills here and making mountain out of tiny little ant hills.

              As to Mueller, I just chalk that up to your unreasonable belief that Trump or his campaign or his administration can't be guilty of anything even though many have been indicted and found or pleaded guilty.  I am sorry to say, it is that blindness to reality which makes most of us take anything you say with a shaker of salt.

              What "railroading"??  Flynn pleaded guilty and he was guilty of much more.  And I have to repeat myself again about the dossier - a lot of it was verified and none of it was disproved!  The rest falls in that gray area of maybe true, maybe not

              Since Durham has found nothing, I suspect his "investigation" will be closed.  Remember, a few of his staff quit from being pressured to find something wrong when their was no evidence.

              I am still hoping Congress or DOJ will indict Trump on the many cases of Obstruction of Justice that Mueller provided lots of evidence for.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "So you think not telling the FBI who he represented is relevant?  What is it relevant to?  Sorry, but you are clearly tilting at windmills here and making mountain out of tiny little ant hills."

                I think Sussmann was sent to do a job --- lie, which he did. You seem to forget or I will give you the benefit of the doubt  --- what he told the FBI was proven to be untrue.

                "Special counsel John Durham charged lawyer Michael Sussman over a statement during a Sept. 19, 2016 meeting between Sussmann and the then-FBI general counsel, James Baker, at which Sussman told Baker about suspicions relating to alleged secret communications between the Trump campaign and Russia. The suspicions were later determined to be unfounded."

                "In fact, Sussmann acted on behalf of specific clients, namely a U.S. Technology Industry Executive, a U.S. Internet Company, and the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign.”  https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justic … n-n1279353

                His lie misled an FBI investigation, that held no truth and slandered the President. right before the election. Did not work, but Clinton gave it her all.

                It's been reported (leaked)  that Durham Durham at this point is requesting indictments on Perkins Coie.

                This past week Sussmann resigned from his law firm, Perkins Coie.

                The full list of Mueller indictments and plea deals
                1) George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, was arrested in July 2017 and pleaded guilty in October 2017 to making false statements to the FBI. He got a 14-day sentence.

                2) Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was indicted on a total of 25 different counts by Mueller’s team, related mainly to his past work for Ukrainian politicians and his finances. He had two trials scheduled, and the first ended in a conviction on eight counts of financial crimes. To avert the second trial, Manafort struck a plea deal with Mueller in September 2018 (though Mueller’s team said in November that he breached that agreement by lying to them). He was sentenced to a combined seven and a half years in prison.

                3) Rick Gates, a former Trump campaign aide, and Manafort’s longtime junior business partner, was indicted on similar charges to Manafort. But in February 2018 he agreed to a plea deal with Mueller’s team, pleading guilty to just one false statement charge and one conspiracy charge. He was sentenced to 45 days in prison and 3 years of probation.

                4) Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty in December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI. -- Charges were dropped

                5-20) 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

                21) Richard Pinedo: This California man pleaded guilty to an identity theft charge in connection with the Russian indictments, and has agreed to cooperate with Mueller. He was sentenced to 6 months in prison and 6 months of home detention in October 2018.

                22) Alex van der Zwaan: This London lawyer pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with Rick Gates and another unnamed person based in Ukraine. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and has completed his sentence.

                23) Konstantin Kilimnik: This longtime business associate of Manafort and Gates, who’s currently based in Russia, was charged alongside Manafort with attempting to obstruct justice by tampering with witnesses in Manafort’s pending case last year.

                24-35) 12 Russian GRU officers: These officers of Russia’s military intelligence service were charged with crimes related to the hacking and leaking of leading Democrats’ emails in 2016.

                36) Michael Cohen: In August 2018, Trump’s former lawyer pleaded guilty to 8 counts — tax and bank charges, related to his finances and taxi business, and campaign finance violations — related to hush-money payments to women who alleged affairs with Donald Trump, as part of a separate investigation in New York (that Mueller had handed off). But in November, he made a plea deal with Mueller too, for lying to Congress about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

                37) Roger Stone: In January 2019, Mueller indicted longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone on 7 counts. He accused Stone of lying to the House Intelligence Committee about his efforts to get in touch with WikiLeaks during the campaign and tampering with a witness who could have debunked his story. He was convicted on all counts after a November 2019 trial.

                Finally, there is one other person Mueller initially investigated but handed over to others in the Justice Department to charge: Sam Patten. This Republican operative and lobbyist pleaded guilty to not registering as a foreign agent with his work for Ukrainian political bigwigs, and agreed to cooperate with the government.

                None of these changes have led to any charges against Trump. This is just factual.

                Not sure how you can know what Durham has found in his lengthy investigation, the report has not been presented. He did indict Sussmann due to being up against the statute of limitations on charging him. 

                Then there was this ugly Clinton ploy --- that Durham uncovered. You may call this nothing, but it more than proves what lengths Clinton would go to smear Trump. Let's not forget the ridiculous Steel fake dossier.

                "Kevin Clinesmith, the former FBI lawyer who altered an email during the Russia investigation that was used to justify the surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, was sentenced to one-year probation on Friday.

                Clinesmith, who worked for the FBI for four years, pleaded guilty last summer to falsifying the communication during the early stages of the FBI's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election and possible ties to the Trump campaign.

                The document was altered to show that Page was "not a source" for the CIA, even though the original message from the CIA indicated otherwise. The CIA had earlier told investigators in a memo that Page was an "operational contact" for the agency from 2008 to 2013 and provided information about his contacts with Russian intelligence officers."
                https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/pol … 072865001/

                All her dishonest BS and minions doing her dirty work got her zip... She lost.

                So, let's wait to see what Durham has. Hopefully, he will provide more facts that will tell the entire ugly grift Clinton tried to pull. He has certainly given us two of her flunkies.  I think there will be more. I want justice, and for her to live out her life knowing the truth was outed and showed her for the grifter she has been all her life.  I mean Trump has been exonerated, but Hillery, her deeds need to be documented for history's sake.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  'I think Sussmann was sent to do a job --- lie, which he did. " - What makes you think so?  What was he sent to lie about?  What else, besides the low level FBI lawyer, has Durham found?

                  So now you are claiming Durham is seeking indictments on Sussmann's former employer Perkin Coie. Funny.  In fact, this is what you are grasping at straws about "But now they’ve finally found their culprit (Sussmann)! A lawyer who maybe, kind of, might have worked with the Clinton campaign told the FBI about a cybersecurity issue and didn’t say he was doing so on behalf of the campaign."  WOW, what a bombshell revelation!! - NOT

                  "His lie misled an FBI investigation, " - Exactly how did it do that since they already knew who Sussmann represented?  Mountains out of tiny ant hills, I say.

                  "None of these changes have led to any charges against Trump." - Of course they didn't - I thought you knew Trump couldn't be charged by Mueller.  Could THAT be a reason Trump wasn't charged? Maybe now that you know this, you might change your implication.   And thanks for making my case about Mueller's important work.

                  How long must we wait for Durham to come up with anything?  Another two years.  BTW, the ONLY "grifter" is Trump.  "Flunkies" - you certainly have a way of exaggerating to the point of ridiculousness, lol.

                  The ONLY think Trump, personally, was so-called "exonerated" (a word that Mueller didn't use in the positive sense) from was conspiring with the Russians.  Trump's campaign was exonerated from nothing and several were indicted and convicted for wrong doing (which I bet if you did a count, a majority of Trump's close associates have been)  FURTHER, Mueller provided clear evidence that Trump is personally guilty of obstruction of justice. 

                  BTW, I never really thought Trump, himself, had conversations with the Russians. But, his campaign certainly colluded with them - Mueller presented a lot of evidence showing that.  I do think Trump and Roger Stone conspired to get the Wikileak purloined information released.  Since it was the Russians who provided Wikileaks that information, you do have that connection between Trump and Russia.

                  Hillary Clinton, IMO, was one of the most dedicated, hard working, honest (as a politician can be) public servant that has come around in a long time.  You hate her while you love the most vile, corrupt, dishonest (even by political standards) con man to ever hold office.

                  A last point.  I would hope you agree that when a people lose confidence in their nations election system, then democracy has been subverted/destroyed.  If so, then why don't you see that Trump is doing (actual has done) just that by convincing a substantial portion of Americans that the free and fair 2020 election was a fraud?  You do know he is lying about that don't you?  I certainly hope so.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I shared my thoughts on the subject, and I clearly feel Durham connecting the two he indited show good proof of Clinton's scam.  And the two he indited had good parts in planting the Russia/Trump scandal, that got half the country to believe a lie. That's my opinion. I will wait to see if Durham has any more revelations in his report.

                    I always knew the Trump/Russia crap was a Clinton grift, it had their MO all over it.  Hillary's reputation is there for all to research. I found her dishonest and power-hungry.  She was and always was a grifter always in the middle of a scandal.

                    I never had a problem with the election process, still don't.  To each their own... I think there was minor fraud as there is in all elections.  I accepted the new president.

    12. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      More Trumplican rhetoric to instigate a coup.  Bannon hides his violent ideas by saying his "shock troops" are bureaucrats and are only to attack after a Trumplican takes over the White House.  He knows the proud boys, oath keepers, and 3%ers won't wait.

      https://news.yahoo.com/steve-bannon-dou … 54820.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        It's very well known that Bannon as a rule offers radical opinions. He has a following. I don't ascribe to his ideologies.  Although, I think he has many that do follow him and buy into his agenda.

        I hope Trump stays away from him, I feel Bannon is radical, and Trump would lose support if he leans into radical BS.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I am glad you reject Bannon but unfortunately for you, it looks like Trump is in bed with Bannon again.

    13. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I see The Woose, Pense, has joined the anti-democracy crowd by whitewashing the attempted murder of himself.

      I notice that Trump has finally admitted he did a terrible job with his slogan Make America Great - Again meaning he blew it the first time.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/07/politics … index.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        He can use "Make America Great Once Again" which showed he had it pretty great and can do it again. Although it may not fit well on a hat. I will be up for a button.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Hmmmm, that is certainly not my interpretation.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I realize that...

    14. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      The definition of a coup - Senate Judiciary Committee issues sweeping report detailing how Trump and a top DOJ lawyer attempted to overturn 2020 election

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/07/politics … index.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Here is the minorities report -- So much different from The Dem's Report.

        • President Trump listened to his advisors, including high-level DOJ officials and WhiteHouse Counsel, and followed their recommendations.1
        • President Trump twice rejected sending Jeffrey Clark’s, the Acting Assistant AttorneyGeneral of the Civil Division, a draft letter recommending to some states with reported voter irregularities that they hold a legislative session to choose different electors.2
        • Clark told Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen regarding his draft letter, [t]hese are my ideas,” not the President’s.3
        • President Trump accepted Rosen’s recommendations that DOJ not file a draft complaint against some states based on reported voter irregularities and “didn’t resist it or deliver an ultimatum or try to overrule [DOJ].”4
        • Donoghue testified that President Trump had “no impact” on DOJ investigative actions relating to the election.5
        • President Trump twice rejected firing Rosen.6
        • President Trump did not fire anyone at the DOJ or FBI relating to his frustration that more wasn’t done to investigate election-related allegations.7
        • President Trump considered Richard Donoghue as Acting Attorney General, Principal Deputy Attorney General, and Rosen’s deputy when Bill Barr resigned.8
        • President Trump told Rosen that he did not expect the DOJ to overturn the election.9
        • Witnesses testified that they were not pressured by President Trump or the White House to take action with respect to investigating certain election fraud claims.10
        • Notes of a phone call between Rosen, Donoghue, and President Trump show that the President expressed concerns centered on “legitimate complaints and reports of crimes” relating to election allegations.11
        • Witnesses testified that President Trump’s outreach to DOJ officials focused on making sure they were “aware” of election fraud allegations and that they were doing their job to investigate them, rather than issuing orders to take certain action.12
        • President Trump expressed concerns related to the U.S. electoral system writ large rather than concerns about his campaign or himself personally.13

        Always nice to see both sides, especially in a Congressional investigation.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          You mean you are taking the side of the Republicans who whitewash the insurrection?  Who say all those injured police "invited" the rioters into the Capitol? Who believe many of those who invaded the Capitol weren't intent on killing politicians?  Is it those Republicans who you chose to believe over the real facts? Alrighty then.

          "Donoghue testified that President Trump had “no impact” on DOJ investigative actions relating to the election." - That is true - BECAUSE DOJ stood up to Trump's attempts to overthrow the election.

          "President Trump did not fire anyone at the DOJ or FBI relating to his frustration that more wasn’t done to investigate election-related allegations.7" = ROFL again.  He didn't fire them because Cipollone and a host of DOJ big wigs threatened to resign if Trump carried through with his threat.  That would look very bad and Trump hates to look bad.  That is why he dropped the idea.

          "President Trump told Rosen that he did not expect the DOJ to overturn the election." - I suppose that could be true since Trump told Rosen to "Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me.  Why would DOJ need to do it Trump was going to do it himself??

          "Witnesses testified that they were not pressured by President Trump " - REALLY? Then why did Cipollone and a host of DOJ officials threaten to resign if they didn't feel pressured?  Why did Cipollone say this thing Trump wanted to do was a "murder-suicide pact"?  Why would they do/say that if there was no pressure?

          "... centered on “legitimate complaints and reports of crimes ...” relating to election" - Which "legitimate" ones do you think they were referring to given there were NO legitimate complaints.  Even Giuliani just testified that he had no basis for all of the lies he told about election fraud, LOL

          "President Trump expressed concerns related to the U.S. electoral system writ large rather than concerns about his campaign or himself personally.13" - I take it they have been ignoring his rallies where he says exactly the opposite. LOL

          "Witnesses testified that President Trump’s outreach to DOJ officials focused on making sure they were “aware” of election fraud allegations and that they were doing their job to investigate them, rather than issuing orders to take certain action.12" - Yep, he did that 9 times! Once where we said to Rosen - "Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me, That certainly sounds like he was just making Rosen "aware", ROFL.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            The TDS (Trump Demagogue Syndrome) is certainly strong with that one.

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              It makes no difference to these so-called Republicans that Trump AND THEM have almost brought American democracy to an end.  It will only take a slight push now to send America into tyranny and a Trump dictatorship.  He is already surrounded by America's equivalents to Himmler, Eichmann, Goebbels, Speer, Hess, etc.  The brown shirts are the Proud Boys, 3%ers, Oath Keepers and the like of today.  The acquiescent, brainwashed masses in the 1930s are the same type of brainwashed masses who acquiesce today - who say things such as it is a lie that the unvaccinated make up over 90% of the Covid cases and deaths.

              The similarities are frighteningly striking.

              1. Valeant profile image77
                Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                The only principal that will guide my vote in 2022 and 2024.  The rest is noise.


          2. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Your very first sentence shows you applied a false context to my post...

            "You mean you are taking the side of the Republicans who whitewash the insurrection? "

            Where did I share my opinion on the report? Did I in any respect offer my opinion of the report?

            Here is what I said ---  Here is the minorities report -- So much different from The Dem's Report.   Always nice to see both sides, especially in a Congressional investigation.

            Then you once again go on a Trump rampage. All your opinion... I am not willing to speculate anything that occurred on Jan 6th.

            The investigation produced much of nothing. Waste of time and money.

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              You presented Grassley's minority report which was a whitewash of the truth.  I rest my case.

              There is no speculation about the 6th, it was all caught on video.

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                All caught on video...except the part where Trump encouraged a violent riot inside the capital building.  Indeed, video caught him doing the exact opposite.

                But hey, that isn't important, is it?  It's still an "insurrection", fomented by Trump, right?  Even though the video shows the opposite - we can just ignore that tiny detail, right?

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "All caught on video..." - Yes, even that was caught on video.  There was much footage from the crowd where you could hear Trump inciting them and them reacting angrily to his "fighting" words.  So, no, the video does not show the "exact opposite",  That video will used, I am sure, in his trial.

                  1. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I, too, am pretty sure it will be used at any trial of Trump over causing a riot.  By the defense.

              2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, I presented Senator Grassley's report he sat on the committee and reported his findings. Not sure why you dismiss them?  I respect his findings. I can't believe you feel your opinion overrides anyone you disagree with, and you have the audacity to say --  'I rest my case".

                As I said the investigation produced nothing. And this was a waste of money.  The FBI and DOJ are conducting investigations on the Jan 6 riot. I will stick with what they come up with --- they have indicted some citizens and they will have their day in court. Guess we will see where that goes. They have not indicted Trump unless I missed something. And they never will...

                They have it all on video, every word... Like when the President said "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,"

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "Not sure why you dismiss them? " - I dismiss them because they are contrary to the facts.  In order to support a Trump-apologist narrative, he (they) cherry-picked pieces of information, took them out of context, and just plain misrepresented the facts of the matter.

                  "They have it all on video, every word... " - [i]Yet you missed, or dismiss, the 20 times he used the "fight" or variations of "fight" during that same speech you so carefully listened to that inflamed is mob when put in context with other hot button words to make those listening to him even more angry.  He knew exactly what he was doing - but yet you attempt whitewash and minimize what he did.

                  "The FBI and DOJ are conducting investigations on the Jan 6 riot." - [/i]What has that got to do with anything. They aren't investigating the same thing, their investigation is very focused on the insurrectionists and NOT what got them there. They are not investigating the root cause of the insurrection. That is what the Jan 6 Commission is all about.[/i]

        2. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Here is a great example of how Republicans and their apologists minimize the truth by changing the context:

          In reference to this "innocent" statement from above - "President Trump told Rosen that he did not expect the DOJ to overturn the election."

          Here is what Grassley was referring to - According to Rosen, Trump opened the meeting by saying, “One thing we know is you, Rosen, aren’t going to do anything to overturn the election.” Over the course of the next three hours, the group had what Donoghue called “a wide-ranging conversation” focused on whether Trump should replace DOJ’s leadership,

          Here is what that REALLY means, and it isn't Grassley and his believers fantasy version:  Trump was CLEARLY being sarcastic when he said "One thing we know is you, Rosen, aren’t going to do anything to overturn the election.  Why do we know this, because they immediately started talking about replacing Rosen because he refused to do Trump's bidding in overturning the election.

    15. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      This has nothing to do with Trump's slow moving coup, but I wanted to put it out here anyway as food for thought for parents whose school lack of Covid policies got their children sick or dead.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/11/us/wisco … index.html

    16. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Others on this forum would say "many" Republicans, others would exaggerate, like the headline does, and say "some" Republicans, but I will say Two in the news Republicans urge their fellow, unbrainwashed, brethren and sisteren to vote for moderate Democrats in 2022 in order to put a stop to [b]Trump's slow moving Coup".

      https://www.businessinsider.com/gop-off … 22-2021-10

    17. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      More damning information on Trump's Slow Moving Coup

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/12/politics … index.html

    18. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Even more information on Trump's Slow Moving Coup

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/13/politics … index.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        This is a current problem that will affect Biden's presidency. And one that I am sure you would be interested in. You have exhibited an interest in crime that presidents' are involved in.  This involves our current President.  And certainly shows a possible crime. It is very promising that the FBI and DOJ will get to the bottom of these ongoing accusations about the president and his son Hunter Biden. I can't imagine if this story was about Trump and one of his children... This is what I was referring to the other day when I claimed one needs evidence, physical evidence, emails, one on one conversations, documents that can be used to convict one of a crime.  So far I have not seen any evidence that Trump planned an insurrection. But, Biden and Hunter, there is now an ever-growing trail of documents that could be used as evidence to show possible money laundering between dad and son. I would assume you do not approve of this form of criminal activity.  Or should we give Biden and Hunter the same benefit of the doubt as I offer Trump? 

        IN HOT WATER: New emails uncovered show Joe Biden shared a bank account with scandal-laden son Hunter Biden

        Emails obtained by DailyMail.com from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show that his business partner, Eric Schwerin, was working on Joe Biden’s tax returns and discussing the father and son paying each other’s bills.

        Additionally, the emails show that Schwerin fielded book deal requests for Joe Biden, who was vice-president at the time and also managed the donation of Biden’s Senate papers to the University of Delaware.

        Hunter Biden has claimed that he and his father shared a bank account and admitted last year that he was under federal investigation over his taxes.

        Emails show that on April 9, 2010, Schwerin wrote to Hunter: "I was dealing all afternoon with JRB's taxes (but solved a big issue - so it was all worth it)."

        On June 10 of the same year, Schwerin wrote, "Your Dad's Delaware tax refund check came today. I am depositing it in his account and writing a check in that amount back to you since he owes it to you. Don't think I need to run it by him, but if you want to go ahead. If not, I will deposit tomorrow."

        It is unknown what specifically Joe Biden owed Hunter money for.

        An expert on money laundering and criminal tax law told DailyMail.com that those entanglements could drag the current president into the FBI’s investigation.

        "Whatever transaction you're looking at, if there's a connection to a family member or a friend, sure the answer is yes [they would be investigated]," the expert, a former federal prosecutor who requested not to be named, told DailyMail.com. "Obviously, if you're talking about the President of the United States, you'd better have a pretty damn good reason to talk to that person."

        The FBI and IRS are reportedly also investigating Hunter Biden’s business relationships and the possibility that money laundering charges are in order.

        Another expert, former U.S. Intelligence Officer and Treasury Special Agent John Cassara, told DailyMail.com that President Biden would already be in the crosshairs if not for the fact that he’s the president.

        "The information available publicly is very worrisome, particularly in the areas of corruption," Cassara said. "They could go at this from all different avenues. Follow the corruption trail and then charge money laundering."

        https://www.foxnews.com/politics/joe-bi … ter-report

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          WHAT "ongoing accusations about the president AND his son Hunter Biden."? - seems to me you are exaggerating again.  Now if you had left it at Hunter, then you would have been believable.  Not no, you had to stretch credibility by bringing the president into it.

          You got all of that out of Fake Fox News and Fake Daily Mail?  When you provide a creditable source, I will read it.

          It simply amazes me how blind Trumpers are to what he is trying to do.  SAD.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            You have a short memory... LOL, You have accused Trump and his children of numerous crimes.  And you take about fake news...  The emails are displayed. One would think Hunter would stop losing laptops.

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Give me a legitimate source - CNN, CBS, BBC, NPR etc - that presents the story in the same way that Fox and Daily Mail do.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                It would seem to be a true account due to the documents that Fox presented. These give very good evidence of the accusation. As of yet, I have heard no statements from anyone involved denying the emails are legitimate.

                I suggest you read and view all the various emails that are posted on --- Very incriminating...   Tapes, and videos as well as emails that were on Hunter's laptop... 
                https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … probe.html

                ABC News ---   https://wset.com/news/nation-world/emai … nk-account

                Politico -- https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/ … ion-515583

                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I looked into the claims about Hunter Biden brokering deals based on his father's name.  There is smoke there.

                  As to the latest about sharing a bank account and setting up legal book deals, I think that is the latest fabricated 'scandal' from the far-right.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I see smoke, and after reading the emails more smoke. But I trust the FBI will do a complete investigation and have all this leaked info.  The article goes astray when it uses words like A former federal prosecutor.

                    At this point, he is also being investigated in Delaware for his taxes.
                    https://www.politico.com/news/2021/07/1 … tor-499782

                    This will be an interesting story to watch. But at this point, Hunter has not been charged with anything at all.

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Fox and Daily Mail (and Brietbart and OANN) are known to misrepresent facts and, in some cases, fabricate them.  That is why I don't believe a word they say, they no credibility or veracity left.

                  I did read, however, the Politico article last night and found it interesting.

                  First, let me say that over time, I have come to believe Hunter Biden as the same problem Trump does with ethics and morality.  They both walk on the shady side of the street.  Also, both are under investigation for potentially criminal behavior and both may ultimately be held accountable.  The only difference, at this point in time, is Hunter's crimes are less obvious than Trump's - that may change however.

                  Here is what I picked up out of the Politico article:

                  And it was unclear what to make of the alleged leak of material from Hunter Biden’s laptop, especially after social media companies moved to restrict access to the story and a bevy of former U.S. intelligence officials dismissed it as likely “Russian disinformation.”

                  Followed by -

                  That may be changing. Along with new evidence that at least some of the alleged laptop material is genuine

                  After all, concerns about money influencing politics have traditionally animated liberals more than conservatives.

                  Biden’s relatives have denied allegations of wrongdoing, and none have been accused of criminal misdeeds related to their business dealings. - which means, according to you, they are innocent as lambs in the driven snow, just as you claim Trump is.  But like with Trump, I don't buy that.  When there is a lot of smoke, there is almost certainly fire.  Right now I don't know how much smoke there is with relatives of Biden, but there is a blinding amount of it surrounding Trump.  That said, if the smoke thickens around Hunter or any of the other relatives, then they need to be indicted and prosecuted just like Trump should be.

                  That said, here is some of the Biden family smoke But in recent decades, members of the First Family, including Hunter Biden, have repeatedly entered into financial relationships with people who have an interest in influencing their powerful relative

                  More smoke [i[Several former business contacts have also accused Biden relatives of explicitly invoking their political clout to advance their business interests, charges that members of the family have denied. [/i]


                  And since 2007, several of their business associates have been convicted of federal fraud or corruption charges, though no members of the First Family have been implicated in those crimes. - Sort of reminds you have Trump, doesn't it (save the implicated part - Trump is implicated in some of the crimes his lawyer was convicted of)

                  Much more smoke was offered with this conclusion:

                  “Even though this administration isn’t corrupt on the same level as the previous administration, which seemed to embrace the corruption,” said Kathleen Clark, a law professor and government ethics expert at Washington University in St. Louis, “the public has reason to be concerned.”

    19. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Why are some Conservative lawmakers talking secession and civil war like they did back in the 1850s?

      https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/202 … dn-vpx.cnn

    20. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I see that the DOJ finally agreed that Trump's firing of FBI agent Andrew McCabe (via his flunky Jeff Sessions) was wrong and unwarranted.  McCabe has been exonerated, his record wiped clean, and '"reinstated" into the FBI so that he could properly retire.

      That is what a REAL exoneration looks like and not the fake one the Right says Mueller gave Trump (even though he explicitly said he wasn't)

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/14/politics … index.html

    21. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      As part of the rancid atmosphere left by Trump's rhetoric we have his supporters driving school board members out of their elected jobs.  Typical of Trumpers isn't it?

      https://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/202 … ation.html

      https://www.dailyherald.com/news/202110 … harassment

      https://www.tampabay.com/news/education … -harassed/

      Oh, then there is this: This very unChristian school tells vaccinated students to stay home.  The parents should do the right thing and enroll their vaccinated kids in public schools and get out from under Christians who wish to do them harm.

      https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/healt … e26dbd0478

      This is what Trump has done to America

      1. wilderness profile image90
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        No, this is what you claim Trump has done to America.

        In fact, this is what liberals have done to America with every increasing rules and "guidance" on how we must live to fit into their vision of the future; how to be a good, obedient, part of the vast nanny state we are becoming.

        It is possible that Trump opened eyes as to just what, and how, liberals are accomplishing this, but in event it is liberals that are doing it, and this stupidity is purely backlash to that nanny state that requires all people to accept the same "guidance" from liberals that know so much better than we do how we should live.

        1. GA Anderson profile image82
          GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Well damn, I'm getting some popcorn.

          GA :-O

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            While eating that popcorn, we can all wonder why taking a vaccine to avoid dying from a deadly virus makes one part of the 'nanny' state.

            1. GA Anderson profile image82
              GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Well, if we would just do what we were told we wouldn't have to wonder. Easy-peasy.


              1. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Or if people would use the brain God gave them to reason their way through issues rather than using it as a paperweight, we wouldn't be in this sorry state either.

        2. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Nope, no "claim" about it.  All roads of America's current malaise lead to Trump.  Before Trump, we never had the level of division in America as we do now, at least since the 1900s. 

          Oh your "nanny state" obsession is so much hogwash.  America is so far from being a "nanny state" you can't even see the beginning of it.  I know you are upset that Social Darwinism isn't the be all and end all in America, but that is not what we were founded on.  We left England to get away from your kind of society, after all.  That is why "provide for the General Welfare" is part of the reason we have a Constitution.  Nowhere in the Constitution is your kind of "survival of the fittest" society even alluded to.

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "All roads of America's current malaise lead to Trump."

            Or course they do.  Like the 20 million illegal aliens residing in our country, that Biden has declared can stay here in violation of our laws...all because of Trump.

            Like the fiasco in Afghanistan...it is obvious that Trump started the war and that he bungled the withdrawal.  Both without sitting in the White House.

            Like the frozen congress, unable to pass the desperately needed infrastructure bill, without having to pass the biggest spending bill in the history of the world that Democrats demand as a prerequisite...Caused by Trump as a bystander.

            Yep.  All our problems caused by Trump. 

            "That is why "provide for the General Welfare" is part of the reason we have a Constitution."

            You're absolutely right...as long as "general welfare" means some specific individuals but not everyone.  While you obviously interpret it that way, I do not believe that is what the framers of our Constitution had in mind.

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              You sure do live in your own alternate reality of misunderstanding the issues.

              Passing a law to give a 5-year pathway to citizenship that includes background checks, paying taxes, and a few other requirements sounds like something that will actually help the economy.

              I guess you missed the part where Trump made some decisions pertaining to the Afghanistan withdrawal before he left office.  Some of those decisions clearly helped create the chaos that enveloped that country before we had finished our withdrawal.  Try and convince anyone that it was a smart move to draw down the troops before we had evacuated our people.

              Not sure I'd call a congress that is debating the issues while passing a bill that has a means to pay for itself frozen.

              And if we're going by what the framers had in mind, women and black people shouldn't be voting.  Time to evolve a bit from what the framers wanted to what is humane.

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              The 20 million you refer to are not part of the American malaise.  They are part of a good economy.

              No Trump did not start the war but he DID take part in the withdrawal debacle.  The ONLY way Biden could have avoided the outcome we saw was to put the troops Trump pulled out, back in to prevent the Afghan military from crumbling.

              The Congress was JUST AS frozen under Trump.

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "The 20 million you refer to are not part of the American malaise.  They are part of a good economy."

                Of course they are.  You just keep telling yourself that.  And then explain how magnificent it would be to take in another 300 million uneducated, unskilled people for the American public to care for.  Just think of what an economy we would have!  It would dwarf even China!

                (At least it would for the year or so it would take for the country to go bankrupt trying to support all those people that cannot support themselves in this strange country.)

    22. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      The one-man crime wave is under a new investigation.  This time Weschester County is investigating Trump for illegally avoiding taxes.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/20/politics … index.html

      I wonder if 2022 - 2024 will be spent watch Trump sit in the defendant's chair?

      1. wilderness profile image90
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        "They" will be investigating Trump until the day he has either served his 8 years in the White House OR he makes a (believable) claim he will never run again.

        Until then Democrats will "investigate" him for anything and everything their twisted, evil minds can come up with.  It is, and always has been, about eliminating a political rival that threatens the power of the party.

        1. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Spoken like a true sycophant oblivious to reality.

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            When do YOU think they will stop, given that Trump is free from prison and still might run?  20 years?  30?

            Surely you don't think they will stop coming up with new "reasons" tomorrow!

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              That you equate all who investigate Trump to just being Democrats is the delusion you sell to yourself.  That you then call them people with twisted, evil minds makes you full on sycophantic.

        2. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          There is a reason for that WIlderness.  He will never stop doing things that need investigating.  It is not in his DNA to be honest about anything.

    23. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger plus 7 other patriotic Republicans voted to hold Steve Bannon accountable for his crimes.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/21/politics … index.html

    24. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      How ironic! TX Lt Gov Patrick promised pay up to $1,000,000 to anyone -i]"to incentivize, encourage and reward people to come forward and report voter fraud."[/i]

      He just paid out his first $25,000 to PA Democrat who caught a Republican trying to vote twice.

      To date, as far as I have heard, only Republicans have been caught trying to cheat.   

      Does that mean all of these voter suppression laws designed to eliminate Republican cheating might actually suppress the Republican vote?

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/22/politics … index.html

    25. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Facebook claims the Capitol protests were organized online. "We know this was organized online. We know that," she (Facebook's COO) said in an interview with Reuters. "We... took down QAnon, Proud Boys, Stop the Steal, anything that was talking about possible violence last week.

      But internal Facebook (FB) documents reviewed by CNN suggest otherwise. The documents, including an internal post-mortem and one document showing in real time countermeasures Facebook employees were belatedly implementing, paint a picture of a company that was in fact fundamentally unprepared for how the Stop the Steal movement used its platform to organize, and that only truly swung into action after the movement had turned violent.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/22/business … index.html

    26. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      We now know some of the things Trump is trying to hide from the American people in order to protect himself from criminal involvement in the Jan 6th insurrection.

      An act prosecutors reminded us was the first successful impediment to the peaceful transfer of power in America since the Civil War - something Trumpers don't see as a necessity in a functioning democracy.

      Keep in mind as you read this list, executive privilege doesn't extend covering up a crime.

      In the more than 700 pages of documents Trump is attempting to hide are:

      - Handwritten notes, draft documents, and daily logs his top advisers kept relating to Jan 6

      - Memos from Meadows about Jan 6 call logs of Trump and Pence

      - White House visitors' records

      - Working papers from Meadows, the press secretary, and WH lawyer regarding Trump's efforts to undermine the 2020 election.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/30/politics … index.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Just another "hey look over here trump is causing trouble"  Don't look at Biden and all the crisis he is in the middle of"...  Another hold your breath "IF COME".   Nothing to see here another grift  Dem's investigation.  For my money, all their crazy crap has them need deep.in failed accusation in regard to Trump. Most Americans are aware of this.  I look at the Dem Party as a bunch of lackluster grifters. In the eyes of many American's they look very foolish promoting this kind of no there - there investigations. 2022 will show how disillusioned Americans are with the Democratic party. Gosh, it would seem they would change their course...

        Let's face it if there were any incriminating documents they would have met a shredder. But you can keep hoping. Why do you continue to buy into  --- accuse someone of a crime, then try to find a crime? This is unfair, and --unAmerican - But that's how I view the Democrats, unAmerican.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          It is sad to see you care so little about the safety of our democracy.  Sad indeed.  We have the first non-peaceful transfer of power since the Civil War and it rolls off your back as if it were, how does your side put it, a walk in the park.

          All you do is deflect from the real problems America is facing by conjuring up this scary image of a country in sharp decline under Biden.  But I look around me and I don't see the country falling apart. I don't see much of a problem at the border today, hell, it has been out of the news since that Haitian thing.

          I do see that America has some issues, but nothing good legislation couldn't take care of. 

          - Voter suppression by Republicans is an issue that must be solved
          - Physical infrastructure must be solved and as it stands now, probably will be
          - Social infrastructure is a problem that must be solved and it seems like that is coming to fruition now (if only Jayapal would get out of the way - Right now she is the best friend the Republicans have)
          - Climate change is an existential threat to America and world, just above the existential threat Trump poses to America   That must be solved now or solving all of the others will be pointless. 
          - I see Biden solved another problem today that was left over by Trump - his destructive (to America) tariffs he placed on our allies.

          "Why do you continue to buy into  --- accuse someone of a crime, then try to find a crime?" - You Really don't get it do you?  You appear to have been so fully consumed by the Big Lie that you now imply there was no crime was committed on Jan 6th, that there is zero evidence of a coup, of an insurrection.  Well the evidence has been in your face since June 2020.  The American way, since you have forgotten, is if you see evidence of a crime then you investigate it to find out who is involved (which is what the Committee is doing). If the evidence points to particular individuals, then you charge them. 

          Your position seems to be "I don't want Trump to be guilty, so leave my hero the hell alone". - THAT is unAmerican

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I care about democracy, I personally do not see this new administration respecting democracy in any respect. I in no respect did I condone the riot at the capitol or support the violence that occurred that day. I support the right to protest, be it the Capitol or the corner store.

            In my view --The country is in sharp decline under Biden.   I look around me and see the country falling apart.   In regards to BBB Social infrastructure, you do not have any idea of what all is in the bill as of today that bill has not been presented to the public. So, I am not ready to support something I know nothing about...  Sad to say that would be you.

            I have said repeatedly, ( yet you continue to ignore it.) I did not and do not support the big lie... Period.

            And you have made my point -- If there is evidence of a crime you charge the person. You don't ride the hell out of a person just because
            you can...

            As I have said time and time again --- let me know if Trump is charged. Then we will have something factual to discuss. I think what's sad is that you are so enthralled with Trump,  constantly dwelling on media rhetoric about possible crimes he might have committed

            My position is -  I have no intention of accusing someone of a crime, then trying to find evidence of that crime?  I consider that slander is a crime, and can be proved easily with the evidence of the untrue word spread needlessly to slander a person's character. I consider this purposeful slander dishonest,  abhorrent.    I am not, and never will go along with accusing or even insinuating someone committed a crime without actual evidence. 

            Like I said let me know when Trump is arrested.

    27. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      The noose tightens a little bit more around Trump's neck (maybe the same one he wanted to put around Pence's) for his role in the Jan 6 coup as his records get nearer to being released to the House Select Committee.

      https://us.cnn.com/2021/11/10/politics/ … index.html

      Another insurrectionist will be sentenced next week, possibly to 4+ years for his part in Trump's coup.

      https://us.cnn.com/2021/11/10/politics/ … index.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Gosh, our jails will be full of our politicians. Hopefully, you are keeping up with all that Durham is doing. I think Hillary's bunch will take up an entire wing of a federal prison. I would think Biden may pardon the Clinton's, and Obama...  But who really knows?

        I think Durham will finally get to the bottom of the Clinton Hoax. And You will finally be able to see some real charges come out of the DOJ, and it won't be Trump.  But you can hope. Although physical evidence is the key, which there is none in regards to Trump planning an insurrection. But the Russian hoax, Durham has a load of physical evidence and has indicted three lackeys, that will in no respect take a bullet for whoever masterminded the Russian hoax.  Last I heard no one has been indicted for an insurrection?  It is clear 691 people have been charged in the Capitol riot, but Trump is not one of them.

        You can always hope.

        1. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Clinton hoax?  Like Manafort did not share internal polling data with Russian Intelligence.  So many alternate realities for those on the right.  So much whitewashing of treasonous action from their own political party.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Manafort?   He has nothing to do with the Durham case. He has been charged and sentenced, old news.  I do not seek to whitewash his crimes, our courts proceeded accordingly, and he was convicted.   (Verdict. On August 21, their fourth day of deliberation, the jury found Manafort guilty ONLY  8 of the 18 felony counts, including five counts of filing false tax returns, two counts of bank fraud, and one count of failing to disclose a foreign bank account. Judge Ellis declared a mistrial on the remaining 10 charges.) As you see he was not convicted of anything to do with sharing internal polling data with Russian Intelligence.  The allegation of internal polling data with Russian Intelligence was never proven or was he charged with for sharing internal polling data with Russian Intelligence.)

            The Durham investigation is current, and it certainly will be interesting to follow, and see what happens in our courts in regard to the three that have been indicted, and to see where this all goes.  Hopefully, my comment to ESO gave any false information.

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Like I said, an attempted whitewashing.  You call it a hoax, and then ignore the finding that Manafort, while Trump Campaign Chairman, was directly colluding with the Russians.  This was found after he was sentenced for his other crimes.

              https://www.npr.org/2020/08/18/90351264 … ith-russia

              No matter what the Durham investigation concludes, it will never change the facts that members of Trump's campaign were colluding with Russian Intelligence.  Hence, not a hoax at all.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "Senate report concludes."  The facts confirm Manafort was not charged with colluding with Russia. It matters little what a Senate commit concluded.   It was not enough to charge Manafort with any Russian collusion.   That is a serious claim, and if it could be proved, I am confident that Manafort would have been charged. If not by Barr then Garland.  I have to consider fact's conspiracies are what keep us all divided.  Trump has not as of yet been charged with any crimes, yet he is continually slandered by some claiming he committed crimes.

                In the Durham case we have three arrests, let's see how it all played out. Both the DOJ, and the FBI are cooperating with Durham's investigation, and don't forget the Biden DOJ gave all three indictments. I would think there is some there - there. These three would not have been charged without evidence of crimes.  At this point, it's a wait-and-see. However, I think Durham is unraveling a very big crime. Just my view.

          2. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Really?  Which ones (Republican or Democrat) have been charged with treason?  Or is that just yet another over the top exaggeration on your part?

            (As Sharlee points out, Manafort was not convicted of anything but mundane tax fraud and the like: nothing approaching treason or any other "political" crime.)

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Did I say anyone was charged with treason or is that you just changing words again?   Something you do so often that it remains why I do not wish to converse with you.

              It does not surprise me that you would not see colluding with a hostile foreign government to influence elections as a treasonous action.  I, personally, do.  Nor do you apparently see an attack on our Capitol with the intent to stop the peaceful transfer of power as treasonous action, but I certainly do.

              Your views are why I remain a single issue voter against any and all GOP that will try and whitewash those events as acceptable.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Come on  -- you did say this ---Clinton hoax?  Like Manafort did not share internal polling data with Russian Intelligence.  So many alternate realities for those on the right.  So much whitewashing of treasonous action from their own political party." 

                The context in my opinion points to you referring to Manafort.

                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes - and then I noted this -
                  Did I say anyone was charged with treason or is that you just changing words again?   Something you do so often that it remains why I do not wish to converse with you.

                  It does not surprise me that you would not see colluding with a hostile foreign government to influence elections as a treasonous action.  I, personally, do.  Nor do you apparently see an attack on our Capitol with the intent to stop the peaceful transfer of power as treasonous action, but I certainly do.

                  And above, your denial that Manafort did collude after a bipartisan group in the Senate proved it and reported it out publicly is you choosing to live in one of those alternate realities that allows you to ignore that your candidate's campaign did actually conspire with our enemies just to gain power.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I just hope to keep to facts. In my view as a society, we are more apt to move away from facts. This is dangerous IMO, and one can see the results of this form of mindset is causing a huge divide in our society.

                    I did not find the Jan 6 riot treasonous, in any respect. I found it to be a bunch of people protesting the election, and ultimately causing havoc at the people's house.

        2. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          "Gosh, our jails will be full of our politicians." - Yes, and most of them Trumpers

          As to Durham, let's take a look at your exageration.

          - One  low-level FBI lawyer with no connection to Clinton or the Democratic party fudges an email.  He pleaded guilty.

          - Sussman, a cybersecurity lawyer, who may or may not have told the FBI he didn't represent Clinton was indicted for lying to the FBI about that.  I know you have already convicted him in your mind, after reading the details of the issue, I seriously doubt he will be found guilty if it goes to trieal.

          - Danchenco, a source for certain allegations in the Steele dossier (which was NOT used as a basis to OPEN the investigation into the Trump campaigns collusion with the Russians) is accused of lying to the FBI by saying he had not discussed the dossier with an unnamed U.S.-based public relations executive.  He has pleaded Not Guilty as well.

          BOY, that is heady stuff, especially when compared to the many indictments, guilty pleas, and guilty verdicts that Mueller obtained along with solid evidence of Trump's obstruction of justice.

          To say you claim is a gross exaggeration, is a gross understatement, lol.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Here are all that Meuller indited, none of which implicated Trump... Sorry about that but just the truth. Lots of conspiracy theories but no there -there. All a bunch of nothing.
            https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics … grand-jury

            Durham has indited three people that are were high up in the Clinton Campaign. I feel he will lay out the entire crime this entire bunch committed to including Hillary Clinton.  I am confident about my perdiction.

            I have always claimed I have good faith in Durham, his reputation preseeds him.  Plus, he would be nuts not to retire his career with a huge bang. He will go down in history for bringing the Clinton's into the full light. And it is way over due.

    28. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I liked this quote from an opinion piece about the TRUTH catching up with the greatest political con man in US history - Trump

      "Altogether, the picture suggests that the realities of government are catching up to one of the most creative escape artists ever seen in American politics. The truth is out there. It's coming soon."

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Gosh, I hope you are not holding your breath... Do you realize how many years you have been completely obsessed with Trump?

        Do you care about anything else of a political nature?

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Since he threatens the very democracy we live in and keeps America on verge of losing it - NO, because there is nothing more important to me than keeping it.  I wish the same were true for you, but obviously not.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            WOW. In my view, we have a president at this point that hopes to usher in marxism.  Guess we have a different opinion of the vision we have for America.  Thank God polls show the majority are not buying what Biden or whoever is pulling his strings is selling. Nothing can predict what people are feeling than a T-shirt --- Let's Go, Brandon!
            https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics … joe-merch/

            And I am in full support of Democracy, no it's not the "new form of Democracy of your choice" which is at this point I truly believe is marxism.

            Thank God Americans are now waking up and seeing the fraud the media and this new administration are dishing up. I have said for months --- I had faith they would.

          2. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Trump is fighting to expose the corrupt Democratic party, and doing a great job at it. He is willing to fight them without any fear and is fighting to keep our democracy intact. I can't believe he is taking on this corrupt bunch, but I am thankful he is. I must smile, to see the discomfort he causes the crooks in Washington.

      2. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        "TRUTH catching up with the greatest political con man in US history" -Dear that would be the Clinton's.

    29. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      This insightful opinion piece on the collapse of #American #democracy as seen by someone from an authoritarian country is worth the read.

      https://us.cnn.com/2021/11/12/opinions/ … index.html

    30. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      While not directly related to Trump's coup attempt, this exemplifies how he endangered your and every other American's life by lying about or downplaying the dangers of the pandemic.

      Yet there are those that unfathomably still support him.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/12/politics … index.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Why have more now died on Biden's time? Did not Trump leave him three vaccines? Why did other world leaders fail so badly in stopping the spread?  Were they all inept as you choose to believe Trump is?  How many more will die under Biden?  He waited too long to take action... He has been in the WH  since Jan 21.  He is not able to solve any of America's problems and they are growing as he worries about BBB.

        Which today it was reported Joe lied about only thoughts making over $400,000 would be paying more taxes. It turns out 30% of the Middle class will be affected, and those making over a million with get a huge break on taxes. He lied once again. Sounds like the "you can keep your doctor " lie. I for one am glad so many American's are stepping up and admitting Biden can't do the job. Polls get worse weekly, even after he got the infrastructure bill passed. Now economists feel this bill will cause more inflation. Like I said every day a problem with this guy.

        And yes, I can see where Trump could win in 2024. So many at this point say if they could do it all over, Trump would win today.

    31. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Here are some articles about losing our democracy that, because of Trump's attempting to destroy it, had to be written:

      https://us.cnn.com/2021/11/08/opinions/ … index.html

      https://us.cnn.com/2021/11/11/opinions/ … index.html

      https://us.cnn.com/2021/11/13/opinions/ … index.html

      https://us.cnn.com/2021/11/08/opinions/ … index.html

      https://us.cnn.com/2021/11/10/opinions/ … index.html

      Millions of brainwashed or apathetic Americans are helping Trump kill American democracy by actively supporting his efforts to do so or by sticking their head in the sand hoping he will go away (he won't until he has either succeeded in destroying democracy or he is in jail) or by pretending he is not the evil man he has proven to be.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        CNN? Come on...

        1. wilderness profile image90
          wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          But the topic was "Millions of brainwashed or apathetic Americans", right?  lol

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, so ironic, and really makes one realize how wonderful a gift of a clear mind can be. 

            CNN ratings speak loudly, one does not need to say much more.

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I wish Trumpers had a clear mind, but alas, they have proved over and over again that they don't.

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Since you misread the ratings, your comment doesn't have any merit.

              To do an honest job of it, you need to compared all of the mainstream news outlets and with all of the right-wing propaganda outlets.  The MSN comes out far ahead.

        2. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          What has CNN have to do with anything.  Unlike Fox, Brietbart, and the rest, they don't fabricate anything.  Anyway, I figured you deflect because you can't take the truth.

      2. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        ""It is so sad when things like this can happen, but so incredibly important to fight for the truth and justice. Only victory can restore one’s reputation."

        — Former President Trump"

        Though you might be interested in this... Trump gets 2 court wins: 'Apprentice' contestant's lawsuit dropped, Cohen case dismissed
        Trump claimed he was 'totally vindicated' by Summer Zervos' decision to drop her case against him.

        "Friday seemed a successful day in court for former President Donald Trump – with one lawsuit against him withdrawn by the complainant and another dismissed by a judge, according to reports.

        In the first case, Summer Zervos, a former contestant on "The Apprentice," ended her 2017 lawsuit against Trump in which she accused the show’s former host of sexually assaulting her.

        In the second case, a New York state judge dismissed a 2019 lawsuit brought by former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, in which Cohen sought $1.9 million from Trump to cover legal expenses."

        When one is innocent it is hard to prove guilt...  Hopefully, Durham will expose the biggest accusations Trump has had to put up with. Hillery's crazy Russian Hoax.

        https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump- … -dismissed

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          It is too bad Trump is such a liar, those are nice words, but I bet he felt ill when he said or wrote "truth and justice".  When will you understand that all he does is lie to you.

          Nobody knows why Zarvos dropped her suit, maybe Trump threatened her life, I wouldn't put it past him.

          The Cohen case was dismissed on a technicality.  Trump is well known for not paying people.  That is why he can't find good lawyers to represent him.

    32. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      This is what Trump and his White Nationalist Army is all about - and it is very scary the level of organization they have.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/19/us/unite … index.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Again CNN --- You do know many just don't trust this form of journalism?  The author of this article in no respect associated her piece with Trump. Not sure why you did, when the author did not find a correlation.

    33. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Seems like they found another case of virtually non-existent voter fraud in the 2020 election.  As expected, it was a Republican who did it.

      Too bad all these voter suppression laws by Republicans aren't going after the REAL bad guys - other Republicans.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/21/politics … index.html

    34. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I furthering Trump's attempted coup, Minority Leader McCarthy stands up in the House to deliver a pack of lies about the infrastructure bill.  (It is the fact that he is lying which is furthering Trump's on-goingeffort to destabilize or destroy democracy)

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/20/politics … index.html

      1. Live to Learn profile image60
        Live to Learnposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Trump did not attempt a coup, no one attempted a coup and there is no on-going effort to destabilize the democracy. Not by anyone on the right, that I can tell.

        I realize the left loves to change the definition of words to suit their fancy but a coup is a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government. No one seized power. No one attempted to seize power.

        A group of people participated in a protest. One that did not involve burning down businesses or looting them. The lies that have been perpetuated by the left concerning that demonstration are staggering.

        1. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          The lying is you trying to deny the actions Trump and his cronies used to undermine a legitimate election beginning in October when he started claiming some votes would be fraudulent.  The illegal calls to elections officials trying to overturn the legal results.  The calls to the DOJ trying to get them to fabricate the outcome.  And then organizing his followers to be in the Capitol on January 6 when Congress was to certify the election.

          1. Live to Learn profile image60
            Live to Learnposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Were you so upset when HIllary spent 4 years denying she lost? Probably not. Were you as upset when Stacy Abrams claimed she really won an election? Doubtful.  They all whine when they lose. Did anyone overturn legal results? Not that I'm aware of.  Did Barr do anything that remotely resembled an attempt to fabricate an outcome? Not that I am aware of.

            So, you are grossly overstating.  Par for the course.

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Hillary conceded the next day, and then election interference and Manafort collusion was proven as she noted.  In what world is it appropriate to run the election you're a candidate in as Brian Kemp did? 

              And you remain in denial to anything illicit Trump does.  The Georgia calls are clear election tampering.
              https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 … terference

              https://www.chicagotribune.com/election … story.html

              And apparently your far-right media does not report on the DOJ corruption that was after Barr had resigned for upholding democracy:
              https://www.politico.com/news/2021/07/3 … ion-501775

              And this one really lays out the false reality Trump lives in when trying to undermine our elections:
              https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article … eline.html

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "Were you so upset when Hillary delusional you are.  As Valeant said, Hillary conceded the next day, something your boy has failed to do at all so far.  Have you bought into Trump's Big Lie which he is using as a foundation for his coup attempt? 

              As to Stacy Abrams, you made up another fabrication.  She conceded the election as well, although she did say she thought Kemp cheated.

              Rather than deflect to something that is not true you might address what is "overstated" about 1) Trump's illegal calls, 2) Trump's attempt to get DOJ to fabricate the outcome (fortunately, there were still a couple of people there who had the spine to stand up to Trump's bullying), and 3) to legally call his army to DC on Jan 6, but illegally incite them to riot and send them on their way to the capitol to create mayhem.

              You are grossly overstating. Par for the course.[/i]

        2. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          "here is no on-going effort to destabilize the democracy" - Do I interpret that correctly to say you buy into Trump's Big Lie, which is the foundation of his on-going coup attempt.  You must if you claim there is no on-going attempt.

          Your critique of the word "coup" is called "sharpshooting" and is an attempt to deflect from the real issue.  Everybody knows what is meant by the word "coup".  It describes Trump's attempt to 1) stop gov't from functioning, in this case certifying Biden's win and 2) overturn the results of a free and fair election.  "Coup" does fit for Jan 6 as does the word "insurrection".  Try returning to the issue at hand.

          "A group of people participated in a protest." - BOY, are all in with the "walk in the park" crowd, aren't you? Truly delusional!

    35. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Glad to see this happening - Trump lawyers paying the price for spreading the democracy-destabilizing Big Lie

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/22/politics … index.html

    36. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Isn't it so SAD that 78,000,000+ American citizens (I have a hard time calling them just American) think what this Boebert woman said is cool and righteous?  It is the same group that don't think too many people are dying from gun violence and from Covid.  It is the same group who endangers their own kids, family, friends, and strangers by not getting vaccinated.

      In what world do those characteristics live up to the American ideals?

      https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/202 … dn-vpx.cnn

    37. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      More to cement the case against Trump's insurrection -

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/01/politics … index.html

      1. wilderness profile image90
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Wait.  This Rodriguez heard Trump call for help in enforcing voting laws, went far beyond what was asked - including participating in a violent riot -  and is sorry he did so.

        And that's what you think will help to "cement the case against Trump's insurrection"? You're grasping, Eso, as you always do when it comes to Trump. Had Rodriguez indicated Trump was speaking in the secret code he is accused of, and produced a copy of the translation he received from Trump, you might have a case.  But to do what was specifically denied by Trump, and then indicate sorrow that he did so, bolsters Trump's case, not yours.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          You betcha.  A few federal judges think so as well saying those who spoke on Jan 6 need to be held accountable.

          It makes little difference that Trump denied something - he is a serial liar after all and not to be believed in anything he says.

          It sounds like you would want all of the inciting a riot convictions overturned because the judges and juries didn't know what they were doing, lol.

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Again, wait.  A "few judges" are going public with an opinion on what could very well be the trial of the century without have heard a single argument?  What kind of faux "judge" are you listening to, anyway?

            Whether judges have their equivalent of the Hippocratic Oath or not, they DO have an ethical responsibility to promote fair trials, and giving their weighted opinion (supposedly from their experience) is NOT ethical.  It is intended to influence a jury, nothing more.

            Trumps denial concerned his statements made that day about marching peacefully rather than calling for a riot.  He "denied" the riot by asking for something else instead and by NOT asking for violence.  Of course, that's where the "secret code" that you claim he used (without a shred of evidence) comes into play.

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "A "few judges" are going public with an opinion on what could very well be the trial of the century without have heard a single argument?" - So now you think judges, along with all other non-Trumpers, can't read or hear and be able to form opinions based on what is known.  You don't need a trial to know that 1 + 1 = 2 or 10?

              "What kind of faux "judge" are you listening to, anyway?" - I forgot, you don't read or listen to real news.  But to help you out, it is the patriotic, real American judges trying the insurrectionists.

              " they DO have an ethical responsibility to promote fair trials, " - Oh come on. Virtually every judge out there issues opinions about the world around them.  And how is saying those that instigated the insurrection need to be held accountable an unreasonable thing to say?  Now, if they had said Trump is Guilty, then you might have a point.

              " He "denied" the riot by asking for something else instead and by NOT asking for violence.  " - Oh, give me another break!  How can you focus on one sentence (one to give him cover if he needed it) out of 70+ minutes of otherwise inflammatory speech designed to and was successful at riling up the crowd to fever pitch, falsely believing America was under attack?  Oh, I know how, you will defend Trump beyond all reason for some unknown, fanciful reason. I liken Trump's speech to the one famously given by Patton before sending his troops off to fight and die.

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "Oh, give me another break!  How can you focus on one sentence (one to give him cover if he needed it) out of 70+ minutes of otherwise inflammatory speech..."

                Please - point to one sentence, just one, where Trump asked the crowd to hang a legislator.  Or even physically break into the Capital.  Or taze a single cop.  Or even to break a single window at the Capital.  anything where Trump specifically asked for any form of violence (not your "interpretation" of his "secret code", but an actual request for violence.

                Can't do it?  Then you should quit repeating that he DID ask for violence, simply as a matter of honesty and integrity.

                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  And there we go again with Wilderness changing what was said and then claiming you said something that only he heard.

                  What Eso said:  'How can you focus on one sentence (one to give him cover if he needed it) out of 70+ minutes of otherwise inflammatory speech designed to and was successful at riling up the crowd to fever pitch, falsely believing America was under attack?'

                  What Wilderness claims Eso said:  '...you should quit repeating that he DID ask for violence.'

                  Eso did not claim Trump asked for violence.  The claim is that Trump's speech incited people to violence - which many, including those two federal judges and in the days following the attack, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy both also confirmed as views - can plainly see.

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  You are just being obtuse again.  You know as well as I do that the law doesn't require such specific threats like that - that is why it is called "inciting".  It is clear to most people that the words he did use would have the likely outcome that actually happened.  That is all that is needed to be proved.

                  1. Valeant profile image77
                    Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Let alone he was pushing the baseless narrative that Congress was certifying a decision that was 'stolen' from them.

                  2. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    No - it is clear to you, seen through your own bias and hatred of the man that he said those things.  Most people heard what he said rather than what you think he meant.

    38. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Justice Department prosecutors say they have evidence that an alleged rioter who brought a gun to the US Capitol on January 6 was targeting both House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and then-Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. - Yep, just a normal visitors' day and walk in the park!

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/03/politics … index.html

    39. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      In normal times when it is an employers labor market (which is most of the time) separations are driven by layoffs.  In times like these, they are driven by "quits".  Right now, the "quits" are more than three times higher than "fires".  This means people, regardless of what they say in the polls, feel the economy is strong enough to risk quitting and finding another job.

      The jobs report "jobs added" number is the difference between the number of hires (many of which are people who quit) and the number of "fires".  I am guessing those who are forecasting are getting the number of "quits" wrong. After all, why would somebody give up a job when, as conservatives want you to believe, the economy sucks?  Maybe because people really think the economy is good.

      As a side note, the 4.2% suggests strongly that everyone who wants a job in America, has a job.

      Finally, the participation rate finally ticked up, again suggesting an improving economy.

      Thank you President Biden.

      1. wilderness profile image90
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Just guessing, but I really doubt that people are thinking "Hey - the economy is great so I'll look for a job I like better". 

        Instead I would imagine the process to be something like "There are job ads everywhere and nobody can find workers.  I can quit, easily find something else at a higher wage".  After all the news about high inflation that may well be a part of the thinking as well: "I better find something paying better or I'm going to be hungry with all this inflation".  Fear rather than happiness with the good economy is likely driving many to look for something better.  Or just greed, take your pick.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Your guess would be wrong then.  1) That is what is being reported by economists surveys, 2) what else explains the number of "quits" being 3 times higher than layoffs, and 3) and why aren't quits so much higher in a poor economy?

          I find it ironic that conservatives main deride people in low wage jobs not simply quitting and finding a higher paying job.  Now you are calling them greedy.

      2. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        " This means people, regardless of what they say in the polls, feel the economy is strong enough to risk quitting and finding another job."

        How in the hell do you come up with such a matter-of-fact statement? I do know you believe what you say is the bottom line,
        the last word...  But this statement takes the cake.

        There are "likely" many variables that "may" be a reason to quit one's job.

        One reason could be they are at present getting free cash per child... One reason they decided to stay on unemployment until it ran out...

        One reason, they hated their job to begin with.

        I would bet not many would even feel our economy is "doing so well"... Not sure if you realize we are in a period of growing inflation.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          "How in the hell do you come up with such a matter-of-fact statement? " - Because I read what is reported, analyzed, and not opinion by reliable news outlets.

          https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2021 … their-jobs

          https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/ … signation/

        2. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Not sure if you realize we are in a period of growing inflation....

          ...When looking at year-over-year comparisons and trying to normalize the ridiculously low inflation that we had during the height of the pandemic by then comparing it to the once-in-a-lifetime recovery.

          Some of us aren't panicking over this as we understand that these are not normal years to be comparing to historical trends.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Point taken...

        3. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          "One reason could be they are at present getting free cash per child... One reason they decided to stay on unemployment until it ran out..." - That is just a conservative trope and, while there are a few exceptions, has been proven NOT to be true. But, I suspect you keep on pushing this piece of misinformation even though you have nothing to back it up

          "One reason, they hated their job to begin with." - Yes, that is one of the reasons people quit.  Is it not reasonable to think that the economy must be relatively strong before a person who hates their job has the confidence they can find another job before they quit?

          Not sure you realized inflation is relatively not that bad, right now.  Even as I right, oil prices are sinking (down 22%) which should put the brakes on inflation growing any more.

          Another topic: There has been some analysis out that suggests that if SCOTUS takes away a woman's control over her own body, which seems likely right now, that the blowback from Americans, especially women, will kill any chance the Republicans to take back the House and Senate.  Do you agree?

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I am for keeping Roe as is.  Unfortunately at this point, our society has the need for abortion. My thoughts are vast on this subject.

            I don't think the media has this right, I think Roe will be used as precedent and left alone.

            If it is tossed out, I am not sure how it would play in 2022 with women.

            I think women's views are complicated on the subject of abortion, maybe another 50 -50 split.  Plus, women seem to be concerned with many things right now. So, it will depend on what the current party does in many areas - economy, education,  crime, and immigration. Women these days are very diverse in what concerns them the most.

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              All true, except the 50-50 (unless men are more pro-choice than women are, lol)  Roughly 19% of Americans say a woman should not have the right to choose. https://news.gallup.com/poll/1576/abortion.aspx

              My personal view on it is that as a personal choice for my wife and I, I oppose abortion and favor adoption instead.  That said, I may get overruled.  BUT, I also believe that I do not have the right to tell a woman what to do with her own body until the time of viability.

              My gut tells me Republicans are in deep doo-doo it Roe is reversed.

              BTW - This is where I got my 22% decline in oil prices - https://www.rigzone.com/news/commodity/

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Good website, I saved it.

                The “political attack” on fossil fuels as of recent,  could have added or removed the incentive for investment in the oil sector. Even despite its lingering importance of oil.  I read that that 84% of the world’s energy demand last year was met by fossil fuels.

                So, the issue for me is not the oil price at this moment, the issue is the pandemic, and will the price of oil go higher in a truely fully reopened world? Few are investing in oil right now. However, the world is still consuming fossil fuels.   So oil could certainly go much higher, and that can definitely escalate inflation. Some analysts are predicting oil rising to $150.00 a barrel in 2022.

                I think the only thing that’s could knock the oil price down would be lockdowns in America. I truely feel the new variant scare is why oil corrected itself a bit last week. The price fell on the very news of this new scare.

                Lot's of variables to consider, it will be interesting to see if analysts are correct in regard to the price per barrel rising to $150.00.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I think it will be a very long time before the world is "fully opened".  So long as there are anti-vaxers, and covid deniers (yep there are many of those still hanging around), and the pandemic remains politicized, then Covid will never become noise in the background.  If America and the world do a much, much better job of getting people vaccinated, variants will keep popping up each year. Sooner or later, one will come around that will defeat what we have done so far and put us back to square one.

                  I am now pessimistic that America will ever reach heard immunity because of the political resistance to getting vaccinated. If we do, it will be a very long time from now  If that becomes true, then today, with all of its pandemic related problems, will be the new normal.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Hopefully in the next few weeks, we will see at least 80% of American's vaccinated, add in the citizens that did catch COVID and lived -- about 49,959,112 so far. We will have a pretty good herd.  Hopefully, it will be big enough to decrease the infection of mutations. That's where a problem could occur. I am very anxious to hear more about the latest strain.  Hopefully, this virus will denture in a way that eradicates its virulence. I can't see it going away altogether, most viruses don't. We still have strains from H1N1 from 2009. it has well denatured itself to a lesser type of flu. I hope the world will come together to vaccinate counties that just don't have the resources to run a vaccination plan.

                    "The White House announced on Monday that 70 percent of adults in the U.S. are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and that 80 percent of adults have received at least their first shot."  https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/5 … -partially

    40. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      As Trump attempts to overthrow Biden, Biden faces a trio of anti-democratic challenges, all just as dangerous as the other: Russia, China, and Trump.as this analysis investigated.
      https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/07/politics … index.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        CNN ?  Not sure if you have kept up with the faulty reputation they have earned. Warner Media will be taking over the first of the year and has indicated they will provide a more solid news platform. No more bias BS hopefully. 

        "John Malone says WarnerMedia-Discovery getting rid of CNN would be the ‘coward’s way out’"  "There’s a place for CNN in the proposed $43 billion combination of WarnerMedia and Discovery, billionaire media mogul John Malone told CNBC
        “A coward’s way out would be to sell [CNN] or spin it off and then sell it,” said the cable TV pioneer and longtime chairman of Liberty Media."

        “I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” said the cable TV pioneer and longtime chairman of Liberty Media, which is a major shareholder in Discovery. “I do believe good journalism could have a role in this future portfolio that Discovery-TimeWarner’s going to represent.”
        Source --   https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/18/john-ma … out.html#:

        So, they will have a second chance, hope they don't blow it... It will naturally be a big shock to devotees systems, but the change in platform is well needed.

        At any rate, Biden should stop the blame game. His troubles come to form his own weak way of Governing, and the disrespect he has earned due to his lack of problem-solving.   Blaming others just confirms his weak character in my view.  Russia and China just see they can take advantage of such a weak president. I would think Iran also realizes this as a plus.

        You have seen polls on Bidens foreign policies --- Feb 2021
        "President Joe Biden begins his term with a majority of Americans having confidence in his ability to handle international affairs. In a new Pew Research Center survey, 60% of U.S. adults have confidence in Biden on foreign policy" source  https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/20 … rm-begins/

        Today his polls show he is at 38% approve 59% disapprove of his job in regard to foreign policy. source --  https://news.gallup.com/poll/357545/bid … water.aspx

        Another poll I follow has steadily shown Global Leaders
        approval of Biden. falling weekly.  he is now underwater.
        source ---  https://morningconsult.com/global-leader-approval/

        Biden needs to stop playing the blame game and start down a path of solving problems, not just talking about solving problems... Words are cheap.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          "CNN ?  Not sure if you have kept up with the faulty reputation they have earned." - You do know you are actually referring to Fake Fox News.  CNN's reputation is doing just fine.  For example, they got rid of Chris Cuomo of basically lying to them - noble thing to do.  Yet what does Fox do with much, much worse liars like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingram, Maria Bariromo, Jeanine Pirro, to name just a few. Everyone should have been fired long ago.

          The latest (8/21) "trust" poll, has MSNBC at 90%, followed by Fox at 89%,  and then BBC, ABC at 88%, and CNN at 87%. 

          The previous poll (2/21). however, changed things up a bit.  The most trusted news source was MSNBC at 93%, CNN at 92%, BBC at 90%, ABC at 88%, PBS at 87%, and Fox at 86%

          Then a year ago it was CNN, BBC, Fox, MSNBC, ABC at 90%.

          So, do you want to reconsider your trashing of CNN's reputation.

          You probably need to read up of the AT&T spin off of WarnerMedia which will merge with Discovery.  CNN is going nowhere and doesn't need to become "a more solid news platform" - it already is a very solid platform.  It is the conservative channels that are very shaky and need a LOT of help.

          If Malone says that about CNN, I can't imagine what he would do to Fox.  That said, here is what the new owner of CNN says: The prospect of CNN ownership "is something we take so much pride in," Zaslav told Harlow. "So we'll invest in it and try to continue to do what you guys are doing, which is tell great stories and be a great news brand."

          And just WHO is Bide, our very strong president, blaming?  Trump did it ALL the time, but I haven't really heard Biden blame anybody.  He may be pointing out the truth, but telling the truth is not blaming, is it.

          "not just talking about solving problems... " - As I just proven, that is delusional talk

    41. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      What I have noticed is the more outrageous the LIE, the more Trumpers love it.  It is amazing how for so many American citizens have sunk.  Perdue has already gotten into the Trump muck, lying about Kemp.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/08/politics … index.html

      1. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Anyone who even mutters that lie is an automatic disqualification for elected office in my mind. 

        Question to people like GA, who seems to be able to see through some of that bullcrap, is whether he would support someone who chooses that alternate reality still because their other policy agendas align or whether they would abstain or even vote across the aisle to preserve democracy.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Good Question!

          For example, will Georgia non-Trump Republicans vote for Perdue (who also supports the Big Lie) after a series of lies like this one he recently uttered on Fake Fox News' Russian mouthpiece Sean Hannity's show?

          "Over my dead body will we ever do what Kemp did, and that is turn our elections over to Stacey Abrams,"

      2. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Trump? Last I knew Biden is president. A bit of current news that affects us all, the poor taking the real brunt of Boden's poor Governing

        US economy
        US inflation rate rose 6.8% in 2021, the highest increase since 1982  --  For six months in a row price increases were seen across many sectors, including gas, food, and housing.

        "The US inflation rate rose 6.8% over the last year, the highest increase since 1982, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday morning.

        Inflation rose 0.8% in November after rising 0.9% in October. Price increases were seen across many sectors, including gas, food, and housing. This is the sixth month in a row the US is seeing price increases.

        Ahead of Friday’s data release, Joe Biden released a statement saying that the inflation numbers “does not reflect today’s reality”. REALLY JOE?  He is not living in reality, and citizens are not any longer willing to buy into his Emperor with no clothes non-sensible statements. The writing is on the wall, and they see cash leaking out of their budgets at an astronomic rate.

        “It does not reflect the expected price decreases in the weeks and months ahead, such as in the auto market,” Biden said in the statement. RELLY BIDEN?

        Again words that hold no common sense.  He really seems to think his words will fix all, while all falls apart due to we have no one in that White House Governing.
        https://www.theguardian.com/business/20 … since-1982

        IMO --  Time for Biden to toss in the towel, he is quickly ruining the country on all levels. Congress needs to act, and act now.  He is stumbling around in a daze, reading promoters, and even adding the footnote at the end of the speech   "End of message"...    He has no business in the office of the presidency.  We put the country in danger with this man in office.

        1. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Knew this was coming.  Comparing year-over-year inflation to a once in a lifetime pandemic year and seeing that as an issue is stupid.

          Once Biden fixes the supply chains that broke under Trump's disaster pandemic response, inflation will normalize.  Until then, we get to listen to your monthly misguided blame game.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            You had to know this was coming -- LOL

            Yes, we had a once in a lifetime pandemic, IMO the minute Biden walked into that office, and decided COVID was his only Trump card, we were in trouble. He lacked the common sense to get the country back to work, not pay them to stay home... We were dealt a bad hand, but we needed to buck up and do our very best at living with a pandemic. He played the wrong card, and now he is playing the blame game.

            The supply chain has made only slight progress and will take a very long time to be back to what could be considered normal.  Trump supplied the country with vaccines, all Biden needed to do was pull the country together to take the vaccine. His message was too confusing, people don't trust him or his COVID team. Hey, I always have said the biggest mistake Trump ever made was Fauchi...  I smart president would have replaced him the minute the public lost trust in him.  His Trump card COVID no longer is worthy of playing. he needs to solve problems! I pray he realizes he is president --- he needs to solve problems, not create them. he needs to stop listening to whoever is whispering in his ear, with all their BS --- and Govern.

            I do blame Biden totally, and I will continue to offer polls, not my voice but the voice of the majority.   I realize he is your guy, but I don't care for the way your guy is running America into the ground. I hope your guy makes a turn about and starts doing better...  He has time to do just that. At this point, he scares me big time.

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Trump does get credit for the vaccines.  He also gets dinged for undermining the scientists charged with giving the information and hiding from his supporters the fact that he got vaccinated in secret.

              Then he ran a campaign to undermine Biden's legitimacy by saying that the election was stolen.  And yet, you blame Biden for people not trusting him?  You must be blind to causation.

              And that blindness extends to all the things Biden has accomplished.  He has been solving problems and passing legislation.  Just because you are ignorant to it and listen mostly to the right-wing echo chamber you live in, does not make it true. 

              We all know you will offer polls, just try and see all the polling.  You do tend to latch onto the most negative while ignoring the more moderate ones that favor Biden.

              The fear you feel is the programming they feed you.  Instead, study the history of how democratic policies have made the country better.  Clinton - balanced budget, great economy.  Obama - stabilized the economy after Bush, then economic and record job growth.

              1. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "Then he ran..." - "Is Running, lol

                That is true - it is demonstrable that America, under liberal rule fared much better than under conservative rule. (I have to put it in those terms because of the Great Flip back in the 40s and 50s.)

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "He lacked the common sense to get the country back to work," - Sorry, that, of course, is truly FALSE.  Unemployment down to 4.8% and almost 6 million jobs added to the economy.  You want to try the TRUTH this time?

              "not pay them to stay home..." - Again, FALSE. Just more conservative lies

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Once again IMO this is due to unemployment ran out, people returning to work... No more no less, does make a nice stat but just shows people realizing it's time to get back to work.   what I said was ---  He lacked the common sense to get the country back to work, not pay them to stay home...
                IMO he paid them to stay home. Again my opinion.  You frequently call or refer to me as a liar, this is uncalled for and shows a lack
                of social skills. Most of your posts are very much your opinion, we don't in any respect agree on most subjects or the way you handle a

                1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                  Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this


                  1. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I think you're absolutely correct that it wasn't just the federal unemployment, or extended state unemployment, that is keeping people home.  Fear of COVID is likely a big reason, the ready access to a new, perhaps better, job is in there, as is the hope that a better salary might come along if they just wait a little longer.

                    But I think the massive giveaways also play a big part.  The stimulus checks, the money to parents of children, the assurance that rent does not need to be paid - all of these things are a part of it, too, and a big part.

                  2. My Esoteric profile image84
                    My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Wes, I have read similar studies.  All those governors who did that was hurt people unnecessarily.

                  3. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I noted that Arkansaw 4.4% in June and record show by end of Oct 3.7% it appears unemployment dropped steadily in Arkansaw from June to Oct.  Actually, the majority of the 25 states that cut the unemployment benefits early did much better than those that did not cut benefits.

                    Here in Michigan, we did not discontinue extended unemployment on Sept 4,  in June we were at 5.1% we are now above 6% unemployment and growing. We are hoping now that the unemployment has been cut we will see people return to work.

                    In my view states that had a high count of infections from COVID were more fearful to return to normal. Michigan had a Governor that had the strictest of mitigations and made much of the population fearful. We unfortunately had and have some of the highest infection rates when compared to other states. At this point, our hospitals need the Federal government's help to obtain more vents as well as the medical staff.

          2. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            That is soooo true.

        2. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          "Trump? Last I knew Biden is president. " - What has that got to do with anything.  Besides, Trump needs to be talked about because he is a clear and present danger to our democracy! It is a shame you can't see that.

          Inflations, many economists are saying it has reached its peak, I believe it.

          "“does not reflect today’s reality”. REALLY JOE?  " - Yes, really.  The latest numbers do not reflect the decreases in energy prices. - So, who is not living in reality?

          It is Trump who had no business being in the presidency, he is nutso and everything you accuse Biden of, but you can't see it.  Instead, you can't see it. Nor can you see that Biden is really helping America out of the Dark Ages Trump put us in.

          Biden can't be ruining a country that Trump already destroyed.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            'Biden can't be ruining a country that Trump already destroyed.'

            Good luck getting Sharlee to acknowledge that statement.

          2. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "What has that got to do with anything.  Besides, Trump needs to be talked about because he is a clear and present danger to our democracy! It is a shame you can't see that."

            This would be your opinion. I don't agree, I find ruminating on Trump is very much odd.

            Inflation all I can do is offer my opinion, it is getting worse, (I offered stats in the last comment) and will be around for a couple more years.

            "The US inflation rate rose 6.8% over the last year, the highest increase since 1982, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday morning.

            .  "The latest numbers do not reflect the decreases in energy prices. - So, who is not living in reality?"   

            Sorry, these are the very numbers that came out yesterday... UNless you don't want to believe the stats?

            Inflation rose 0.8% in November after rising 0.9% in October. Price increases were seen across many sectors, including gas, food, and housing. This is the sixth month in a row the US is seeing price increases.

    42. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Great News.  Appeals Court hand Trump another expected defeat saying Trump is not the president and has no recourse to executive privilege if the REAL president doesn't assert it.

      Only two steps left to getting one step closer to bringing the justice America deserves.  With luck and God willing, the full appeals court will turn the appeal of this latest loss down and the Supreme Court does likewise given there is absolutely no rational Trump can use to hide the facts.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/09/politics … index.html

    43. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Trump, the hero and pope-like figure to some of you, is totally nutso.  Here is is latest.

      Trump accuses Netanyahu of disloyalty for congratulating Biden after 2020 win: 'F**k him',

      This is what 75 million Americans love about this egomaniac:

      [i["There was no one who did more for Netanyahu than me. There was no one who did for Israel more than I did. And the first person to run to greet Joe Biden was Netanyahu. And not only did he congratulate him -- he did it in a video. [/i] - the video was the kicker.

      And Trump keeps trying to overturn the 2020 election with his B[g Lie that the same 75 million Americans have been brainwashed into believing.  SAD

      Yep, pure presidential material for 2024, lol.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/10/politics … index.html

      1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
        Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this


        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this


          I would, however, modify two phrases you used: "tried" to "still trying" and "decides to run" to "wins".

        2. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Just one republican budding in here --- I voted both times for Trump. I in no respect supported what is called "Big Lie".   I liked how he Governed, his job performance, I felt the country was safe under Trump, I liked the economy and the direction he was taking the promising Obama economy, I liked his immigration policies, I enjoyed feeling I had a president that was ready and willing to pull out of long time wars I never approved of, I liked his vision with making the US energy independent ( Because although the climate needs tending we are not any longer energy-independent but now just using the same amounts of energy, but buying it from other countries, where we have no say in how they harvest oil and get it to market crossed our oceans... )  In my view, this is a poor way to say we are offering a solution to preparing our climate. We have one atmosphere... We have oceans that no matter where oil leaks, it is still a leak...  Shell games are for the unintelligent in my view.

          In summation, I hope Trump does not run in 2024. I do hope whoever runs respects that Trump's policies are what half the country enjoyed, and incorporates them in their own agenda.  At any rate, I will be voting Republican, out of pure fear, and the realization that in my view offer nothing that resembles the America I have come to love, and prefer.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Half the country enjoyed?  Trump's approval rate never reached half and was closer to about 40%.

            Trump was the most unstable president we ever had, governing by whim or whatever served his own purposes.  His immigration policy, specifically the child separation policy, was deemed a human rights violation and will end up costing the country billions due to the harm it caused those families.  He is the Joe Arpaio of presidential immigration policy.

            While the cutting of regulations and taxes did improve upon the economy in some respects, that came at a cost in national debt.  Saddling future generations with trillions to make himself look good in the immediate is not something to brag about.

            And those economic gains get to be viewed through the lens of a man who ignored the warnings about the Wuhan Lab that were given to him in 2018.  Ignored warnings that did lead to a pandemic that erased many of his gains and left him with a net negative job creation over four year and $7.8 trillion wracked up onto the national debt - a four-year record.

            A president who does not read briefings, thinks his own inexperienced opinion is better than all others due to his narcissism, and one who ignores science did not make the majority of America feel very safe at all.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "Trump was the most unstable president we ever had, governing by whim or whatever served his own purposes."

              He made decisions quickly, and problems never became worse due to being indecisive.  Not ever words or 90-day committees...

              Biden is using the same cages Obama but and used... We have over 100 thousand unaccompanied children in America due to Biden's poor immigration stance.  These children came with no parents to be separated from. He invited them to come. Trump left 500 children in America's care due to separation at the border.  These children were children whose parents would not take them back when contacted, some had false information in regard to who their parents were. Odd you would bring up abandon children, these children sent in alone were sent by their parents.

              I am not in any respect being drawn back into the timeline of what Trump knew when, and what he was told by Fauchi and others in CDC and WHO. That is where I put the blame, the Scientist he relied on for information... All there have timelines available, as well as all of Fauchi's and when he said what.  I feel I took my facts from good sources. Timelines did not lie. Media did... I feel very confident my opinion was formed by facts, not talk jocks.

              How in the world could you bring up the deficit? This is laughable... Do you know the cash Biden has in 10 months? Not sure how deep a hole you hope to dig for yourself, but in my view, you are in over your head.

              Trump held more briefings than I have ever witnessed any president having.

              "and one who ignores science did not make the majority of America feel very safe at all."

              I must say this is one of the most ridiculous statements I have heard in a long time. A statement that clearly can't be backed up by any proof...

              This man from the first case of COVID took it upon himself to form a team of scientists.  The same team Biden has relied on ... Both the task force and Operation warp speed that's the very teams Biden used. Then God... or we would be in so much more trouble than we find ourselves with so many more dead, so many more infected...

              It was Fauchi that gave his sarcastic giggle when he talked about Trump's prediction to have a vaccine within 8 to 12 months... We have three vaccines in 8 months, and Fauchi wearing an egg on his simply liberal face...

              Facts are hard to take are they not?

              1. Valeant profile image77
                Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Your ignorance of basic facts makes you the last person to lecture someone on the topic.  Proof of Trump ignoring science, it's all over the place if you'd care to open your eyes.

                Trump on Science:
                This man from the first case of covid downplayed the severity, costing American lives.  He lied to you, to all of us.  It'll just go away on it's own one day was a great statement.

                The science clearly said masks work, but there you have Trump railing against their usage.

                And again, Trump's administration ignored the science when warned a year before the pandemic.  That's how we got where we are today.
                https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/ … rpt-474322

                1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  There is nothing in my comment that is not factual. You can't dispute my facts so as always you become very defensive. If something in my comment is not factual, quote it. I will give sources as I am known to do. I don't spout off with statements that I can't back. I do offer some opinions, and as a rule, I can back those up as well. It would seem more ignorant to make an attempt to insult someone just because you can.

                  I will keep an eye open for any quotes you had a problem with.

                  I did look at your article out of politeness---  I certainly did not find any information that Trump himself was made aware of a problem virus in Wuhan in 2018. Not sure how one could hold him responsible for the discretion of his administration not notifying him.

                  1. Valeant profile image77
                    Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Facts?  You can't even spell Fauci correctly. 

                    It's not really the facts you listed but the numerous ones you left out.  I listed multiple factual events of Trump ignoring the science and even decided to leave out the infamous disinfectant episode that many of his supporters misunderstood while injecting themselves with bleach.

                    And you can sit there and blame Biden for every fault the country has, but when I provide concrete facts that Trump's administration was warned about that Wuhan lab and did nothing, suddenly the man is not responsible?  Your double standards are immense.  Not that I blamed Trump in my claim, I blamed his inept administration for not seeing the dangers and then losing our access to China's labs via his trade war.

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  800,000 dead people from Covid.  Trump is responsible for most of those.  Since Delta, Republicans are responsible for most of the rest by not getting vaccinated.

              2. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "He made decisions quickly," - And as a result, made very poor ones almost 100% of the time.

                "We have over 100 thousand unaccompanied children in America due to Biden's poor immigration stance. " - Sorry. !) Biden has roughly the same immigration stance as Trump, relative the border, just without the draconian implementation and 2) it is the Republican's fault that all of those people rushed the border because they kept lying that the border was open when, in fact, Biden [b]kept it closed[/b\

                "This man from the first case of COVID took it upon himself to form a team of scientists. " - That was for show and we all know it because Trump ignored virtually everything they recommended and trusted quacks and shut down science.  Hydrocloroquine, indeed! LOL

                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Scott Atlas - herd immunity through infection.  Case closed.

          2. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
            Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this


            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "I'd like to see our country move away from the "my half" "your half" mentality."

              Nice thought, but in my view not realistic... Who gives in?  And mentally we have two sides due to very diverse different ideologies, and different ideas on which way we hope that America will progress.  Ideologies are very far apart.

              Where do you find even a glimmer of bipartisanship? 

              In my view -- Democracy and country will flourish if we keep to our Constitution, a document that gave us what we needed to keep our Democracy. I find it promising to see a few politicians from both parties are attempting to work together to get things done. These Representatives a hard to find. I must ask, you don't feel the few Dems that are bucking Bidens BBBare not being vilified?  I have read much about how the two that are bucking the bill are being very much vilified, and tormented by citizens in general.

              I am a glass-half-full kind of person also. But, I keep an open mind and don't dance around anything that I find negative. If it'd negative
              outwardly negative, my head stays out of the sand.

              Our Government was meant to be give and take.  It is not at this point.

              " If every four years the idea is to elect someone just to subvert and  suppress the "other side," we are headed for a world of trouble."

              Here is how I have always looked at this --- Every four years we have the ability to glean what we liked about an administration. We have the right to weigh what we thought was good or negative, we have the right to develop an idea of what was the best ideologies, which were the worse.

              It's up to us to determine the best from the worst. We learn, we strive to see what America needs every 8 years... We do our best to research what candidate can fulfill the present needs. 

              In the last decade, we have seen president after president cancels out much of what the prior president did.  It is something to really look at and consider that each president actually canceled on their predecessor. Some do well and one can see there was no vendetta to cast, some not so well... Some cut off our face to spite our nose.

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Along with your last paragraph, one of the things I see that is of great concern is the refusal to accept defeat, or even a well constructed compromise.

                Examples are abortion and gun control.  Pro-lifers have worked for decades to negate RvsW.  If they can't do it via the law they will use whatever other weapons they can find.  Defund Planned Parenthood, which does an enormous amount of good in this country.  Go after doctors, nurses, even cab drivers that "assist" in getting an abortion.  Never give up the fight no matter what compromise is reached - only the banning of all abortions is acceptable.

                Same with gun controls; When SCOTUS declares for the second amendment, find another route to disarm the public.  Make guns too expensive to buy or own.  Make them ever harder to purchase.  Hold gun manufacturers responsible for what people do with their own gun.  Once more, the fight will not end until the public is disarmed.

                This kind of attitude - Compromise only for today, tomorrow we will try a different method of getting what we actually want - is not acceptable.  IMO.

              2. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "Democracy and country will flourish if we keep to our Constitution" - I agree.  Too bad Trump and the Republicans didn't

                Cancelling out.  Yes, that is true. Trump cancelled out the good things Obama did and Biden had to cancel out all of the bad things Trump did.

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I agree, that is why I almost always vote FOR something.  Even though I know Trump would have destroyed America even further, I voted for Biden because I support his agenda (save for leaving Afghanistan).

          3. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "I in no respect supported what is called "Big Lie"." - If you want to vote for him a third time, you certainly do.  But, if you won't vote for him because of the Big Lie then you have turned a corner.

            "I felt the country was safe under Trump, " - That is truly an unbelievable  statement! There is SO many facts to disprove that

            " I liked the economy and the direction he was taking the promising Obama economy," - You do understand, don't you, that the "promising" Obama economy lasted SIX years before Trump continued what Obama started. Why do you keep changing history?

            "I liked his immigration policies, " - You mean you supported taking children away from their parents as a detergent?  Or forcing people seeking asylum to stay in squalid, dangerous conditions in Mexico, you think that was a good thing? Shame.

            "I liked his vision with making the US energy independent " - LOL. Then you must LOVE Obama since HE is the one who made America energy independent, NOT Trump.

            "we are not any longer energy-independent" - Yes, we still are

            Fortunately, even more people will be voting for Biden for the same reason, out of total fear of how Republicans will destroy America.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              As I have said to you many times. I feel we are in a period where one needs to consider the pros and cons when choosing a candidate. Looking at who would best be able to do the job. In the case of Trump versus Biden, I took many hours looking for anything that would tell me that Biden could lead - I found nothing.  I totally liked how Trump handles the job minus his personality.  Very simply I feel one must be able to solve problems. I had no real choice but ITrump. This is my opinion, you seem to think yours is the last word. That does not float with me. I can respect your opinion, and not seek to criticize it. Your corner just is not my corner. 

              Again I felt safe under Trump, and have offered reasons many times, not willing to beat a dead horse. I certainly do not in any respect feel safe under Biden. And I am very sure the people he left in Afganastan don't either. He is a weak man, and he appears to have no Governing skills at all.

              AS I claimed Trump took Obamas promising economy and made it better. That's how I see it. You are defensive without reason...

              Again I supported Trump's immigration policies. All of them. Migrants knew of the policy when they walked in with their children, I would put all blame on the parent that put their child in danger, and separation. WE have legal means to come to America. That is the last word I have on this subject. You have your opinion on the subject it differs from mine.

              Your energy comment in regard to Obama not even signifying an answer. That is plain out ridiculous And np we are not in any respect energy independent. However, believe whatever you please. In my view, your comment is once again ridiculous. Not sure how you would have the nerve to even write such a statement. Biden has been begging OPEC for oil, and oil before long will be at $100.00 per barrel. I'll get back to you when it does. So, be ready to blame Trump ---LOL

              "Fortunately, even more people will be voting for Biden for the same reason, out of total fear of how Republicans will destroy America."

              You have topped yourself with this one... Guess you ignore the polls and all the negativity that surrounds Biden. That's
              your problem. The Dem voters are supporting him in low numbers. I think the stats show 77% at this point and falling weekly.

    44. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Isn't it so very sad that those who believe Trump's Big Lie want to perpetuate that lie by being the most enthusiastic to vote in 2022.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/10/politics … index.html

    45. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Just went to man the Democratic Register to Vote Booth at the Ruby Red Starke, FL Christmas parade and what did I see high in the sky?  The Big Lie in the form of a sign lying that Trump, lol,  (I guess they are on Santa's naughty list for lying.)  Below it was a booth hawking Trump paraphernalia. 

      We did have one lady who stopped by and confessed she was a secret Democrat.  As she pointed her finger down her throat she admitted her husband was (point, point) a Trumper.  When I asked her if she was registered to vote she said HELL yes she was and walked off with a smile.

    46. My Esoteric profile image84
      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      The Trump propaganda outlet Fake Fox News lost another journalist who TRIED to do an honest job - but they wouldn't let him; Chris Wallace.  He just refused to turn into another Carlson or Hannity, who, whether they know it or not, are mouthpieces for our sworn enemy, Russia.

      Chris moved on to a more honest network - CNN.

      https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/12/media/ch … index.html

      1. My Esoteric profile image84
        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        You know what one of the most watched shows in Russia is?  You guessed it, Fake Fox News.

      2. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        "The person organizing the coups is the then current president, Donald Trump, and his minions.  The nescient coups attempt began months before the election as Trump laid the groundwork to falsely claim the election was rigged in the event he lost in November.  Fast forward to the election and Trump did lose and he started implementing his plan to overthrow the will of the people."

        I assume this is your opinion? I have seen no evidence thus far to substantiate your claims. Or just say it's your opinion.

        CNN format may well be overhauled in 2022  Not sure how your system will take a real news network.

        "There’s a place for CNN in the proposed $43 billion combination of WarnerMedia and Discovery, billionaire media mogul John Malone told CNBC in a recorded interview that aired Thursday.

        “I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” said the cable TV pioneer and longtime chairman of Liberty Media, which is a major shareholder in Discovery. “I do believe good journalism could have a role in this future portfolio that Discovery-TimeWarner’s going to represent.”

        Back in May, AT&T announced a deal to combine its content unit WarnerMedia with Discovery. Under the agreement, AT&T will unwind its $85 billion acquisition of TimeWarner, which closed just about three years ago and form a new and separate media company with Discovery. It will bring together AT&T-owned CNN, HBO and the Warner Bros. studio and Discovery’s channels, including Animal Planet, TLC and its namesake Discovery Channel. At the time of the announcement, the parties had said they hoped to close the transaction in the middle of next year." 

        Guess we will need to just wait to see what goes down.
        https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/18/john-ma … y-out.html

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Then you haven't looked.  At the moment, it is my opinion, but it is an informed opinion based on an overwhelming amount of evidence that is out in the public sphere.  There is no telling what the committee has learned behind closed doors.  Hell, even Meadow's book and emails/texts that have been made are so damning.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            It's not an opinion to say Trump began undermining the election results prior to election.  He began programming his supporters to believe that he could only lose if there was fraud.

            Then he and his propaganda networks ran a media campaign to fabricate things they believed were fraud, but that were just their own uneducated misunderstandings about how elections are conducted.

            When those misunderstandings were proven as falsehoods by the courts, they then tried to set aside reality and the laws to remain in power.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              How does one prove someone programmed a group?

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Which "propaganda networks" does Trump own or operate?

                Which "misunderstandings" were proven false in a court trial?  As none of Trump's how were they "proven false" in courts that accepted no evidence or testimony?

                1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  You read my mind. I was starting with one question. I would think he could have given an example of what this mysterious network fabricated in regard to fraud, and a court case to match the fabrication that was heard in court...

                  It's very apparent he believes all of this, and will not or can not just keep to facts when accusing Trump of all these many things. This is just not fair play at all.  As I have said -- pick a crime, condemn him for the crime --- then try to dig up non-existing evidence.

                  This kind of thinking is so half-ass-backward. Not to mention unfair, and dangerous.

                  1. Valeant profile image77
                    Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm sorry you need this information spoon-fed to you, I always assume that after you claim to be so educated on these topics that you have heard about obvious cases like the Nevada man who claimed that someone voted using his dead wife's identity and how Republicans and Tucker Carlson all amplified his claims.  Right up until it turns out his cheating, Republican butt got sentenced for the crime.

                    I could certainly list numerous other examples, but spoon-feeding you proof, proof that you don't accept and then forget with a few weeks as you fall back on your own disinformation, gets tiresome.

                2. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Shocker that you take his to mean owns while it was meant as those in support of.  Another example of you seeing words as how you want and not in the entirety of ways they can be used.

                  Your claim that courts did not accept evidence or testimony claim is always a massive lie.  It's not even worth engaging you when you are this deluded.  Especially when we've gone over all this before with you.

                  This is one of those great examples I noted earlier, where we have debunked your BS, and then you return to the same lies.

                  1. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Ah.  If a TV station reports what the President says it means they support that President.  Strange method of assigning their political ambitions, but perhaps it has merit.

                    So?  Point to one case, brought by Trump, that made it into the courtroom for evidence and testimony.  Can't?  Then don't make false claims that a court "proved" anything at all.

                    Yes, there is BS here.  And the same lies we've heard before - that the courts tried Trump's case and found it false.

                  2. My Esoteric profile image84
                    My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Wilderness loves to use semantics to sharpshoot and make non-sensical points.

                    It is clear he has never read the opinions in any of those 60-odd cases that were tossed in the trash.

              2. Valeant profile image77
                Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                You lay out all the times he made that claim in the media.  Then you add the testimony of those that attacked the Capitol and claimed Trump motivated them to do it.  Which are multiple cases at this point.

                Then you lay out all the court cases that showed Trump's claims were lies, followed by him continuing to repeat those lies.

                Pretty simple actually and what the January 6 committee, who have stated that Trump bears responsibility for the attack, as did Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy by the way, are in the process of proving.  Not to mention multiple judges that came to that conclusion already also after hearing evidence during trials.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  What testimony? Has someone claimed Trump contacted them with a plan to riot at the Capitol?  Does someone have some evidence of this?  Does one have the right to believe or not believe what someone else is saying? How do you prove Trump brainwashed people? Do you not hear how foolish this all sounds. Perhaps it would be wise to just wait and see what this Congressional committee can prove. or will it just be more slanderous accusations against this man, that can't be proved? Not to be rude, but you might want to consider how long you have been promoting things that are not proven to be true. 

                  It is easy for another politician to point a finger, and some did. It would be wonderful to have some proof of your accusations.

                  It's like you are putting a puzzle together that none of the pieces fit. And for four years this has been your thought --- "by the way, are in the process of proving."

                  You are surviving on if comes, that just never come...

                  1. Valeant profile image77
                    Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    What testimony?  Well, I guess it's not surprising that you're not following the convictions of the January 6 insurrectionists.  Multiple claims have been made that Trump incited the crowd to violence.  And given the numerous statements by members of Congress who also assign blame to Trump for the attack, even by Republican leadership, that can be submitted as proof. 

                    When considering those things, and adding in who helped promote and organize the event, then direct the crowd to the Capitol after riling them up, it's very easy to formulate a conclusion about who did the programming about a stolen election and feeding an anger that should not have existed unless led to believe a wrong had been committed, when there was no proof that it actually had.

                    To say those statements sound foolish is, as usual, your omission of many factual statements to form a biased opinion to protect Trump and Trumpism, which we all know you to be devoutly tied to.

                  2. My Esoteric profile image84
                    My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    "What testimony? Has someone claimed Trump contacted them with a plan to riot at the Capitol?"  - And of course that (using the word plan) is being as obtuse as Wilderness is.  What you lay out isn't part of the proof needed to prove Trump incited that insurrection.

                    "Does someone have some evidence of this?" - As I just said, you don't need that type of evidence.  What you are talking about is conspiracy, which isn't being alleged vis-a-vis the insurrectionists.  I t may be, however, in Trump's attempt to overthrow the election by other means.  With what has come out lately, it seems to me Trump and Meadow's attempt to get state lawmakers to overturn the results in their states amounts to conspiracy

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  It is done many times in trials.  I did it myself once in a courts-martial I was prosecuting.  I can't quite remember what the case was and it wasn't even close to something like Trump did and nowhere near as complex, but I remember having to lay out a timeline of actions that supported whatever it was he had been accused of.

                  For Example:
                  Feiner vs New York (1950)

                  Primary Holding
                  The First Amendment permits the government to take action against speech when there is a clear and present danger that it will cause a disturbance of the peace.

                  ... Some of Feiner's remarks encouraged African-Americans to take up weapons and fight for their rights against white people. The crowd, which was racially mixed, responded with some emotion, .... so the officers eventually intervened to forestall the prospect of a riot. After Feiner twice refused to stop his speech, they arrested him...

                  The conviction is sustained against a claim that it violated petitioner's right of free speech under the First and Fourteenth Amendments. Pp. 340 U. S. 316-321.

                  (a) Petitioner was neither arrested nor convicted for the making or the content of his speech, but for the reaction which it actually engendered. Pp. 340 U. S. 319-320.


                  "In Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969), the Supreme Court established that speech advocating illegal conduct is protected under the First Amendment unless the speech is likely to incite “imminent lawless action.”" - In terms of Jan 6, there is no doubt the speech incited "imminent lawless action because that is what happened

                  In Chaplenski vs New Hampshire (1942), a unanimous court said this about "fighting words" - Justice Francis W. Murphy, writing for a unanimous court, held that certain written or spoken words are exempt from First Amendment protection when they instigate violent reactions by listeners

                  Although most speech falls under the protection of the First Amendment freedom of speech, expressions that are “lewd and obscene, . . . profane, . . . libelous, and . . . insulting or ‘fighting’ words” cannot claim constitutional protection. Murphy argued that fighting words “by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace.”

                  It should be clear to any reasonable person that Trump's speech would probably pass the Brandenburg test of "imminent" as well as Chaplenski and Feiner because Trump's, and others, words DID "instigate violent reactions by the listeners".

            2. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Well if it is your opinion, I have no real problem. I have naturally heard and seen the prediction, and the what if's.  The committee seems to be having a very hard time getting anyone to cooperate at this point. And no we don't know what has gone on behind closed doors, I think we should wait before we accuse Trump of such a serious crime. Thus far he has been accused of many things, and nothing has been proven. 

              I read the article in regard to Medow's handing over his emails

              and text --- It does not seem he would have handed them over so easily if there was anything condemning in them. I know he has refused to talk with the committee feeling the emails and text speak for themself. He is in no way going to be caught up in questioning where he might be trapped in some respect lying to Congress. In my view, there is no there -there. I will be surprised if there is anything that would lead to inditing Trump. CNN seems to be blowing this story out slightly out of proportion. 

              "  (CNN)Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows provided the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot with text messages and emails that show he was "exchanging with a wide range of individuals while the attack was underway," according to a source with knowledge of the communications.

              The messages on Meadows' personal cell phone and email account, which were voluntarily handed over without any claim of executive privilege, relate to "what Donald Trump was doing and not doing during the riot,"

              I know the book was to be released on Dec 7th, I have not heard any juice reports from the book. Have you? I think Trump and Meadows are very close, I can't imagine him writing much negative about Trump. I am not going to read the book. I am over all these politicians tell-alls, I buy the book and there is zip in them.

              1. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "It does not seem he would have handed them over so easily if there was anything condemning in them." - I would agree except that he probably doesn't live in the same reality as most of us do.  What seems wrong to everybody else may seem perfectly fine to him and is not worried about it.  Sort of like his admissions about Trump and Covid.  He doesn't really believe in the pandemic, so no big deal.

                "CNN seems to be blowing this story out slightly out of proportion. " - Don't see how, unless you are reading an opinion piece.  CNN general just reports the facts in their news feed. Exactly what was being "blown out of proportion" in the quotes that followed?  Seems like standard stuff to me.

                "relate to "what Donald Trump was doing and not doing during the riot,"" - And that is the point, isn't it.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Speaking of Meadows, The Select Committee just voted to recommend he be held in Criminal Contempt of Congress.

                  In a Jan 5 email, Meadows reveals that the National Guard was on stand by, get this, "to protect pro-Trump people; the same people who beat the crap out of the police and tried to capture and kill congress people (at least according to the posts of a few of them).  The emails and texts apparently also reveal that Meadows had numerous contacts with members of Congress about Trump's efforts to recruit state lawmakers and encourage them to help overturn the election.[/i]

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    "the same people who beat the crap out of the police and tried to capture and kill congresspeople "  You have no proof that anyone was going to kill anyone. Where are these posts? You should not make statements like that unless you can offer a source. You stand to spread unproven information.

                    Thus far the emails and text have not been reported, and Meadows offered these documents without a problem.

                    This kind of comment is very much unfair, and it is what contributes to information that may not be true being spread.  We have no idea what is in those emails or text messages. Little has been leaked, and none proved...

      3. My Esoteric profile image84
        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        On all things Trump you might find this quote from the continuing NY investigation into his and his company's finances interesting:

        Cohen first made his allegations public in testimony before Congress. At the time he made several financial statements public, including one from 2012. In that statement, which CNN has reviewed, Trump's accounting firm notes that "Donald J Trump is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statement," adding they did not audit the statement and identified several deviations from generally accepted accounting principles. The statement also notes that users "should recognize that they might reach different conclusions about the financial condition of Donald J Trump if they had access to a revised statement of financial condition" without the departures to accounting rules.

        https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/14/politics … index.html

      4. My Esoteric profile image84
        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        This truism from an analysis (not opinion) about how Trump is destroying our democracy is worth remembering (and why Trump is SO dangerous)

        And democracy is often not a tangible commodity: The history of rising autocracy abroad suggests it's often not noticed until it's gone.

        Bottom line is that the so-called patriots that really do care about preserving democracy (there are many that don't) are playing with fire in their blind support of this dictator-in-waiting - Trump.  If they don't wake up soon, democracy WILL be gone!

        https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/15/politics … index.html

      5. My Esoteric profile image84
        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        WOW! Amazing new revelations about Trump's attempted coup. Also note that Fake Fox so-called News, OAN, and Newsmax did not show the Select Committees vote to recommend Meadows be held in Criminal Contempt of Congress.

        Let's see if I can summarize:

        - Donald Trump Jr. texted Meadows repeatedly for him to get daddy to stop the violence immediately!  Meadows responds we are trying.  Hours later, Trump finally did. 

        - Hannity, Ingraham, and Kilmeade did the same thing saying things like "“Mark, president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy,” Ingraham texted. " - Notice she wasn't worried about the Congressmen and women!!

        “Please get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished,” added Kilmeade.

        Then they went back to lying that nothing had happened.


      6. My Esoteric profile image84
        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        It is becoming clearer and clearer that this coup was planned!  By who you ask?  Among them, Trump, Mark Meadows, Scott Perry, Jim Jordan, Stephen Miller, and Bill Stepien with Kayleigh McEnany as a mouthpiece.

        The NYT reports that on On Nov. 9, two days after {AP} called the race for Mr. Biden, crisis meetings were underway at Trump campaign headquarters in Arlington, Va..

        Mr. Perry and Mr. Jordan huddled with senior White House officials, including Mr. Meadows; Stephen Miller, a top Trump adviser; Bill Stepien, the campaign manager; and Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary.

        According to two people familiar with the meetings, which have not been previously reported, the group settled on a strategy that would become a blueprint for Mr. Trump’s supporters in Congress: Hammer home the idea that the election was tainted, announce legal actions being taken by the campaign, and bolster the case with allegations of fraud.

        At a news conference later that day, Ms. McEnany delivered the message.

        “This election is not over,” she said. “Far from it.”

        https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/us/p … jan-6.html

      7. My Esoteric profile image84
        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        This analysis (not opinion) nicely summarizes many of the revelations regarding Trump's coup attempt; albeit with well deserved sarcasm. (it does not mention last night's NYT expose of the planning meeting a few days after Trump's Nov loss between Meadows and other high ranking members of Trump's inner circle to plan how to overturn the election.)

        One passage gives me hope that the straws which broke the camel's back finally did their job. This is from one of the main orgainzers of the Jan 6 rally (nott the riot) that Trump called.

        "Essentially, he abandons people when the going gets tough for people. And, you know, in some ways, it's embarrassing to think that in a lot of ways, we bought into what essentially turned out to be a bluff or a con," Stockton told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Tuesday. - If more Trump acolytes like those on this forum can finally see the light like Dustin Stockton just did, maybe there is hope yet.

        https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/16/politics … index.html

        1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
          Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this


          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Is he in your district?

        2. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          More proof that Trump purposefully mishandled his response to the pandemic which led to thousands of excess deaths.

          https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/17/politics … index.html

          1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
            Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this


            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this


              Just like we now know there was a conspiracy within the Trump administration to suppress the truth about Covid, we are quickly learning there was a conspiracy between White House, Congressional, Defense, and other powerful Trump acolytes to overthrow the Constitution.

        3. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          The sentences of the insurrectionists are getting longer as the crimes get more serious.  In this case, five years for assaulting police officers.

          I wonder what the people who almost killed Fanone will get - 20 years, I hope.

          https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/17/politics … index.html

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I have not as of yet witnessed anyone being charged for an "insurrection". Have I missed something? So, here is what I got from the article you posted. First that the man that was sentenced was not charged with insurrection.

            "Robert Scott Palmer is the first person to be sentenced for the felony of assaulting an officer with a dangerous weapon."

            Then this stood out to me --- A Statement from District Judge Tanya Chutkan that presided over the trial.

            "I wonder if the people who are usually before me," Chutkan said of Black and minority defendants she presides over, "if they had tried to storm the Capitol that day, would they have been met with rubber bullets. I suspect not."

            (I find her statement biased. She is a black woman, and she appears to have a problem being non-bias.)

            Chutkan, an appointee of former President Barack Obama and former public defender, has emerged as perhaps the harshest judge for January 6 defendants. Seven cases in front of her have reached sentencing, and all seven have received jail time ranging from 14 days to more than five years behind bars."

            And not sure why you feel anyone that has been charged for crimes on that day deserves 20 years. The crimes don't warrant such a sentence.

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              One can only wonder why you are going about trying to whitewash the insurrection by claiming none have been charged with that specific crime.  Is it that you just cannot process what makes an insurrection an insurrection?  Do we need to list the definition so you can stop this line of thought?

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "I have not as of yet witnessed anyone being charged for an "insurrection"." - [i[Actually, that seems to be the part of the accusations in the civil suits the capitol police and lawmakers have brought against Trump. For example - "In another, two US Capitol Police officers sued Trump, claiming he directed his followers to assault them."  or "In the third lawsuit, Rep. Bennie Thompson and other lawmakers accused Trump and Rudy Giuliani of conspiring with the far-right groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to incite the January 6 insurrection."

              "that day deserves 20 years" - Ii]I am aware you don't think the attack on our democracy was no big deal, but patriots like definitely do.  He tried to kill a cop to overthrow the gov't.  To me, that deserves the death penalty.[/i]

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                If Trump is sued for instituting an insurrection by private parties, and none of the rioters were charged for being in an insurrection, doesn't that mean Trump didn't institute an insurrection that no one participated in?

                Trump tried to kill a cop?  Video, please, as that would be quite interesting.  If you can't provide a video, provide the orders (beyond "March peacefully on the Capital) instructing the guy being charged with throwing a fire extinguisher at a cop.  But if you can't, quit making ridiculous claims you cannot support.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Nope, it doesn't

                  Who said Trump personally tried to kill a cop.  There you go being obtuse again and making things up.  By inciting the insurrection, the jury can find Trump guilty of attempted murder before the fact and award damages to all those hurt by his insurrection.

                  Why are you hanging your WHOLE defense on what amounts to lip service.  If Trump was serious about being non-violent, he 1) wouldn't have used so much violent and hateful language and 2) used much more language about being peaceful.  You know as well as I do, that "peaceful" comment was just another Trump lie - like when he told the crowd a couple of times he was going to be with them.

                  BTW, I guess you didn't notice, I am not making the claim, the plaintiffs are.

                2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "He tried to kill a cop to overthrow the gov't.  To me, that deserves the death penalty.[/i]" 

                  He was not charged with Attempted murder or anything related to murder... (no one was charged with attempted murder)  This kind of rhetoric (in my view) is harmful and unnecessary, and truely works to promote conspiracy theories.  No one was charged with murder... or attempted murder.

                  He was not charged with this sort of crime in any respect --- he was charged with --- "Robert Scott Palmer is the first person to be sentenced for the "felony of assaulting" an officer with a dangerous weapon." ASSAULT.
                  Here are Palmers charges with source
                  "Assaulting, resisting, opposing or impeding an officer while armed with a deadly or dangerous weapon; obstructing, impeding or interfering with law enforcement; unlawful entry; disorderly or disruptive conduct; physical violence against a person in a restricted building or grounds

                  Pleaded guilty Oct. 4 to assaulting resisting or impeding certain officers using a dangerous weapon.

                  What happened
                  Palmer, who owns a cleaning service in Largo, Florida, was dubbed #FloridaFlagJacket by online sleuths because he wore a jacket styled like an American flag with the word Trump on the front and a Trump campaign pin to the Capitol. The FBI reported he threw a wooden plank at officers, sprayed the contents of a fire extinguisher toward officers, threw the fire extinguisher at them, and then picked it up and threw it at them a second time. Court records in Pinellas County, Florida show Palmer has been in trouble with authorities more than a dozen times over 35 years, including a 1989 felony charge of fraud and theft and a 1998 felony charge of false imprisonment. Records show he declared bankruptcy in 2014 and was ticketed with driving on a sidewalk or bike path in 2018."
                  https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/flor … us-capitol

                  Here is  as it that list who was arrested, and what they were charged with
                  https://www.usatoday.com/storytelling/c … b-arrests/

                  No one was charged with an insurrection period.

                  1. My Esoteric profile image84
                    My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I am sorry that trying (and succeeding for a short time) to overthrow our gov't doesn't impress you as being serious.  I certainly does me.

                    I am WELL aware of what he was charged with and what he pled guilty to - those are the technical details.  But, what he did was much, much worse that simple assault.  At least the judge increased the penalty because he was an insurrectionist.

                    Other judges are also complaining that DOJ is being too lenient given the seriousness of the crimes.  I agree.

                    The man attempted to kill an officer protecting our democracy - that is as serious as it gets, IMO.  I don't understand why that doesn't deserve the death penalty (or at least 20 years).

                    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      I certainly would or will affect me if any of this is proven. I think after going so many rounds with me, you would realize I wait for facts. I have been through all of your conspiracies now for some years... I put the blame where it should be if facts are supplied. I am holding onto my ability to use common sense, and not buy into the media's accusations.

                      I have laid out the facts in regard to Palmer --- you can see his charges, none were murder or attempted murder. He committed crimes, was convicted, and was given an appropriate sentence. Not the 20 years you feel he should have received...

                      You do realize many are charged with various murder charges with different degrees of that crime and do not receive life or 20 years. The sentence is set due to the type of murder they committed.  Not sure why you feel this guy was purposely trying to murder an officer, could he just have been attempting to hurt him to do bodily harm? We can hope the judge took all of this into consideration when she sentenced him. Not sure I would want to condemn this man to 20 years in prison. I know nothing about his motive, or if he intended to kill anyone, do you? IMO, this kind of thinking is what can lead to mob violence. In fact that most likely was what did promote violence on that very Jan day at our Capitol --- people thinking they knew what needed to be done, due to something they believed there was fraud committed, something that there was no proof of ...

                      You are doing the same thing --- reading in what you want to believe, and offering an opinion on what "should be done."

                      Maybe time for people to cool their jets, and have a long look at what the media is doing. Tune out, wait for facts or you in my view are adding to the problem we are seeing today.

                      1. My Esoteric profile image84
                        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        "The sentence is set due to the type of murder they committed.  ." - You do realize, don't you, that it is just my opinion as to what the charges and sentences should be - based on what they did.  Nowhere did I say that is what reality is.  I did say others, like judges, thought DOJ was being too lenient; but, they also said they can't do anything about it (except maybe give 5 years where DOJ asked for 4).  Maybe it is time for those whitewashing what happened understand how close they are to losing there democracy to dictators like Trump and the Republicans.

                        I simply have a hard time discerning the difference between what Trump, and those that support him, is trying to do to America and what HAS HAPPENED or IS HAPPENING in places like Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Hungary, Algeria and others listed in this report on the decline of democracy around the world.

                        https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom … nder-siege

              2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "In another, two US Capitol Police officers sued Trump, claiming he directed his followers to assault them."  or "In the third lawsuit, "

                Did they win this case?  CNN -- "Judge Amit Mehta of the DC District Court has set oral arguments on whether the cases -- which are separate from the congressional or criminal investigations -- should be dismissed for January 10." (A wait and see)

                I see no evidence to make me believe anyone was trying to over through the Government. I would think a true patriot would promote the concept of innocent before proven guilty. What appears to me by your statement  "they should get 20 years," you have lost what the statement innocent until proven guilty means, and the importance of keeping that value in our society. A hang em high sentiment is damaging to
                our very moral structure.

                It well appears those that committed chargeable crimes are getting their day in court. Let's let our laws and penal system do the job of punishment if necessary.  I will admit with judges showing biases we have a problem brewing...  This mentality is uncalled for from the bench.

                I think you need to reevaluate some of the words your using, none of the charges that came from that riot include "insurrection". This kind of language is at this point is destructive, and inflames people unnecessarily.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Did I say they "won" the case (although I have zero doubt it will go to trial).

                  "I see no evidence to make me believe anyone was trying to over through the Government. " - ??? Did you NOT SEE the members of Congress run for their very lives?  Did you NOT SEE they stopped their official proceeding because of the insurrection?  By Definition Trump's troops overthrew the American federal gov't for a short period of time.  The fact that they didn't do it permanently (which must have disappointed Trump and his supporters terribly) doesn't alter the fact that they succeeded in what they set out to do - shut down Congress.  How do you not understand that?

                  The way I see it, when I joined the Army and went to Vietnam, I did it to protect America.  When these a-holes took up arms (be they guns or fire extinguishers) against Congress and the Capitol, they were attacking America.  In my opinion, they are no better than Russian troops.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    No, I did not see anyone in Congress run for their lives What I saw was congress being escorted out to safety, very scared, but not running for their life. There are many videos of what they did when notified. I have not seen any showing them running for their lives. I saw some very scared people doing what they were told to do. It was very clear this situation was very terrifying and would be to most anyone. However, you are being hyperbolic say "they were running for their lives".

                    And yes I witnessed Congress being stopped cold from their duties of that day.  Which the perpetrators have been arrested for interfering by rioting and committing various crimes.

                    Was it an insurrection? So, far no one in law enforcement has charged anyone with an insurrection. You are entitled to your opinion that it was. But, factually as it stands no one was charged with insurrection.

                    The only Trump troops would be our military on that day. He did not direct them to attract the Capitol, did he?  The Government was not overthrown on that day and were quickly back in session by that evening.

                    So, no they did not succeed in shutting down Congress.
                    https://www.usnews.com/news/elections/a … ke-capitol
                    "Congress will reconvene Wednesday evening and continue the certification of President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College vote, hours after violent riots forced the U.S. Capitol into lockdown.

                    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California released a statement that the breach at the Capitol by pro-Trump supporters won't deter lawmakers from fulfilling thier duty to formalize Biden's victory and that they will work to complete the process they had started around 1 p.m. It remains unclear how long the session will last and if a handful of Republicans plan to follow through with their objections to state results. Politico reported that Congress plans to return around 8 p.m."

                    You need to look at the facts, in my view, your comment just does not ring true.

                    This is what I understand--- and all of what I understand was derived by clear facts that stand thus far. We differ in how we come to opinions. This is just an assumption, but I feel the mindset between conservatives and liberals differs greatly when it comes to using facts to come
                    by an opinion.  You are very much willing to hang your opinion on unproven information, although compelling, lacks substantial truth. It's like a puzzle that is compelling but the pieces never fit. And when that puzzle becomes frustrating, you start a new one. 

                    So, here is what I understand thus far about the riot of Jan 6 at the Capitol.
                    I understand there was a riot at our capital. I realize I can't just appoint to any given individual a motive. I realize Congress was scared, and had every right to be scared, but were not hurt, and returned to work hours after the riot to complete their job. I realize the FBI tracked down lawbreakers and the DOJ rounded them up and arrested them, and charged them with what they felt was their crime or crimes. I realize these people are having their day in court, and being sentenced appropriately by judges. I do not think it is my place nor would it be appropriate or fair
                    to use words like insurrection lightly. I trust in our law enforcement agencies, and our courts to offer facts. Which they did. You just appear not to want to believe the facts as they stand thus far.

                    To promote if come and conspiracies is what can lead to lawlessness and sometimes violence.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      "No, I did not see anyone in Congress run for their lives" - [i[What a beautiful example of deflection - focusing on the semantics rather than the REAL issue (which was incapsulated in the your next sentence)[/i]

                      "What I saw was congress being escorted out to safety, very scared, ..." - If you would have expanded and discussed this part of that sentence, rather than whitewashing the meaning with the conclusion "... but not running for their life", that would have been useful. But instead, you turn to arguing about semantics.

                      "And yes I witnessed Congress being stopped cold from their duties of that day. " - Which, by definition, is an insurrection!  To wit: a violent uprising against an authority or government.. 1) it was violent and 2) it was against both authority and government.  A rose by any other name is still a rose. I rest my case.

                      "The only Trump troops would be our military on that day. " - Again, you deflect by arguing semantics, I simply like alliteration.  Would Trump mob suit you better? There is no question it was Trump's. He spent months planning for this gathering and calling them there; and once there, he sent them to the Capitol.  There is no denying any of that.

                      " The Government was not overthrown on that day and were quickly back in session by that evening." - LOL Even in your own rebuttal you admit the insurrectionists shut down the operation of government, to wit: the counting of the electoral votes (which was the goal, btw).  So, YES, they did succeed, if only temporality (which appears not to bother you in the slightest, If it did, you would understand how close we came to losing our democracy that day!} You can never be a "little bit" pregnant. Either you are or you are not; either you, how did you put it earlier, "Congress being stopped cold from their duties" or they were not.

                      I would suggest it is YOU who need to look at the facts, ALL of the facts.

                      " You are very much willing to hang your opinion on unproven information, although compelling, lacks substantial truth." - So now you are claiming the official proceedings of the House were not stopped?  The truth is, they were.  The unproven information is that they were not.

                      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        "No, I did not see anyone in Congress run for their lives" - [i[What a beautiful example of deflection - focusing on the semantics rather than the REAL issue (which was incapsulated in the your next sentence)[/i]"

                        I was asked a direct question. I guess I could have written it off as just being overly dramatic. I offered you facts of why I felt your sentiment was incorrect in my view.

                        I certainly feel the context explains my belief well ---   What I saw was congress being escorted out to safety, very scared, but not running for their life. There are many videos of what they did when notified. I have not seen any showing them running for their lives. I saw some very scared people doing what they were told to do. It was very clear this situation was very terrifying and would be to most anyone.

                        You seem to argue semantics --- Your comment is full of derogatory semantics that implies something you can't prove.

                        I am claiming they were not stopped due to concluding their business within hours after the riot. That the rioters did not STOP them from concluding their business totally.

        4. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I don't understand why Ivana and her husband don't disown Trump for his anti-sematic stupidity.  Tropes like these have led to the killing of millions of Jews worldwide.  We know another infamous person who talked like this back in the 1930s,  don't we?

          https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/17/politics … index.html

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Remember your kast big conspiracy Trump's taxes. Predicting Trump would be charged. Has he been charged with any form of a tax crime?  New York has his taxes... Has he been charged?  You seem hell-bent on getting this man arrested for something. Don't you feel at some point you should stop all of this? The Democrats have made fools of themselves needlessly with all this BS. This is destroying their credibility, and hurting the country IOM. One would wonder how anyone would want to be associated with such a political party. I must shake my head...

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Did you read somewhere they shut down their investigation into Trump? I haven't.  In fact, I just read they are now trying to depose him for what amounts to tax evasion coupled with bank fraud.

              I would think that the fact that Trump is under investigation for a multitude of criminal activity would give you a clue that this man is a criminal, whether he has been formally convicted or not.

              Will he be convicted of some of the following:

              1. E. Jean Carroll Defamation and Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation

              2. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

              3. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action (for using the Trump brand to scam investors)

              4. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds

              5. Reps. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

              6. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

              7. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

              8. Second Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

              9. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case for Post-Election Actions

              10. New York Attorney General’s Civil and Criminal Investigations

              11. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders

              12. Trump Tower Assault Suit

              13. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances

              14. DC AG Incitement Criminal Investigation

              15. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

              16. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course

              https://www.justsecurity.org/75032/liti … ald-trump/

              The only fools are those whitewashing Trump's illegal activities.  Yet you are associated with the Republican Party which has morphed into the anti-American, anti-democratic, conspiracy theory party.  I seriously don't think the GOP will survive Trump and will go the way of the Federalist Party.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Again with all these words, they add up to THUS far zero... another big puzzle that as of yet you can't complete.

                With all of what you call illegal activities, the man has not been chat=rged with a crime in his life. You accuse him without a foundation of facts or an arrest.

                You again predict --- I will predict the Republican party will survive, and sweep in 2022.  Beyond that, I will wait and see what the 2024 primaries bring. 

                Just an opinion I don't think anything will come from the Jan 6th committee but more rhetoric for left media.  And this kind of rhetoric is getting old, and IMO harmful to their party. They are becoming the party of crazy conspiracies if one were to ask me.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  " You accuse him without a foundation of facts or an arrest." - So you want us to believe you would never accuse Al Capone or Un or Xi or Putin or Hitler or Stalin or ... of killing people?  After all, none of them have ever been arrested or convicted of killing people.  So, using your reasoning, none of them ever did it.  To me, that is not a tenable position to take when the evidence is obvious with all of those I named as well as Trump for most of what he is in court for or being investigated for.

                  You certainly could be right able about the Republican Party, but I hope not.  I also hope what the real Republicans will do is form another party.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Investigated is the keyword.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Is that response to imply that "you DO want us to believe you would never accuse Al Capone or Un or Xi or Putin or Hitler or Stalin or ... of killing people?" ?

                      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        Do you believe the outcome of two impeachments, a made-up Russian dossier, and now a made-up insurrection?  All these vile investigations fell flat, no there -there... That is factual.

        5. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Will revelations of Trump's crimes in office never end?

          https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/19/politics … index.html

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I watched the entire interview not spliced snippets--- He did not in any respect say he was pressured to support any form of medication or did he say he was asked to fire Fauci. This is once again taking a man's words and adding their own context. The quotes they used only need to be put in the context of the complete sentences before the quote. Hopefully, he will put out a statement today to clarify this CNN hit job.

            Can't wait until CNN initiates the new format. This is full-out disgusting.

            "Washington (CNN)The outgoing director of the National Institutes of Health said Sunday that he faced political pressure from then-President Donald Trump and other Republicans to endorse unproven Covid-19 remedies such as hydroxychloroquine and to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

            Dr. Francis Collins, whose last day as NIH director is Sunday, told CBS News that he got a "talking to" by Trump, but that he held his ground and would have resigned if Trump made him endorse remedies for Covid-19 that were not based in science.

            "I have done everything I can to stay out of any kind of political, partisan debates because it is really not a place where medical research belongs," he said. "I was not going to compromise scientific principles to just hold onto the job."

            Trump frequently touted hydroxychloroquine as a potential Covid-19 cure, and he claimed while in office to have used it himself even as medical experts and the US Food and Drug Administration questioned its efficacy and warned of potentially harmful side effects. In June 2020, the FDA revoked its emergency use authorization for both hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for the treatment of Covid-19, saying it determined the drugs were unlikely to be effective in treating Covid-19 based on the latest scientific evidence.
            CNN has reached out to the office of the former President for comment on Collins' interview.

            Collins also said he fought back calls from Republicans for him to fire Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert who now serves as President Joe Biden's chief medical adviser.

            "Can you imagine a circumstance where the director of the NIH, somebody who believes in science, would submit to political pressures and fire the greatest expert in infectious disease that the world has known, just to satisfy political concerns?" he said.

            Fauci has faced harsh criticism from Republicans, including Trump, during the pandemic, with the longtime public servant being assailed for what they see as an overly cautious approach to the crisis and his occasional reversal on some key issues, including mask-wearing.

            Collins said on Sunday that during his 12 years serving as NIH director, one thing he would have studied more carefully is hesitancy.

            "I did not imagine there would be 60 million people who, faced with compelling evidence of the life-saving nature of Covid vaccines, would still say, 'No, not for me,'" he said."

            Collin did not in any respect say he was asked to support any form of medication. He was asked if he would resign "IF ASKED" would he support something he did not believe in.  Which he answered with a direct statement of what he would do, not what he did...

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "He did not in any respect say he was pressured to support any form of medication" - Then you and I must have watched different things.  Also, please reread the headline. First, he was very clear, in response to the question about Trump pressuring him to advocate unproven therapies, that Trump was very unhappy with his decision to follow the science and not endorse the cure de jeur.  Second, it wasn't that he was "asked" by Trump or his cronies to fire Fauci, but the interview clearly shows he was pressured to do so.  Third, the quotes you offered support the CNN headline, not refute it.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Watch the actual interview that was on CBS yesterday Morning watch it in full...  CNN took an interview and murdered Collen's words. I am so glad you posted this article, anyone that wants to see the full scope of what CNN does should watch the full interview. You need to start researching some of the articles you post. In my view, this article is spreading disinformation. Collins also did an article with Fox on Friday which totally gives the context he offered in the CBS interview.

                Watch the interview in full with all the context before and after sentences that give the context of Collins's words.   https://www.cbsnews.com/sunday-morning/

                1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                  Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Thank you for posting this interview. That was really inspiring. What a wonderful man both professionally and personally. Incredibly accomplished but boy you could really see the passion for his work.  I'm glad he's getting some positive attention where others have been absolutely vilified. In the past we've rarely seen the individuals who are doing unbelievable work within our government. Kudos to him.
                  I did hear him say that he got a talking to from Mr Trump. I can understand why he wouldn't elaborate on that.

                  I appreciate his straightforward comments in the following article also
                  https://www.npr.org/sections/coronaviru … -real-enem

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, my point --- he did not elaborate. And perhaps it's not wise for the general public to read into what he was referring to.  He walked a fine line, and one certainly could read into his words. But should we as the CNN headline? "Outgoing NIH director says Trump and other Republicans pressured him to endorse unproven Covid-19 remedies and to fire Fauci"

                    I did not hear him confirm these accusations. 

                    This was my beef with the article. The interview was one I watched yesterday morning. It was a very nice interview for this man to end his time with the NIH.

                    I felt CNN garbaged the interview up. With a blurb headline, and a short few words to feed those that like dirty laundry.

                    OH, that's what Media is now best known for. Gotta pay the bills.

        6. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          It should be noted that Trump is STILL trying to overturn the election.

          New study shows US closer to a civil war since the last Civil War.  My take is that Trump's insurrection is the reason.

          https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/202 … vn-vpx.cnn

          1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
            Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            This interview was incredibly sobering. Particularly with the threat of Mr Trump choosing to run in the 2024 election. That could be the tipping point in my opinion. Sadly, maybe that's been his goal all along.

        7. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I hadn't paid too much attention to this until I saw an interview on CNN with one of the retired generals who authored this exceptionally scary op-ed in the Washington Post.

          If, after reading and listening to this, thinks that the danger to our country from Trump is very real then they are an ostrich with their head in the sand or anti-American, one or the other!

          It is time, I think to start identifying Trump acolytes in our military ranks and separating them.

          https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/202 … ip-vpx.cnn

          https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/u … il-war-in/

          https://www.independent.co.uk/news/worl … 78961.html

          https://www.independent.co.uk/news/worl … 78961.html

          https://www.news-journal.com/retired-ge … 8b821.html

          https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions … -military/

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Who are these generals?

            Paul D. Eaton is a retired U.S. Army major general and a senior adviser to VoteVets. Antonio M. Taguba is a retired Army major general, with 34 years of active duty service. Steven M. Anderson is a retired brigadier general who served in the U.S. Army for 31 years.

            What Did They Say?

            For starters: "In short: We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding next time."

            Note that they think there was a coup attempt on Jan 6, 2021

            Their lead in is this:

            "As we approach the first anniversary of the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, we — all of us former senior military officials — are increasingly concerned about the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election and the potential for lethal chaos inside our military, which would put all Americans at severe risk."

            Speaking of our military: "But without constant maintenance, the potential for a military breakdown mirroring societal or political breakdown is very real."

            The signs are there: " On Jan. 6, a disturbing number of veterans and active-duty members of the military took part in the attack on the Capitol.

            "A group of 124 retired military officials, under the name “Flag Officers 4 America,” released a letter echoing Donald Trump’s false attacks on the legitimacy of our elections."

            "...more worrying, Brig. Gen. Thomas Mancino, the commanding general of the Oklahoma National Guard, refused an order from President Biden mandating that all National Guard members be vaccinated against the coronavirus."

            The Bottom Line - "The potential for a total breakdown of the chain of command along partisan lines — from the top of the chain to squad level — is significant should another insurrection occur. "

            Further - "The lack of military preparedness for the aftermath of the 2020 election was striking and worrying. "

            What To Do - Hold people accountable! - "First, everything must be done to prevent another insurrection. Not a single leader who inspired it has been held to account."

            "But the military cannot wait for elected officials to act. The Pentagon should immediately order a civics review for all members — uniformed and civilian — on the Constitution and electoral integrity."

            "all military branches must undertake more intensive intelligence work at all installations. The goal should be to identify, isolate and remove potential mutineers; guard against efforts by propagandists who use misinformation to subvert the chain of command; and understand how that and other misinformation spreads across the ranks after it is introduced by propagandists."

            "Finally, the Defense Department should war-game the next potential post-election insurrection or coup attempt to identify weak spots. "

        8. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          More evidence the Republicans are doubling down on the coup Trump started by 1) being even more restrictive on voting rights and 2) promulgating Trump's [b]Big Lie[/i]

          https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/21/politics … index.html

          https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/21/politics … index.html

          1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
            Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "A refusal to endorse the legitimacy of Biden's victory has become a key requirement in Republican primaries across the country. From conservative Alabama to the swing states of the Midwest, numerous Republicans trying to win party nominations in 2022 have joined former President Donald Trump in refusing to publicly admit that Trump just plain lost.
            Some candidates are aggressive, turning the lie that Trump was the rightful winner into a central part of their campaign pitches. Other candidates are evasive, straining to sidestep a direct answer on the question of Biden's legitimacy.
            Both approaches are dishonest. And both are evidence of a disturbing fact about the state of the Republican Party: you'll find it very hard to win a 2022 primary if you decide to openly acknowledge the truth about Biden's fair-and-square victory"

            Let's hope that truth and reality prevail. This is just mind-blowing. It's an alternate reality. It's so hard to wrap your head around the fact that people could be led to believe these sorts of lies. The indoctrination of Mr. Trump's base is  appalling.

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              And, as it turns out, fund raising off of the "Big Lie" may lead to wire fraud charges.

              With any luck "You'll find it very hard to win a 2022 primary if you decide to openly acknowledge the truth about Biden's fair-and-square victory" will help nullify the hole the Democrats are facing in the 2022 mid-terms.

        9. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          As the Jan 6 commission uncovers more information, the talk of criminally referring Donald Trump is getting louder.

          Initially, the commission simply wanted to get to the bottom of how and why the insurrection happened.  But with Meadows' revelations it has become clearer that Trump might be criminally responsible for what happened that day.  Based on what they have uncovered so far (that we know of) two possible charges stand out:

          1. Wire Fraud based on the fact that Trump and other Republicans raised millions of dollars off assertions that the election was stolen, despite knowing the claims were not true, and

          2. Obstruction of an Official Proceeding.

          https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/20/us/p … erral.html

        10. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          While Republican's stymie Democratic efforts to combat the anti-democratic repressive Republican state voter laws, Biden and Schumer have quickly been filling judgeships with ones that understand the importance of everyone being able to vote.

          https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/21/opinions … index.html

        11. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          As part of their mandate, the Select Committee is trying to figure out a set of recommendations that will Trump-Proof future certifications.  Many scholars think that is impossible since any law passed that binds Congress depends on the "honor system".  The problem, of course, is when a Party and their losing president have no "honor" as we are seeing today with Trump and the Republicans.

          Color me simple-minded, but it seems that the answer is in the 12th Amendment itself.  Among other things, it requires that

          1. The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, ... , and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;-

          Even with all of the extra words, that seems pretty straight-forward to me.  The Electors gather, they vote, they make a list, they seal it, and they send it to the Vice President.  As far as that part of the process, where is the ambiguity?


          2. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted; - So where is the ambiguity in that?

          Any law passed to implement the 12th Amendment must incorporate those mandates - BOOM

          Any law which provides for a deviation from that would, IMHO, by unconstitutional.  For example, the part in the Electoral Count Act that allows congress people to "challenge" a states certification seems blatantly unconstitutional.  So it would seem to me when the Democrats did it to prove a point or the Republicans just did it in order to overturn the election, that would be in violation of the strict wording of the 12th Amendment - meaning that when the Democrats did it and the Republicans did it, it was unconstitutional!

          If that is true, then what the Republicans attempted to do on certification day was unconstitutional (but not a coup as they were using the law and the official proceedings in an attempt to subvert the outcome of the election).  BUT, what Trump and his army did on that day was a coup/ insurrection since they succeeded for many hours to violently stop the functioning of government, or, as many are charged with "Obstructing an Official Proceeding"

          https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/0 … nge-526168

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "If that is true, then what the Republicans attempted to do on certification day was unconstitutional (but not a coup as they were using the law and the official proceedings in an attempt to subvert the outcome of the election).  BUT, what Trump and his army did on that day was a coup/ insurrection since they succeeded for many hours to violently stop the functioning of government, or, as many are charged with "Obstructing an Official Proceeding"

            What Republicans?  Can you be more specific? What representatives tried to stop certification on that day?

            1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
              Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Even after the  mob of Mr.  Trump's supporters swarmed and entered the Capitol,  a handful of Republican senators and more than 100 Republican representatives stood by their decisions to vote against certifying the results of the presidential election. Their decisions to make these objections really suggested just how some  were shockingly comfortable with undermining the democratic process.

              https://www.npr.org/sections/insurrecti … lege-count

              https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/07/us/p … ation.html

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I guess you wouldn't have heard about this from your right-wing propaganda sources.  Contained herein are the 147 Republicans who voted not to certify the election.  Were it not for the insurrection, there would have been more, but a few Republicans were so horrified by the assault on them, they changed their mind.

              https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/202 … ctors.html

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Here is a good description of factually what happened in regard to the Election certification, and all the objections that were heard leading up to the certification and on the day of the certification. And the final outcome.

                Plus, Objections to the electoral votes had virtually no chance of success, as Democrats had a majority in the House of Representatives. Although the Senate had a Republican majority, there was no committed majority of Republicans for overturning the election results.  Those that were objecting had ever right to bring forth their objections to being heard and debated, which was done.  Objections were not unconstitutional.

                Jan 6, 2021 ---   "The joint session of Congress met at 1:00 p.m. EST to count the results of the Electoral College. Prior to the vote, Pence released a letter to Congress which denied the assertion that Pence, as the presiding officer of the count, had "unilateral authority" to overturn any state results.

                The results from each state were opened and read one at a time, in alphabetical order. The results of Alabama and Alaska were read without objection. The results of Arizona were then objected to by Paul Gosar (AZ-4) and Ted Cruz (TX). Because of the objection, the joint session adjourned at 1:15 p.m. to allow each chamber to debate and vote on the objection.

                During the debate of Arizona's votes, Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol at approximately 2:15 p.m. and members of the House of Representatives and Senate were promptly evacuated from the Capitol by Capitol Police, and Congress was placed under lockdown. The District of Columbia National Guard, as well as the National Guards and state police of the neighboring states of Virginia and Maryland, were activated within the hour. At approximately 5:40 p.m., the Sergeant-at-Arms announced that the Capitol building had been secured. Congress then reconvened at 8:00 p.m. and politicians from both parties condemned both Trump and the rioters' failed insurrection.

                Before the session resumed, at 7:00 p.m. Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, left a voice message to Senator Mike Lee by mistake, as the intended recipient was Senator Tommy Tuberville. Lee subsequently released the message to the public. In the message, Giuliani is heard saying: "I know they're reconvening at 8 tonight, but it ... the only strategy we can follow is to object to numerous states and raise issues so that we get ourselves into tomorrow – ideally until the end of tomorrow." The legal or tactical purpose of the attempted delay is not clear, but may have been to form the basis of another legal challenge if the certification could not have been finalized on the 6th. Senator Tuberville was not aware of the message intended for him until after it became public. How many other members of Congress received similar calls is not known.

                Debate on the objection to Arizona's electoral votes resumed at 8:00 p.m., and both chambers spent some time condemning the storming of the Capitol. The Senate then voted to reject the objection by 6–93 at 10:10 p.m. and was followed by the House rejection by 121–303 at 11:08 p.m. The joint session resumed again shortly afterward where Pence requested the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House to report the actions of both, with the written objection being formally rejected, allowing the session to resume for the rest of the states. Objections to the electoral votes of Georgia, Michigan, and Nevada were raised by Republican members of the House but were not sustained because no senator joined the objection. In the case of Georgia, Senator Kelly Loeffler (R–GA) had withdrawn her objection after the unrest. After the failed objection to Michigan's electoral votes, the outstanding planned objections for Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin totaling 36 votes were not sufficient to deny the Biden/Harris ticket the 270 votes needed to win. Representative Jake LaTurner was notified of his positive diagnosis with COVID after the vote on Arizona and went into isolation, missing the Pennsylvania vote.

                The next state objected to was Pennsylvania where Scott Perry (PA-10) and Josh Hawley (MO) objected to the results, and the joint session adjourned at 12:15 a.m. The Senate held no further debate and within minutes the Senate rejected the objection by a 7–92 vote. The House held a debate where there was a single instance of disruption during a speech by Conor Lamb (PA-17). An objection by Morgan Griffith (VA-9) to Lamb's words was denied over timeliness, during which Andy Harris (MD-1) and Colin Allred (TX-32) began arguing with each other and ended up confronting each other. The confrontation was broken up and Lamb's speech continued after the disruption. After further debate, the House voted to reject the objection at 3:08 a.m. by a 138-282 vote.

                The joint session resumed once again at 3:25 a.m. with the Secretary and the Clerk reporting the results of the vote, formally rejecting the second written objection. The session resumed the tallying of the results. At 3:33 a.m., the electoral votes of Vermont were counted, putting the Biden/Harris ticket over the 270 electoral votes needed to secure the presidency and vice presidency. The final objection was to Wisconsin, but it failed because no senator joined the objection. The joint session was dissolved by Pence at 3:44 a.m.

                Republican Congressman Peter Meijer said that several of his Republican colleagues in the House would have voted to certify the votes, but did not out of fear for the safety of their families and that at least one specifically voted to overturn Biden's victory against their conscience because they were shaken by the mob attack that day.

                I asked you a simple question ---What Republicans? (once again you blanketed an entire body of individuals). That was my point.

                  Can you be more specific? (I had hoped you would realize it was a handful that truely was behind that brought forth objections to the counts from several; states.)

                What representatives tried to stop certification on that day? ( no one tried to stop the proceedings unlawfully -- Yes, they brought forth objections, those objections were heard, and voted on, and shot down. There was nothing unconstitutional in their actions in regard to bringing forth objections.

                I think this article is non-bias and gives a good description of what went on around and up to Jan 6th certification of Biden.

                https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Unit … vote_count

                There is nothing to substantiate your view that anyone planned a coup or did anything unconstitutional. In my view, Congress worked well on that horrendous day to certify the election and did their job to the letter. They certainly could have refused to hear objections if they felt it unconstitutional. Again why not trust those that are investigating to do their job? You seem to be headed down the path of another unproven conspiracy. Hey, I sure don't know what will come of all this, and I would think, neither do you.

                Please think back, you have been down these trails before, and all were dead ends thus far.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "There was nothing unconstitutional in their actions in regard to bringing forth objections." - Did I say what they did was unconstitutional?  No, I didn't. In fact, I said what they did WAS lawful (go back and reread what I wrote).  What I DID say is that they attempted to overthrow the results of the election by trying to decertify the legally cast Electoral ballots.  In addition, I said that the Electoral Count Act allowed this.  But I ALSO said that I think that part of the law is unconstitutional. 

                  So, if you feel like it, you might come up with a comment that addresses what I actual said.

                  As to "There is nothing to substantiate your view that anyone planned a coup or did anything unconstitutional.".  There was already a lot of circumstantial evidence that Trump and several of his WS friends who are now charged with conspiracy were involved (not necessarily together) before the formation of the Select Committee.  Since its formation, however, much more evidence has become public that clearly points to a conspiracy between Trump and others to overthrow a free and fair election.  But you have to read mainstream media to learn that.

                  Trust?  I do trust the Select Committee to do their job (along with the FBI and DOJ).

                  No, I don't know FOR SURE what will come out of this, just like I don't know the outcome of a football game where one team is 50 points ahead at half time.  But I do have a reasonable expectation that the team that is 50 points ahead will come out on top.  From what you say, you would not form any opinion until the fourth quarter is over.

                  1. wilderness profile image90
                    wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Problem is that you have taken a couple of plays after the kickoff, predicted a 50 point difference at half time and extended that to the final winner.

                    You don't have a single thing on Trump...yet.  It's still the first two plays of the game, and shows every sign of being called for rain.  Or because the team that did so well the first two plays all broke a leg on the third play.  Your "reasonable expectation" is based on only those first two plays, with no score on the board yet.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      "Problem is that you have taken a couple of plays after the kickoff, predicted a 50 point difference at half time and extended that to the final winner." - Try reading what I wrote this time - that is NOT what I said and you shouldn't make things like that up.

                      So, what do we have on Trump so far?

                      - His much repeated Big Lie

                      - His repeated call to actions prior to Jan 6 inciting people "to do something about it" (i.e. the Big Lie or reverse the election

                      - His frequent calls to come to D.C. on Jan 6 to have a "wild time" and to stop the certification which we now know is part of conspiracy with some of his White House and Congressional enablers.

                      - His Big Lie speech on Jan 6 which first, based on the videos and audios, clearly incited his mob that he had called together

                      - His sending them to the Capitol to "stop the steal" and stop the certification.

                      - We have Fake Fox News hosts beseeching Trump (through Meadows) to stop the riot.  Why would they do that unless they thought he had control over it?

                      - We have one of his sons asking the same thing as the last point

                      - As new information reveals, Trump purposefully refused to stop the riot/insurrection.

                      - Then there is the multiple social media posts and testimony from hundreds of rioters saying that it was only because of Trump were they there and doing the violence.

                      - Then we have what is being called the "paperwork coup", potentially much more dangerous to democracy than the violent insurrection ever was. To quote an Atlantic article:

                      The violence on January 6 broke a long string of peaceful transfers of power in the United States. If the paperwork coup had worked, though, peace might have prevailed—but the transfer of power might not have happened. - meaning IF Pence had gone along with the conspiracy and did what they were telling him to.

                      - Remember, Trump told DOJ to declare the election corrupt (since he failed to find any at all) "and leave the rest to me and the Republican Congressmen" - What "rest" you have to ask yourself?

                      - Trump attempted to replace the head of DOJ with a compliant lackey but was stopped only because staff threatened to resign en mass.

                      - Trump put extremely heavy pressure on Pence to break the law and not certify the election (and for once in his life, Pence showed great courage and refused)

                      - Why did Trump consider declaring yet another manufactured National Emergency in order to bypass the election results?

                      - There are numerous texts and emails from Meadows showing Trump and his loyalists conspiring to figure out a way to cancel the election and keep him in power.  I wonder what the committee has that hasn't been revealed yet?

                      - Why, As it became clear that wasn’t true, and as Trump mounted more desperate efforts to halt the certification process, Attorney General Bill Barr, Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, and the lawyers Jay Sekulow and Eric Herschmann ALL abandoned Trump in his attempt to steal the election if they believed Trump wasn't doing something illegal?

                      Another conclusion from the Atlantic article:

                      "The surprising thing, which more recent revelations help underscore, is that what looked from the outside like one of Trump’s classic chaotic improvisations was in fact a concerted effort, coordinated among multiple Trump loyalists over a matter of weeks.

                      https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archi … -6/620998/

                      It seems to me those are more than "... a single thing on Trump...yet". It looks very much like I have a whole lot of things, ones that you would have to if you stopped listening to your right-wing propaganda outlets and read more real news.

                      1. wilderness profile image90
                        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        Nice list.  Which ones are illegal and Trump was convicted for them?  You have a long list (could be expanded to thousands of lines with enough imagination and spin), but not a single one has been proven to be true, and illegal, in a court.  Only in your biased mind.

                        That was the point - you have looked at two plays and determined that your team is so much better that it will win, but the game has barely started.  Personally I predict the rest of it will go just as the preceding game did, with one team calling "foul!" on every play but with no response from the referees.

                  2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    "But I do have a reasonable expectation that the team that is 50 points ahead will come out on top."

                    Did that team of yours come out ahead pointwise in any of their endeavors to convict Trump of anything?  It would seem in the end they only had these "points" in their imagination.  Facts or points showed one winner...

                    It was you that spoke of the 12th amendment and brought in the Constitution, not I. Read your own comment. I seek to point out there has been nothing as of yet that points to anything the Congress did when certifying the election were unconstitutional. 

                    I gave a very good factual source that should cover my opinion on what Congress did in regards to certifying the election, neither party acted to subvert the constitution.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      "Did that team of yours come out ahead pointwise ... " - Try rereading what I wrote, this time with a focus on what I said

                      " I seek to point out there has been nothing as of yet that points to anything the Congress did when certifying the election were unconstitutional. " - Again, you didn't read what I wrote.  Where did I say that it WAS unconstitutional?? You are trying to create disagreement where there isn't any.  Why?

                      "neither party acted to subvert the constitution." - Yet again, you didn't read what I wrote.  Where did I say they were trying to subvert the Constitution?  What I said was that they were trying to overturn a free and fair election through lawful (but POTENTIALLY unconstitutional) means.

                      I think the Democrats ought to challenge that section of the Electoral Count Act in court.  (Yes, I know they would be arguing against their own actions, even though they were just to make a point).

        12. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Apparently, the Select Committee has now found evidence of some sort of financial fraud regarding the insurrection.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/02/politics/ … index.html

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "Apparently"?  I read the article, and the context is very clear from Cheny she made this claim ---   Liz Cheney, the vice-chair of the committee and one of its two Republican members, told ABC News that the panel has "firsthand testimony" that during the attack, Trump's daughter and then-senior adviser Ivanka Trump asked him to intervene. "We know his daughter -- we have firsthand testimony that his daughter Ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to 'please stop this violence," Do we know how Trump responded?

            And where does a crime occur when a presidential adviser gives an opinion to the President? Where is the crime?

            "Thompson told CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union" Sunday: "We have significant testimony that leads us to believe that the White House had been told to do something. We want to verify all of it so that when we produce our report and when we have the hearings, the public will have an opportunity to see for themselves."
            He added: "Well, the only thing I can say, it's highly unusual for anyone in charge of anything to watch what's going on and do nothing."

            Does the word VERIFY  not add context?

            And do we know actually what the president may have done to stop the violence? I do know he used social media very early on after the violence broke out. This would be looked at as the quickest way he could address them.  “No violence!” adding: “Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue.”

            And Then there is this --- https://www.reuters.com/world/us/congre … 021-05-12/

            "May 12 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump wanted National Guard troops in Washington to protect his supporters at a Jan. 6 rally that ended with them attacking the U.S. Capitol, leaving five dead, Trump's former Pentagon chief testified on Wednesday.

            Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller told a House of Representatives panel that he spoke with Trump on Jan. 3, three days before the now-former president's fiery speech that preceded the violence and led to his second impeachment.

            According to Miller's testimony, Trump asked during that meeting whether the District of Columbia's mayor had requested National Guard troops for Jan. 6, the day Congress was to ratify Joe Biden's presidential election victory.

            Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."

            It would seem the Mayor did not request help to monitor the crowd.

            "On Thursday, December 31, says the current accepted narrative, the District of Columbia mayor rang an alarm about protests at the Joint Session of Congress. In fact, the opposite is true. What the mayor did, was ask for the minimal number of National Guardsmen and women to help out the Metropolitan Police Department, and she warned that those troops should be unarmed and not directly involve themselves in any protests.
            https://www.newsweek.com/dc-mayor-murie … ed-1661320

            What poor Governing...  She certainly knew that a Trump rally, as a rule, draws many thousands of supporters. She dropped the ball.

            1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
              Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Under federal law, the president is the commander-in-chief of the D.C. Guard. The president authorizes the secretary of defense to supervise and control the D.C. Guard while in its militia status (i.e., not deployed overseas). The secretary may order the Guard mobilized to aid D.C. civil authorities, but subject only to the direction of the president.

              Thus, while reports circulated about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser requesting the Guard to help restore order, only the president, or his secretary of defense, may have ordered it to do so. The D.C. mayor has no authority and is not in the chain of command of the D.C. Guard. The D.C. metropolitan police did request Guard assistance for crowd control in preparation for the rally that preceded the Jan. 6 riots.
              During the violence, Ms. Bowser requested, and received, a limited force of 340 from the D.C. National Guard. Those troops were unarmed and their job was to help with traffic flow — not law enforcement, which was meant to be handled by D.C. police.

              Additionally, Ex-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said that requests for National Guard were denied 6 times ahead of and during the attack on the Capitol. Each of those requests was denied or delayed, he says.

              https://www.npr.org/2021/01/11/95554891 … -during-ri

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Perhaps you misunderstood what the president told Miller on Jan 3. "Under federal law, the president is the commander-in-chief of the D.C. Guard. The president authorizes the secretary of defense to supervise and control the D.C. Guard" This is true, and it's very clear Miller spoke to the president in regard to the Mayor's request, and made his own request of Miller to fill her requests, and well as having the guard on that day to protect his own supporter's rights...  Not sure what you felt he could have done more, it's plausible he did not think there would be violence and was acting accordingly not knowing if left protesters could show up and the two side clash.

                Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."

                He clearly had a conversation with Miller and told him point-blank -"Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."

                He also According to Miller's testimony, Trump asked during that meeting whether the District of Columbia's mayor had requested National Guard troops for Jan. 6, the day Congress was to ratify Joe Biden's presidential election victory. telling Miller to fill her request.

                It would seem he allocated Miller to handle crowd control. It will also be curious to know why he did not carry out an order from the president.

                I fee Reuters is a responsible source and the context, and quotes are very clear.

                Your Quote --"During the violence, Ms. Bowser requested, and received, a limited force of 340 from the D.C. National Guard. Those troops were unarmed and their job was to help with traffic flow — not law enforcement, which was meant to be handled by D.C. police."

                Mayor Bowser made her request days before Jan 6th... Not as you claim while the violence was occurring. She made her request on New Year's Eve.

                "According to a U.S. defense official, Bowser put in a request on New Year’s Eve to have Guard members on the streets from Jan. 5 to Jan. 7 to help with the protests. The official said the additional forces will be used for traffic control and other assistance but they will not be armed or wearing body armor. Congress is meeting this week to certify the Electoral College results, and Trump has refused to concede while whipping up support for protests.

                "Now with downtown D.C. businesses boarding up their windows, Mayor Muriel Bowser has requested a limited National Guard deployment to help bolster the Metropolitan Police Department. During a press conference on Monday, Bowser asked that local area residents stay away from downtown D.C., and avoid confrontations with anyone who is “looking for a fight.” But, she warned, “we will not allow people to incite violence, intimidate our residents or cause destruction in our city.”

                According to a U.S. defense official, Bowser put in a request on New Year’s Eve to have Guard members on the streets from Jan. 5 to Jan. 7 to help with the protests. The official said the additional forces will be used for traffic control and other assistance but they will not be armed or wearing body armor. Congress is meeting this week to certify the Electoral College results, and Trump has refused to concede while whipping up support for protests."   Source's for this Quote -   https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/d … en-victory
                https://www.newsweek.com/dc-mayor-murie … ed-1661320

                "Some 340 D.C. National Guard members will be activated, with about 115 on duty in the streets at any given time, said the defense official, who provided details on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The official said Guard members will be used to set up traffic control points around the city and to stand with district police officers at all the city’s Metro stops. Contee said Guard troops will also be used for some crowd management"

                Miller gave her precisely what she asked for... She did get what she requested she received a limited number unarmed and not wearing body armor...

                Yes, your article adds another plea for additional help from Sund former chief of U.S. Capitol Police.  It makes me curious what Congress would refuse his request for added crowd control.  Just my opinion, I don't think Trump the Mayor, or the Congress felt there would be any form of trouble that would require more law enforcement. Looks like all felt comfortable with the status quo.

                "The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress

                Former chief Steven Sund -- who resigned his post last week after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for him to step down -- made the assertions in an interview with The Washington Post published Sunday.

                Sund contradicts claims made by officials after Wednesday's assault on Capitol Hill. Sund's superiors said previously that the National Guard and other additional security support could have been provided, but no one at the Capitol requested it."

                And who gets canned --- the guy that asked for extra help -- Sund. Go figure.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "made his own request of Miller to fill her requests, " - That is an interesting twist of meaning. 

                  Your own rebuttal rebuts what you are trying to make real, when it is not.  The testimony you quoted was ""Do whatever is necessary [u[to protect demonstrators[/u] that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."  But THAT isn't what the mayor was asking for, was it.  She was very, very worried about the potential for violence BY those demonstrators, and not the other way around.
                    - Hell, I could twist those same words and suggest Trump wanted the guard there to protect his troops from the police.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Twist of meaning? The statement was very clear, Miller was answering questions put to him by Congress.

                    I did not say what the mayor was asking for--- I clearly just quoted her request, the date of the request, and her request they not be armed or wearing body protection. IYou are reading into my post... The chip on your shoulder is showing... My gosh.  I provided two articles that simply gave quotes to what was going on in regard to Trump's conversation with Miller along with orders he gave Miller, and the other article provided Bowser's request for some extra law enforcement stating on new years eve.

                    I did not in any respect say she was not worried, simply presented facts.

                    I did not twist any words...  Just take in the articles...I can see we derived different opinions on both.  Both offer information on who did what, and when they did it. Also what Trump wanted to be done in regard to the extra-national guards would be needed yes both had different reasons. Trump clearly felt he wanted his supporter's rights to protest protected. Bowser felt there would be violence, and wanted no one-armed or protected with body armor. This to me IMO is a liberal bunch of BS!   Hey, you have your opinion I have mine --- in this case, we disagree.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Then what did you mean by "to fill her request"?

                      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        That was a quote from Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller to Congress...    He was quoting what President Trump ordered him to do in regard to adding National Guard for his Jan 6th rally and the request Mayor Bowser made. .  Once again here is the source with the article I quoted. This was not my words but those of Miller

                        Source ---  https://www.reuters.com/world/us/congre … 021-05-12/
                        "May 12 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump wanted National Guard troops in Washington to protect his supporters at a Jan. 6 rally that ended with them attacking the U.S. Capitol, leaving five dead, Trump's former Pentagon chief testified on Wednesday.

                        Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller told a House of Representatives panel that he spoke with Trump on Jan. 3, three days before the now-former president's fiery speech that preceded the violence and led to his second impeachment.

                        According to Miller's testimony, Trump asked during that meeting whether the District of Columbia's mayor had requested National Guard troops for Jan. 6, the day Congress was to ratify Joe Biden's presidential election victory.

                        Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."

                2. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                  Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes, you are correct. I'm a little jumbled in my thought. Let me clarify.
                  Mayor Bowser said that the Capitol police did not request additional police or guard before the protests, and that she does not have jurisdiction to send police or National Guard to Capitol Hill. “I think a more robust presence on the ground” would have maintained order, she explained. She placed blame for the inadequate law enforcement presence directly on the federal government.
                  Her guard requests were for D.C. and for the event in which protests spilled into her streets. I do not believe that there was any major unrest in her jurisdiction.
                  She doesn't have jurisdiction over federal properties such as the Capitol.
                  The Federal government could have requested the assistance of her police force but they did not.
                  I believe that the federal buildings and properties are solely under jurisdiction of the Capitol police and U.S. parks.
                  Three days before supporters of President Donald Trump rioted at the Capitol, the Pentagon asked the U.S Capitol Police if it needed National Guard manpower. The police turned them down both times, according to senior defense officials and two people familiar with the matter.

                  "Despite plenty of warnings of a possible insurrection and ample resources and time to prepare, the Capitol Police planned only for a free speech demonstration."

                  But now we know that Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said he requested that the National Guard be placed on standby in the days before the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol, but House and Senate security officials turned him down. Officials didn't like the "optics"

                  William Walker, who was the top commander for Washington, DC's National Guard and responsible for troop deployment in support of law enforcement spoke with  the House select committee last month.
                  Walker told senators that even though he did not need Pentagon authority to mobilize troops to respond to protests that summer, a memo on January 5 instructed him to seek approval from the secretaries of the Army and Defense before preparing troops to respond to a civil disturbance.

                  Walker described the additional level of authority needed to mobilize troops as "unusual." He went on to say it took three hours for Army officials to give him the OK to send his troops in to help -- this despite an urgent plea directly to him from the then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund.

                  At best, the planning for the containment of Mr. Trump's rally and the possibilty for unrest was almost non-existent or haphazard at best. All the more reason for the Select committee to get to the bottom of it.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    After the fact, it appears that many drop the ball in regard to not only having a good plan to handle the large rally crowd but even realizing there might be a violent riot occurring. It is clear no one seemed to be aware this would happen. I would think the FBI would have had heads up to any riot talk, and warned Trump of the pending possible problem.

                    https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclus … 021-08-20/

                    "WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) - The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.

                    Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.

                    "Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."

                    Stone, a veteran Republican operative and self-described "dirty trickster", and Jones, founder of a conspiracy-driven radio show and webcast, are both allies of Trump and had been involved in pro-Trump events in Washington on Jan. 5, the day before the riot.

                    FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said." READ MORE

                    Our FBI did not pick up any indication there would be any type of violence planed for the Jan 6th rally.

                    In my opinion, it is just prudent to let the investigation play out before condemning anyone.  I hate to say this but, a witchhunt is dangerous, and could work to hurt many people's reputations unnecessarily.

                    That riot has left the country with a very tangled web. I for one just do not point a finger unless there is tons of factual evidence to prove an accusation.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      "After the fact, it appears that many drop the ball in regard to not only having a good plan to handle the large rally crowd but even realizing there might be a violent riot occurring. " - I have to disagree with that in part.  The Capitol police certainly had enough staff to handle a very large, but peaceful protest.  But, they were neither sized nor equipped to handle the violent insurrection that happened.

                      "It is clear no one seemed to be aware this would happen. " - As you will see shortly, A LOT of people WERE aware the violence was going to happen.

                      "I would think the FBI would have had heads up to any riot talk, and warned Trump of the pending possible problem." - Yes, you would think that, wouldn't you - a reasonable assumption to make.  And, in fact, the FBI was warned by multiple authoritative sources, yet they buried it!  I have to ask WHY.  I hope others are asking WHY.  Who told them to bury it?

                      From https://www.washingtonpost.com/national … story.html you have:

                      The U.S. Capitol Police had specific intelligence that supporters of President Donald Trump planned to mount an armed invasion of the Capitol at least two weeks before the Jan. 6 riot, according to new findings in a bipartisan Senate investigation released Tuesday, but omissions and miscommunications kept that information from reaching front-line officers targeted by the violence.  "Omissions" and "Miscommunications" - REALLY?  I personally think there was something more nefarious afoot.  I find it inconceivable of those kinds of errors in a professional intelligence unit about a probably attack on the Capitol, especially after the lessons-learned from 9/11!  I hope somebody is doing a deep dive on who told who what as that information was passed up the chain.

                      Then from https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics … urrection/ you have this even more devastating information about prior knowledge:

                      [i]"The head of intelligence at D.C.’s homeland security office was growing desperate. For days, Donell Harvin and his team had spotted increasing signs that supporters of President Donald Trump were planning violence when Congress met to formalize the electoral college vote, but federal law enforcement agencies did not seem to share his sense of urgency. "

                      "On Saturday, Jan. 2, he picked up the phone and called his counterpart in San Francisco, waking Mike Sena before dawn.

                      Sena listened with alarm. The Northern California intelligence office he commanded had also been inundated with political threats flagged by social media companies, several involving plans to disrupt the joint session or hurt lawmakers on Jan. 6."

                      "He organized an unusual call for all of the nation’s regional homeland security offices — known as fusion centers — to find out what others were seeing. Sena expected a couple dozen people to get on the line that Monday. But then the number of callers hit 100. Then 200. Then nearly 300. Officials from nearly all 80 regions, from New York to Guam, logged on."

                      "Forty-eight hours before the attack, Harvin began pressing every alarm button he could. He invited the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, military intelligence services and other agencies to see the information in real time as his team collected it. "

                      "Harvin was one of numerous people inside and outside of government who alerted authorities to the growing likelihood of deadly violence on Jan. 6, according to a Washington Post investigation, which found a cascade of previously undisclosed warnings preceded the attack on the Capitol. Alerts were raised by local officials, FBI informants, social media companies, former national security officials, researchers, lawmakers and tipsters, new documents and firsthand accounts show."

                      And then we have this kick in the ass and in response to your claim that "Our FBI did not pick up any indication there would be any type of violence planed for the Jan 6th rally.":

                      An FBI official who assessed the tip noted that its criminal division had received a “significant number” of alerts about threats to Congress and other government officials. The FBI passed the information to law enforcement agencies in D.C. but did not pursue the matter. “The individual or group identified during the Assessment does not warrant further FBI investigation at this time,” the internal report concluded.  - Again, REALLY!!!!

                      I sure hope somebody is investigating who told the FBI and DHS to "stand down"?

                      And finally, to "I would think the FBI would have had heads up to any riot talk, and warned Trump of the pending possible problem." - I think they, or DHS, or the FPS DID tell Trump there was a riot (which it was at that point, but not an insurrection yet) was going on at the Capitol WHILE he was giving his speech or right after - it simply doesn't make any sense that they would hide this information from the President of the United States.  And I think Trump ignored them and left to watch it on TV.

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              ""Apparently"? " - Do you EVER read my words or just make up things that have nothing to do with what I said?  I was talking about possible FINANCIAL crimes while you go on about Ivanka.  (I have a post about that as well.

              Now to the rest of your comment.

              "And where does a crime occur when a presidential adviser gives an opinion to the President? Where is the crime?" - And what "crime" are you talking about?  It certainly isn't the Financial Fraud I mentioned since you ignored that.

              "And do we know actually what the president may have done to stop the violence? " - Yes we do - NOTHING, for several hours while he watched it on TV

              "No violence!” adding: “Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue.” - He tweeted this lip service at 2:38PM.  He didn't tell them to disperse.

              Now here is an abbriviated timeline of what happened that day (with a surprise, not a good one, for me in it)

              12:00 PM: Trump starts his speech.

              and A Federal Protective Service (FPS) briefing email states that there are about 300 Proud Boys at the Capitol (I didn't know that), a man in a tree near the Ellipse is holding what looks like a rifle, and some of the 25,000 people around the White House are hiding bags in bushes.[75] The email warns that the Proud Boys are threatening to shut down the downtown water system.[75]

              12:20 PM: FPS emails that POTUS is telling crowd to go to the Capitol and continue protesting.

              12:28 PM: FPS reports 10,000 to 15,000 people were marching on the Capitol even while Trump is talking (I didn't know that either)

              12:49 PM: Capitol police reported finding pipe bombs near the DNC and RNC Hqs as well as a truck carrying weapons and Molotov cocktails (wouldn't this have been reported to Trump immediately?)

              12:53 PM while Trump is still talking: (It was this that blew me away, how could I have not known this??) Rioters overwhelm police along the outer perimeter west of the Capitol building, pushing aside temporary fencing. Some protesters immediately follow.

              12:58 PM: First call for the national guard by the Capitol police (and nobody told Trump who was sending his people to the Capitol?)

              1:03 PM: a vanguard of rioters have overrun three layers of barricades and have forced police officers to the base of the west Capitol steps.

              1:10 PM: Trump ends his speech and sends his people to the Capitol to "go save their country". The riot had been going on for 15 minutes by now! (I have a very hard time believing the President of the United States was informed about what had been going on at the Capitol building for at least 15 minutes)

              2:12 PM: The Capitol building itself is breeched!

              2:38 PM: A full two hours (which is NOT early on, btw) after the riot started and well after they started running around in the Capitol building looking for Congresspeople to attack and Mike Pence to hang, Trump sends (after a lot of pressure) a milquetoast tweet telling the insurrectionist to start obey the law.

              4:05 PM: Biden puts out a video asking Trump to call of his dogs.

              4:08 PM: VP Pence calls SecDef demanding help.

              4:17 PM: FOUR AND A HALF HOURS after hostilities started does Trump FINALLY call off his dogs with a video where he sickeningly says

              "I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt. It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace.” (this was the most "palatable" of three takes Trump did)

              4:30 PM or thereabouts: The insurrectionists start dispersing.

              5:20 PM: The national guard begins to arrive

              6:01 PM: Trump sends what can only be a congratulatory message to his troops:

              "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!"  God, how disgusting!

              Now - tell me again how Johnny on the Spot Trump was, lol?  We all know he was in front of his TV enjoying the hell out what he had wrought.

              https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_ … tol_attack

              ""Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights." - And you think this helps your case.  Where was his concern about Congress given he was planning on sending his mob there?

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I responded to this post ---  MY ESOTERIC WROTE:
                Apparently, the Select Committee has now found evidence of some sort of financial fraud regarding the insurrection.

                https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/02/politics/ … index.html

                Yet when I read the article at the link you posted it had nothing to do with financial fraud. It would appear you posted the wrong article to cover your current financial fraud conspiracy. Please next time check the link before being rude. I responded to the link you posted. The article was titled ---

                Cheney: January 6 committee has 'firsthand testimony' that Ivanka asked Trump to intervene during insurrection

                here is the permalink of your post  https://hubpages.com/politics/forum/352 … ost4221192

                "And you think this helps your case. "

                I have no case... Such an odd statement.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "I responded to this post ---  MY ESOTERIC WROTE:
                  Apparently, the Select Committee has now found evidence of some sort of financial fraud regarding the insurrection."  Yes, I am aware that was the post you were responding to, but you deflected from what I wrote.  You said absolutely nothing about the Financial Fraud I was talking about.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I did not deflect, I responded to the article. It was you that apparently added the wrong article to your post.

                    Your article had nothing to do with financial fraud. I had no idea what you were referring to. I imagine once again it is some form of speculation as was the article you posted in regard to Cheney's quote about Ivanka.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Still deflecting, Sharlee.  The article was provided to give context to my post about financial fraud, which it did. "The chairman said on Sunday that the panel has "some concerns" about potential financial fraud by Trump and his allies around the insurrection."

                      And how is it "speculation" when they have 1st Hand accounts of what took place (except in the minds of die-hard Trumpers)?

                      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this


                      2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        What 1st hand accounts? I saw nothing in regards to any evidence mentioned in your article.

                        I assume you are talking about this quote. It's the only quute that includes anything about finance.

                        "The chairman said on Sunday that the panel has "some concerns" about potential financial fraud by Trump and his allies around the insurrection.
                        "It's highly concerning on our part that people raise money for one activity and we can't find the money being spent for that particular activity," he said. "So we'll continue to look at it and the financing is one of those things we will continue to look at very closely.
                        He also wouldn't say if the panel is planning to subpoena members of Congress, such as Trump ally Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, to cooperate with the committee.

                        "ONE OF  THOSE things we will continue to look at very closely." "people raise money for one activity and we can't find the money being spent for that particular activity,"

                        I do not see any form of information  "WE CAN"T FIND ".

                        This is not evidence of a  crime, this is more crazy conjecture on the part of a bias Democrat. 

                        It well appears you are sinking into a world of crazy conspiracies. Hook -- line - and sinker.

        13. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          SO. How do you view your hero, never can do anything wrong, disgraced, twice impeached, with the majority of the Senate concurring, one-term Former president now that you know he blithely sat by and watched Congress being attacked by his mob?  There is NO GUESSING about it.  There is FIRST HAND witness testimony that will say something like Trump sat by an let the insurrection play out (while, I suppose, they really would hang Mike Pence). 

          What a guy, lol.  Somebody you can really be proud of.  Go ahead and defend him in spite of ALL of the evidence.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/02/politics/ … index.html

        14. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          This new poll suggests why it was Republicans, specifically Trumpers, who decided it was a good thing to participate in an insurrection last Jan 6.  It seems Republicans (and independents, most of who lean right) are twice as likely as likely as Democrats to support violence against the government.  40% of Republicans (and 41% of independents) think using violence is OK, while only 23% of the more peaceful Democrats think the same.

          And based on my observations over the last 5 years, it seems when there is violence by the Right, the root cause is political in nature while for the Left, it is justice.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/02/politics/ … index.html

          In the same poll, 60% of Americans think Trump bears "great deal" or a {good amount" of responsibility for the attack on Congress.

        15. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          One a side-note.  The NY AG is still going after Trump and his organization for fraud for misrepresenting the value of his properties.  Ivanka and Jr. are being subpoenaed.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/03/politics/ … index.html

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Anyone arrested? This has been going on for years ... Maybe time to give this one a rest. They got Trump's taxes, no there - there... Now they go after his children  -- yawn.

            Now, Hunter is a real piece of work.

        16. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          The Select Committee wants to know why Sean Hannity, Fake Fox News' purveyor of misinformation, why he pushed Trump to stop fighting the results of the election and why he told Trump that he is "very worried about the next 48 hours."  (It certainly seems at first blush, Hannity is being much more patriotic than his good friend.  That said, I bet Trump puts Hannity under a mushroom now, lol)

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/04/politics/ … index.html

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Hannity?  RINO.  Never met the guy.

          2. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            AND? What in the world does this have to do with anything but Hannity's offering his opinion on what he felt Trump should do?  Do you feel this is some sort of revelation?

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Thompson and Cheney said they had information indicating Hannity had “advance knowledge” about Trump and his legal team’s planning for Jan. 6 and had been providing advice to the president and White House staff.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Do you have a source for this info? I have read articles in regard t Hannity's communications with Meadows in regard to his suggestion to the President to call off the crowd. I have not found any info  that  - " information indicating Hannity had “advance knowledge” about Trump and his legal team’s PLANNING  for Jan 6."

                Are you saying that Hannity knew there was a plan of some sort to attack the capital?

                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Hannity was texting Meadows the day before saying he didn't think things were going to go how Trump believed they would.  That means 1.) Hannity knew what they had planned and 2.) Hannity didn't think the plan would work.

                  https://news.yahoo.com/sean-hannity-tex … 23971.html

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks for the link ---  Hopefully, Hannity will cooperate with the committee and fill in what he meant by his comments. I would like to see the entire text, and not just a sentence or two. It is obvious Hannity was concerned about what might happen on Jan 6th at the rally. IMO, Jan 6th was one of the lowest moments our nation has faced in a very long time. Hopefully, the committee provide clear information and not just tidbits. I will look forward to the report.

                    It will be interesting to see if Hannity will cooperate. he should IMO.

                    1. Valeant profile image77
                      Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      This also just came out today.

                      Grisham said she spent “about an hour” with the committee and answered “every question that they asked of me, and I’m going to continue to cooperate.” She told the committee she spoke with them about planning for Jan. 6 and “conversations that were happening” beforehand and during the attack.

                      Grisham described Fox News host Sean Hannity as a “shadow advisor” to Trump, and said she spoke with him often when she worked at the White House. “He definitely advised the president on many, many things to do. So it didn’t surprise me he was reaching out to Meadows or anybody else because that was something he did often to get a message to the president,” Grisham said.

                      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        We can commend Grisham for her cooperation, and input.  I am sure she as an insider would be able to fill in what on that day, and what lead up to that day.  It does not surprise me that Hannity was an advisor of sorts, I think Trump used Fox to get out whatever he wanted to get to his supporters.

                        I hope more will just cooperate with the committee, it will be the only way we will ascertain some truth to what went on before and after.

                        It's very clear Trump will not stop saying the election was rigged.  He has had more than enough time to prove his allegation, and it's time for American's to move on and accept the election.

                        It's unfortunate to see such a divide, due to some believing the election was fraudulent, without any evidence of widespread fraud.

        17. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Perspectives and Analysis on the anniversary America's 2nd Day of Infamy.  Congress or Biden should pass a resolution recognizing this day as a national day of morning recognizing that democracy nearly died that day.

          Analysis: https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/06/politics/ … index.html

          Opinion: https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/05/opinions/ … index.html

          Opinion from President Carter: https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/05/politics/ … index.html

          FACTS:  https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/04/politics/ … index.html

          Analysis: https://us.cnn.com/2021/11/05/politics/ … index.html

          FACTS: Yes, Trumpers, there really was an insurrection! https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/03/politics/ … index.html

          Opinion https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/01/opin … ittee.html

          Poll: Only 1/2 of Republicans blame the insurrectionists. https://news.uchicago.edu/story/looking … whos-blame

          Opinion: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics … n-violence

          Analysis[hmmb] https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/in-dept … january-6/

          https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/ … l-assault/

        18. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          More perspective on this day that will live in infamy.

          https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2021/06 … urrection/

        19. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Some of you on here tried to make a big deal out of Trump using the words "stay peaceful" in his first milquetoast tweet.  It turns out, he didn't want to use those words but was forced into it somehow.  If fact, he didn't want to tweet AT ALL, instead, he wanted to "let it play out".

          We also now know from Grisham that Trump was "gleeful" (a term I was using derisively, but now will use truthfully) while watching the insurrection. He commented "‘Look at All Those People Fighting for Me" while rewinding the video to rewatch the carnage.

          That is the man which some of you say is Fit For Office and the rest of us know is dangerously mentally ill as many mental health professionals have said.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/06/politics/ … index.html

        20. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          This is an report on what the terrorist-supporting right-wing propaganda outlets were up to on this day of infamy. 

          It will sicken any patriotic American.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/06/media/jan … index.html

        21. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I only heard parts of President Biden's speech yesterday, but from all reports, it must have been a humdinger. For example, we have this impression:

          "In generations to come, his address may be viewed either as the rallying call that saved the American experiment or as a pained eulogy for the democracy that his predecessor and would-be successor seems determined to destroy."

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/07/politics/ … index.html

          1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
            Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Most likely the best speech of his career. He was fired up and gave a believable, empassioned speech. He stepped off the high road he normally travels to say what needed to be said. Here are some highlights:

            "You can’t love your country only when you win,” he said at one point. “You can’t obey the law only when it’s convenient. You can’t be patriotic when you embrace and enable lies.”

            Also: “A former president of the United States of America has created and spread a web of lies about the 2020 election. He's done so because he values power over principle, because he sees his own interest as more important than his country's interest and America's interest.”

            And: “The former president and his supporters have decided the only way for them to win is to suppress your vote and subvert our elections. It's wrong. It's undemocratic. And frankly it's un-American.”

          2. Credence2 profile image78
            Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Regardless, regarding the other side presents only deaf ears.

            The center left, progressives and even moderates need to realize the threat that January 6th represented and accept the possibility that the participants  and those of like mind are beyond reason and reevaluate their illusion that they can be reasoned with....

            When dealing with these "people", we need to take off the "kid gloves".

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              That has been the subject of a couple of articles I have read.  Basically, Americans are not understanding how fragile a democracy is, given that it exists only when trust, honor, and morality are present.  Today, one major political party and the Trump adherents have tossed those qualities in the trash because they find them inconvenient in their quest for power.  When nearly 1/2 no longer believe in the principals America was founded on, democracy will soon be dead.

              Which country do you think will become the next bastion of democracy if Trump succeeds in destroying ours?  Canada, England, France, Germany?

              1. Credence2 profile image78
                Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I don't know, Esoteric

                What happening here can happen in any of the Western Democracies you mentioned. There are certainly rightwing movements in Germany and France that are getting the headlines these days. We have been fortunate to have dodged the bullet for almost 250 years, has our luck ran out?

                When the forces of Democracy are weak and conciliatory, it makes the rise of bullies more likely and even inevitable. There was an interesting article on Salon regarding the Bundy's and their sagebrush rebellion in Oregon and Nevada a few years back, case in point.

                1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                  Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Look at what has happened over the last decade in Hungary.
                  Viktor Orban has systematically dismantled Hungary’s free political system while many conservative intellectuals in America have come to see the Orbán regime as a model for America. Including
                  Steve Bannon, who has said that Hungary's strongman prime minister was "Trump before Trump." and Tucker Carlson who spent a week there broadcasting and cozying up to the leader.
                  It looks as if some of the  GOP is waging war on American democracy, using tactics eerily reminiscent of the ones Fidesz (Orbans right wing party) successfully deployed against Hungary’s democratic institutions.

                  Orbán stepped aside after a loss in 2002 but he and his followers never really accepted the 2002 defeat as legitimate. When Fidesz returned to power after the country’s 2010 election, winning a two-thirds majority amidst the Great Recession and incumbent corruption scandals, the party set about seizing complete control of the Hungarian state,  turning it into a machine designed to subtly lock the opposition out of power without having to formally abolishing elections.

                  Orbán took over the Fidesz Party, once a conventional “conservative” political party like the GOP, with the theme of restoring “Christian” purity and “making Hungary great again.” His rallies regularly draw tens of thousands.

                  He campaigned on building a wall across the entirety of Hungary’s southern border, a promise he has largely kept.

                  He altered the nation’s Constitution to do what we’d call gerrymandering and voter suppression in much the same way Texas is now trying to do and Georgia just did, ensuring that his party, Fidesz, would win a majority of the votes in pretty much every federal election well into the future.

                  He’s now packed the courts, particularly Hungary’s equivalent of the Supreme Court, so thoroughly that legal challenges against him and his party go nowhere.

                  Last month Hungary passed laws requiring “conservative” sex education in schools (“gay is bad”) and banning any positive portrayal of LGBTQ people on TV. In public campaigns they’ve conflated homosexuality with pedophilia. The latest anti-gay law passed the Hungarian Parliament by a vote of 157 to 1.

                  His party railed against teaching multiracialism and racial tolerance, instead rewriting grade school textbooks to say that refugees entering the country are a threat because “it can be problematic for different cultures to coexist.” Using this logic, he has locked up refugee children in cages.

                  When the Hungarian Helsinki Committee said “the indefinite detention of many vulnerable migrants, including families with small children, is cruel and inhuman,” Orbán said the influx of Syrian refugees seeking asylum “poses a security risk and endangers the continent’s Christian culture and identity.” He added, “Immigration brings increased crime, especially crimes against women, and lets in the virus of terrorism.”

                  Five years and one week before American Nazis rallied in Charlottesville and murdered Heather Heyer, a group of some 700 right-wing “patriots” held a torchlight parade that ended in front of the homes of Hungary’s largest minority group, chanting “We will set your homes on fire!” Orbán’s police watched without intervening. In 2013, Zsolt Bayer, one of the founders of Orbán’s party, had called the Roma “animals… unfit to live among people.” Orbán refused to condemn him or the anti-Roma violence.

                  Orbán has handed government contracts to his favored few, elevating an entire new class of pro-Orbán businesspeople who have now seized almost complete control of the nation’s economy, as those who opposed him have lost their businesses, been forced to sell their companies, and often fled the country.

                  Virtually the entire nation’s press is now in the hands of oligarchs and corporations loyal to him, with hard-right talk radio and television across the country singing his praises daily. Billboards and social media proclaim his patriotism. His media allies are now reaching out to purchase media across the rest of Europe to spread his racist, right-wing message.

                  He recently began dismantling the Hungarian Science Academy, replacing or simply firing scientists who acknowledge climate change, which he has called “left-wing trickery made up by Barack Obama.

                  Sound familiar?

                  Well Mr Trump offered this reelection endorsement "Viktor Orbán of Hungary truly loves his Country and wants safety for his people,” Trump said yesterday. “He is a strong leader and respected by all. He has my Complete support and Endorsement for reelection as Prime Minister!”
                  If anyone wants to know what another 4 years would look like under Mr Trump take a good look at Hungary.

                  1. Credence2 profile image78
                    Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks for the stirring example, not only does it sound familiar what is happening here is a mirror image to what's been happening in Hungary.

                    We are seeing political leaders and media personalities on the Right sing this Hungarian dictator's praises.

                    These "kinds" of people are the same everywhere and operate from a standard boilerplate. They have used the same approach going back to Hitler's Germany since. I would expect such an attitude and approach from "banana republics", but from the USA, never.

                    They are people who seem to believe that retaining power is more important than Democracy and its guardrails. I don't want those kinds of people in charge or any where near the machinery of government.

                    What do you have in common with anybody that promotes this kind of agenda?

                    There are CLEAR distinctions between one set of ideological beliefs and the other.

                  2. My Esoteric profile image84
                    My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    "many conservative intellectuals in America have come to see the Orbán regime as a model for America." - And that is what is so scary.  Trumpers on this page are oblivious to danger and keep on excusing his actions and whitewashing the insurrection.

                    "It looks as if some of the  GOP is waging war on American democracy, using tactics eerily reminiscent of the ones Fidesz (Orbans right wing party) successfully deployed against Hungary’s democratic institutions." - And the Trumpers on this forum are aiding and abetting this activity, even though they don't think they are.  That is how blind Trump has made them.

                    "one of the founders of Orbán’s party, had called the Roma “animals… unfit to live among people.”" - Sounds much like the rhetoric used by Trump and his enablers today

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes, it certainly can.  But no other Western country is on the brink of losing its democracy like we are.  There are others pretty close, such as Brazil and Hungary as they are run by autocrats like Trump.

        22. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Another seemingly bad day for Trump!  At a hearing to determine if Trump is immune from any and all actions he took while (not as) president, the judge had some very pointed and penetrating questions of Trump's counsel.

          A federal judge in Washington, DC, is questioning former President Donald Trump's actions during his speech on January 6, 2021, as he considers for the first time whether Trump is immune from liability related to his supporters attacking the US Capitol.

          During a court hearing Monday, Judge Amit Mehta pointed out repeatedly that Trump on January 6 asked the crowd to march to the Capitol, but that he didn't speak up for two hours asking people to stop the violence.

          He added these observations as well:

          "The words are hard to walk back," Mehta said. "You have an almost two-hour window where the President does not say, 'Stop, get out of the Capitol. This is not what I wanted you to do.'"
          "What do I do about the fact the President didn't denounce the conduct immediately ... and sent a tweet that arguably exacerbated things?" the judge asked. "Isn't that, from a plausibility standpoint, that the President plausibly agreed with the conduct of the people inside the Capitol that day?"

          Unlike a criminal trial, civil lawsuits, which this is, only needs a preponderance of the evidence to convict.  Another way of saying that is whether it is more likely than not that Trump's words, actions, and lack of actions helped lead to the insurrection.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/10/politics/ … index.html

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Is that what it comes down to?  If Trump did not tweet somebody in the riot to stop what they were doing it means he was part of an insurrection?  A tweet that would never be seen by that rioter as they were otherwise occupied?

            If so our "justice system" is more broken than I thought.

            1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
              Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              It's comes down to the fact Mr. Trump watched a full blown riot happen on the Capitol for almost 2 hours and said virtually nothing to address it. We know that he was watching based on Ms. Grisham's testimony and we know that many, including his own family,  implored him to make a statement.  That silence could be viewed as agreement with those rioters.

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Of course it can be viewed that way.  It could also be viewed as acknowledgement that nothing he said would be heard or acted on.  Or any of a dozen other possibilities.

                That's what I meant; if an assumption is all that is necessary to declare guilt then our system is not just broken - it is damaged beyond repair.

                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Only an assumption when you discount the actual testimony, which many on the right always do.

                  “All I know about that day was, he was in the dining room gleefully watching on his TV as he often did, [saying] ‘Look at all of the people fighting for me,’ hitting rewind, watching it again,” Grisham said. “That’s what I know.”

                  Silence wasn't exactly accurate.  That was support.

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  " It could also be viewed as acknowledgement that nothing he said would be heard or acted on.  Or any of a dozen other possibilities." - You are just trying (and failing) to excuse his depraved behavior.  I guess I could say the moon will crash into the earth in the next two minutes.  That is as sensible as the fantasy you just put forward.

                  Further, you fail at your suggestion because when he did breakdown and do something to stop the insurrection, they listened.

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Yep, it certainly does - it comes down to justice.  He had two hours to call off his dogs and he didn't do it.  That is pretty damning in most reasonable people's minds - including the judge.

              He sent them there, he should have called them back - it is a simple concept.

        23. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          These states (which include NY and NV) have made it harder to vote with laws they passed in 2021. 

          https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/ … 3c6609db4b

          1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
            Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Unfortunately, the current Republican party has nothing left except gerrymandering and voter suppression.
            They have no real ideas or plans for governance; they simply represent the interests of giant corporations and billionaires and so their singular focus when they get power is slashing protective regulations and cutting taxes on rich people while jacking up taxes and fees on average working people. Remember the 2020 GOP platform? There was none!

            When it comes to offering anything that might benefit average working Americans or the increasing ranks of the poor who have been economically marginalized by 40 years of Reaganomics, the Republicans “ain’t got nothing.”
            So they have to resort to “regulating” peoples ability to cast their ballots.
            Just one little example of what is happening in the country:

            Arizona is  assigning people to one, singular voting location, even when other polling places may be more convenient for them, on their route to or from work, or even closer to where they live, and then mid last year argued before the United States Supreme Court that when those people vote in other, more convenient or nearby locations, their votes should be thrown out.
            The Arizona Republican’s attorney stood before the Supreme Court  and said that failing to further complicate their voting systems in places like heavily Hispanic Maricopa County, where the number of polling places was recently reduced by 70%, “puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats.” 

            Instead of coming up with new and better ways to rebuild America and revive America’s middle class, Republicans are focusing all their efforts instead on how to make it harder for people to vote.  It's shameful.

            Let me just leave you with a  flash back for a moment on some Republican strategy history:

            Paul Weyrich, the co-founder of ALEC said in 1980 when he was helping run the Reagan campaign, Republican chances in elections go up as the number of people turning out to vote goes down:
            “I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people. They never have been from the beginning of our country, and they are not now. As a matter of fact our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down." 

            https://www.thomhartmann.com/blog/2014/ … comes-home

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              And THAT'S the TRUTH!!

            2. wilderness profile image90
              wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              There is truth in this, but as is so common it is only half the truth.

              The other half is that Democrats wish everyone to vote; alive or dead, citizen or foreigner, one time or three, nothing matters as long as there are lots and lots of votes.  We already see some locations allowing foreign citizens to control how parts of our country is run through their voting, and that WILL spill over into national elections...something that will please Democrats.  The party cares nothing about security and limiting the vote to Americans with the right to cast that vote - only that people vote.

              Democrats have no plan for governance, either - their only concern is in growing their power over the people.  They have done nothing for the average, working class of people in this country except dig into their pockets to spread their hard earned wealth to others.  They do not recognize that the business they work so hard to destroy are what feeds and houses America; only that those businesses are a source of ready cash and that demonizing and over-regulating them pleases a small number of voters that think they are islands and don't need jobs to stay alive.

              Neither party truly represents the people of this country any more; only their party and their own personal power.

              1. Valeant profile image77
                Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                'The other half is that Democrats wish everyone to vote; alive or dead, citizen or foreigner, one time or three, nothing matters as long as there are lots and lots of votes.  We already see some locations allowing foreign citizens to control how parts of our country is run through their voting, and that WILL spill over into national elections...something that will please Democrats.  The party cares nothing about security and limiting the vote to Americans with the right to cast that vote - only that people vote.'

                Your perception about Democrats beliefs is as delusional as those that believe there was fraud in the 2020 election.

              2. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "The other half is that Democrats wish everyone to vote; alive or dead," - And there we go again with the lies. No wonder only your side pays attention to you since they survive on lies while the rest of us search for truth.

                1. wilderness profile image90
                  wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Sorry, but as Democrats wish to remove nearly all safeguards and security on voting I don't see any other conclusion but that they want everyone to vote.  Just as I said.

                  You will claim otherwise of course, but the fact remains that Democrats do not wish ID checks or any other real security at the voting booth.  In addition they most certainly ARE inviting foreign nationals to participate in local elections to determine how to run our country.

                  1. Valeant profile image77
                    Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    'Nearly all safeguards?'

                    Again, serious exaggeration.  Voting was expanded in 2020 due to the pandemic and there was very little fraud at all.  Just because you deny the data on fraud to believe the conspiracies on fraud, does not mean elections are not secure.

                    Here's some history on immigrant voting:
                    'Most people are quite surprised to learn that it was common practice in the United States for immigrants to be able to vote. Folks might remember that the criteria for voting historically was not citizenship per se, but it was whether one was white, male and a property owner. So it was race, gender and class that mattered in terms of who is a member of the political community and had voting rights formally.

                    So, yes, 40 states - when we didn't even have 50 states - at one point in time, allowed immigrants to vote from 1776 until 1926, not just in local elections, which is what's happening in New York City and Maryland and in Vermont and San Francisco, but also in state and federal elections. And immigrants could also run for office.'

                    https://www.npr.org/2021/12/15/10643859 … -elections

                    1. Valeant profile image77
                      Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      This is what has been proposed for protecting voter rights:

                      The Freedom to Vote Act is a trimmed version of the For the People Act the House passed at the beginning of this congressional session. It establishes a baseline for access to the ballot across all states. That baseline includes at least two weeks of early voting for any town of more than 3000 people, including on nights and weekends, for at least 10 hours a day. It permits people to vote by mail, or to drop their ballots into either a polling place or a drop box, and guarantees those votes will be counted so long as they are postmarked on or before Election Day and arrive at the polling place within a week. It makes Election Day a holiday. It provides uniform standards for voter IDs in states that require them.

                      The Freedom to Vote Act cracks down on voter suppression. It makes it a federal crime to lie to voters in order to deter them from voting (distributing official-looking flyers with the wrong dates for an election or locations of a polling place, for example), and it increases the penalties for voter intimidation. It restores federal voting rights for people who have served time in jail, creating a uniform system out of the current patchwork one.

                      It requires states to guarantee that no one has to wait more than 30 minutes to vote.

                      Using measures already in place in a number of states, the Freedom to Vote Act provides uniform voter registration rules. It establishes automatic voter registration at state Departments of Motor Vehicles, permits same-day voter registration, allows online voter registration, and protects voters from the purges that have plagued voting registrations for decades now, requiring that voters be notified if they are dropped from the rolls and given information on how to get back on them.

                      The Freedom to Vote Act bans partisan gerrymandering.

                      The Freedom to Vote Act requires any entity that spends more than $10,000 in an election to disclose all its major donors, thus cleaning up dark money in politics. It requires all advertisements to identify who is paying for them. It makes it harder for political action committees (PACs) to coordinate with candidates, and it beefs up the power of the Federal Election Commission that ensures candidates run their campaigns legally.

                      The Freedom to Vote Act also addresses the laws Republican-dominated states have passed in the last year to guarantee that Republicans win future elections. It protects local election officers from intimidation and firing for partisan purposes. It expands penalties for tampering with ballots after an election (as happened in Maricopa County, Arizona, where the Cyber Ninjas investigating the results did not use standard protection for them and have been unable to produce documents for a freedom of information lawsuit, leading to fines of $50,000 a day and the company’s dissolution). If someone does tamper with the results or refuses to certify them, voters can sue. 

                      The act also prevents attempts to overturn elections by requiring audits after elections, making sure those audits have clearly defined rules and procedures. And it prohibits voting machines that don’t leave a paper record.

                      Now, what does everyone find in there that is not reasonable?

                      1. GA Anderson profile image82
                        GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        I can't speak for everyone, but since you asked . . . and with the caveat that I am `shooting from the hip', (as in relying on your presented information . . .)

                        I think these points are unreasonable:

                        "That baseline includes at least two weeks of early voting for any town of more than 3000 people, including on nights and weekends, for at least 10 hours a day:

                        I think these are arbitrary parameters that the Federal government has no authority to mess with.

                        "It requires states to guarantee that no one has to wait more than 30 minutes to vote."

                        What the hell . . . 30 minutes? I think it is nuts that the Federal government thinks it can dictate how long someone stands in line. Just as I think it is central government overreach to step on a state's Right to control their elections.

                        (Ha! Look at that. The hypocrisy police contributing something besides a credibility jab.)


                  2. My Esoteric profile image84
                    My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    "Sorry, but as Democrats wish to remove nearly all safeguards and security on voting " - That is another lie, Wilderness

                    Here are more lies you just made:

                    "but the fact remains that Democrats do not wish ID checks "

                    "any other real security at the voting booth"

                    And this one is out and out misleading because it conflates apples and oranges.

                    "ARE inviting foreign nationals to participate in local elections to determine how to run our country"

                    First, you conflate "local" with "national", that is decietful.

                    Second, I thought you were a conservative who believed in states-rights?  Guess I was wrong since you won't allow states and local governments to set their own rules.

        24. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I am glad they did it, but I can't believe that, save for the four years Trump controlled the DOJ, they never stood up a domestic terror unit to try to take down one of the most dangerous groups to American democracy - right-wing extremists groups.  Since Trump supported their cause, it is no surprise he wouldn't let DOJ go after them.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/11/politics/ … index.html

        25. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Do you remember when, not too long ago, the Trumpers on this site were happily whitewashing the insurrection and calling it not a big deal because DOJ had not determined what happened on Jan 6th was an insurrection?

          Well now they have!!!  ELEVEN Oathkeepers have been indicted with seditious conspiracy ... with more to come.  This is one step closer to reigning in Trump.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/13/politics/ … index.html

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Revelations from the seditious conspiracy charging documents of the Trump led, attempted coup on Jan 6.

            1.  Trump whitewashers, including those on this forum, falsely cried that Jan 6th was not an insurrection because DOJ "didn't go there".  Well, "They Went There"

            2. Trump whitewashers also falsely, as it turns out, claimed there was no "planning", no single person (a ridiculous requirement) responsible for the attempted coup.  Now we know it was, at least, Oathkeeper leader Stewart Rhodes.  The question now is - did any part of this conspiracy extend to anybody in Trump's circle of enablers?

            3. Again, the Trump whitewashers, claimed there were "no guns" present at the insurrection.  We already knew that claim was not true, but we did not know the extent of it.  There were plenty of guns there and many, many more close by if wanted.

            4. This was much more than a coup on a single day.  The Oathkeepers were planning on a long-term effort to subvert our government.

            5.  Who are the "bigger fish" that may come to light as some of the 11 start to flip?  I am more certain than ever now that DOJ is investigating Trump.  Maybe not for this specifically, but for his role in the insurrection.

            https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/13/politics … index.html

            1. wilderness profile image90
              wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              And, of course, being charged is an absolute indication of guilt as no court trial with a jury of peers is necessary for liberals to convict.

              Just as the statement there were "There were plenty of guns there and many, many more close by if wanted.".  There was one (one) gun found on the capital grounds.  All it takes for a liberal is to want to have "plenty" and one becomes that "plenty".

              1. IslandBites profile image93
                IslandBitesposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Christopher Alberts was arrested leaving the Capitol grounds on January 6 while trying to flee from officers after they suspected he was carrying a firearm on his hip. Alberts was carrying a loaded pistol and 25 rounds of ammunition, according to court documents.

                Guy Reffitt has been charged with illegally bringing a handgun on Capitol grounds on January 6. Reffitt allegedly told family members he "brought his gun with him" in the Capitol attack.

                Mark Ibrahim, who at the time was an off-duty special agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration, has been charged with bringing his service weapon on Capitol grounds during the insurrection as well as lying to the FBI about why he was at the Capitol.

                Mark Mazza, 56, is the latest of about half a dozen Jan. 6 defendants charged with bringing a gun to the Capitol. In this case, Mazza allegedly carried a Taurus revolver known as “The Judge,” which is capable of firing shotgun shells — two of which were in the chamber, along with three hollow-point bullets. A Capitol Police sergeant obtained the weapon after allegedly fending off an assault from Mazza. He told investigators that if he had found Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “you’d be here for another reason,” according to court documents.

                While driving to Washington, D.C., on January 6, Cleveland Meredith sent a text that said, "Hauling ass, 3.5 hours from target practice."

                The day after the Capitol siege, prosecutors said, Meredith was arrested in D.C. with an assault-style rifle equipped with a telescopic sight, a Glock firearm with several high capacity magazines and over 2,500 rounds of ammunition — including at least 320 "armor-piercing" rounds. He arrived too late to attend the rally, but the following day, authorities said he sent a text threatening to shoot House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the head.

                1. wilderness profile image90
                  wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  This is all news to me; after searching a while back for the number of guns found on the capital grounds during the riot I found exactly one.  Thanks for the information.

                  But arresting someone outside the grounds for carrying is not the same.  Nor is arresting them after having a third party say they claimed they would be carrying.  Nor is finding someone the next day with a rifle and a glock.  That leaves two apparently found with a gun on the grounds during the riot.

                  Island, I'm sick of the gross exaggerations designed to convince someone that a lie is true.  I've been told that there were "truckloads" (exact words) of guns found at the riot, with the speaker literally throwing his arms up in distress when I said that wasn't true.  Now Esoteric claims there were "plenty of guns" at the riot.  Neither statement has a shred of truth it; both are gross exaggerations of the truth.  Even your list of a tiny handful of charges doesn't come close to what was claimed. 

                  Can't we simply produce the truth (as you did) rather than promote such exaggerations as being true?  Do we HAVE to use loaded words (insurrection, for instance), give pure opinion as fact, make assumptions without evidence and promote that as fact, etc.?  Can't we just provide true statements and let it go at that?

                  1. My Esoteric profile image84
                    My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    "Island, I'm sick of the gross exaggerations designed to convince someone that a lie is true." - Then you should stop doing it.

                    "use loaded words (insurrection, for instance)," - THAT statement is called "whitewashing" among other things.  And, isn't that what they are being charged with?  We all correctly used the term earlier because we can understand the definition of "insurrection" and apply it to what the world saw.  You do understand your "whitewashing" of the truth (another example "tiny handful") is providing aid and comfort to terrorists and traitors, don't you?

                    BTW - later reporting adds to Islands list.  But in any case, it is impossible to tell, only surmise.  Why? Because the crowd wasn't Black (which probably saved a lot of lives).  Since it was a White riot, not very many of them were arrested at the scene.  But, given who was doing the rioting, it makes perfect sense that many of them were armed with guns, let alone the other weapons they brought with them or stole from the police to bash them with.

              2. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                You need to revisit your sources for the "one-gun" falsehood (or read IslandBites facts below) and maybe read the charging document before sticking your neck out.

        26. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I am becoming less and less convinced all of these attempts to overturn the election aren't coordinated.  There are now too many to be coincidental.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/12/politics/ … index.html

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Statement from the article -- "In the weeks after the 2020 election, then-President Donald Trump's allies sent fake certificates to the National Archives declaring that Trump won seven states that he actually lost. The documents had no impact on the outcome of the election, but they are yet another example of how Team Trump tried to subvert the Electoral College "
            "No impact on the outcome of the election"
            National Archives...  I would assume however sent these false documents could be in some form of trouble? Not sure if there are laws to cover this kind of dishonesty. It sounds like these persons performed some form of personal protest by trying to put misinformation into the archives.

            I am sure they will be charged if they broke any laws. And the archives corrected, as should be.

            Not sure why you felt this gesture would have overturned the election?
            Why? As you article claimed --- "The documents had no impact on the outcome of the election",

            At best it appears those that did this hoped to subvert -- undermine the election.

            1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
              Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              The fake certificates were created by Trump allies (who for the most part seem to be in positions of power)  in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada and New Mexico, who sought to replace valid presidential electors from their states with a pro-Trump slate.

              Michigan's attorney general is asking federal prosecutors to open a criminal investigation into 16 Republicans who submitted false certificates stating they were the state's presidential electors.
              This was dangerous desperation.

              https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2022/01/0 … countable/

              https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireSto … s-82263515

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "The fake certificates were created by Trump allies (who for the most part seem to be in positions of power)  in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada and New Mexico, who sought to replace valid presidential electors from their states with a pro-Trump slate."

                Yes, and sent them to be set in the archives. By no means would it have affected the election. It certainly could affect our chronicled history.

                I have not seen any statements from the people that are being accused.

                As I said  -- and thought I was clear about my view
                " I am sure they will be charged if they broke any laws. And the archives corrected, as should be."

                I don't think it was dangerous, it does show desperation, yes, and clearly dishonesty.  Luckily,  the archivist caught the deception, as they should.

                Not sure what the DOJ will do with this? I would think some laws were broken on a Federal level.

                "Dana Nessel, a Democrat, disclosed Thursday that her office had been evaluating charges for nearly a year but decided to refer the matter to the U.S. attorney in western Michigan.

                “Under state law, I think clearly you have forgery of a public record, which is a 14-year offense, and election law forgery, which is a five-year offense,"

                Perhaps Nessel should do her job,  instead of bringing her complaint to the media. I find this problematic.  She should charge them accordingly. This would seem the president thing to do. And let the Fed Gov handle their end.

                It will be interesting to see if there are laws that cover this kind of deception.

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Some laws had to be broken because a few of these are forged documents.  Given that they went to the National Archives and these were State certificates, I would think both State and Federal laws were broken.  You saw how long it took DOJ to finally charge sedition, hopefully both State and Federal law enforcement are processing these as well.  That said, I am not sure some of the States would be pushing it since the Attorney Generals are Trump Republicans.

              As to lone wolf actors, I would normally agree.  But, as I said, this appears to be part of a larger conspiracy to destroy our democracy.  There are simply too many of these types of activities, from the massive numbers of frivolous lawsuits, to the fake audits, on up to the insurrection not to believe there is an organizing element to it.  It just simply doesn't make sense otherwise.

              The point isn't "that the documents had no impact on the outcome of the election", it is that this kind of activity appears to be part of a larger pattern to sow doubt about the efficacy of our elections - and THAT DOUBT can (and has) bring down democracies.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, apparently a law was broken in Michigan. Nessel is a Democrat. Not sure of the other AG in the other states. There should be nothing holding her back from charging however did this in Michigan.

                "Dana Nessel, a Democrat, disclosed Thursday that her office had been evaluating charges for nearly a year but decided to refer the matter to the U.S. attorney in western Michigan.

                “Under state law, I think clearly you have forgery of a public record, which is a 14-year offense, and election law forgery, which is a five-year offense,"

                Perhaps Nessel should do her job,  instead of bringing her complaint to the media. I find this problematic.  She should charge them accordingly. It seems she should do her job, and let the Fed Gov handle their end.

        27. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          More details emerge about Trump's other probable criminal activity - fraud.

          In new filings seeking testimony from Trump, Ivanka, and Trump Jr. about their knowledge of ""misleading statements and omissions" in documents used to obtain loans (I presume there is a parallel track being pursued regarding fraudulent tax payments.  Specifically, they have found that the "misleading statements and omissions" dealt with:

          - The size of Trump's Trump Tower penthouse;

          - Miscategorized assets outside Trump's or the Trump Organization's control as "cash," thereby overstating his liquidity;

          - Misstated the process by which Trump or his associates reached valuations, including deviations from generally accepted accounting principles in ways that the statements did not disclose;

          - Failed to use fundamental techniques of valuation, like discounting future revenues and expenses to their present value, or choosing as "comparables" only similar properties in order to impute valuations from public sales data;

          - Misstated the purported involvement of "outside professionals" in reaching the valuations; and

          - Failed to advise that certain valuation amounts were inflated by an undisclosed amount for brand value.

          Further, the new Manhattan DA said he will continue focusing on Trump, et al as well.

          https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/20/politics … index.html

        28. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          HOW TO RIG AN ELECTION to perpetuate the Coup.

          "Election officials in a rural Georgia county are weighing plans to close all but one polling place ahead of this year's elections, alarming local voting and civil rights groups.

          But Wednesday's vote by the Lincoln County elections board has reverberated far beyond this Georgia community of roughly 7,700 northwest of Augusta. The county is one of six in this battleground state that have disbanded or reconfigured their local election boards in the last year, thanks to recently passed bills by the Republican-controlled Georgia General Assembly.

          Several Democrats have been tossed off the boards. One reconstituted board eliminated Sunday voting during a recent municipal election -- an option popular among Black churchgoers, a key Democratic constituency."

          Hopefully, lawsuits are flying left and right to prevent this usurpation of Democracy.

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Sharlee - I think you have said you live in Georgia.  Let me ask, why would you bother to vote when the Trump Republicans are going to determine the outcome.  Seems like it would be a waste of your time since you already know the outcome.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I live in Michigan.  In Michigan, The legislation changed a few rules. They established stricter requirements for voter identification and banned election officials from sending out absentee ballot applications unless they are requested by voters. 

              The Senate bill mandate that in-person voters present identification for their ballots to count and that those voting absentee submit their driver's license number, state personal ID number, or the last four digits of their Social Security number.   Which gave a good selection of ID"s. And political parties and other organizations have a fair opportunity to have challengers present during the counting of absentee ballots.
              in Regard to drop boxes-  The boxes require continuous video monitoring.

              Otherwise, all stayed the same as prior to 2020.

              I have no idea f Trump will run or who will run against him. When 2024 rolls around I will (as I always do) make my pros and cons list on candidates, hoping to determine who will do a better job at problem-solving.

        29. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Woo - Hoo!!  SOTUS (except Thomas) slapped down Trump's attempt to hide the truth.  A trove of documents are now heading to the House.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/19/politics/ … index.html

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            If I remember correctly you were also over the moon when NY finally got Trump's taxes. How did that work out?

            Trump has left more egg on Dem's faces than one could imagine.

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              So far it is working out great, didn't you read my earlier post where the NY AG has found them to be misleading and inaccurate - in other words, fraudulent.

              Better to have egg on ones face than to be unpatriotic and against democracy like the Trump Republicans are.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                No in her words  "N.Y. Attorney General Outlines Pattern of Possible Fraud at Trump Business"   https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/18/nyre … james.html

                "NEW YORK, Jan 19 (Reuters) - New York state's attorney general has accused Donald Trump's family business of repeatedly misrepresenting the value of its assets to obtain financial benefits, citing what it said was significant new evidence of possible fraud." https://www.reuters.com/business/ny-att … 022-01-19/

                We have heard the word "Possible" from many that have accused Trump of a myriad of crimes.

                One need not be pelleted with eggs if they dot their I's and cross their
                T's before accusing one of a crime. Just not acceptable to accuse one of a crime, and then try to find a crime and evidence of that crime.

                That is not patriotic, that's treacherous.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  And now you play word games to defend Trump?  Even your own quote tells the story that she means much more than "possible" (a term she must use since he isn't convicted yet.)  You are trying to hide the truth behind semantics.  Let me quote again what you just quoted:

                  "citing what it said was significant new evidence of possible fraud." - While you toy around with the word "possible", I focus on the much more meaningful words "SIGNIFICANT NEW evidence".  Words you apparently wish to ignore because it puts your boy in a bad light.

                  Besides mob bosses, how many people do you know of that has been accused, with good reason, of so many crimes as Donald Trump has.  There is so much smoke surrounding this man, it is impossible to see through to the fire that is at the center of his core.

                  What is unpatriotic and treacherous is being so blinded to the truth that you will allow yourself to be sucked into his black hole of deceit.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    SIGNIFICANT NEW evidence that could possibly be true? Really

                    I would think if this possible evidence is true Trump should be soon charged with a crime. Just like all the other possible crimes...LOL

                    It would seem more to be you to have entered some form of the dark hole. Always looking for tidbits of maybe and it looks to be true.   You don't get it.  I don't hang on what if or if comes. It seems somewhat futile, and ---  oh well I better leave it at that.

                    1. wilderness profile image90
                      wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      That does seem to be quite a difference.  You demand truth and proof.  Others only require that the Democrats crank up their smoke gun to declare guilt.  No fire necessary; just smoke from liberals.

                      1. My Esoteric profile image84
                        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        I have yet to see an investigation into Trump where, in the end, the evidence of guilt was not overwhelming.  The fact that enough Republicans decided to play politics rather than protect America from him doesn't alter the truth of the matter.

                    2. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      "I would think if this possible evidence is true Trump should be soon charged with a crime." - You kept saying that about sedition and insurrection, didn't you?  If you recall, just recently people were charged with just that.  Why don't you think Trump will after the investigation is complete. (Sorry it is not fast enough for you.  For me, I prefer all of the 'i's are dotted and 't's crossed.)

                      "I would think if this possible evidence is true ..." - Do you have any doubt it isn't true?

        30. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          You think President Biden had a bad week (and no question he did), but Trump and his minions are having a worse one.

          First, Trump lost his bid to hide his public records from the public

          Second, the plot to overturn the election keeps unraveling as it was reported that fraudulent elector certificates were sent to the National Archives.

          Third, it seems the reason they were sent is because of a Giuliani and Trump Campaign personnel actively sought to substitute FAKE electors for real ones.

          "We fought to seat the [FAKE] electors. The Trump campaign asked us to do that," Meshawn Maddock, co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party, said at a public event last week that was organized by the conservative group Stand Up Michigan, according to a recording obtained by CNN.

          Forth and most significant from a news report I heard on the radio, the Jan 6th Committee apparently have connected some of the dots between Trump tweets and increased violence at the Capitol on Jan 6th!!!! They have testimony from rioters that as soon as the rioters heard from Trump that Pence was not going to break the law, they took that as a signal to get even more violent. (I am looking for the written report about that)

          Fifth. the Fulton County, GA DA requests a special Grand Jury to probe Trump's election interference

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/20/politics/ … index.html

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/20/politics/ … index.html

        31. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Here is a nice summary of the Fake Elector-gate episode.  It concludes with - Team Trump attempted to usurp that Electoral College process and, quite literally, steal the election in those states. Nullifying elections, in this fashion, is nothing short of an attempted coup.

          What is not clear - yet - is how deep Trump was into this plot.  What is clear, based on many statements he made about substituting his electors for the real ones, is that he was aware of it.  The only question remaining is how much was Trump part of the nuts-and-bolts of the operation.

          https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/23/politics … index.html

        32. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Sean Hannity, friend, propagandist, and counselor to Trump, is certainly a dubious character. While PUBLICALLY and vocally supporting Trump's anti-democracy Big Lie, BEHIND THE SCENES he is frantically trying to get Trump to stop it.  (In this case, Trump hasn't listened to him)

          This is an article about the contents of a text message Hannity sent to Kayleigh McEnany, Trump's 5th(?) press spokesperson, about trying to contain Trump and the "crazies" around him.  (I wonder if he was referring to himself?  Probably not)

          https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 … -committee

        33. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          The long, slow arm of the law is coming after you, Donald Trump, mob boss extraordinaire.  The Atlanta DA has asked for, and just received permission from a panel of judges to form a Special Grand Jury to specifically investigate Trump's possible voter fraud crimes against the State of Georgia.

          The difference between a Grand Jury and a Special Grand Jury is that the former can issue enforceable subpoenas AND indict someone.  The later can only issue enforceable subpoenas and leave it to the DA to do the indicting.  Apparently, in Georgia, DA's can't subpoena anybody.

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/24/politics/ … index.html

        34. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          IT IS ABOUT TIME!

          Federal prosecutors looking at 2020 fake elector certifications, deputy attorney general tells CNN

          https://us.cnn.com/2022/01/25/politics/ … index.html

          This whole things is quickly unravelling for the anti-American, anti-democratic Trump Republicans.

        35. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
          Kathryn L Hillposted 16 months agoin reply to this


      8. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        He absolutely tried to subvert a legitimate election to stay in power.  He laid out a roadmap for a more competent politician to follow:

        1.) Install those willing to go along with a coup in key positions at the Pentagon, DOJ, and General Services Administration.
        2.) Fabricate enough conspiracy theories to confuse GOP legislatures to throw out the popular vote and send their own electors under newly created laws.
        3.) Win a majority in the House, so that they only certify electors if they provide the GOP candidate with the victory.
        4.) Coordinate with violent right-wing militias in order to use force should all else fail.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          That sums it up nicely, although I would point out he is still 'trying".

          Here is a recent interview with a couple of experts who predicted in 2019 that Trump would try a coup if he lost in November.

          https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/202 … -politics/

          And Homeland Security again warns of Trump-inspired violence this month when he doesn't return to office.

          https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/06/politics … index.html

      9. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
        Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago


      10. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        I notice how you purposefully left out the mention of Fusion GPS all throughout that post.  Clinton's campaign and the DNC contracted with an American company to do background research. 

        Saying Clinton used foreign sources is just plain false as it cannot be proven she even knew that Fusion had sub-contracted with Steele.

        And the claim was that the Trump Campaign conspired with Russians -  a claim that has been completely confirmed at this point.  Manafort shared polling data with Russian Intelligence.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          'Fusion had been hired to get information on Trump during the primaries by a Republican media firm, Washington Free Beacon. When Trump became the Republican nominee, the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party began picking up the tab for the Fusion research. Fusion owner Glenn Simpson hired Steele, a Russia expert, to gather information from his sources in Russia.

          Steele’s sources told him the Russian government was working with Trump to try to help him beat Clinton, including providing hacked emails. That unproven allegation is among those being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller."   https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-cour … le-n897506

          https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/25/us/p … ained.html

          I quote  Mueller in regards to Manafort

          "Mr. Mueller:   Not true. “The investigation did not establish that Page coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election,” the report said.

          For Manafort, the Mueller report cited his sharing of internal polling with his longtime employee in Ukraine, Konstantin Kilimnik, whom the FBI believes is tied to Russian intelligence.

          “The Office  DID NOT identify EVIDENCE of a connection between Manafort’s sharing polling data and Russia’s interference in the election, which had already been reported by U.S. media outlets at the time of the August 2 meeting. The investigation did not establish that Manafort otherwise coordinated with the Russian government on its election-interference efforts,” the report states."

          I can only quote what has been reported. I don't deal with "maybe this happened".

          Mueller did an extensive investigation, I choose to use his findings at this point as facts.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            And I quoted the Senate Intelligence Report that sharing a campaign's internal polling data with a hostile foreign government is clearly colluding with them.  Just because Mueller could not establish what Russia did with that information does not mean that it was not clear collusion by Manafort with the Russians.

            And that's nice to see that you can understand that Fusion used a British source, who used Russia sources for this report.  That Steele had no clue who financed him does not mean Clinton's campaign had a direct link to Russian sources.  Trump's definitely did as Manafort worked directly with Russian Intelligence.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              We differ in regard to who we trust when it comes to the Senate investigation.  I found it a circus and political carnival. I am very much apt to believe the Mueller report over the senate investigation.  Mueller had as long as he pleased to conduct his investigation, he dug deep and took all the time he needed using a professional team of true investigators. The Senators just did not have the experience or subpoena power.

              " Just because Mueller could not establish what Russia did with that information does not mean that it was not clear collusion by Manafort with the Russians."   Again --- Mueller  --  “The Office  DID NOT identify EVIDENCE of a connection between Manafort’s sharing polling data and Russia’s interference in the election, which had ALREADY been reported by U.S. media outlets at the time of the August 2 meeting. The investigation did not establish that Manafort otherwise coordinated with the Russian government on its election-interference efforts,” the report states."

              Hey to each his own...  the fact the media had already reported the data before Manafort Aug 2 meeting. So who is the culprit --- Manafort or our own media?  At the time of the meeting, the info was already out of the bag...

              1. Valeant profile image77
                Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                The Senate investigation was a bipartisan report, hence why I chose to quote noted Trump brownnoser Marc Rubio confirming Manafort did collude when he shared the polling data.  Many witnesses in the Mueller report chose not to testify or openly lied (Stone).

                Regardless of whether sharing internal polling data led to interference, that does not exempt Manafort from colluding with Russia.  Plus, you've already conceded earlier that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election.  Do you honestly think that they would not have found a use for the Trump Campaign's 2016 internal polling data?

                https://www.npr.org/2019/10/08/76831993 … ce-in-2016

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  It is also known that polling data included information on ... you guessed it . .. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.  Go figure.

                2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I certainly believe Russia interfered with the election, and in some fashion used poll data. I just am not sure how either candidate could have stopped them. They have interfered with our elections as well as many other counties' elections for decades. It is unfortunate that the media leaked polling information, and yes the info was also leaked by Manafort days after our media leaked it.  Not sure how polling info was used other than giving Russia a heads up on what candidate was leading at that point.

                  I am not sure how Russia could be stopped in regard to election interference. Most are done via hacking, very hard to stop when you are up against people that are very good at it.

                  The Senate report in my opinion was constructed using subjective opinions without solid evidence IMO. All the witnesses gave opinion-oriented. testimony, on what could have occurred. It appeared Mueller's report was factual, he tried to leave out opinions, and just reported on what could be proved, and left out what could not be verified as fact.

                  Certainly, things could have happened that just could not be proved.
                  But is it ever fair to fair to condemn based on subjective opinions?

                  1. Valeant profile image77
                    Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm pretty sure that the government did a much better job stopping the Russia disinformation campaign during the 2020 election, likely by working with Facebook to identify fake accounts and pages.

                    The media also recognized, and not just liberal media, but outlets like Fox News, that Russia was feeding propaganda through Rudy Giuliani by way of Derkach.

                    As for Manafort, Mueller did note he met with Kilimnik and gave the internal polling data and talked about strategy for battleground states.

                    https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump … e21fce6ebf

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      "and talked about strategy for battleground states." - I forgot about that which is clear evidence of actual conspiracy.  I remember reading that and wondered why Mueller didn't charge him with that.

                  2. My Esoteric profile image84
                    My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    "I just am not sure how either candidate could have stopped them. " - Agreed, neither could have.  I also don't believe that Trump personally helped the Russians but Mueller made it very clear that members of his campaign did.  And it is also clear that Trump was deeply involved in the Wikileaks release of information.

                    "It is unfortunate that the media leaked polling information" - The media did not leak polling information - try again.

                    "It is unfortunate that the media leaked polling information, and yes the info was also leaked by Manafort days after our media leaked it. " - You are clearly misreading the Mueller report - it does not say that.

                    "Most are done via hacking, " - Again not true.  Russia used disinformation to sway peoples' votes.

                    "All the witnesses gave opinion-oriented. testimony" - Doesn't mean much when ALL testimony, by definition, is opinion and is just a cop out.

                    The Mueller report was full of opinions.

                    "But is it ever fair to fair to condemn based on subjective opinions?" - it is done all of the time in courts of law.  Lot's of guilty verdicts based on circumstantial evidence.  It all boils down to whether the testimony is reasonable and believable.

                    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      https://apnews.com/article/technology-j … d92b775d98

                      The media leaked polling information on Aug 2, and yes the info was also leaked by Manafort days after our media leaked it. "  I quoted Mueller --

                      "Mr. Steele: Former campaign manager Paul Manafort and volunteer adviser Carter Page worked as a team to liaison with the Kremlin on election interference.

                      Mr. Mueller:   Not true. “The investigation did not establish that Page coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election,” the report said.

                      For Manafort, the Mueller report cited his sharing of internal polling with his longtime employee in Ukraine, Konstantin Kilimnik, whom the FBI believes is tied to Russian intelligence.

                      “The Office did not identify evidence of a connection between Manafort’s sharing polling data and Russia’s interference in the election, which had already been reported by U.S. media outlets at the time of the August 2 meeting. The investigation did not establish that Manafort otherwise coordinated with the Russian government on its election-interference efforts,”  Robert Mueller

                      Circumstantial evidence or hearsay evidence is not allowed in a court of law at all...

                      1. My Esoteric profile image84
                        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        You didn't show me where Mueller said that Hillary and the DNC knowingly paid for the Steele dossier.  Obviously, then, you are wrong.  Admit it.

                        Circumstantial evidence is almost always used, to one degree or another, in a court of law.  A lot of the evidence that convicted George Floyd's murderer was circumstantial as well as subjective opinions.  And there are many exceptions to the "hearsay" rule.

                        As I pointed out before which had already been reported by U.S. media outlets at the time of the August 2 meeting refers to "Russia’s interference in the election" and NOT "haring polling data" as you claim.

                        Show me the news articles where the news media "leaked" internal polling data.  BTW, even that wording is wrong.  Assuming that the media had reported on it, it wasn't they who "leaked" it but somebody in the Trump campaign.  So why blame the media for something they didn't do??

                        Finally, "“The Office did not identify evidence of a connection between Manafort’s sharing polling data and Russia’s interference in the election, " is absolutely meaningless as well as misleading.  It is "Manafort’s sharing polling data" that is the crime we are talking about.  We are not talking about what had already been reported in the media prior to Aug 2 that Russia was interfering with out elections - that is a different and separate crime.

              2. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "We differ in regard to who we trust when it comes to the Senate investigation.  I found it a circus and political carnival." - You do know, don't you, that the Senate investigation was a Republican led effort.  The real circus was Nunes over in the House"

                Yes, the Senate did have subpoena power.

                You left something out (or your right-wing source did) when you claim "The Office  DID NOT identify EVIDENCE of a connection between Manafort’s sharing polling data and Russia’s interference in the election, which had ALREADY been reported by U.S. media outlets at the time of the August 2 meeting" - [i]1) you do know that the "ALREADY been reported" refers to the Russian interference and NOT the polling data don't you? and 2) Mueller WENT ON TO SAY "The Office was not, however, able to gain access to all of Manafort’s electronic communications (in some instances, messages were sent using encryption applications) - which is Mueller's way of saying he thinks there is EVIDENCE.

      11. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        I love it when Shar posts the same exact thing over and over again after we have given her information that conflicts with the points she was looking to make.  Like just reposting the same thing is some way of convincing us that her opinion must be correct.

        Oh, well, you reposted it twice, it must be right then.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          "The Democratic Party-financed dossier, once celebrated by liberal Washington politicians a ..." - Why do you keep quote the words of a far-right columnist?

          Both Valeant and I already provided the evidence where the DNC and Clinton campaign didn't know that Fusion GPS had hired Steele.  I am not even positive that they even knew the lawyers, who were not their lawyers, had hired Fusion GPS. "

          The conversation was about who paid for the Dossier -- I provided ample proof that this is what the facts show. I have no idea if the DCN or Hillary knew Clinton campaign didn't know that Fusion GPS had hired Steele. I at no time associated payment to the knowledge of what Hillary or the DCN was aware of.

          Not sure this matters, they paid, and should have been aware of what they were paying for, and if the person doing research could be trusted. That's my view.  personally, I feel Hillary and the DNC knew all about Steele and that the Dossier was just a bunch of BS.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            'Not sure this matters, they paid, and should have been aware of what they were paying for, and if the person doing research could be trusted.'

            By that logic, if the Trump Campaign paid Manafort for services, Trump should have been aware that he was colluding with Russian intelligence.

            And they were aware that they were paying Fusion GPS, a company both Republicans and Democrats paid to do background research.  Seems that both sides of the aisle trusted them just fine.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, Trump and his campaign associates should all know what was being paid for, as well as what was being done in the name of the campaign. I will stick with  --- if you paying for a service you should be aware of who is working for the money, and the reputation of the person as well as his sources. 

                The conservative news website The Washington Free Beacon hired Fusion during the 2016 campaign.  It first hired the firm that later produced a dossier of unsubstantiated information about Donald Trump's Russia ties. They never were aware of the dossier.

              The Free Beacon obtained none of the dossier or any relevant info, and stop using the company early on.

              Statement from Free Beacon --- "The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele," wrote the site's editor in Chief Matthew Continetti and chairman Michael Goldfarb."

              So yes the Free Beacon did hire them but it appears they had no reason to trust or not trust them.  They were aware of what was being produced and found it of no value, and let them go.

              I would think the DNC should have knowledge of what Fusion was pursuing, and what was being found due to the research they were paying for.

          2. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Why don't you use your logic and blame Trump for 1) pulling babies from the arms of their mothers, 2) the Turks killing the Kurds he abandoned, 3) failing to prevent Covid from reaching our shores. etc?  Whether he knew about any of that is beside the point, he was the president at the time and therefore should be held responsible for all of those atrocities.

            How about this - an obviously drunk driver runs a red light slamming into another car killing the occupant.  The passenger in the drunks car did nothing to prevent the driver from driving.  Shouldn't the passenger be held liable for the death because he or she "should have" known this was a likely outcome?  I see this as similar to your claim that Hillary and the DNC "should have known" that Fusion GPS was going to hire Steele to do the {b]legal[/b] oppo research.

            BTW, I see I got drawn into a pointless discussion because what was done was perfectly legal, so I am not sure why Republicans are having a heart attack over it.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I will be honest and it is just my opinion, I don't think many Republicans are worried about who paid for the Dossier or what was in it. Most are more concerned about what's happening today. Most have moved on some time ago.

      12. emge profile image82
        emgeposted 3 years ago

        Trump is gone I think it's time to stop flogging the Deadhorse. There is a need to focus on the deeds of Mr. Joe Biden and his son who are selling everything to the Chinese.

        1. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Trump is far from gone buddy.  He just had a rally on July 24.  He actively tried to undermine the infrastructure bill by threatening current Senators despite 7 in 10 Americans supporting the bill.  And he's still an active threat as he publicly promotes his big lie and foments additional violence - this according to Homeland Security that just warned of that they see his supporters as threats to national security.

          We all understand why many want to change the topic to only Biden, but comparing someone who can get bipartisan legislature passed (not to mention legislation to combat climate change that even Manchin and Synema backed), has brought Covid deaths down from 76,000 per month to 8,000, and is also a competent steward of the economy as we add thousands of blue collar jobs by actually doing infrastructure is not going to go well for those that think Trump did a good job, despite 400,000 dead Americans, a net negative jobs gain, and an additional $7.8 trillion added to our national debt.

          On effective leadership pertaining to infrastructure:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0Lstd--i2A

          I've shown in other threads how the border 'crisis' is comparable to 2019 because of title 42 and the now 38% of immigrants that retry to enter the country versus the 7% two years ago during the same months.  Inflation is as much about the limited amount of goods produced in 2020 when Covid shut down production, and the demand for those goods now that everyone has money and the economy is reopening.  When supply is low and demand is high, prices will rise.  When homes are not being built, and demand for them goes up, existing home prices will increase.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            U.S. border arrests top 1 million in fiscal year 2021

            https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/ … 021-06-25/

            The numbers are staggering anyway you one spins it.  More than 800 unaccompanied kids stopped at southern border in single day.

            Just a bit of news media does not feel you need to know about...

            "US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) stopped a whopping 834 unaccompanied minors at the US-Mexico border Wednesday, the most since the Biden administration began releasing a daily tally of apprehensions of children earlier this year.

            The data, which was first reported by the Washington Examiner, come days after a top DHS official estimated in a court filing that more than 19,000 children traveling alone were picked up by immigration officers last month. That number would top the previous high of 18,877 in March of this year and works out to an average of more than 600 unaccompanied children being apprehended per day. Since then, CBP has apprehended 17,144 unaccompanied minors in April (571 stops per day); 14,137 in May (456 stops per day), and 15,253 in June (508 stops per day)."

            Never in our history have we had this many unaccompanied children in our custody.

            And in my view, it was not Bide that is responsible for the decrease in COVID deaths that credit goes to Operation Warp Speed, and Trump for getting the vaccine. The vaccine is what is bringing the death rate down.

            https://nypost.com/2021/08/05/more-than … rn-border/

            Heartbreaking' conditions in US migrant child camp...

            Biden has done nothing to try to solve the ever-increasing problem. He is letting using catch and relies on and flooding the country with people that could be infected with COVID. He has the borders wide open for people to continue to come to be processed into the country.
            https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2 … year-high/

            AUGUST 10, 2021
            Migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border are at a 21-year high
            https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2 … year-high/

            As you can see Joe has pretty much made a huge mess at the border.

            Expulsion rate
            "Expulsions have become less common under Biden– and apprehensions more common – in the first months of President Joe Biden’s administration. In June, 58% of migrant encounters resulted in expulsion, down from 83% in January, when Biden took office."

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "U.S. border arrests top 1 million in fiscal year 2021" - Yet America keeps growing and not being affected by the border patrol doing its job.  It is amazing how you can take a good thing (effective border control) and put a negative spin on it.  You seem to have never understood that the number of people showing up at the border is out of America's control.  And YES, Biden did stop many, but not all, of Trump's inhumane and un-American policies.

              The vaccine is great, no doubt, but totally useless if people don't use don't get shots.  Under Trump, it would have just set on shelves as he fumbled along trying to 1) making the vaccine widely available (which Trump didn't do) and 2) encouraging people to take it (which Trump is not doing even now).

              Also, just look at who is mainly responsible for the spread of the Delta variant (as well as suffering the consequences of their stupidity) - Trump supporters!  All you have to do is look at a county by county map of the unvaccinated to easily see that.

              I will bet their intransigence will show up at the polls in 2022 with fewer conservatives being around (meaning alive) to vote.  Many others who survived Delta will realize they have been lied to by the right-wing media and vote Democratic or not vote at all.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                You may have missed this comment in regard to OWS and how all was provided in regards to the distribution of the vaccine. It is unknown how Trump would have done with the rollout of the vaccine. IMO he was a problem solver, nothing went unnoted under Trump, he worked at solving problems. Biden works at ignoring problems.  I would think Trump would have pushed that vaccine due to it was one of his great accomplishments.

                He had a knack for getting things done, in good time. He never ignored problems and he took the brunt of anything he could not solve.

                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  He never ignored problems?  Continual Infrastructure Week?  Social Justice?  The Deficit?  The Spread of Covid?  Russian Election Interference?  The reasons why immigrants come to the US?

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I don't like Trump yet Biden is worst.

                    More Americans have died of Covid than from Trump in as little as half the time

                    1. Valeant profile image77
                      Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Trump:  First death, early February.  Left office in late January.  Deaths during that time 400,000.  Time:  just short of a year

                      Biden:  Began office in late January.  In just under seven months time, 218,000 deaths.

                      400,000/11.5 = 34,782
                      218,000/6.75 = 32,296

                      Pretty sure your math is wrong in your claim.

                      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        My fault it was around 320,000 in the US in 2020.
                        I was quoted world deaths under 2 million 2020 vs 4.3 million globe deaths to date
                        Still growing at a faster rate in the US.

                      2. My Esoteric profile image84
                        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        To make a fair comparison, you need to not count the first 6 months of the pandemic since it was just getting started while Biden took over with it running at full-tilt. 

                        So let's look at the last 6 months of Trump and the first 6 months of Biden and see what we get.

                        There were 453,677 deaths by Jan 27, 2021 and 132,110 deaths by July 27, 2020.  That means 321,567 people died in those six months.

                        On July 27, 2021, there were 628,787 fatalities.  That gives 175,110 deaths in Biden's first six months.  So let's compare (I won't bother dividing by six)

                        Trump - 321,567 dead
                        Biden - 175,110 dead, a 46% reduction under Biden.

                        I rest my case.

                  2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    "Continual Infrastructure Week?  Social Justice?  The Deficit?

                    " Are you referring to Obama? He failed on all mentioned in my view. (Obama increased the deficit by 74% by adding 8.59 trillion...)

                    Russian election interference has gone on for literally decades now. I disagree that Trump had anything to do with Russia interfering in the election. We will need to agree to disagree on that subject.

                    1. Valeant profile image77
                      Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Solid deflection on issues Trump clearly failed on.  (Trump added $7.8 trillion in half the time Obama did, so he was nearly doubly worse than Obama, but you continue thinking they were equally bad).

                      Only Trump denied that Russia Interfered in our election.  Every other sane human being accepts it as fact.

                      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        "Donald Trump: As of the end of FY 2020, the debt was $26.9 trillion. Trump added $6.7 trillion to the debt since Obama's last budget, a 33.1% increase due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic."
                        I beg to differ with your thought in regard to what part of the population feels there was Russian interference in the last election, 74,222,958 citizens voted for Trump. I would find it very hard to determine what people thought when making their decision on who to vote for. 

                        Mueller denied finding any evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

                        https://www.thebalance.com/us-debt-by-p … nt-3306296

                      2. My Esoteric profile image84
                        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        Wrong, Valeant.  She thinks Trump's deficit was good and solving a problem (the rich and rich corporations didn't have enough money) while Obama's was bad because it dug us out of a potential depression his Republican predecessor left us with.

                    2. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Yet Trump put Obama to shame and he had a good economy to start with while Obama did not.  Context matters when twisting facts.

                      "Russian election interference has gone on for literally decades now." - Actually, that is NOT true. Especially with the level of sophistication we saw in 2016 and again in 2020.

                      Trump or Trump's campaign?  The claim (and proof) is that it was Trump's campaign that colluded, especially Manafort.  (But then, using your Clinton/DNC logic, that is one in the same, isn't it?).  Where Trump was directly involved was with the Stone-Wikileaks connection (not to mention Trump asking the Russians to investigate Clinton's emails, which they did.)

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "how all was provided in regards to the distribution of the vaccine." - THIS was not the case.  Trump provide "some" of the logistics but left most of the hard lifting to the states.

                  Biden took the approach that the federal gov't needed to lead, which he did.  Given how poorly many of the Red states have done, it is a very good thing he did.  Otherwise, we wouldn't be at 50% fully vaccinated.  Under Trump, that would probably be 25% - almost all them Democrats.

                  "IMO he was a problem solver, nothing went unnoted under Trump, he worked at solving problems. " - ALL I can say is I am ROFL.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Please tell me what you mean by Biden using  " federal gov't needed to lead"?

                    He added nothing new to what OWS planned to do for months before he was in office.  What do you feel he did differently than what was already planned? 

                    I would give him credit if it were due. But I did not see him implement anything.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      The federal gov't needed to lead the effort to fight the pandemic.  Trump, for the most part, shirked his duty.  Even worse - Trump made everything worse than what it should have been.  The ONLY thing Trump did right throughout the whole pandemic was sign off on OWS.

                      Beyond that:

                      - He politicized mask wearing
                      - He politicized getting vaccinated
                      - He politicized social distancing
                      - He downplayed the dangers of the pandemic
                      - He did not lead at all and left the states to flounder around on their own (which the Red states did and the Blue states figured out a way to mitigate some of the damage Trump did)
                      - He only had a [b]skeletal federal response[.b] to distribution but mainly abrogated his responsibilities to the states.  Trump's primary plan was "let the states do it".  Not much of a plan in my book.

                      Biden, on the other hand,

                      - Stopped the lies from the federal gov't about the pandemic
                      - Ramped up far beyond anything Trump had in the works the production of the vaccines
                      - Organized and federalized the distribution which Trump chose not to do
                      - Did his best, against fierce resistance from Trump and the Right, to get the message out that people needed to get vaccinated while Trump stayed silent.

                      In short, Biden led while Trump was basically absent.

                      1. Valeant profile image77
                        Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        Accurately and nicely summarized.

        2. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Yes deeds, like getting the bi-partisan infrastructure bill passed in the Senate along with the budget resolution that will allow the other half of a much needed boost to human and other infrastructure.

          As to the Chinese, you listen to too much Russian and American right-wing propaganda.

      13. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        'And in my view, it was not Bide that is responsible for the decrease in COVID deaths that credit goes to Operation Warp Speed, and Trump for getting the vaccine. The vaccine is what is bringing the death rate down.'

        Who is currently not taking the vaccine?  Less than half of the GOP.  Trump does deserve credit for funding vaccine research.  But then why would Trump get vaccinated in January and not tell anyone?  That's actively working against getting people vaccinated.

        Trump's OWS planned to dropped vaccines off at airports and not coordinate with states beyond that.  Biden's implementation of OWS has been quite the success.  It would have been better if the right in this country wasn't actively working against OWS and trying to prolong the pandemic.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Implementation was well planned out months before Trump left office. A guessed you missed the day-long summit that OWS had with speakers that were from the many venues that would be giving the vaccines company spokesmen from most that were putting plans of action together to provide the vaccine to citizens. The summit was an entire day event. All the plans for distribution were laid out at that summit. Biden had nothing to do with obtaining venues where the vaccine would be distributed.

          Distribution Dec 9 2020
          https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectious … id19/90098

          I do remember the glitch in several states with their poor lack
          of planning.

          I have done some research in regards to who is not stepping up to take the vaccine. The numbers in most states show black citizens are not willing to be vaccinated. Check this link -- it has an interesting chart that shows in the majority of the states and indicates that many blacks will not take the vaccine. Not sure if they are republicans, but it is certainly interesting that blacks lag so far behind in most states.

          https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covi … phics.html

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, I did miss the Covid summit, as did about 327,988,000 other Americans apparently as that video only has about 12,000 views.  I will give OWS more credit than my original perception though based on watching the video.

            And this rollout wasn't free.  It was going to cost money to do.  You remember who was against providing states the funding for it.  I do.  I'll give you a hint or two.  6'3", falsifies weighing 227 pounds, uses the word cofveve.

            I agree with you that black American rates are also a cause of the surge in cases, maybe even more so than the GOP as only 25% of their population is vaccinated compared to 41% of the GOP.  Considering many do vote Democratic, that's an area where our party needs to do some promotion as well.

          2. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I won't argue that Blacks and Hispanics are way behind in getting vaccinated.  There reasons, however, are very different than from conservative white Americans.  The former are much more afraid of the vaccine, unreasonably so, while the latter are mostly against it because of politics.

            Also, the problem with Bloomberg's analysis is he is using percentages.  Now, I will admit that I am a big fan of using rates to analyze something and don't come within 10 feet of using raw numbers.  That said, there is a time and place for raw numbers - and this is one of those times.

            The spread of the virus is, with everything else being equal, totally dependent on the total number of unvaccinated people.  The more unvaccinated people there are, the more the virus will spread - period.

            So now the question is, who makes up the unvaccinated.  The answer is largely white conservatives.  Here is how you arrive at that conclusion.

            - There are roughly 332 million people in the US
            - 14.7% are kids under 12 who are ineligible for vaccination
            - Therefore there are roughly 283 million who can be vaccinated.
            - Of those 173 million are white, 34 million are black, 48  million are Latino, and 28 million are other.
            - 196 million have received at least one dose
            - Of those, 59% are white or 116 million
            - Of those, 10% are black or 20 million
            - Of those, 16% are Hispanic or 31 million
            - Of those, 15% are Other or 28 million
            That means:
            - 57 million unvaccinated whites (largely for political reasons)
            - 14 million unvaccinated blacks (largely out of fear)
            - 17 million unvaccinated are Hispanics (largely out of fear)
            - roughly all of the Others are vaccinated.

            So it is easy to see what is driving the rapid rise in Delta cases - Whites

            Of the 10% of unvaccinated Americans who say they are going to "Wait and See"
            - 14% are Democrats
            - 45% are Republicans
            - Presumably 49% are Independents

            Of the 14% of unvaccinated Americans who say they won't get vaccinated
            - About 18% are Democrats
            - About 58% are Republicans
            - Presumably 24% are Independents.

            This is why I claim that white Conservatives are the problem.

      14. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        'Biden has done nothing to try to solve the ever-increasing problem. He is letting using catch and relies on and flooding the country with people that could be infected with COVID. He has the borders wide open for people to continue to come to be processed into the country.'

        Trying to solve the underlying reasons for people coming here is not nothing.  The borders are not wide open as you claim, otherwise the reported numbers of encounters would be smaller.  And the larger numbers are definitely the result of Title 42 and the now 38% of immigrants that are able to retry to enter the country, up from 7% just two years ago.  Trump basically put up a neon sign that said, 'come on back, ya'll.'  The reason the admittance numbers are higher is that Biden is showing humanity to the unaccompanied minors and those with legitimate asylum claims.

        Covid is certainly an issue as so many people are packed into limited areas, but blaming them for the recently Delta surge is simply xenophobia.  Especially when you consider that Florida is one of the states surging and no one's crossing the border from Mexico to enter Florida.

      15. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
        Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

        It seems nationalism is on the rise throughout the globe.

        I really wonder why.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Because conservatism is raising its ugly head.

          Prior to WW I - nationalism was on the rise
          Prior to WW II - nationalism was on the rise
          Prior to most violence between and within nations - nationalism was on the rise.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
            Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            What is the cause of nationalism? What makes conservatism raise its ugly head? I wonder.
            I'm guessing world war three could be sooner than we would like.

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              When you have right-wing authoritarians like Donald Trump, Narendra Modi, Boris Johnson, Viktor Orban, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jair Bolsonaro, Vladimir Putin and others rise to power on a message of fear, you could very well be right.

      16. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years ago

        "He politicized mask wearing
        - He politicized getting vaccinated
        - He politicized social distancing
        - He downplayed the dangers of the pandemic"

        All of the above are opinion-oriented.  My opinion differs. 

        " He only had a [b]skeletal federal response[.b] to distribution but mainly abrogated his responsibilities to the states.  Trump's primary plan was "let the states do it"."

        Please watch the link of the OWS Vaccine summit you will realize the plan was well in place to distribute the vaccine before Trump left office.

        OWS had a full-day summit in regard to how they planned to distribute the vaccine;  With representatives, from all the companies involved with vaccine distribution.  each explaining what their companies would be doing to make sure giving the vaccines distributions would go smoothly. Companies such as Meijers, CVS Walmarts, and many more. . All had websites up before trump left office to set up appointments as soon as the vaccine was available. Large Hospitals were on board to distribute the vaccines. I was notified by two large hospitals in my area that they would be sending me information to schedule an appointment when they received the vaccine. Both did notify me to choose an appointment date.  Health departments were on board to give the vaccines. UPS Federal Express executives were also present at the summit, explaining how they would be making sure the vaccines were moved properly. I can't imagine a better more organized plan... It is apparent you did not watch the summit or are even aware of it. The full summit can be found on Youtube. I believe I posted the very link for you the other day.

        In regards to the vaccine and the amounts ordered, and when it was ordered.   All this was also accomplished by Trump and OWS. I realize Biden has lied about the number of vaccines frequently. Stated Trump did not have enough orders. Actually, he had an abundance of vaccines ordered before they were created. Biden

        https://khn.org/news/article/fact-check … -accurate/

        https://www.factcheck.org/2021/02/biden … ne-boasts/

        https://www.statesman.com/story/news/po … 628285001/

        "The Operation Warp Speed Contracts and FDA’s Process

        As part of Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration entered into contracts with multiple drugmakers. The contracts were generally signed while potential vaccines were still in clinical trials.

        Experts told us this was smart because the Trump administration didn’t know which vaccines from which drugmakers would work, how effective they would be or how quickly they could be produced.

        “That was the whole approach of Operation Warp Speed,” said Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “Not knowing which one would cross the finish line, the Trump administration took a portfolio approach and invested in multiple vaccines.”

        Here’s what the Trump team’s contracts called for drugmakers to supply to the U.S. government:

        Pfizer-BioNTech: 100 million doses (two-dose regimen)
        Moderna: 100 million doses (two-dose regimen)
        Johnson & Johnson: 100 million doses (one-dose regimen)
        AstraZeneca: 300 million doses (two-dose regimen)
        Novavax: 100 million doses (two-dose regimen)
        Sanofi-GlaxoSmithKline: 100 million doses (one- or two-dose regimen)
        In all, the amounts agreed to under these contracts total about 800 million vaccine doses, or enough for more than 400 million people."

        Sorry for the length of my post, but the facts need to be known over opinions.

        Biden has done nothing it was all planned and carefully handled by OWS.

        Biden has actually done nothing but talks his entire two months in office. IMO he is inept, and can't handle the job.

        Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Summit. Dec 8, 2020, In full...

        Opinions are fine, but facts are just better.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          - He politicized mask wearing
          - He politicized getting vaccinated
          - He politicized social distancing
          - He downplayed the dangers of the pandemic"
          These are all facts, not opinions.  Feel free to disagree with the facts, but they are still the truth.

          " He only had a skeletal federal response to distribution but mainly abrogated his responsibilities to the states."  - Emphasis on "skeletal".  I don't  deny your link shows a plan of sorts, but it was clearly lacking and insufficient.  It took Biden to federalize the effort and to ramp up production way beyond what that plan called for.

          "OWS had a full-day summit in regard to how they planned to distribute the vaccine;" - One full day - WOW.  Their plan clearly failed since it took Biden to create a plan that worked at the scale America needed.

          "It is apparent you did not watch the summit or are even aware of it. " - That is true, I wasn't even aware of it - AND NEITHER was 99.99923% of Americans (using what I remember Valeant's figure to be).  And I am one of the few who is quite aware of what is going on in the world.  That summit appears to be a well kept secret.

          FACT - Trump ordered 100 million Pfizer doses on Dec 20, on top of an additional 100 million ordered earlier.

          FACT - That order had "options" for 400 million more doses.  Problem is Pfizer had no way to deliver those as they were stretched to get what had already been ordered by July 1, 2021 -- long after they were needed.

          FACT - All toll, Trump had 400 million doses of Moderna/Pfizer under contract by the time he left office.  That is at least 200 million doses short.  It also wasn't at all clear either company could deliver any time soon. (Which was absolutely needed because of the Delta variant that was just starting to spread)

          FACT - Trump had no plans to use the DPA to increase production.

          "As part of Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration entered into contracts with multiple drug makers. The contracts were generally signed while potential vaccines were still in clinical trials." - YES, I read that as well, but it is disingenuous since only TWO were approved for use.  That statement is called disinformation.

          "... it was all planned and carefully handled by OWS." - THE TRUTH is, it wasn't.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "- He politicized mask wearing
            - He politicized getting vaccinated
            - He politicized social distancing
            - He downplayed the dangers of the pandemic"     All subjective ----

            How can you prove these opinions to be factual? Just because a media jock offers up these opinions certain;y is not any form of proof. Your examples to me appear subjective, influenced by personal feelings. and media.

            I gave clear evidence of what the Trump administration did,  I posted the article to prove what was factually done.

            You have given no real concrete task the Biden administration took on, other than going along with  Trump's plan.

            The shipping problem did occur in Feb due to inclement weather Which was solved quickly by the CDC and the two drug makers that were providing vaccines.

            Trump had a vaccine supply for every America and excess that he planned to offer to other countries. Biden did order more vaccines over and above what Trump ordered --- I would guess that's the excess we are giving to other countries. Trump had all we needed and more. Read the fact-checks I provided or my last comment it provides actual contracted numbers and points out Bide lied about not having enough vaccine.
            Biden had no need but a political ploy to order more. In my view, that shows him to be spending taxpayers' money for political reasons.

            You needlessly disagree with the abundance of facts I present. As you can see, I researched the subject in regard to what OWS was responsible for, as well as what Biden has done, which was order vaccines we don't really need and are giving away. I have no problem with aiding other poor countries that need the vaccine. I just don't like him lying telling Americans Trump and OWS did not order a sufficient amount of vaccine for the country, and some to help other countries.

            Believe what you please I am satisfied I made my case.

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              You have to be seriously in denial to not know how Trump politicized masks, vaccines and social distancing.  And his own words are all the proof needed to hear how he ADMITTED to downplaying the dangers of the pandemic.

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
                Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                ... for the sake of the economy: a percolating economy which is no longer percolating.

                He is a positive thinker who wants people to proper and make money. He doesn't want people to suffer or loose businesses as they HAVE. What else is there to say? Hatred of Trump is unjustified.

                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  For the sake of his own re-election.  His cult following is willing to accept whatever reality he draws for them. 

                  That percolating economy stopped with Trump's mismanagement:
                  He took a 4.2% unemployment rate and left it at 6.3% when he left office.
                  He added $7.8 trillion to the national debt.
                  He is the only president in modern time to have a net negative job gain, meaning he lost more jobs than he created.

                  He isn't a positive thinker, he's someone unable to face hard truths because of his malignant narcissism.  He'll lie to hide his failures, and his followers will defend those lies to be able to live in that false reality.  Your own die hard love of a complete failure makes you accuse others of another false reality - that it's hate.  It's not hate, it's a recognition that our country should never have such a lying, criminal in charge of anything.

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "He is a positive thinker who wants people to proper and make money. " - I guess to conservatives, that is all there is - and Trump was anything but positive, lol.

                  "He doesn't want people to suffer or loose businesses as they HAVE." - is not quite right.  He has proven many times over he doesn't give a s---- about anybody but himself.  And so long as people losing businesses doesn't hurt him, he simply doesn't care.

                  As to hating Trump, I have always said, I can hate his policies and actions, but I can't hate the mentally ill.

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "How can you prove these opinions to be factual?" - All you have to do is listen to his rhetoric.

              MASKS - Early on he said things like “The C.D.C. is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as an additional voluntary public health measure. So it’s voluntary. You don’t have to do it. They suggested for a period of time, but this is voluntary. I don’t think I’m going to be doing it.” - and he never stopped politicizing it.

              Vaccination - While Trump occasionally tells his supporters they should get vaccinated, he is more likely to say things that go along like this line "Speaking during a rally in Phoenix, Trump touted the success of his administration's Operation Warp Speed vaccine rollout, and claimed that many Americans now do not trust Biden enough to be inoculated."

              Social Distancing - At his rallies, he never enforced wearing masks or social distancing.  In fact, he told the NC gov where he was going to hold a convention, he said “We can’t do social distancing,” the president said, according to the two people familiar with the call.

              Down playing the dangers of the pandemic - This started from DAY One.  Here is a time line of his denials. https://www.npr.org/sections/latest-upd … s-pandemic

              There is nothing subjective about any of that, it is all factual and that is how you make a case.

              "You needlessly disagree with the abundance of facts I present. "

              - When your "facts" are wrong, I disagree. 
              - When you misstate your facts, I disagree. 
              - When you only tell part of the story, I tell the rest. 
              - When you overstate a fact (like saying Trump had enough vaccines doses, when, in fact, he didn't have enough approved ones), I correct you.
              - When you say that OWS had it ALL planned out when they clearly did not, I correct this is as well.

              When you say false things like "I just don't like him lying telling Americans Trump and OWS did not order a sufficient amount of vaccine for the country,", I have to correct that.  The FACT is, Trump did not order enough approved vaccines, he was short by at least 200 million doses.  Also, they couldn't produce the ones he did order fast enough to quickly protect Americans.  Biden had to do things to speed up production.

      17. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
        Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

        He recovered from Covid 19. He wants us all to! Not live in moment to moment

                           F E A R  ! ! !

                        Rock the World!

                         Lock the World!

      18. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 3 years ago

        I used those examples to show the idiocy of the amendments. There are actually many more that exhibits reps asking for ridiculous projects for their own states. I call it all wait --- pork.

        If you want proof look at all three stimulus bills. It's enough to make one very angry. Like I said we were and still are in a historic crisis, and we have an inept man sitting in the White House, being rolled out here and there to read a speech or screw up the few questions press ask him.

        It is clear we come from different views. And it has nothing to do with political parties. It has to do with a failing administration, and me being very dissatisfied with Biden's job performance. I would be more than fair and willing to give credit where it is due.

      19. Justin Earick profile image67
        Justin Earickposted 3 years ago

        Yes, Trump really tried to implement a coup, but only if we agree to pretend that the word has no longer has meaning. You can't have a coup without the military, or at least an armed uprising. J6 was a protest that got out of hand, when unarmed knuckleheads trespassed & vandalized a public building. Also, a bunch of FBI informants entrapped some morons with a plot to kidnap politicians, for media shock value. Cops & numerous federal agencies conspired to provide too few security & allow the breach of the capitol. Authoritarian liberals & corporate media acolytes dutifully demanded internet censorship, because it's competition for ad dollars, & authoritarian liberals yearn to empower feds & tech oligarchs to silence political dissent. Their hand-wringing over J6 is just part of a larger liberal project to censor the internet, just as they said Russia spread disinformation to collude with Trump, and just as they demand covid disinformation be censored

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          "J6 was a protest that got out of hand, when unarmed knuckleheads trespassed & vandalized a public building. " - I know many hundreds of police who would disagree with you.  Also, you don't need military to have a coup.  There are many examples of bloodless coups.

          "Cops & numerous federal agencies conspired to provide too few security & allow the breach of the capitol. " - You must be a Qanon believer to believe that.

      20. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        I guess he's just too stupid to realize his lies could inspire violence when he told his followers, many in well-armed, anti-government militias, to march to the Capitol just as Congress was certifying the 2020 election.

        And when he gleefully cheered on the assault of police and occupation until news that shots were fired and people had died, that was not a dereliction of his duty to protect the citizens of the United States.  An oath he took, and subsequently broke on January 6th.

        Yeah, that's the guy so many want back in the Oval Office.  Unbelievable.

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          And he issued another lie (twice) before retreating.  He told his supporters that he would march up the street with them - he didn't.

      21. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        Meanwhile, down in Arizona...Nobody builds walls like Trump does.


        In 2020, when Trump was still in power, experts warned that floodgates in some places along the 701-mile, $21bn wall would need to be left open during heavy rains and flooding, to avoid collapse amid surges of tons of water carrying rocks, sediment, tree limbs and other debris.

        Because of their remote locations, many of the gates would have to be manually opened and left unattended for months at a time, the Washington Post reported – potentially allowing for the easy entry into the US of smugglers and migrants.

        “Who could have predicted this? Ah yes, just about everyone,” author Brian Kahn wrote, linking to an article highlighting environmental threats the wall would encounter.

      22. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        News from the Arizona election fraudit:  Biden beats Trump by more votes.

        Then, Cyber Ninjas makes claims that are easily explained by people who actually understand elections:

        https://www.yahoo.com/news/ap-fact-chec … 10695.html

        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Apparently Trump pressured Abbot to investigate counties Trump did poorly in.  More wasted money.  And it is odd, even though it has been announced, nobody seems to know what is going on.  Typical of rabid Republicans.

      23. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        I would say that Democrats fought for the Constitution.  And the witch hunt proved there were witches within the Trump Campaign coordinating with members of Russian Intelligence, a hostile foreign government.  So bringing that into the discussion doesn't really help your case.

        1. wilderness profile image90
          wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          So did the rioters, which you are well aware of.  They may be mistaken (IMO they were very much mistaken), but the DID fight for fair elections.

          The witch hunt started as attempting to prove (which you also know) that Trump collaborated with Putin to fix the election.  Democrats fought to control Trump's access to politics, just as the rioters did.  A different methodology, to be sure, but they fought and that was the point of the comment.  Trump asking followers to fight does not mean he asked for violence or destruction any more than Democrats fighting did.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            The rioters set aside all ability to reason as the courts, election officials, the FBI, and the Department of Justice all noted there was no fraud in the 2020 election.  They chose to listen to a known liar in fighting against a fair election that he lost because his own malignant narcissism prevents him from being seen as a loser.  They heard the words fight, were organized by Trump himself to show up right when the election was being certified, and told to go there.  Either complicity or stupidity to not understand who was in that crowd - either way a dereliction of his oath of office.

            The Mueller Investigation was started (by a Republican - Rod Rosenstein, mind you) because of Russian interference in the 2016 election.  It was prudent to see if their preferred candidate helped that interference as a national security measure.  Mueller (another Republican) spent over 200 pages detailing contacts between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, and Mueller noted 10 instances where Trump Obstructed Justice to hide the truth of what happened.  While you Republicans were more than willing to excuse an attack on our elections, many are not.

          2. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "So did the rioters, " - OH give me a break.  If they actually thought that, then they are very stupid AND ignorant AND gullible.  By no stretch of the imagination, even yours, can anybody presume what they did was Constitutional.  Their whole goal was to overthrow the Constitution, just like their Master was telling them to.

            The REPUBLICAN investigation into the Trump campaign (it didn't even start out with Trump himself until he fired Comey!) was very real and necessary.  I know you know that, but can't say so.[/b]

            The REAL witch hunt is Trump's futile search for a stolen election.  A witch hunt TRULY based on a pack of Big Lies{/b]

            And there you go again attempting to draw False Equivalencies.

            And besides that:

            "Democrats fought to control Trump's access to politics, " - Is a Lie

            "Trump asking followers to fight does not mean he asked for violence or destruction any more than Democrats fighting did." - It [b]absolutely did
            .  But because you are blind to context, you will never appreciate the difference, it doesn't seem to be in your DNA.

            1. wilderness profile image90
              wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              ""Democrats fought to control Trump's access to politics, " - Is a Lie"

              Of course!  How could anyone doubt that the goal of impeachment was to remove him from office and keep him from ever running again?  How foolish to think such a thing! 

              (Sarcasm, in case you didn't catch it)

      24. IslandBites profile image93
        IslandBitesposted 3 years ago

        Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, one of two Republicans on the Jan. 6 committee, presented evidence on Tuesday that Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, had “advanced knowledge” of the day’s events.


      25. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        Well written article on this topic:

        https://www.yahoo.com/news/roadmap-coup … 02124.html

        “The events of 2020 were unprecedented,” said Ned Foley, a law professor at the Ohio State University. “A sitting president was trying to get a second term that the voters didn’t want him to have – it was an effort to overturn a free election and deprive the American people of their verdict.”

        For Foley, a picture has come into focus of a “systematic effort to deny the voters their democratic choice. It was a deliberate, orchestrated campaign, and there’s nothing more fundamentally undemocratic than what was attempted.”

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          The article was informative, and it is very clear beyond the article that  Trump was not willing to accept the outcome of the election. From the day he lost he indicated a flurry of laws suits, that for one reason or another did not go in his favor. It would appear as Jan 6th approached he was hoping to hang his hat on the Constitution turning the tide.

          It would seem he pulled Eastman in to do just that. I think Eastman came up with two scenarios that although he offered them he was not strong on either working. I feel at that point Pence picked up on the fact Eastman was very unsure of the legalities of either of the two scenarios and decided not to put either of the suggestions from the memo into play. Hence the Trump-Pence split.

          If I stand back and look at Eastman's two scenarios I wonder if the second might have been worthy, and could have it perhaps put a good end to the Big Lie? But, I digress, because many of the states in question did recount several times.

          "His favorite was that the vice-president could adjourn the joint session of Congress on 6 January and send the electoral college votes back to states that Trump claimed he had lost unfairly so their legislatures could have another go at rooting out the fraud and illegality the president had been railing about since election day."

          The very bottom line --- The 2020 election broke a record in regard to how many voted. yes, there were some minor acts of fraud found in the recounts. I don't think anymore to less than we have as a rule in our prior elections. We had a winner, and yes many of us did not like the results and had individual reasons for being dissatisfied. In my view, we needed to move on. It does no one any good to be bitter or foment hate. Normally after an election, people do move on. However, it is more than evident this no longer be a tradition or value for some.

          So many changes have occurred in the mindset of way our society. One can't really stop this rock from tumbling down the hill.  Not sure where this all ends up, other than in a division that is unrepairable.

          In my view, I moved on, if evidence shows a coup was planned by our highest Government I will be as disappointed as many that are feeling very much a coup was planned.  I will want justice. However, conspiracies need to be proved to be believed. I consider these kinds of conspiracy poisons that tear at our very common sense and make us a lesser society...  If there is a witch, less not burn that witch, and then search out her actual cauldron and potions.

          It is clear Trump is still claiming he won...  He has been unable to prove his claim. I will trust American's to use common sense in the end. Some will never believe Biden won, many have just moved on, and look forward to 2024.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Your last paragraph is refreshing to hear. 

            Your third to last paragraph is where I become a single-issue voter - in that you seem to be supportive of throwing the election back to the states despite them having already determined that no fraud existed, all based on the rantings of the loser.  Rantings he had been claiming long before the election and had tried previously in 2016 to soften his bruised ego at losing the popular vote to a woman.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              The Eastman theories were interesting. Let me go deeper into why I thought the Eastman's second action may have and let me repeat may have benefited us. Could it have immediately slowed down all of the rhetoric around the fraud accusations?  Could it have in the end satisfied the concerns of the base? Stopped the big lie quickly? Instead, it has now grown. My opinion is these are the citizens that were demanding answers, feeling that fraud occurred.   If this would have been considered on Jan 6th. I do feel that this problem would have been behind us within a short time. Instead, the problem grew with court cases, months of accusations, and the lie remains with us, does it not?

              For me, my common sense told me the election was fair. I felt a certain amount of fraud would be found, as it always is in the majority of our elections. So, my thought is that maybe Eastman's second scenario may have worked to move the nation on more quickly.

              So yes many were ranting, my point could have their rants been stopped? You must consider they are still ranting today, and louder. We are dealing with rather new mindsets in our society. We may need to handle some things a bit differently. I am old school, we are pretty much in tune when it comes to not respecting the majority. But do we not need some form of solution. We will go into the 2024 election with the same problems. Could have we solved the problem with a quick investigation, that surely would have put the big lie to rest?

              1. Valeant profile image77
                Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                You really think that halting Biden from taking office by kicking the electoral results back to the states or allowing the House to cast votes would have diminished Trump from claiming fraud with pure speculation and zero actual evidence? 

                Or his followers from hanging on his claims like members of a cult hang on whatever far-fetched ideologies their leaders claim?  The idea that people could detach themselves from reality, then claim to need to be taken seriously (and to actually have government officials buy that argument) about their fake reality is the truly troubling part.

                This was pure subversion of our democracy with zero actual evidence of fraud.  What Trump called fraud was states trying to allow their voters to exercise their rights while remaining safe during a pandemic.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I think a quick Congressional investigation perhaps could have helped some move on. I was just tossing around the Eastman suggestions from the memo.  I would not have been on board with prolonging Biden from taking office.  The keyword in my comment was quickly  --  " my thought is that maybe Eastman's second scenario may have worked to move the nation on more quickly."

                  We can't go back. At this point, all is pretty well set in stone. Many at this point feel cheated, and believe the election was fraudulent. Many become angry as they feel the Country is faltering, becoming bitter, and angrier.

                  For many, it is painful to witness Biden even try to give a speech. He is clearly not comprehending what he is reading...  He is not up for the job. This morning he offered a speech that was so discombobulated it was sad to watch.  He stumbled from word to word and mispronounced word afterword... He brought up his BBB bill, which his own party will not pass... This to me looks very foolish, all words have nothing to back up his rhetoric.  The majority of Americans have taken note that he can't do the job.

                  IMO, they need to bring him home, he does not belong on the world stage. Perhaps they will. He was sniffling into a tissue this morning as he gave his speech. Maybe setting up an excuse to bring him home.  Hopefully, it has become painful to watch him try to pull off a speech.

                  1. Valeant profile image77
                    Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Nothing Congress does is quick.  They have the lowest approval of all the branches of government because they cannot accomplish anything due to the partisanship.  So that would have solved nothing.  Either you believe in the elections or you don't, and right now, a large majority of the GOP believes in fairy tales and conspiracies.

                    As for your claim about Biden's speech today, I just watched some of it.  Nothing what you claim was evident at all.  If anything, I find you to be the one discombobulated to even make that claim. 

                    And BBB is moving towards completion.  It will need to be smaller than originally planned to get Manchin on board, but that's part of the give and take of government.  Start with high goals and pare them down to what everyone can agree upon.

                    The speech:

                    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      I see your point, and all ring true in regard to Congress. You feel "Either you believe in the elections or you don't, and right now, a large majority of the GOP believes in fairy tales and conspiracies."  This could be true, what is shocking ---  I just read an article on how that is alarming. The article offers a poll where  30 percent of Republicans say violence may be needed to save the U.S.

                      So maybe our Congress should have seen that this would become a serious problem- I mean a bunch of American's rioted at the Capitol. Maybe they should have realized the seriousness of this all, and got off their butts, and did some quick problem-solving.

                      I would guest our thoughts about Biden's demeanor is individual. I come from a different mindset, nurses pick up every little thing, just part of what we do, we are trained to observe, and chart every little thing we observe.

                      I had hoped BBB would not pass. I am on board with the infrastructure bill. I have a few complaints about that bill.  However, if they pass BBB it's water under the bridge. It will be interesting to see if American's will like what it offers, or will it collect ire from the public as it plays out.

                      I certainly think it unfair not to offer this bill to the public before it is voted on. Most bills are printed in the Congressional Record, generally, on the day they are introduced. It gives anyone that wants to have a look that chance.  This BBB has not come up online as most do. I don't feel it needs to be rushed through without Congress even having the appropriate time to read it.

                      Manchin, just come out with a scathing statement. Looks like BBB may be in big trouble.

                      1. Valeant profile image77
                        Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        Yeah, I saw the 30% figure as well.  Definitely concerning.

                        Also concerning is this statement:
                        The GOP remains boxed-in by Trump’s false assertion, which deservedly is known in D.C. as The Big Lie. More than two-thirds of Republicans believe it. For those who watch Fox News, that number is 82%. For consumers of far-right news—think Newsmax and OAN—that number reaches near universal belief, at 97%.

                        These numbers are courtesy of a new study, out today, from the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution. The findings follow a similar May survey from the same pollsters and suggest a hardening of the belief that Trump is the rightful winner of the 2020 vote. In other words, the grievance is growing and the misinformation metastasizing.

                        The BBB is like Trump's tax cuts.  Neither were very popular with the opposing party.  Trump's tax cuts did not pay for themselves as we all knew they would not after watching 30 years of the same failed policy attempts.

      26. Perspycacious profile image67
        Perspycaciousposted 3 years ago

        it is my opinion that we have already had all the shocks we need to start making some changes tomorrow when a lot of us mail in ballots, or go to our voting places.  Yes, Virginia has seen to dollars flow in from both major parties, and it may be a bellwether, but there are other states and municipal elections that will tell more ot the story for anyone who is really anxious about the state of our disunion.

      27. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        Nothing that would have been done would have:
        a.) appeased Trump, and thereby, his base unless it ended in the result Trump wanted.
        b.) found any fraud, as was shown with multiple audits, including a truly partisan one in Arizona that still found that Biden won but this time by more.

        All that continues to be proven is that Trump's base, through targeted manipulation on far-right media such as Fox and OAN/Newsmax, will choose to live in whatever false reality that he creates for them.  Even when all evidence is to the contrary.  It's a full on cult at this point, following a man that created an extra $7.8 trillion in national debt and was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans when his administration ignored warnings back in 2018 about the Wuhan Lab.

        https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/ … rpt-474322
        https://www.murphy.senate.gov/newsroom/ … -response-
        https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/kleel … n_post.pdf

        And that same brainwashing that is convincing people to believe the Big Lie is the same sourcing selling them that Biden and the country are faltering.  Problem is, those same people listening to that horseshit are too dumb to realize the source is tainted.

        1. wilderness profile image90
          wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          You missed the point entirely; hindsight is usually perfect (until history is changed), but at the time there was no hindsight.  Therefore there was a chance, however slim, that there was significant fraud, and enough to keep Trump in the White House. 

          This was intolerable to Democrats, who don't care one iota if there was fraud or not - just that Trump was removed.  Therefore, no serious checking would happen even though we knew some states violated their own election laws with massive mailed ballots.  Personally, I would call that fraud, but is has been skipped over as if it didn't happen.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Like I said, BS.  You, and cultists like you, just ignore the audits, the rulings that all the evidence was simply supposition, the multiple government agencies that looked into the elections and found zero fraud, to listen to a known liar.

            And as for the states that chose to make it safe for voters to exercise their rights during a pandemic, something you call violating their laws and fraud, despite the courts upholding the legality of those changes in every case that was brought - that's just more evidence of the point I make - that you are willing to set aside reality, in this case, court rulings, to back your cult leader. 

            And while over 30 states made changes to voting to make it safer, you ignore the ones where Trump won to insist it was only fraud in the states he lost, but was legal to make those changes in the ones he won.  The double standard is laughable and makes your argument idiotic.

            1. wilderness profile image90
              wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              As you say, horseshit.  The day Trump lost there were no audits, and Democrats refused to make any for weeks and months.  It is that period that I'm speaking of, before any audits (beyond perhaps a simple recount) were made.

              Is there a reason you insist there were audits showing zero fraud before there were any made?

              Can you show me where I "insist it was only fraud in the states he lost, but was legal to make those changes in the ones he won" < changes to voting procedures that were outside the state law>?  That would be very interesting, to say the least.

              1. Valeant profile image77
                Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Can I show you?  Sure.  I've looked it up.  As any functional adult should be able to.

                And what a huge lie to insist there were no audits.  Most states have laws in place that conduct audits of their elections, states like Georgia for example.  They conducted their audit right after the election, before being asked to do a hand recount as well.

                The misinformation you post to this site never ends.

                1. wilderness profile image90
                  wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  You didn't show where I said that.  Perhaps because I didn't, or is it that "functional adult" coming to the front?

                  You have a huge propensity for claiming people said something they did not.  You need to work on that, as it destroys anything you might have to say.  But you are right in that "the misinformation you post to this site never ends.".

                  1. Valeant profile image77
                    Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    You noted that massive mailed ballots - a change that occurred to make it safer for voters to vote, a change that was done without being done by the state legislatures, was, in your view fraud.  And I noted that over 30 states made the same types of changes, without their legislatures, to make it safer. 

                    So are you now claiming that the statement that no audits were done is not blatant misinformation?  Nice deflection by the way.

                    1. wilderness profile image90
                      wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Yes, I mentioned those mail in ballots with their mass mailings.  A move that in some states was against state rules but done anyway without state congressional approval.  It's wonderful it was safer (if it was) but the fact remains it was against state law in at least some of the states that did it anyway.

                      What I did NOT mention, but you claimed I did, was some garbage about where Trump won I was OK with but not where he lost.  A blatant lie, for I have never mentioned such a thing.

                      1. Valeant profile image77
                        Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        Again, the courts ruled the changes were allowable, so your claim that it was against state law is also a lie.

                        I'll concede you did not specifically argue the same thing Trump argued in that the fraud was only in the few states he lost that made the changes and not in the ones he won.  I assume since you defend the big lie that is your position.

        2. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I think you missed my point ---  Perhaps a Congressional investigation started right after the election would have offered answers to citizens' questions. More would be apt to trust a Congressional investigation than months of legal fights. Perhaps more citizens would have been satisfied with the outcome of this form of bipartisan investigation. Just a What it...

          Can you offer a reason why the majority of nightly TV watchers are tuning into Fox? You might want to realize the tide may have turned. More are seeing they are not satisfied with being availed of only half the news.

          We can agree to disagree on Biden. I follow what's current, and it's clear the country has many problems that are being ignored, and a president that is not fit to do the job. It is also clear the majority of Americans have this very same opinion.  My gosh, have you watched his antics at the G20. He is in my view an embarrassment. The world now has seen him in action. And the fallout will soon play out with foreign media. I hesitate to say ---  In my view, this man shows several symptoms of being buffed daily with Adderall or Ritalin to try to keep him somewhat oriented, and appropriate.  He exhibits side effects that are common with both of the mentioned drugs. I would think Congress would look into his mentation, and request a cognitive test. This should be a bipartisan concern.

          The scenario I offered would have been an "If Come" at best. At the time when Trump was claiming fraud, I think a Government investigation may have in some respect worked to still the waters with citizens. Nothing was or will stop Trump from promoting his view. He still claims he won.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Sure, none of us on the left now worry about Biden running the country into the ground so we don't need to watch cable.  Viewership dropped right after he took office, but was at an all-time high in early January when the insurrection took place.

            And what your Fox News people crowing about being atop the ratings ignores is that their viewership was also down the same mid-30 percent that MSNBC dropped over the same period through June.

            In Q3 primetime, all three networks were down at least 30%.  Gee, what happened since then?  Well, we have started to move past the pandemic so people are active again and not sitting in front of TV's.

            Yeah, I watched the G20 and think you're inventing things.  I even posted the video of his speech and there was nothing in there outside his usual stumbles from his speech impediment. 

            So, at what point do you use that medical background to note that Trump is delusional if he keeps thinking he won in 2020?  What do they call people that have this severe of a break from reality?  I hear the term Psychotic works.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I did actually claim a few things about Trump in regard to his psychological drawbacks. Personality disorders to be more specific I feel he is narcissistic. I did not note any problems with his cognitive abilities or his health, other than him being overweight. 

              I don't feel Trump is delusional.  He never seemed paranoid to me. People who are delusional can't tell what's real from what is imagined. He never seemed to not know what was real and was never one to skirt a problem. In fact, he was more like a bull in a china shop, jumping in quickly to solve problems.

              1. Valeant profile image77
                Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                'People who are delusional can't tell what's real from what is imagined.'

                Trump cannot tell that he lost the 2020 election.  He imagines he won.  Classic psychotic break from reality.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I will give this one to you --- he does by all accounts)  think he won the election to this day.  If only we nipped this all in the bud...  I do feel an investigation would have been beneficial. We could have all moved on. Trump would have not had the benefit of the doubt that many are now giving him still today in regard to fraud. 

                  Many more might have moved on.

                  1. Valeant profile image77
                    Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    And again, without Trump himself moving on, none of his followers will.  He can look at the Arizona fraudit results that upheld Biden's win and still think he somehow won.  He's mentally gone.

                    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      The Arizona audit just gave him fuel.  Yes, they found some fraud, but not anywhere close to the numbers that would have been needed to change anything. But any fraud is fuel.  This will all go down in history as the election that split the country in two and will be a great conspiracy that will grow bigger through the decades.

                      1. Valeant profile image77
                        Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        The Arizona fraudit did not find any fraud.  They just showed they have no concept of how to evaluate elections.  Karen Fann, who led the Senate call to conduct the audit, is set to retire because her credibility is shot and she is now liable for Cyber Ninjas failing to turn over documents.

                        This election will go down in history where 66% of the Republican party followed their party leader into that psychotic break.

                2. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this


                  Many are starting to take notice that the GOP is being led by someone with severe mental issues.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Reality is truly something to discuss.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Yes, I agree and I wish Trump and his supporters lived in it.  Can you imagine that so many millions of Americans are so brainwashed by Trump and the right-wing propaganda outlets that they actually believe Trump won the election?.  If that is not living in a fantasy world, I do not know what is.

      28. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        Illegally campaigned prior to the coup:

        https://www.yahoo.com/news/13-high-leve … 00592.html

      29. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago
        1. My Esoteric profile image84
          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          And this is worrisome - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/worl … 66254.html if true.

          The evidence against Trump is so persuasive, I have a hard time believing DOJ isn't investigating this. Somebody must hold Trump accountable for something - he has broken so many laws.  Just because he is a twice impeached, disgraced, one-term, EXpresident shouldn't matter.  America is strong enough to handle the turmoil.

      30. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 3 years ago

        On TV - it's Black Lives Matter!

        Text - Please have Trump call off his supporters!

        You are being blatantly lied to by these people.

        https://www.yahoo.com/news/destroying-h … 45866.html

        And here is also what we now now.  Meadows says he made the case to Trump to call off his supporters after Don Jr. texted repeatedly.  Yet, another 187 minutes passed before any action was taken.  So Trump was aware that Congress was under attack and did nothing.  That says either complicity or a complete dereliction of his oath of office.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I am with you on this one --- I want to know in detail why Trump did not come out immediately and try to stop the riot, call off these rioters. This is one question that we as a nation need to be answered.  I found it inexcusable.

        2. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago
          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            All Republican.

            BTW, Sharlee, the name of that NV Republican is  Donald Kirk Hartle. {i]A man who once described a ballot being cast in his dead wife’s name as “sickening” and was cited by the Nevada Republican Party last November as evidence that massive voter fraud swayed the results of the 2020 presidential election has been charged by prosecutors with voter fraud.[/i]

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              This is ridiculous childlike behavior.  I will leave you to converse with those that you have lots in common.  I am tossing in the towel. Should have a long time ago... Have fun

              1. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                You derisively asked for a name and I supplied it.  What is wrong with that?

        3. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          Biden's poll numbers have already jumped a bit (in 538 polling) as people understand exactly how much Trump and his cronies did to undermine democracy and subvert the 2020 election.  Even Fox News polling had Biden at 47% approval.

          It's especially damning as conservative firebrand Liz Cheney reads the transgressions.  And it looks like she wants to establish the same charge many of those who invaded the Capitol are being charged with, Obstructing an official Congressional proceeding.  This is the same one the Qanon Shamon got 41-months for.


        4. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          Just in:  Ellipse Rally Organizers state that they testified to the January 6 Committee that the plan was for the crowd to stay at the ellipse all day and if electors were seated, they expected Trump to give concession speech at the ellipse.

          The plan was never to march to the Capitol.  Trump sent the crowd to the Capitol.

          See the damning details starting at 8:30

          In essence, Trump unleashed his supporters on the Capitol in the moment.

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Not only THAT, "Organizers say they were in "dozens" of planning meetings with congressmen and White House staff"!

          2. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
            Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this


            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Those seem like some good questions for the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers who have been charged with conspiracy.  They seemed ready to invade the Capitol, regardless.  What would have happened had the rally just stayed at the ellipse as it was planned?  And was there coordination between those groups and the White House prior to January 6.  What about the reports of scouting tours being conducted for those groups by members of Congress?  Should be interesting to hear those get tied in there.

              Not only does Trump face a reckoning, I think multiple members of Congress could potentially face expulsion for their actions in this investigation.

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, very interesting.  And this is why we have a Jan 6 Select Committee - patriotic minds want to know what happened. 

              As jaded as I am, it has gotten so much worse than I had guessed.  I guess it was that early planning by Trump's cabal that opened my eyes wide.  I can easily see this happening now:

              1. Meadows and group meet to plan the way forward on how to steal the election back.

              2. They conceive of this massive rally on Jan 6

              3. They decide not to tell the organizers they plan to send the troops to the Capitol.

              4. All goes as planned and the organizers are sitting there fat, dumb, happy, and conned, and then Trump sends his troops marching promising to be with them while they do.  He then goes to watch what he has wrought on TV.

        5. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          Seeing the word cabal thrown about today.  Media is trying to rename the group the Freedom Cabal, as many were in the group trying to undermine the 2020 election.

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Sounds about right, but my reference came from the Blacklist, lol.

            Do you think Fake Fox so-called News will survive the various investigations into Trump's coup?

            They lost to Dominion in their defamation case.  The judge found Fox was so one-sided in its coverage that the bar for liable was met.  Now Dominion can move onto the very embarrassing discovery process.

            https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/16/media/fo … index.html

            Speaking of embarrassing.  Another judge set a date in January for the civil trial against Trump et al. by the Capitol police and others to determine if the case should be dismissed. This will be the first test, even though it is civil, of the case for insurrection. 

            Since preponderance of the evidence is the legal bar that must be met, I can't see how the judge would rule for dismissal.

            https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/16/politics … index.html

        6. IslandBites profile image93
          IslandBitesposted 3 years ago

          The Trump admin. engaged in “deliberate efforts” to undermine the US response to the coronavirus pandemic for political purposes, congressional report concludes.

          https://coronavirus.house.gov/sites/dem … 2021V1.pdf

          That was obvious.

          1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
            Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2021/12 … 639759286/

            A congressional report released on Friday says that officials in former President Donald Trump's administration made "deliberate" efforts to undermine the federal response to COVID-19 after it arrived in early 2020, mainly so that the crisis wouldn't harm Trump politically.

            The 46-page report was released by the Democratic-led House oversight committee's select subcommittee on the coronavirus.
            The panel said Trump's administration performed various efforts to influence or downplay the coronavirus outbreak. This included blocking health experts from speaking publicly about the dangers of the virus, playing down testing guidance, attempting to interfere with public health guidelines and other "staggering" acts of political interference.

            "The select subcommittee has continued to uncover evidence of the Trump administration's deliberate efforts to undermine the nation's coronavirus response for political purposes," the panel wrote in the report.

            Dr. Jay Butler, deputy director for infectious diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told the committee that he was directed by Trump's White House to give "softened" guidance to religious and faith communities.
            Clearly, it was a directive, but that was a real struggle as I felt like what had been done was not good public health practice."

            Butler added that he was "very troubled" to understand that Americans could die or become very sick because of the interference from administration officials.

            Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, was so upset about one meeting with a group of "fringe doctors" that she told her colleagues she would not attend, according to the report.

            Specifically, Birx was infuriated over a proposal to let the virus spread unchecked throughout the United States to achieve herd immunity, which she said the doctors supported. The proposal was leaked to news media and universally condemned in the medical community.

            Friday's report said the radical herd immunity strategy would have put "millions of lives at risk."

            "These are people who believe that all the curves are predetermined and mitigation is irrelevant -- they are a fringe group without grounding in epidemics, public health or on the ground common sense experience," Birx wrote in an email, according to the House report.

            The oversight committee investigated the efforts and actions of Trump administration officials for more than a year to compile the report, which said that Trump's efforts to fight the pandemic effectively disappeared after he lost the presidential election to Joe Biden.

            "The select subcommittee also uncovered evidence showing that Trump White House officials neglected the pandemic response to focus on the 2020 presidential election and promote the Big Lie that the election results were fraudulent," the report states.

            1. Readmikenow profile image94
              Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "Democratic-led House oversight committee's select subcommittee on the coronavirus"

              Tells me all I need to know and why I will ignore it.

              1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                So You're accusing the entire committee of colluding to lie? And what of all of those who gave testimony through the 46 page report? Were they coached to lie? Were they given a script? Who organized this event? Who was the ringleader And how did he or she convey to the multitudes of others how this fraud in your opinion would be pulled off? How did they get their stories straight? Can we get their text messages? Handwritten notes? Emails? Or do the Democrats operate in a more stealthy manner, hand signals in hallways maybe?
                Let me ask you this, have you always been this dismissive of the Democrats or just when Mr Trump let you know you needed it to be?

              2. Valeant profile image77
                Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Yeah, the only legitimate source of information for Mike is Donald Trump himself.  That's how a cult works.

        7. Readmikenow profile image94
          Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

          Why does nobody want to talk about Ray Epps and his role in January 6? 

          "Myriad footage shows Epps appearing at different times and in different places, on January 5 and 6, actively and openly encouraging people to breach the Capitol.  Indeed, at 12:50 P.M., while Trump was still speaking to a huge, peaceful crowd, Epps was the person who orchestrated the first breach of the Capitol barricades.

          The FBI originally included Epps on its Most Wanted List.  However, the DOJ never filed charges against him despite knowing who he was.  When both The Revolver and The New York Times raised questions in June about Epps, the FBI responded by purging him from its online files."

          https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/20 … lpers.html

          This makes it clear why democrats only wanted RINOs and not Republicans on the committee.  They would have to answer some uncomfortable questions.  Ray Epps would be one of them.

          1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
            Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Ray Epps was NOT seen inside the Capitol nor has any video emerged showing he committed any act of violence. Yes he crossed the police barricades but to date NO ONE has been arrested for only crossing the barricade line.
            A real agent provocateur would have never used his real name. A real Fed plant would have used a fake name and a made up backstory. If Ray Epps had been an undercover agent for the FBI they would have never given him a number or put his face on their website in the first place.
            Which do you think is more likely: that Ray Epps is a federal agent provocateur, or that he was questioned and released by the FBI for lack of evidence?

            1. Readmikenow profile image94
              Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "The FBI originally included Epps on its Most Wanted List.  However, the DOJ never filed charges against him despite knowing who he was."

              How do you go from being on the FBI Most Wanted List, to being dismissed?  You don't make that list without a good reason such as orchestrating the first breach of the Capitol barricades.  There were approximately 52 people charged with conspiracy who did not go into the building.  So, why was Ray Epps dismissed?

              Why wasn't the committee interested in finding the truth about this?  Is it possible that Epps and others were in the crowd to instigate the storming of the capital on behalf of the government?

              Again, this is just one reason among many the committee is just a soviet-stye show trial and nothing more.

              1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                After Jan. 6, videos emerged showing some of Epps’ actions in Washington. During an Oct. 21  House Judiciary Committee oversight hearing of the Department of Justice, U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., showed clips of Epps encouraging protesters on the streets of Washington to “go into the Capitol.” Among the scenes he showed at the 5:03:00 minute mark of the hearing:
                The video doesn’t show Epps participating in any of the violence.
                Massie suggested that Epps may work for the FBI and he asked Attorney General Merrick Garland whether the government sent agents to “agitate” protesters into entering the Capitol. Garland responded that the Justice Department doesn’t comment on pending investigations.
                From Epps himself: When the newspaper asked what he meant in videos by “go into the Capitol,” he said, “The only thing that meant is we would go in the doors like everyone else. It was totally, totally wrong the way they went in.”
                As far as his picture being gone, he was located interviewed and probably case closed. Everything isn't the conspiracy it's made out to be these days.

                1. Readmikenow profile image94
                  Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  52 other people were charged with conspiracy.  Why not him?

                  1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                    Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    none of the rioters were charged with seditious conspiracy.

                    Instead, more than 440 people have been charged with crimes ranging from entering a restricted building to criminal conspiracy.
                    Mr. Epps never entered the building and apparently he does not meet the threshold of criminal conspiracy either.
                    https://www.reuters.com/legal/governmen … 021-06-03/

                    1. Readmikenow profile image94
                      Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      "Apparently he does not meet the threshold of criminal conspiracy either."

                      But he DID meet the criteria to be on their most wanted list.  I wonder why?

                      ."Criminal conspiracy is defined as an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime or to perpetrate an illegal act."

                      Like, maybe, storming the Capital building?

                      IF this committee was worth anything, they would subpoena the law enforcement paperwork attached to Epps. They would want to interview the people who made the decision to let him go.  They would look into any connections between Epps and FBI or other government entities.  Why he was placed on the most wanted list and so easily removed would be explained.

                      BUT the committee isn't after the truth of anything.  It is more proof this is a soviet style show trial and nothing more.

                      1. Valeant profile image77
                        Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        As always, the explanation is simple.  He was on the 'most wanted list' until the article identified him.  People are on that list until they are identified.  Once interviewed and it became apparent that he did not enter the Capitol and they weren't going to file charges, he was removed from the list since he had been identified and determined that no charges were warranted.

                        Now I'm going to really ask you to do something hard and think of this logically.  If he was FBI, why would they have even put him on the FBI most wanted list in the first place?  If they knew who he was and he was there, as you conspire, to instigate things at the behest of the FBI, why would they have put him on the list at all?  That makes zero sense.

                        1. Readmikenow profile image94
                          Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                          You only have assumptions and no proof of anything.

                          That doesn't work for me.

                          "If they knew who he was and he was there, as you conspire, to instigate things at the behest of the FBI, why would they have put him on the list at all"

                          To me that is like having an undercover police officer being arrested by the police, so he doesn't blow his cover.  That happens in law enforcement all the time.

                      2. My Esoteric profile image84
                        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        A little thought would answer your question.  Perhaps they saw the same things you did which got their curiosity up.  But, unlike you, the FBI didn't stop there and investigated further, finding no there, there.  That is also probably why the Jan 6 commission isn't interested in Mr. Epps, he is old, debunked news.

                  2. My Esoteric profile image84
                    My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Could it be that the FBI didn't find any evidence of conspiracy that would lead to conviction beyond a reasonable doubt?  (I find it ironic that you sing to the high heavens that Mueller didn't even prove collusion (which he did) let alone conspiracy with members of the Trump campaign, yet here you are with far, far less to go on having convicted Epps already.  Very ironic.)

          2. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            And your point? This Oath Keepers leader was never seen inside the Capitol on Jan 6th and the video of him is from Jan 5th.

            1. Readmikenow profile image94
              Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              You need to read this again.

              "Myriad footage shows Epps appearing at different times and in different places, on January 5 and 6, actively and openly encouraging people to breach the Capitol.  Indeed, at 12:50 P.M., while Trump was still speaking to a huge, peaceful crowd, Epps was the person who orchestrated the first breach of the Capitol barricades.

              The FBI originally included Epps on its Most Wanted List.  However, the DOJ never filed charges against him despite knowing who he was.  When both The Revolver and The New York Times raised questions in June about Epps, the FBI responded by purging him from its online files."

        8. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          Conspiracy theories abound with some on here.

          https://www.dailydot.com/debug/revolver … -epps-fbi/

        9. Readmikenow profile image94
          Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

          I can't respond to My Esoteric

          Every time I read his reply all I see is "Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah"

          For some reason.

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Which is your normal reply when faced with truth and you have no intelligent rebuttal.

        10. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          From Historian Heather Richardson:

          One of the big questions about January 6 is why it took the National Guard more than three hours to get to the Capitol after the Capitol Police had called for help. On Tuesday, Ryan Goodman and Justin Hendrix of Just Security published a deeply researched article suggesting that the Pentagon was concerned that Trump would invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807, which gives the president the power to use the military, including National Guard troops, to stop civil disorder or insurrection. Goodman and Hendrix suggest that military leaders worried Trump would use troops deployed to the Capitol in order to hold onto power, and they note that the Pentagon did not let the National Guard deploy until after Trump released the video telling supporters to go home.

          While observers have attributed the Pentagon’s reluctance to let the guard help either to bureaucratic inefficiency or to a deliberate effort to help Trump, the idea that Pentagon leaders were concerned about Trump trying to use the military to keep him in office lines up with other things we know about that period.

          Military leaders spoke out against the actions of Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark A. Milley on June 1, 2020, when they walked next to Trump to St. John’s Episcopal Church after soldiers had cleared protesters from Lafayette Square. Both Esper and Milley apologized publicly, with Milley saying: “I should not have been there. My presence in that moment, and in that environment, created the perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”

          The concern that Trump had plans for using the military to keep himself in power only grew after we learned that on June 1, Trump’s aides had drafted an order to invoke the Insurrection Act and deploy thousands of troops in Washington, D.C. Then–attorney general William Barr, Esper, and Milley objected and talked him out of it, and from then on, military leaders were vocal about their loyalty to the Constitution rather than to any particular leader. 

          Immediately after losing the election, Trump fired Esper (by tweet), and Barr resigned on December 23, 2020, so they were no longer there to object should he try again to invoke the Insurrection Act. He and his supporters, including Alex Jones of InfoWars and one-time national security advisor Michael Flynn—both of whom have been subpoenaed by the January 6th committee—repeatedly suggested he could declare martial law to hold a new election or to stop Biden from taking office.

          On January 3, all ten living defense secretaries were concerned enough that they published a joint op-ed in the Washington Post, reminding Americans that “[e]fforts to involve the U.S. armed forces in resolving election disputes would take us into dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory. Civilian and military officials who direct or carry out such measures would be accountable, including potentially facing criminal penalties, for the grave consequences of their actions on our republic.”

          On January 5, Trump asked acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller to have 10,000 National Guard troops ready for the January 6 rally, and Meadows wrote in an email that the National Guard would “protect pro Trump people.”

          Goodman and Hendrix make a strong case that Trump and his loyalists were at least considering using the excuse of chaos at the Capitol—as we know, they expected counter-protesters to show up, and appear to have expected violence—to invoke the Insurrection Act and prevent the counting of the certified ballots by force.

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Sounds very reasonable to me.

        11. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          Related to my last post is this thought.  The vaccine mandate in the military might have one positive effect.  Those being discharged for refusing to get the vaccine are likely the same people that have been brainwashed by far-right media.  So the mandate is helping self-identify those that might put politics before their duty to defend the country.

          https://www.yahoo.com/news/more-marines … 28432.html

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            That also sounds reasonable to me.

            I wonder if enough Trump supporters will die between now and November to effect the election outcome.

            By that time, another 360,000 will probably be dead on top of the several hundred thousand that have already died.  Add to that the number of Trump voters who figured out Trump is trying to kill them after they suffered through a bout of serious Covid.

        12. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          In his YouTube post, David Pakman describes how Peter Navarro apparently lays out the coup plan and which members of Congress they lined up to assist with it in his book:


          Nicole Wallace also lays out a summary of the plan:


          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            There are enough public facts now to show a conspiracy.  Is it an illegal conspiracy?  We probably need to know a few more facts (which the committee might already know).

          2. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this


            Ya want a conspiracy --- Are they, twins?

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Really, that's all ya got in response to Navarro laying out the conspiracy to undermine a lawful election?  I guess when deflection is all you have, you run with it.  You always want to talk about problems the nation is facing, but never even mention the undermining of our democracy which many feel is the greatest problem.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Just making an attempt to lighten up the conversation. I just noted how much these two looked alike.

                I did review your sources. Perhaps compelling, but only ones again conjecture. It's a wait-and-see. I know Navarro has refused to comply with a subpoena. Will they push it as they are with Bannon and others?

                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  It was a little funny, I have to admit.  Not sure they really need Navarro to testify since he laid out the plan in the press and in his book.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    At this point, I hope they follow all the leads and exhaust all avenues, and come out with a report that gives closure to this ugly situation.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Assuming Trump is clearly implicated, it is very sad to know that somewhere around 70 - 80 million Americans still won't believe the evidence right before their eyes.  I hope you are not going to be one of them.

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  They actually do, don't they.

                  Very sad news, in case you haven't heard - Betty White just died, 17 days short of number 100. sad

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I did hear about Betty... So sad... I wish she could have got her wish to live past 100. She is loved and will be so missed. My own mother just could never get enough of the "Golden Girls". Betty was her favorite. She was a treasure and will be remembered dearly.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this


        13. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          I recently put what happened in sports terms also and here is what I came up with:

          In many humans, there is a competitive spirit and the basest motivation of playing to win can be satisfying. Setting aside fair play though leads to one that is not competing, but cheating. In being convinced that your opponent is your enemy, the empathy to win with humility or accept defeat with grace disappears.

          In every sport, there are unwritten rules about respect for the game. The dehumanizing of the game and one's opponent turns sport into something ugly.

          In 2020, Trump disrespected the game. He refused to concede his loss. In his warped mind, the scoreboard had him as the winner despite losing by two touchdowns. The other team cheated despite the referees never calling a penalty and instant review validating each and every play.

          Trump incited a riot that broke the norms of the peaceful transfer of power within our country. He refused to shake hands with the opponent after the game and congratulate them on a well-played contest. Instead, he encouraged his fans to attack the referees in the parking lot. He was a poor sport and sixty percent of the Republican party backs that horrible display of sportsmanship.

          Even worse, they back Trump's move to install his own referees and replay reviewers that see the game exactly how he does. Ones that will declare him the victor even if the other team scores more points. This is what America should be truly scared about, the installation of those that follow a malignant narcissist into his alternate reality.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Did the Re[ublican party do anything that was unconstitutional in regard to the doing their job in certifying Bidens win? They certainly beforehand, and on Jan 6th brought up objections, and many Republicans backed these objections. And ultimately were heard on the floor, the objections were voted down, and the certification was completed. Biden was certified.

            You can say some Republicans backed a horrible display of sportsmanship, but in the end, after objections were heard on that very day, many voted against the objections their colleague made.

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Why yes, I believe they did violate the US Constitution in basing their objections without any evidence of fraud.  Therefore, they were objecting without cause in an effort to allow the seizure of power by Trump.  To me, basing an objection on something that does not exist is the example of fraud.

              1. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Had to think about that one for a bit.  I suppose you are right to the extent they violated their oath to the Constitution.

                My complaint, however, is that the section of the Electoral Count Act they (and the Ds, to prove a point) used would be found unconstitutional in a court of law. Why, because it flies in the face of the wording in the 12th Amendment.  No where in the amendment does it allow Congress to vote on the electoral ballots.  All that is required constitutionally is that the President of the Senate open the certificates up "in the presence" of Congress and count them.  No more, no less.

              2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Is that not the way they do things now in Washington. Accuse, then look for evidence?  I must think if the objections were unconstitutional their objections would have not been heard. The objections were heard and voted on. And tossed out.  I believe Congress was being prudent, and following protocol, as well as their laws.

                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  That's the way it's done on the right, for sure.  The left has evidence and then the right ignores it.

                  Congress was not being prudent, many were behind the coup attempt to subvert the Constitution.

                  https://www.yahoo.com/news/liz-cheney-j … 21685.html
                  And what this testimony means is that Trump knew there was violence and refused to act on it.  Or as Cheney puts it:

                  "Any man who would provoke a violent assault on the Capitol to stop the counting of electoral votes ... is clearly unfit for future office," she added.

                  "He completely ignored the rulings of over 60 courts, including judges he had appointed and refused to send help, refused to tell people to stand down for multiple hours while that attack was underway."

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Cheney has a right to her opinion and clearly is tossing it around. Will she be able to prove her view?  That's my question or will she end up not being able to prove her accusation? If so, she IMO will look somewhat foolish. hey, she has taken that gamble.

                    Trump certainly has not proved his accusations of fraud, so what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

                    He did quickly send out a tweet to try to stop the rioters to respect law enforcement. He certainly had no other way to reach these rioters other than a tweet.

                    I think the investigation will shed light on what was done and when it was done. What was said and what was not said.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      "Cheney has a right to her opinion and clearly is tossing it around. " - What opinion?  She has 1st hand testimony to the fact that Trump sat on his ass doing nothing while (gleefully, IMO) watching the Capitol get sacked like in some third-world country.

                      So, two hours of watching the mayhem is "quickly" to you?  Only a die-hard defender of Trump would use that term.

                      He could have gone with them to the Capitol like he promised them he would do.  But I suspect he chickened out because he already knew a riot was taking place there and just wanted to send more troops to the action.

                      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        In her opinion she has evidence. She does not elaborate...  She might be pulling an Adam Schiff -- just say whatever suits the moment.

                        But you suspect, maybe that's your problem.   I predict you are in for once again another letdown.

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "Is that not the way they do things now in Washington. Accuse, then look for evidence? " - It may be for Republicans

                  And why would you think "if the objections were unconstitutional their objections would have not been heard."?  As we have seen over the centuries, Congress often does things later found to be unconstitutional.  At this point (and I know I am repeating myself but it seems I must), it is my, based on scholarly articles and a reading of the 12th Amendment, opinion that those challenges would be found unconstitutional if challenged.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    "It may be for Republicans"

                    I disagree I find it is the Democrats that accuse and then look for evidence. And might add so far they have batted Zero on all their crazy investigations, as well as impeachments.

                    "And why would you think "if the objections were unconstitutional their objections would have not been heard."?

                    What I meant is that it was constitutional for objections to be heard in the case of the Certifying a presidential election.  it would be legally constitutional in regards to the rule for objections to be heard and voted on.

                    I am not interested in conversing about the 12th amendment.  It's very apparent that you are looking far beyond what Congress did on the day they heard objections to the certification, and got the business of the day done. Too bad, they just were not as up on the constitusion as you. LOL

                    1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                      Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      The formation of committees or select committees is the same for Democrat and Republican. Their formation is voted on in the House of Representatives.
                      You can directly compare the formation and work of the 2014 select committee on Benghazi and the select committee formed to look at January 6th.

                      May 2014, the House of Representatives voted to create the United States House Select Committee on Benghazi to investigate the 2012 attack on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. The committee spent more than $7.8 million on its investigation over two and a half years, issued its final report in December 2016. The committee was one of the longest, costliest and partisan congressional investigations in history, lasting longer than the congressional inquiries into 9/11, Watergate, the assassination of President Kennedy, and the attack on Pearl Harbor.

                      The committee's "most significant discovery" was Clinton's use of a private email server  (which were utilized by several in Mr Trump's administration including his daughter) as secretary of state, which prompted an FBI investigation.

                      The committee's final report found no evidence of culpability or wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton.

                      I don't find much difference between the two select committees. Each identified a need to investigate an issue , voted on it and acted within their powers  of a select committee.  I believe that at the outset of the vote to form a committee it is based on the need to look further and that would require more than random accusations for either party.

                      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        I disagree I find it is the Democrats that accuse and then look for evidence. And might add so far they have batted Zero on all their crazy investigations, as well as impeachments.  None of the Democrat's investigations into all that is Trump ended up proving anything and left them with eggs on their faces. As IMO will this Jan 6th investigation.

                        This statement has nothing to do with investigations pursy. All you mentioned certainly needed investigations. I in good faith could not compare any of the Trump investigations to even one of your examples.  Do you compare the severity of  9/11 to any of Trump's investigations with the death we saw when our country was attracted? Or the  Benghazi attack was a coordinated attack against two United States government facilities in Benghazi, where four Americans died... the assassination of President Kennedy and the attack on Pearl Harbor. My Gosh. Conversation over. I will agree to disagree our mindsets are miles apart.

                        1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                          Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                          I only compared Benghazi and the January 6th committees because they are identical in the fact that they are/ were  select  committees that were voted on in the House of Representatives. The main difference? The Benghazi select committee was voted on  under a Republican controlled house and the January 6th committee under a Democrat controlled house.
                          Speaker john Boehner (R) 2014 and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) 2020  both proposed The formation of a house select committee for  further investigation of their respective issues. Each was voted on and the investigations proceeded. I don't see any difference in either of how or why they were initiated. The process is the same. Although I would say that these last two examples of select committees demonstrate how partisan they've become.
                          I mean are we to say that the Benghazi select committee was unjustified? A "witch hunt" because after 2 years there was no evidence supporting Hillary Clinton's culpability? The fact is they had the votes to form the committee.
                          I can say that just like the January 6th select committee that if there's a reasonable grounds for an investigation to begin and the house votes on a committee  formation then it is sanctioned. It's within their purview.
                          We can't arrive at an ending conclusion unless the investigation is held. Otherwise we'd just draw uninformed conclusions from the beginning based on a lack of information.
                          Also, I'm not comparing the January 6th committee to any other committees mentioned other than in the way committees are formed and how they progress.
                          I don't find that either party is "accusing" without basis and then looking for information. I still have enough faith in government overall that these committees would not be voted through unless there was some decent foundation for further investigation. There are many, many committees that never meet the vote threshold.
                          Quite honestly though January 6th and the questions surrounding how and why it happened really do deserve to be answered. 
                          I think there is a misconception and maybe the media fuels the idea that select committees are a trial of sort. This really isn't the function of a select committee.  Of course Hillary Clinton was a central figure to Benghazi as Mr Trump is with January 6th but accusations have not been / we're not made toward either. Rather The committees are investigations of their respective event as a whole, including all who may have played a role.

                    2. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      "I disagree I find it is the Democrats that accuse and then look for evidence." - Give us an example.  You can't use the Select Committee on Jan 6 because there is plenty of evidence for probable cause.

                      This would be unlike the Republican's witch hunt into Hillary Clinton and Benghazi.  There was zero evidence but they pursued multiple investigations, starting a new one each time the last one exonerated her.  What was the total?  Wasn't it seven FAILED politically motivated investigations?

                      "What I meant is that it was constitutional for objections to be heard in the case of the Certifying a presidential election.  it would be legally constitutional in regards to the rule for objections to be heard and voted on." - But we don't know that for sure, do we.  As you love to say, it hasn't been proven in court.

                      Of course you aren't interested in talking about the 12th Amendment.  Why? Because it refutes you version of reality.

                      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        "You can't use the Select Committee on Jan 6 because there is plenty of evidence for probable cause."

                        THE FBI just does not agree with you... Source
                        "Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources"

                        WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) - The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.

                        Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.

                        "Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."  https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclus … 021-08-20/

                        https://www.independent.co.uk/news/worl … 06060.html
                        "The FBI has reportedly found no evidence that far-right allies of Donald Trump conspired to overturn the presidential election during the January 6 assault on the US Capitol, according to law enforcement officers briefed on the investigation."

                        "Of course you aren't interested in talking about the 12th Amendment.  Why? Because it refutes you version of reality."

                        It would seem that Congress did not bring up the 12th amendment before hearing the Objections from the Republicans. But, you feel it deems bringing up. Go figure.

                      2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        "evidence for probable cause." Using a probable cause standard, the Prosecutor must show that a CRIME was committed and that the DEFENDANT committed it.

                        The 12th amendment -

                        The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;-The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;-The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President-The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."

                        On Jan 6th the Congress certified Joe Biden as  President without denaturing the 12th amendment in any respect. The Congress carried out their task by the end of the designated day.

                        That's a fact.

                        1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                          Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                          The Select Committee is gathering facts and asking questions about the violence of January 6th and its causes so they can make legislative recommendations and help ensure nothing like that day happens again. Basically unearthing how and why the event took place.   They are not and cannot conduct a law enforcement investigation. They can make referrals though to the DOJ. 
                          Narrowing the focus of the select committee down to one person is really missing the large scope that is outlined in the White House document detailing it's range.
                          Congress is obligated to conduct a full investigation of the most serious attack on our Capitol. I'd say they'd be derelict  in their duty if they did not.
                          Furthermore this committee is structured similarly to the GOP-led select committee on the terrorist attack in Benghazi. I don't find anything unusual or "unfair" about the January 6th committee formation.

                        2. My Esoteric profile image84
                          My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                          "Prosecutor must show that a CRIME was committed and that the DEFENDANT committed it." - Neither part is true, especially the second part.  In both cases, at the outset, all that is needed is to show that a crime was PROBABLY committed and that the party being invested PROBABLY did it - hence the term PROBABLE cause.  But what you REFUSE to comprehend is that we aren't even at the charging stage yet, as has been pointed out several times before by several people, we are at the investigating  And that is what Congress is doing - their Constitutional obligation to investigate the Executive when they think a crime has been committed. 

                          Was there a crime committed?  Obviously.  Did Trump and others commit that crime?  There is ample evidence to suggest they did.  Therefore, Congress is obligated to investigate it.  Simple as that

                          "On Jan 6th the Congress certified Joe Biden as  President without denaturing the 12th amendment in any respect. The Congress carried out their task by the end of the designated day." - Unbelievable!! You are going to continue to minimize and whitewash the attack on our democracy until the day you die, aren't you.  I really do feel sorry for you that you are so divorced from reality.

          2. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this


        14. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          What are we going with in a few days?  Just want to be sure what to say to a few members of this site on the 6th.




          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Trump canceled his press conference, which was set to be held on Jan. 6.
            In a statement,  " “In light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media, I am canceling the January 6th Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, and instead will discuss many of those important topics at my rally on Saturday, January 15th, in Arizona – It will be a big crowd!”

            So, it will just be Joe speaking on Jan 6th.

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              And pretty sure his most brainwashed sycophants will eat it up as if the final year of the trainwreck that was the Trump presidency that caused so many issues never existed.  Then he will siphon as much money as he can from those same people and change his mind when the polling comes in closer to the election that shows him getting beat again.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Well not sure America will be up for voting in a Democrat next time around I mean every month Biden's polls show American's are very displeased with his job performance.

                President Joe Biden’s overall disapproval rating reached a new high in December as more voters signaled their unhappiness with his handling of the economy and the Covid pandemic.

                Results from a CNBC/Change Research poll show 60% of respondents said they disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy as he nears the conclusion of his first year in office.

                A 55% majority of survey respondents also signaled disapproval of his leadership during the pandemic, an area in which he previously excelled.
                https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/04/biden-d … -poll.html
                https://nypost.com/2022/01/04/6-in-10-a … nomy-poll/

                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  And it's very easy to note that at this same time in the presidency, only one person had worse ratings.  Again, look at historical trends before thinking this is something unique.  It's been the norm and three of the last four presidents were able to overcome early sluggish polling to get re-elected.  Only the one who set records for unpopularity did not.

                  But also something to note about Change Research as a polling firm:
                  The top 40 polling companies in the US all use “live” polling methods. This is the most traditional and accurate polling method. According to Pew Research, “The accuracy of a poll depends on how it was conducted. Most of Pew Research’s polling is done by telephone. By contrast, most online polls that use participants who volunteer to take part do not have a proven record of accuracy.”  Change Research does all polling online.

                  According to FiveThirtyEight’s Pollster Ratings, based on the historical accuracy and methodology of each firm’s polls, the top 35 out of 36 polling organizations with an A+/A+A- rating exclusively use “live” polling methods. Live pollsters include trusted companies like: ABC, CBS, NBC, La Times, Mason-Dixon, CNN, and Gallop.

                  1. My Esoteric profile image84
                    My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Rasmusson gets a B rating and Trafalgar has an A-, but both have a high bias to the right.

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "Results from a CNBC/Change Research poll show 60% of respondents said they disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy" - Since the economy is actually pretty good overall, it shows you how effective propaganda is, lol.  What is it, 12 great indicators and 2 poor ones?

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              He did?  Glad to hear it.  Someone with an ounce of reason must have broken through.

        15. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
          Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years ago

          Beware of what's happening at your state levels. These people are incredibly disturbing.
          The reasons why Mr.  Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 election failed is because there were state officials who refused to substantiate his claims of fraud, said Franita Tolson, an election law expert at the University of Southern California. These folks really are gatekeepers. But take a look at who's running now..

          NPR: Here's where election-denying candidates are running to control voting.
          https://www.npr.org/2022/01/04/10692322 … rol-voting

        16. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          I had fun debunking all the items in the Navarro 'research.'  He's so sure of all those falsehoods that he is comfortable going on national television and saying how they recruited 100 Congressmen based on his lies to undermine a legitimate election.


        17. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          Stephanie Grisham has agreed to meet with the committee.  That could be interesting as she has already shown a willingness to turn on Trump and be honest about his failings:

          https://www.yahoo.com/news/ex-trump-pre … 35528.html

          Seems as if more and more Capitol police officers put the blame on Trump for January 6.

          https://www.yahoo.com/news/more-police- … 00301.html

          "Trump's words and conduct leading up to and on January 6, 2021, and his ratification through silence when words and action were necessary, and his further ratification by direct praise of the rioters, as set forth herein, demonstrated a willful and wanton disregard for and a reckless indifference to Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter's safety and that of their fellow officers," reads the complaint from Metropolitan Police officers Bobby Tabron and DeDevine Carter.

          These are not the first lawsuits filed by police officers on scene that day against Trump. Two Capitol Police officers sued him in March. And seven Capitol Police officers sued him and others in August. There are also other lawsuits against Trump and extremist groups for damages from that day.

          -The hardest question for Trump to answer might be:  Would any of the rioters have been at the Capitol on January 6 if you had not pushed the Big Lie that the election was stolen?

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "Seems as if more and more Capitol police officers put the blame on Trump for January 6." - What is it now, more than a dozen are suing Trump for his role in their injuries?

        18. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          It also appears that Mike Pence is clearing the field for his 2024 run by allowing his staff to turn on Trump.  Bold move, Cotton, let's see how that plays out.

          https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/mik … 46346.html

        19. emge profile image82
          emgeposted 3 years ago

          Pence doesn't stand a chance in 24.

        20. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          Here is one opinion article I agreed with:

          https://www.yahoo.com/news/voters-deman … 33489.html

          There should absolutely be debate questions for every midterm candidate that ask:
          1.) Was Joe Biden elected fairly
          2.) What are your thoughts on January 6

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            And if they equivocate on either question - DON'T VOTE FOR THEM because they do not believe in American democracy.

            1. wilderness profile image90
              wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Does democracy include the use of "super voters" such as the Democrat party used to put Clinton in the race for the presidency?

              Or was that a temporary aberration, to be put in reserve for use only when the public doesn't agree with the ruling elite?

              1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Are you referring to superdelegates? If so, they are used by both parties. The use of superdelegates in either party is determined by their own leadership.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Railing against "... the ruling elite" - sounds absolutely Marxist to me, rather than capitalistic where a "ruling elite" is the mainstay, lol.

              2. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I see you are back to non-sequiturs.

        21. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          Judge Mehta getting to the key point that is the elephant in the room for Trump and his liability to both civil and criminal charges:

          “If my words had been misconstrued … and they led to violence, wouldn’t somebody, the reasonable person, just come out and say, wait a second, stop?” Mehta wondered.

          https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-claims … 17047.html

          Trump's lawyers seemed to want to argue that inaction is not a crime without acknowledging that the whole 'stop the steal' movement was created by Trump's own false claims.  That he fomented the anger that led to the violence.  Once that is proven, it does not look good for Trump on either front.

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Have to wonder just who he would have called.  Did he personally know, and have a phone number, of any of the rioters?  Did he know who was in the riot?

            1. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              That is the definition of flailing and being obtuse and being ridiculous, but then you know that already.

              1. Valeant profile image77
                Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                The point when he gets so ridiculous he stops warranting a response.  He reached that and then went way beyond any previous levels with that post.

          2. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            His lawyer is wrong on two counts.  The one that you mentioned - Trump sent them there in the first place and the one where he is a president with the DUTY to stop an insurrection at the Capitol.  He had the obligation and the means to do that and he failed to carry out his oath of office.  That is a crime.

            It is sad to know that if a regular person sees a child getting raped, American law says they have no duty to do anything about it.  But that legal theory does not pertain to someone who swore an oath to protect and serve.  So, if that person watching a rape were a police officer and did nothing, they would be guilty of a crime.  The president, in this case, is no different.

        22. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          Republicans filed forged documents pertaining to state electors in three different states.


        23. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
          Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years ago

          And Mr. Trump is still at it.  I'm very surprised that he agreed to this interview with NPR. An outlet he has a avoided  for years.


          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I listened to the interview (thanks for offering it,it gives his words) it is clear he is very much convinced that there were problems with fraud in the 2020 election.  I followed all that was reported after the election, and from most of what was reported there was some fraud, but not enough to change the election.

            Not sure where this all will go? If the Republicans gain strength in 2022, they may take it up with a widespread investigation.  Many know here I had hoped a short investigation would have been a good thing just after the election. I felt it may have given the American's that we're asking questions the respect they needed and deserved.

            I do not think Trump will ever stop sharing his grievances in regard to the election.

            1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
              Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Do we really need more investigations on the 2020 election?
              "Disputing President Donald Trump’s persistent, baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.
              Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”
              https://apnews.com/article/barr-no-wide … 61a6c7f49d

              I feel like it's time to put the 2020 election fraud claims to rest.

              I still find it shocking that many continue to believe these mistruths and conspiracies.
              Ultimately I think there are  only two ways to look at it. Number one, Mr Trump is flat out lying for his own benefit.  Number two, he believes what he saying which in my opinion is a bit delusional in light of the multitude of exhaustive recounts in multiple states. Either way it's a big issue.
              I don't know how his followers reconcile this.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                You have hit on why I feel we need a  Congressional investigation.
                "I still find it shocking that many continue to believe these mistruths and conspiracies."

                There are many American's that disagree with your sentiment.

                This is why I had hoped a short investigation would have been a good thing just after the election. I felt it may have given the American's that we're asking questions the respect they needed and deserved. I myself was satisfied in the election, and do not need an investigation. But I am one person. I respect we are a Nation of individuals, and many were not satisfied with the election and felt there was fraud. I can't answer for those that feel there was fraud or could have been fraud. I think an investigation would have and still could work towards reconciliation.

                Do we not need to put this all to rest once and for all?  It is certain it will not just disappear.

                1. GA Anderson profile image82
                  GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I think it is certain that it won't disappear after even a dozen more investigations.


                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Well, you have an edge, due to many in our society having well proven over the past few years they only believe what suits them, not facts, even if they bit them in the thumb.

                    But, can't I be a bit optimistic?

                    1. GA Anderson profile image82
                      GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Sure you can. It's the only smart choice.


                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "You have hit on why I feel we need a  Congressional investigation." - I have to ask why, when the answer has already been determined an a multitude of ways, not the least of which is the fact that zero of those who claim to have "evidence" failed to produce it.  Making it worse, those fake, partisan "investigations" found zero evidence of fraud and the AZ waste of money ended up giving Biden additional votes.  I simply don't see why a Congressional investigation is need to tell us 2 plus 2 equals four simply because Trump says it is three.  Just my opinion.

                  "felt there was fraud." - What if me and a few million other folks maintained that the moon was made of green cheese (because Trump told us so)?  Would that need to be investigated or would you simply conclude we are all idiots living in another dimension?

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    "  I simply don't see why a Congressional investigation is needed to tell us 2 plus 2 equals four simply because Trump says it is three.  Just my opinion"

                    Simply because it is your opinion---   we have so many people that share the opinion, and believe there was  fraud... I feel we need to respect them as American's, and address their concerns.

                    These citizens deserve to be heard as do those that wanted an investigation into the Jan 6th protest/riot. I think the majority of American's wanted that day investigated, which we have three going on at this time. Congress although the matter was being investigated by the FBI and DOJ felt they needed to do an investigation. So be it ...

                    You may not have the belief the election needs to have a Congressional investigation but many American's do believe one is needed.

                    It certainly would help put this all in perceptive, and perhaps put closer to the matter.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      "we have so many people that share the opinion, and believe there was  fraud... I feel we need to respect them as American's, and address their concerns." - WHY? Back to my green cheese analogy.  Would you also say we need to "address my and few million other people's concern" that the Moon was made out of green cheese?  It makes as much sense.

                      "but many American's do believe one is needed." - true, but not that many, mainly Trumpers who don't want to know the truth

                      How much time and treasure do you want to spend on what has already been repeatedly proven to nonsense concerns; ones believed by delusional people.

              2. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                What I find "shocking" is that there are 50 to 70 million Americans who are so delusional as to still believe in the Big Lie.  It makes me so very sad that so many who enjoy the fruits of our democracy are so willing to give it all up in the name of a demagogue.

            2. My Esoteric profile image84
              My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Aren't "grievances" supposed to be based on something real?  Isn't it called paranoia or worse, mental illness, when those "grievances" are based on fantasies and hallucinations such as what Trump's are?

              As to "short investigations".  Haven't there been many now, all coming to the same conclusion?  Little fraud.  The fact that you are STILL waiting makes me wonder how many investigations you will need to come to some conclusion that the Trumpers are full of it.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Perhaps you missed my statement in this ongoing conversation with Faye.

                " I myself was satisfied in the election, and do not need an investigation. But I am one person. I respect we are a Nation of individuals, and many were not satisfied with the election and felt there was fraud."

                As always you're rudeness stands out.

                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  No, Sharlee, I read that passage.  If you had left it at that, everything would have been copasetic. But you didn't.  You followed it with what sounds very much like an apologist for what is going on today, excusing the false and improper reasoning of those who buy into the Big Lie.  You said:

                  But I am one person. I respect we are a Nation of individuals, and many were not satisfied with the election and felt there was fraud. and I think an investigation would have and still could work towards reconciliation.

                  Doesn't that last statement contradict your earlier statement that "I myself was satisfied in the election, and do not need an investigation."?

              2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                You apparently have not followed the conversation Faye and I are haveing. In this comment I did not share my own feelings in regards to the need for an investigation, I did a few comments back. I shared that I did not have the need for an investigation, but felt other American's that were concerned deserved an investigation.  So, the fact that you accuse me of something just  because you can is rude and shows a lack of social skills

                If you are going to jump into a back and forth conversation read all the comments that lead up to the one you are posting on. Context matters.

                You owe me an apology.  I have come to the conclusion that you compartmentalize, and belittle people unnecessarily. Why?

          2. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Is this the interview where I just read he hung up on the interviewer after being asked about the [b]Big Lie{/b]?

        24. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          Good to see the courts recognize that a state that is fairly close in registered Dems and GOP should not have such a skewed representation for only one party.  Even if one of the judges who voted for the partisan maps was the GOP Governor's son.

          https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/inc … 51087.html

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yep, fortunately you had one principled Republican on the bench.  It should have been a unanimous decisions given how egregious the map was.  It took one Republican with guts to side with the Democrats to get a just result.

        25. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
          Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years ago

          A sign of things to come?

          A Florida Republican who was defeated by 59 percentage points in a congressional special election won't concede.

          He filed a lawsuit before the election was called, telling CBS Miami "stuff" was "discovered."

          Is this the new normal in Republican politics, in which the GOP sees election defeats as inherently illegitimate?

          What if every losing Republican behaves the same way from now on? Once the 'respect the voters' norm is gone, then it's gone for good.

          https://www.businessinsider.com/florida … ide-2022-1

          1. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I think so.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "In his second-ever solo White House press conference on Wednesday, Mr. Biden was asked if November's congressional elections would be legitimate if he could not pass his voting plans."

              "It all depends on whether or not we're able to make the case to the American people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election," Biden stated. --- referring to stricter voting rules enacted by Republican statehouses. Source   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60063594

              1. My Esoteric profile image84
                My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                And what is not true about "some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election"

                As I pointed out earlier with that article about Lincoln County, your state of GA is living proof to the truth of that statement.  I would longer trust the outcome of any GA election given the foot Republicans have put on the results because of their new laws.  It will more than likely be the unfreest and unfairest elections since the days of Jim Crow.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I live in Michigan --- I have read GA new voting laws, and they are very fair, and actually, they are fairer than they have ever been in regard to making the task of voting easier for those that the LIBERALS have deemed to be dim-witted and unable to vote like other Americans.

                  In Michigan --- The legislation changed a few rules. They established stricter requirements for voter identification and banned election officials from sending out absentee ballot applications unless they are requested by voters.

                  The Senate bill mandate that in-person voters present identification for their ballots to count and that those voting absentee submit their driver's license number, state personal ID number, or the last four digits of their Social Security number.   Which gave a good selection of ID"s. And political parties and other organizations have a fair opportunity to have challengers present during the counting of absentee ballots.
                  in Regard to drop boxes-  The boxes require continuous video monitoring.

                  Otherwise, all stayed the same as prior to 2020.

                  1. My Esoteric profile image84
                    My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Sorry, that is right, I am not sure why I placed you in Georgia. 

                    Tell me, how does collapsing 7 voting precincts down into 1 for a 250 sq mile county count as making voting easier.

                    How does limiting the time you have vote to something far less than what it was making voting easier.

                    How does making drop boxes almost useless making things easier to vote?

                    How does putting politicians in charge of counting votes make voting more secure?

                    All of that is in the Georgia laws you read or is being done as I write.

                    You clearly have a Pollyanna view of the GA voting laws.

                    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Please check out this link it offers a history of registered voters. It well shows that voter registration has grown substantially since 1998. It would appear that the people of Georgia have had a little problem registering to vote. And common sense should tell one, that if one registers they have the right to go to the polls and vote.  Without the help of liberals.
                      https://sos.ga.gov/admin/uploads/Voter_ … 032021.pdf

                      Here is a fact-check on the other mistruths that you listed in your comment.

                      "How does limiting the time you have vote to something far less than what it was making voting easier."

                      "Biden Wrong on Early Voting Hours
                      As our fact-checking colleagues at the Washington Post have written, the president has repeatedly made the false claim that the new Georgia law would “close a polling place at 5 o’clock when working people just get off.” The new law sets the minimum hours for early voting on weekdays at 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; the old law said early voting “shall be conducted during normal business hours.”

                      County officials can keep early voting locations open for longer, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

                      On March 26, in a statement on the Georgia law, Biden said: “Among the outrageous parts of this new state law, it ends voting hours early so working people can’t cast their vote after their shift is over.” And in an interview on ESPN on March 31, the president repeated the claim, saying: “You’re going to close a polling place at 5 o’clock when working people just get off. This is all about keeping working folks and ordinary folks that I grew up with from being able to vote.”

                      To be clear, Biden is talking about hours for early voting, though he doesn’t say that. The voting hours on Election Day  — 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the state — haven’t been changed."

                      Drop Boxes---  the new law offers at least one box per county, which helps in smaller counties that before this new law had no drop boxes.

                      "collapsing 7 voting precincts down into 1 for a 250 sq mile county count as making voting easier."

                      I did not see this in the bill. I did see media toss it around as a "might" be in the bill.

                      Please offer proof this was included in Georgias new voting rules bill.

                      Read the bill, not CNN's slant on the bill...

                      IF one wants to vote in Georgia the new bill makes it easier to vote, in fact, they bent over backward.

                      1. tsmog profile image87
                        tsmogposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        Just curious is 7pm really fair? The reason I say that is with my life that was a problem. I had to take the day off from work to vote and the only reason I was able to get the day off was because I was the manager making the schedule.

                        Also, to resolve my employees to be able to vote I had to select who would have the day off and set up a half day schedule for the rest while upper management and I had long discussions why I was doing it. It was an auto tire/repair shop opened at 7am until 9pm.

                        But, to be fair I see about half the states close at 7pm. Some at 8pm and one, New York at 9pm. (See list below at link) I don't get why the limited hours. I am in agreement with GA Anderson it should be a holiday. I also favor making voting as easy as reasonably possible.

                        Voting Poll hours by Ballotpedia
                        https://ballotpedia.org/State_Poll_Open … mes_(2022)

                        1. wilderness profile image90
                          wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                          Did the employees at your tire shop work from 7 to 9 (14 hour days) or were there two shifts splitting that period and giving all employees some of the time polls were open to vote?

                        2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                          "Just curious is 7pm really fair? The reason I say that is with my life that was a problem. I had to take the day off from work to vote and the only reason I was able to get the day off was because I was the manager making the schedule."

                          Well --- what time would you like the polls to stay open?  It would seem you would hope the polls be open very late into the night?   I know how to solve your problem vote by mail...  I have voted by mail for many years, just more convenient, and I don't need to worry about any time

                          Perhaps as the federal Government suggests in Biden's Voting bill we need to all have it a paid day off. As a business owner would you be good with that?

                          My son owns a rather large company long lunch hours are offered to

                          I think all should be able to vote, not sure how it became so hard, all of a sudden.  I can honestly say I have never had a problem voting whether in person or by mail. It would seem we are now a society that needs a bit of help to vote. Not sure what changed?

                      2. My Esoteric profile image84
                        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        First let's start with the very long history of voter suppression in Georgia (and other Southern States)


                        Then let's look at the law as WAPO did:

                        1. It shrinks the window for voters to request mail ballots. (why, there was little if any fraud in this regard?)

                        2. Counties and the state can send mail ballot applications only to voters who request them (why? There was little if any fraud in this regard

                        3. New voter ID requirements for mail-in ballots make it harder for Black votes to be counted because it is harder for them to meet the new requirements.

                        4. A limit on the number of ballot drop boxes during early voting. (Why? There were no problems here either)

                        5.  Shortened early voting in runoff elections. (I guess by doing this, it will increase the chances of Republicans winning)

                        6. State lawmakers get much more power over county and local elections  (Practically this means the Republicans can determine what votes get counted - this is the most democracy-killing laws on the books)

                        7. A ban on handing out food and water within 150 feet of a polling place, or within 25 feet of any voter.

                        Where did the law HELP?

                        1. An additional day of early voting in most rural counties (where most Republicans live)

                        2. More resources for precincts so lines don’t get too long. .

                      3. My Esoteric profile image84
                        My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        "I did not see this in the bill. I did see media toss it around as a "might" be in the bill." - Then you missed the part that allowed Lincoln County to toss out Democrats on the election board and install Republican ones. After having done so, they they were to vote to collapse the precincts into one.

          2. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "Is this the new normal in Republican politics, in which the GOP sees election defeats as inherently illegitimate?"

            Does Biden feel the same ?  Biden yesterday in his press conference.

            "In his second-ever solo White House press conference on Wednesday, Mr. Biden was asked if November's congressional elections would be legitimate if he could not pass his voting plans."

            "It all depends on whether or not we're able to make the case to the American people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election," Biden stated. --- referring to stricter voting rules enacted by Republican statehouses.


            1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
              Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Oh this is rich!

              "Republican Party Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called Mr Biden's speech an attempt to "baselessly smear election integrity provisions".

              As was the 2020 election integrity baselessly smeared by Mr. Trump?  The hypocrisy of it, Ms. McDaniel.

              I'd have to go back and listen to the comment within his speech for context.   I'm not all together sure if this is contrived context by the media or if this was his actual intent.  Admittedly he isn't the most clear speaker.

              The only thing I can confidently say is that politics these days reeks to high heaven.

              1. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                On that most of us would agree, I think.  Politics today, more than at any time in the past, reeks to the high heavens.  Truth, honor, honesty - all have virtually disappeared from both sides of the table and, if we are honest, from a great many voters as well.  It is all about what we can get from the pocketbooks of others and how much control we can exert over them.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this


                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "Politics today, more than at any time in the past, reeks to the high heavens." - Is actually not true.  Politics in the election of 1800 was way worse; it almost led to a civil war.  The mid-1800s was much worse as that division did lead to the Civil War. Then the period from 1868 to 1964 was a period of high turmoil and violence, the most famous being the frequent lynchings of Blacks (which the Right doesn't want taught in our schools any more, btw).  Then we have the Vietnam period of riots and other violent strife.  No, this period of discord is certainly less violent that any of those and the level and discord is less as well.

                  That said, other than the almost and actual civil wars, America has NEVER been this close to collapsing - our democracy is in danger without a shot being fired.

                  "Truth, honor, honesty - all have virtually disappeared from both sides of the table" - I absolutely disagree with that false equivalency.  There is almost no comparison between the level of dishonest, lack of moral behavior, and lying of Trump Republicans and Real Republicans/Democrats.  They are orders of magnitude different!

              2. GA Anderson profile image82
                GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Rich, sweet, and just another example of `politics as usual'
                This seems to be one of those issues where just a shake of the head is the only serious response. Over and over both political parties show us how dumb they think voters are. And what do we do . . .  we pick a side.  "My hypocrisy is truth, yours is just a lie."

                Nope, they are both hypocrites. The R or D is just their color.


                1. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  As I just pointed out to Wilderness, there is no comparison between Trump Republicans and Real Republicans/Democrats.

                  Now, I don't necessarily disagree with your "dumb" comment, but I observe that by and large most Real Republicans and most Democrats are honest and sort of truth-tellers.  That simply cannot be said of Trump Republicans.

                  1. GA Anderson profile image82
                    GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    It's good you see hope for the "dumb" thought, but my reference was to the politicians' opinion of the voters. That they too often prove them right is just icing on their cake.


                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Nope, I understood your meaning.

              3. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "Republican Party Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called Mr. Biden's speech an attempt to "baselessly smear election integrity provisions".

                I find her statement political, hyperbolic, misleading in many ways --  But, expected.

                To give context to my previous comment --  In my view, he did share his VIEWS  on what he felt would happen in the 2022 and 2024 elections if his Voting bill did not pass, the context was clear in my view.  He was asked a direct question's ---

                From Transcript on the subject --   https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-roo … ference-6/

                " Q    Thank you, sir.  I just wanted to clarify: A moment ago, you were asked whether or not you believed that we would have free and fair elections in 2022 if some of these state legislatures reformed their voting protocols.  You said that it depends.  Do you — do you think that they would in any way be illegitimate?

                THE PRESIDENT:  Oh, yeah, I think it easily could be — be illegitimate.

                Imagine — imagine if, in fact, Trump has succeeded in convincing Pence to not count the votes.

                Q    Well, I —

                THE PRESIDENT:  Imagine if —

                Go on.

                Q    In regard to 2022, sir — the midterm elections.

                THE PRESIDENT:  Oh, 2022.  I mean, imagine if those attempts to say that the count was not legit.  “You have to recount it and we’re not going to count — we’re going to discard the following votes.”

                I mean, sure, but — I’m not going to say it’s going to be legit.  It’s — the increase and the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these — these reforms passed.

                But I don’t think you’re going to see — you’re not going to see me and I don’t think you’re going to see the Democratic Party give up on — coming back and assuming that the attempt fails today."

                He seemed to become very angry when questioned about previous statements he made in past speeches. he certainly was not truthful in several tomes about things he said. I won't pretend to know why he
                would tell mistruths about what he has said --- all his speeches, and statements can be located on Cspan or youtube.

                And having an aid walk his clear statements back, in my view is very hurtful to his reputation.

                1. Fayetteville Faye profile image60
                  Fayetteville Fayeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  It was a confusing, jumbled line of thought. I think he had the scenario of Trump convincing Pence  not to count the electoral votes in his head and he wasn't able to express his line of thought accurately. He isn't an eloquent speaker. But does He really believe the upcoming elections will be or could be illegitimate? I don't really find a lot of evidence over his career that shows him to be that  incendiary. But he sure does have a long history of struggling with words to accurately express himself.

                2. My Esoteric profile image84
                  My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  First, "He seemed to become very angry when questioned about previous statements he made in past speeches." - Is a total mischaracterization of his demeaner during that question.  I was listening to it live and did not pick up on any anger what so ever.  I don't remember what it was, but he did get mad about some other question (actually two, I think) but not about that one.

                  As to the quote you printed out - what was untrue about any of it.  Now that I read it, it makes even more sense than when I heard it.  Now follow this logic:

                  Q: A moment ago, you were asked whether or not you believed that we would have free and fair elections in 2022 if some of these state legislatures reformed their voting protocols.  You said that it depends.

                  A: Oh, yeah, I think it easily could be — be illegitimate.  As we are seeing right now in Georgia, that is clearly true.

                  Why do you make these broad, sweeping generalizations like "he certainly was not truthful in several tomes about things he said. I won't pretend to know why he would tell mistruths about what he has said" and not provide any examples of what you are talking about?  Clearly, nothing he said in what you reported was untruthful.

                  All of that said, I was not impressed with his answers, but they were a damn sight more coherent and truthful than most of Trump's conferences.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I in no respect mentioned Biden's demeanor when he answered the question I quoted in my comment. What I said --- First, "He seemed to become very angry when questioned about previous statements he made in PAST speeches. So, no he did not appear angry when he answered that question.

                    I was responding to a specific comment to Faye. I was not intending to layout an entire two-hour press conference. I offered her the link to the transcript for her further review.

                    At any rate here are several of his mistruths with a source that fact-checked his press conference. 

                    In a nearly two-hour press conference, President Joe Biden stretched the facts and left out important context on vaccinations, funding for lead pipe removal, child poverty and much more.

                    1.Biden exaggerated his administration’s progress against COVID-19, saying that the U.S. is “adding about 9 million more vaccinations each week.” That number has been around 7 million to 8 million doses, and more than half of them are booster doses.

                    2.Biden claimed that “thanks to the bipartisan infrastructure bill,” workers will be “removing lead pipes” so that “every American can turn on a faucet and drink clean water.” But the new law doesn’t include nearly enough funding to remove all lead pipes in the country.

                    3.The president had a point that the “bottom 40%” of wage earners “got a raise,” even when accounting for inflation, which he didn’t mention. But overall, inflation-adjusted wages have declined while he has been in office.

                    4.On the topic of Russia potentially sending troops into Ukraine, Biden wrongly suggested that “it hasn’t happened since World War II” that a “nuclear power” invaded another country. That’s false; Russia invaded Ukraine as recently as 2014.

                    5.Biden said that “we just made surprise medical bills illegal in this country,” but he needs to share credit with the previous administration. The bipartisan law was enacted in December 2020 and took effect this year.

                    6.Biden said child poverty had dropped by “nearly 40%,” citing an estimate due to an increase in the child tax credit. But that increase in the tax credit expired in December.

                    7.“Seventy-five percent of adults are fully vaccinated,” he said. “We’ve gone from 90 million adults with no shots in arms last summer down to 35 million with no shots as of today. And we’re adding about 9 million more vaccinations each week.”

                    According to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of Jan. 19, 73.6% of adults were fully vaccinated, a bit less than Biden claimed. (The figure is 63% for the total U.S. population.) The number of unvaccinated adults is now down to about 33 million (assuming a total adult population of 258.3 million), according to agency statistics. But the real number is likely higher.https://www.factcheck.org/2022/01/factchecking-bidens-press-conference/

                    I will save you some time -- I am going with the fact-checkers, so no need for any form of rebuttal.

                    1. My Esoteric profile image84
                      My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                      Oh come on, Sharlee.  When you write "But I don’t think you’re going to see — you’re not going to see me and I don’t think you’re going to see the Democratic Party give up on — coming back and assuming that the attempt fails today."

                      He seemed to become very angry when questioned about previous statements he made in past speeches." - How am I to know those two statements are not connected?  You provided a series of quotes from Biden and then follow that up with him sounding angry. To me, they are connected.

                      1.  Seems to me you are trying to make a mountain out of, well nothing. First, Biden used the word "about".  And, how do you know the data a president has available to him didn't say 9 million?  After all, it is not that much different from 8 million.

                      2. Again, there you go again with semantics that have no particular meaning.  And since you are being picking, show me where President Biden said that EVERY American's lead pipes will be replaced?  He didn't.  So, if he replaces all of the lead pipes that currently exists (not everybody has lead pipes, btw) in America, then you can fairly conclude that ALL Americans will have lead-free pipes.

                      3. You need to go look at your data again.  President Biden was correct - according to Jason Furman, an economist and professor at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. -
                      Furman calculates that the bottom quarter of workers have seen wage gains outpace inflation.
                      He goes on to say that the next lowest quarter ALSO beat inflation until JUST RECENTLY.

                      4. Define "invade" for me and let's discuss.  And do you differentiate between "invade" and "incursion" (which is what Russia did in 2004.  So, if you mean trying to take over another nation, President Biden is correct.  If you mean sent forces into a neighboring country, then he was incorrect.

                      5. I guess you are "technically" correct.  The bill was signed in Dec 2020, a few weeks before President Biden took office.  But, it didn't go into effect until a few weeks ago.  So, you win on a pointless technicality.

                      6. And how is President Biden's statement incorrect?  Did child poverty jump up dramatically in the last 17 days?  Again, pointless.

                      7.  President Biden rounded to the nearest 5% (75% to 75%).  Give me a break! Don't you feel silly now?

                      You may go with the fact-checkers but I do not go with your cherry-picked parts of their analysis.

                      1. Valeant profile image77
                        Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        Biden's off by a few percentage points here and there.  There's a majority of a political party that still thinks they won the 2020 election despite losing by 7 million votes and 74 electoral votes.  And the person that they want to run in 2024 lives in a completely alternate reality right now.

                        Nitpicking Biden when the figurehead of the party you tend to vote for is completely off the reservation is pretty laughable.  If you're willing to accept such blatant lies from your own leaders, not sure you should aim for the moral high ground with a few slight exaggerations.

                      2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                        Whatever offered up a fact-check on his mistruths. No more no less. Like I said, take it up with them. Or better yet believe what you please. I will stick with the fact-checkers.

                      3. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
                        Kathleen Cochranposted 12 months agoin reply to this

                        Esoteric: "I will save you some time -- I am going with the fact-checkers, so no need for any form of rebuttal."

                        Welcome to the club..

        26. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 3 years ago

          Rachel Maddow notes how Pence changed the script on January 6 pertaining to the counting of electoral votes due to fake electors:


        27. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 3 years ago

          Maybe the new Manhattan DA should focus on the horrendous crime in New York.  He as those before him are wasting time and taxpayer's money investigating Trump. How many years has New York AG's been investigating Trump?  Looks very foolish in my view.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I'm in NY.  They can use my taxpayer money to investigation white collar criminals and I'm good with that.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I have so many friends that live in NY and are with you. They really "hate" Trump. 

              Although, some of the friends I speak of are very much like Trump... Go figure. And I love them anyway.

          2. My Esoteric profile image84
            My Esotericposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            One, it is no waste to bring down what is effectively a mob organization.  The only difference between Trump and other mobs is he orders less murders.

            Two, it is the DA's job to prosecute all crimes - which I gather in not high on your list to do.


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