Paul Ryan’s legacy as Speaker of the House

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  1. jackclee lm profile image77
    jackclee lmposted 5 years ago

    Paul Ryan is leaving Congress. Having failed as a VP candidate along with Mitt Romney in 2012, he became Speaker when the GOP took control of the House. Now that he is leaving, it is fair to assess his performance.
    As a conservative, Paul Ryan was a disappointment.
    He failed to rein in the deficits.
    He failed to repeal Obamacare.
    He failed to pass immigration reform, including DACA...

    The job of Speaker is not easy. Yet, Paul Ryan took on this job and failed to deliver.
    He became the typical politician, said the right things but acted opposite to his promise to the voters.
    He is the face of the political insider, doing the bidding of the rich and powerful.
    He was a major disappointment and could have done much more.
    His expertise was finance.
    He was the man behind the numbers...
    His skill with budgets and finance was his strength and yet, he allowed our debt to grow during the Obama years and the two years under Trump.

    To his credit, he did pass the tax reform package.
    He tried to reach across the aisle with no success.

    It may be unfair but I call it as I see it.

    1. JAKE Earthshine profile image67
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Con-Man Republican Paul Ryan FAILED to rein in deficits because he was instrumental in implementing his and Bozo Trump's "Corporate Welfare Tax Cut Scheme" which transferred TRILLIONS of our money away from we the people and into the pockets of Wall Street execs and the extremely wealthy greed mongers who simply either use it to buy back their stock which does absolutely NOTHING to benefit the USA, or they box the cash up and ship it to foreign lands for their benefit: ABOMINABLE:

      Thank GOD Con-Man Paul Ryan, Bozo Trump and "Mutt" McConnell were HALTED and Obstructed by great American hero John McCain when they tried desperately to Repeal ObamaCARE AKA the ACA: If they were successful, millions of adults and their children would have had their health insurance stripped away leaving them without medical care only to have that money transferred to the filthy rich as well:

      The MASSIVE Blue Wave of Progressive Righteousness materialized in the midterms because of this unprecedented republican corruption and unabashed looting of our wealth which if we still have laws in this nation, should end soon with the imprisonment of Donald Trump along with many complicit wacko republican congress-persons:

      1. Randy Godwin profile image61
        Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Hopefully he'll simply fade back into the woodwork, Jake!

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image67
          JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          For this country's sake, that would be the best outcome Randy but con-man Paul Ryan is running for president: That's WHY he's leaving congress now to get as much distance between him and radioactive Donny as possible:

          Unfortunately, he and Bozo Trump succeeded with their Corporate Welfare Tax Cut Scam that made the rich richer and the poor poorer: ABMINABLE:

      2. jackclee lm profile image77
        jackclee lmposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Jake, give it a rest. You are repeating yourself and making childish remarks. When you have something worthwhile to say, create your own is useless engaging you. You have a one track mind.
        Even when I criticize the GOP, you make attacks that are inmature...

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image67
          JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry jackclee, but most Americans don't believe Bozo Trump and the republican attempts to repeal and sabotage our healthcare system and transferring trillions of our money to the filthy rich is 'childish', on the contrary, they believe it's an abominable sin and perhaps even criminal behavior


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