"This is the closest that we have come to repealing Obamacare."
I am over joyed at the moment! I confuse that I thought Speaker of the House Ryan was another Republican Rhino like John Boehner.
The Repeal is going to the presidents desk.
Obama will veto the bill most likely.
He is being presented with the hard honest truth.
ObamaCare does not work and has to go...it is a failure.
American people deserve better affordable health care.
Obama is being asked to reverse course.
The idea that ObamaCare is the law for a long time is a myth.
And, he is being asked to defund Planned Parenthood.
To send that money to health centers where it will be better used.
Obama is being asked to chose life, to value and protect it!
Full Video: http://www.c-span.org/video/?402916-1/h … g-ceremony
Happy, Happy, Happy!
Good luck with that, how many times has the GOP attempted this before?
Is there something special about this time? The GOP knows that they do not have enough votes to get it passed over the President's veto.
You and your GOP friends are getting their legs pulled, when Ryan knows that as long as Obama is in office there will be no such thing as dismantling Obamacare or defunding Planned Parenthood. It is just political bandstanding, you have lost already....
But, I certainly do not want to be a wet blanket at the GOP celebration for something they have yet to achieve.
BREAKING: Several hours after the historic bill defunding Planned Parenthood and repealing the Affordable Care Act was sent to President Obama's desk, he vetoed it.
But while the President can veto this bill, he can’t veto the pro-life movement.
Yes, I am Pro-Life!
“It’s no surprise that someone named Obama vetoed a bill repealing Obamacare. But we will hold a vote to override this veto, taking this process all the way to the end under the Constitution.” - Paul Ryan
Well, he did promise to have ObamaCare repealed by the end of the year. Its sounding like a mission...and a good one at that.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7aRKhgusi0
With a Republican president there is a clear path of repealing ObamaCare without 60 votes in the Senate. And, defunding Planned Parenthood.
I'll keep on hoping for better affordable health care. Gotta' have hope for Americans! For once there might not be corruption with J.B. gone and Ryan as Speaker.
"You and your GOP friends..." ... you are so funny, Cred. I don't know any of them, and "friends" is a big word that I do not throw around lightly. teehee
But, this is news-worthy and will give some people hope for the future without ObamaCare, which is going to collapse on itself soon enough if Obama does nothing. He needs to get behind the driver's seat and stop pushing his nonsense about gun control and chipping away at the Constitution.
I do not have good affordable health care along with millions of other Americans because socialist Obama does not care.
“We can’t put the security of families at risk by taking away their health insurance.” - Obama. OMG! Unless, as we know, people want to keep their doctor and their plan. Sorry Charlie!
“Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well?” - Obama. Nope! We must give “free stuff”, that will even the playing field for everyone! The so-called-president wants to raise taxes by another $320 billion to ensure that he can redistribute our wealth to those the government decides is more worthy…
“In two weeks, I will send this Congress a budget filled with ideas that are practical, not partisan.” - Obama. Really, I cannot even ... yeah ok.... lol
We need better affordable health care and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is paving "a clear path" to a better and brighter future for Americans to get the care they deserve. Thankfully, John Boehner is out of the way of real progress...soon enough, Obama will be gone!
After Obama completes two successful term, next will be President Clinton or President Sanders, that has got to make the Right shiver in their boots! None of the GOP reactionary candidates has a ghost of a chance with a general electorate.
By the way its WINO, not RHINO....
The DOJ will need to indict Hillary Clinton soon. If not the FBI will have to revolt against the DOJ. She should not even be qualified to run for president while under an FBI investigation. She admitted to (willfully an unlawfully?) deleting 30,000 government email documents from her unsecured server.
18 US Code 107: "Concealment, Removal, or Mutilation Generally: Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. ... and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."
Sanders doesn't understand economics...but he is creeping up in the polls on Clinton, and she is most like scared of the Burn...and she should be.
ADDED: If the DOJ doesn't indict Hillary, they will never be able to indict another politician for tampering with official government documents. Kind of puts the DOJ between a rock and a hard place because of Obama's former Secretary of State. Should be interesting!
Loretta Lynch, is going to have the biggest decision to make in her life-time! May she make the right choice. But, Lynch, owes Bill Clinton for her career and the Clinton Machine is calling in all favors. If Lynch does not indict Hillary, we will know which card was played.
That would be like Watergate ... and I doubt Lynch could survive it.
Our next president is Shotgun Joe Biden and he will appoint that witch Hellary our very first female, commie, lesbian VP. Mrs. Clinton loves Bush...I mean bush. Just ask former child sex-slave Cathy O'Brien!
Shotgun Joe for President in 2016!
But, wouldn't an intruder know if I fired two shots in the air, that my shotgun wasn't loaded? I mean, does that even make logical sense?
Then you can say "Feel lucky punk? Well do ya"?"
I love these posts. They make me laugh right from the belly.
I am extremely ashamed of Kenyan-born Obama and Catholic-Freemason Paul Ryan. The devil's New World Order is almost complete. I also have no use whatsoever for Jesuit Pope Francis the False Prophet.
Is shame that much more piercing than your questionably apprehended condemnation as an outside arbitrator, sir?
When we understand that life is a test, we realize that nothing is insignificant in our lives, but all has eternal implications.
Test, test...
Do you not recognise the insinuation made here on a public forum is not one coming a gentleman, does that concept not mean anything to conservatives as long as they do not take issue with the rant?
I read a lot of posts by yourself...so. High and noble isn't the standard.
But, that will be rationalized away.
And, it has nothing to do with honest conservatives or your liberal insults.
#pot #kettle #black
I avoid vulgar and and sexual, not even sexist, references when I am on the attack.
ALL is fair in love & war. I am at war with this Kenyan-born usurper Antichrist Obama and you should be too.
Happy to see you putting the "REAL Face" on your new Corrupt Republican Speaker Paul Ryan, and it's certainly NOT Pretty, as a matter of FACT it's downright Ugly ~ For once, you post the TRUTH colorfulone ~
For starters, YES indeed, this is just one MORE of Several Unscrupulous Attempts by Republicans to JERK 15 Million Americans who need Health-Care off ObamaCare, AKA "The Affordable Care Act", while at the very same time ENCOURAGING & Enabling Suspect individuals on the "No Fly List" to Purchase as Many GUNz as they would like ~ Makes allota SENSE dosen't it? YOUR CONservative Republican VALUES Exposed once again ~
Just Like Dem Congressman Alan Grayson's promise to Drag Foreign BORN Raphael "Ted" Cruz into Court and compel him to prove his Run for the Presidency is indeed legitimate or NOT, when a "NO Fly" individual committs a "Horrendous act of Violence" with a GUN, which is likely considering the Shady Character of these Men & Women, it is highly likely Paul Ryan will also find his CORRUPT little weirdo rear-end at the end of a Law-Suit for Treason and or other serious charges ~
GIVING GUNz to Highly Suspect Individuals while Trying to TAKE AWAY Essential Health-Care from Americans, just one more example of Paul Ryan's "CONservative Republican Pride"
Well, live and learn, I guess. Success on the 62nd try to pass a bill. Guess we could pray that Obama be able to see truth....he's dazzled by his own arrogance and lies. He denies stubborn. I think, Paul Ryan has more rabbits in his hat and will continue toehold with conservative values....even if I can't see it at any given moment.
* This is a Gun Free Zone! Pick one....
May you experience much joy!
I used to say I was an independent, but the GOP is making it easier and easier to say I a democrat. They just won't stop wasting time instead of taking their responsibilities seriously.
This bill that finally got passed after many tries is not a waste of time...even though Obama vetoed it, that makes no difference in the long term. He will be gone soon enough. Better affordable healthcare for everyone is in sight as I see it, ... and the right to life for unborn babies. One step at a time...that's progress!
And once those unborn babies are born let's not forget that they need safe neighborhoods, access to affordable healthcare, good schools and the chance to get a good job. Like Chris Christy said, I'm pro life. I'm pro whole life. My dedication doesn't stop at the moment that baby is born.
Amen to that! I hadn't heard Christy say that, but I believe you and do agree. Things do have a way of working out for good because of doing good....cause and effect.
Well, I am pro-choice, not pro-abortion. It is futile to make a woman bear a child that she does not want. How do you do it?
Credence2: I'm pro-choice also. I think folks who are pro-life just need to let their concern go passed the birth of a child. Too often those same folks seem not to care what happens to the rest of that child's life.
Acknowleged, Kathleen. I know for a fact that the conservatives care little for the welfare of the child after it is born. It is some sort of desire to control others with the child being the least important concern.
Totally false...Cred. Get your facts straight.
Pro-life: opposing abortion and euthanasia.
There are liberals who are Pro-Life too!
Today approximately 3,300 individual human lives will be ended by abortion. The reason, because those babies were unwanted or inconvenient. -- I would say some people do not care about those babies...and its not the Pro-Life conservatives or the Pro-Life liberals who are guilty of that.
Its a moral issue! ... or lack there of.
Liberal Pro-Life: MARCH FOR LIFE 2016! Washington DC January 22, Let's Stand UP and stop this culture of Death! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqZkwLA-As0
The policies that adversely affect children, particularely the poor ones comes from the right side of the political isle. Bait and switch won't help you, you are all in the same bucket and to try to distinguish yourselves from one another is like sorting out gnat**** from pepper...
But here is the question, how do you make a woman carry an embreyo to term, how would you find out? How can you lawfully do this?
You keep forgetting that I am not a Republican or a Democrat.
But, you go ahead and carry on like you know.
Pro-Life is not limited to one party. Liberals and Conservatives unite.
Pro-Abortion is not limited to one party. Liberals and Conservatives unite.
Those are real facts!
I dunno, sure seems to me that you do more than just carry water for the GOP and conservatives. If you are not one of them, they could not ask for a better 'nonaligned' advocate.
Why can't you be pro-life AND pro-choice?
ObamaCare is imploding on itself and will crash. Planned Parenthood is not a women's healthcare agency as they like to say...they promote abortion and do little else in their centers.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan just so happens to stand for better affordable healthcare for everyone, and is Pro-Life. That changed my opinion of him for the better. If, he was a Democrat, I would still support him on these important issues.
There are many more Women's Healthcare Centers in the US that take the time to educate women on abortion, and choices they have if they decide to be a parent. Those centers could be given the funding instead of PP. And, the world would be a better place to live!
So, you want to remove abortion as an option for women entirely, at conception?
Where did that question come from? I haven't said anything even close to that.
Education, education, education....I'll keep hammering on that!
Self-defense, or defense of others, is the ONLY acceptable reason to kill somebody who has not been proven guilty of First Degree Murder beyond a reasonable doubt. Treason, such as what Kenyan-born Obama commits everyday, is also punishable by the death penalty.
You're right - it is a moral issue as well as a legal one. But that there are lots of people that try to enforce their personal, unsupported, belief in what constitutes a human life onto the rest of the population doesn't make that action right. It is still immoral to do so regardless of how many people do it. There were lots of people, after all, that kept slaves, that treated women as second class citizens and would deny gays the right to marry but those actions were still immoral by modern lights.
I am personally Pro-Life. BUT, I like to "Live and Let Live"...even if it goes against my moral code with abortion. What I dislike is a non-government agency like Planned Parenthood that gets funded by the government and taxpayers money. I have read some studies that show that most American's oppose their tax dollars funding PP. If, that is true, it gives me hope that PP will be defunded and now the Speaker of the House has that hope too...that I fully support.
The problem with PP is they do not educate pros and cons, rather they convince with their rhetoric. I could go on about the grotesque practices and sales of baby body parts...but I won't.
Planned Parenthood's 2015 Annual Report shows that they are all about abortions, not women's health. They cannot lie about that.
You believe in live and let live...but are more than happy to exert control, via purse strings, over the "let live" part.
I'm sure you have read studies. I'm also sure that there is a large percentage (although not half) that would defund PP - an almost inevitable consequence to the lies and sensationalist articles about that organization in recent months. Few people will, after all, bother to educate themselves as to actual facts, and when they hear screams that PP is "selling baby parts", well, that's what they want to hear about an evil outfit anyway and it's instantly swallowed whole.
I am willing to support those who can do something about defunding Planned Parenthood. I am for Women's Healthcare Centers that do educate women to allow them to make the right choice...and find the support they need from people who really do care, ... without any condemnation or judgement.
I don't see how that is "exerting control". I think you are jumping to conclusions without knowing me personally. That's ok, your a nice guy!
Which is exactly what PP does.
But the "right choice" is to have a baby, isn't it? And "support" is convincing the women to do that. Without judgement, of course.
Whereupon PP fails because it doesn't push either abortion or birth, and that isn't really acceptable. So you'll support tying the purse strings off in an effort to stop the practice.
No, actually...I have taken the time to listen to many former employees of Planned Parenthood. They say that they are given a script to follow that does not include the facts women need to make an educated choice. It is geared toward abortions. I believe women deserve better educational services / healthcare centers than that.
When you say make the right choice are you saying the right choice for the individual woman, or is there a single choice you consider to be the right one?
When women are actually given the facts they need to choose, and they see the fetus for themselves through an ultrasound...they usually choose life, but not always.
I am saying "the right choice for the individual woman".
There should not be any condemnation...just the needed support.
I like that you do not read something between the lines that isn't there and jump to conclusions. Thank you for asking for clarification. Can you be our role model?
Then what's the problem with PP? Isn't that exactly what they do? Give the facts and let the woman choose?
The entire purpose of Planned Parenthood is to get girls to become sexually active as soon as possible by giving them birth control pills PP knows are low-dosage and won't be taken as prescribed. Eventually these girls will become pregnant and want an abortion. That is where the real money is made. Once a girl terminates a pregnancy she will feel the guilt of murder. Rather than seek forgiveness from a loving God she will deny his existence and end up in Hell where the devil wants as many souls as he can get.
I know this is very difficult for you people to grasp, but pink-slime is people, at least in part.
Oh, BOY........
I DON'T believe what was said........What?!.........C'now......NOW, people!!!!
What? Unreal, man......TOTALLY UNREAL..........
I think we should probably be honest about abortion. Those who chose to see the ultrasound are probably inclined to make the choice for life anyway. I have no intimate knowledge of Planned Parenthood but I honestly don't think I've seen enough evidence to warrant defunding it. Maybe, better oversight to ensure they follow the spirit of the laws which govern them.
I do like the idea of education, a full complement of services to help young women with whichever choice they make; all without condemnation. But, the education probably needs to start a whole lot earlier than the moment Planned Parenthood becomes part of the picture.
Planned Parenthood former employees and clients have spoken out that PP uses ultrasound only for the abortionist to see the fetus so that they can harvest the baby body parts. They do NOT use ultrasound to show the woman the fetus, because their maternal instincts usually kick-in when they SEE a BABY...not just some tissue. That causes PP a lose in harvesting human baby body parts.
Other Women's Healthcare Centers use ultrasound to show the women the fetus, which in most cases eliminates the idea of an abortion. Women naturally have maternal instincts that need to be a part of the whole decision process. Then, if a woman decides to abort after seeing and knowing, there are other personal reasons involved. And, those women should be offered counsel to deal with that decision, because as is, many woman find unhealthy ways to mask the pain...even suicide.
I'm going to be honest here. You don't appear to understand that abortion can be a decision that is in the best interest of the individual. It seems that you are saying giving the chance to see an ultrasound that a woman will choice life. If she doesn't, she isn't in her right mind and needs counseling.
I do understand that abortion can be in the best interest of an individual...and that there should not be any condemnation or judgement.
I was trying explain that counseling should be offered. Because, so many, many times after an abortion, women turn to unhealthy ways to mask the emotional pain for choosing to abort. I'm not saying those women are not in their right mind. BUT! Women go through hormonal changes before and after an abortion, and the medical conditions can be hard to over-come alone without support. It is not required counselling...only offered.
Hey, some women who decide to keep the baby might want some counseling for support that is available too. Its a life changing thing to bring a new little human being into the world and especially into the home. Everyone is different, some women have the support of family and friends and some do not.
OK. As long as the counseling included non judgmental help in understanding that hormonal imbalances are simply that and not cause for long term feelings of guilt.
It is a highly sensitive thing for individuals to go through. Caring and well trained staff can be very helpful for women with Post-Abortion Syndrome. All women should be educated before an abortion so they are better prepared for the what ifs. And, the same with Postpartum Depression after women give birth. Both medical conditions are very real.
Jesus provides them forgiveness and a new beginning. He said "You must be born again.", " Go and sin no more!", "Repent and be baptized!", "Come unto me all ye who are heavily laden and I will provide rest."
Jesus said a whole lot of things. But since this is a politics and social issue forum maybe you could start a thread in religion and philosophy to discuss your theories?
How exactly does "pro-choice" differ from pro-abortion? Any way you slice it abortion is the taking of innocent human-life for selfish reasons.
No, abortion is taking of an unwanted parasitic growth from a uterus. Not a human life.
And pro-choice means (IMO) that the person is not egotistical enough to think they have the right to define what is a person and what isn't - that it should be left up to every individual. That the anti-abortion crowd IS that egotistical, enough so that they as individuals feel they know better than the majority did in Roe vs Wade, does not mean that everyone is.
All of the women I know who have had miscarriages were forever saddened after they lost that "parasitic growth". Maybe you could convince them that is all it was?
'Parasitic Growth' - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
parasitic fetus: in unequal twins, an incomplete minor fetus attached to a larger, more completely developed fetus. - the free dictionary
That a handful of women are sad defines what is human and what is not? What a curious method of determination!
My BB-gun provides hours of stress relief almost daily. I have printed off scores of copies of Bathhouse Barry's big-eared mug and use them as targets in my basement range. Sometimes I just crinkle them up for toilet-paper, birdcage liner, picking up dog-poop or soaking up bacon grease. The fact some people on Obamacare pay a thousand dollars a month for health insurance shows just how ridiculous that program is. I believe Obamacare is more about keeping tabs on every American and building the coffers for World War Three than it is about providing healthcare to the needy.
Kenyan-born Obama is not really anybody's president. Legally he could not be elected Dogcatcher. The only time he was any kind of a "president" was nominally, so they could look non-racist, of the Harvard Law Review. In the mini-bio he wrote for them BHO proudly proclaimed he WAS "born in Kenya".
Fortunately our Second Amendment is a permanent, natural, God-given right to Keep&Bear arms(own and carry guns) no matter what other kinds of changes are made through amendment and judicial legislation on the Federal-level. From time to time the Tree of Liberty needs to be fertilized with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Can't wait to see this Kenyan-born usurper's blood fertilizing that tree.
Then who is that guy that is the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.?
Yes, the 2nd amendment is Constitutional law, but as with all amendments, it is not absolute. Children cannot go out and buy a gun, 2nd amendment or no.
How do you know the circumstances in which Obama became president of the Harvard Law Review? Its not like you have attended Harvard, yourself, is it?
Chances are better that your birther buddy Trump will have some of that blueblood of his doing the fertilizing....
In Little Rock it was a common practice for Bill to go out for a jog only to disappear into the bushes and slake his lustful desires with a prostitute in that area.
As a result of Bill Clinton’s adultery, he had an illegitimate son with Bobbie Ann Williams— a street hooker who paraded the area and claims her and Bill inhaled cocaine and had a foursome with two other prostitutes during the time Clinton was serving as governor. She further reports that her son, Danny, is their illegitimate son.
Pictures? Video's? Secret Service reports? What can you offer beyond the claim that a coke head hooker says so?
by Dr Billy Kidd 12 years ago
For me, U.S. House majority leader Eric Cantor made the best lie on Morning Joe (6/29/2012). Cantor said that the law takes away your healthcare policy and replaces it with one dictated by Washington. NBC’s Tom Brokaw immediately challenged that. Brokaw said that the law states that you can keep...
by Gary Anderson 13 years ago
Seniors will die without health care if Paul Ryan gets his way. He wants to terminate medicare, take the savings and give that money to the rich. He wants to give seniors vouchers, but tie the vouchers to the CPI rather than to health care product increases. Eventually, the vouchers will not cover...
by ahorseback 8 years ago
Why else would the GOP. decide that the offenses of Trump are worse than those of Either Hillary ,President Obama Or Bill Clinton . The GOP has decidedly added to the Nation Debt by ten Trillion dollars . by folding in under the spending...
by harmony155 12 years ago
Why hasn't America acknowledged that ObamaCare will help the unemployment rate?With a significant increase in insured individuals entering the health care market, there should be a corresponding increase in jobs available in the medical field. Do you agree?
by scoop 11 years ago
What exactly is "Obamacare" and when does the law go into effect?
by Peter Leeper 12 years ago
Do you think access to affordable health care is a right or a privilege? Why?As a citizen of the United States, do you think access to affordable health care is a right or a privilege? Why?
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