Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities in Virginia

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  1. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 5 years ago
    The liberals seem okay with “Sanctuary Cities” where they protect illegal aliens against federal law.  It's time liberals realize two can play that game.  Many counties and cities around the country declared themselves “2nd Amendment Sanctuaries.” These are places that refuse to follow gun laws they believe are unfair or designed to remove a citizen's guns.

    Could this be the start of another Civil War?  I lived in a rural part of Virginia for several years before leaving.  I believe these people would not back down from a shooting war if it came to it.  It worries me.  I think the liberals have over stepped their bounds in a big way this time. 

    “Virginia – Earlier in the week, we reported on how lawmakers over in Virginia were threatening to use the National Guard if members of local law enforcement refused to enforce laws passed in the state that they felt violated the second amendment.
    Well, looks like Tazewell County isn’t going down without a fight. On top of calling themselves a second amendment sanctuary county, they’re also crafting a militia as well. The Virginia county has taken the movement that has swept across the state and added an element that is sure to trigger pro gun-grabbing politicians in the state.” … onal-laws/

  2. FatFreddysCat profile image61
    FatFreddysCatposted 5 years ago

    My town in New Jersey recently declared itself a "Second Amendment Sanctuary City" as well. We're a semi-rural area so there are a lot of hunters/gun owners/etc. (I personally am not a gun owner, but have no problems with those who are).

    The reaction to the announcement seemed to be, more or less, "So we're a what now? Meh, whatever. (shrug)"

    1. Readmikenow profile image96
      Readmikenowposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I think things would change in the New Jersey governor was going to enact restrictive gun laws and speak about gun confiscation.  That is what has the people in Virginia very upset.

  3. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 5 years ago

    Rebel yell rings out as USMC major warns Virginians are close to tipping point

    "The reason is because my fellow law enforcement officers I've heard on more than one occasion tell me they would not enforce these bills regardless of whether they believe in them ideologically," Woods said, "because they believe that there are so many people angry -- in gun shops, gun shows, at bars we've heard it now -- people talking about tarring and feathering politicians in a less-than-joking manner." … 0jd31A2z5g

    1. Randy Godwin profile image61
      Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Angry people with guns. Seems like a losing cause...

      1. Readmikenow profile image96
        Readmikenowposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Maybe you need to read some history.  It was angry people with guns who created this country and have defended it.

        1. Randy Godwin profile image61
          Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          This country is still in existence and we have the military to defend us, and we don't need gung-ho republicans to keep it.

          1. Live to Learn profile image59
            Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            You wouldn't have an issue with gung ho Republicans if there weren't bullying democrats trashing the Constitution.

          2. Readmikenow profile image96
            Readmikenowposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            I suppose back in the time of the founding of our country you would have said "We don't need George Washington and those minute men to defend us, we have British soldiers to defend us and don't need any gung-ho colonists to take care of us."

            Yeah, history is filled with people such as yourself.  Good thing we have "gung-ho" Republicans.

            This is NOT just citizens, it many members of law enforcement and even members of the Virginia National Guard who are saying they will refuse orders to move on citizens.  That makes it VERY serious.

            Can you imagine how you could make a valid point if you actually read and understood the topic being discussed?  I suggest you try it some time, you just may like it.

            1. Randy Godwin profile image61
              Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              Please don't try to suppose for myself, Mike. You're seldom close to being correct. We have a country now unlike before the Revolution.

              A well regulated militia was just about all we had at the time, Mike. That plus help from the French. I realize your ancestors were in Europe and had no part at all in forming this country, but mine were here and fighting. I suggest YOU do a little reading yourself and you may sound a bit more intelligent.

              1. Readmikenow profile image96
                Readmikenowposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                I suggest you read some more.  Read a little more how the British came for the guns of the colonists. 

                "On the night of April 18, 1775, hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord, Massachusetts in order to seize an arms cache. Paul Revere and other riders sounded the alarm, and colonial militiamen began mobilizing to intercept the Redcoats. On April 19, local militiamen clashed with British soldiers in the Battles of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts, marking the “shot heard round the world” that signified the start of the Revolutionary War. "

       … on-history

                As I said before, your attitude was the attitude of those who sympathized with the British. The colonists, like those in Virginia today, refused to give up their weapons. Militias are once again forming. 

                It doesn't matter if my ancestors weren't here in the beginning of the country.  Your obvious lack of knowledge of the English language as well as American history does your ancestors a serious disservice.

                1. Randy Godwin profile image61
                  Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  lol iI'll put my knowledge of the English language against yours at any time, Mike. And because you claim something is obvious to you, tells much about yourself, Mike.

                  Do you really believe the private gun owners can repel a military force from another country? You've "obviously" watched Red Dawn a few too many times. tongue

                  I was simply wondering Mike, do you belong to a well regulated militia? And if so, what entity regulates it?

  4. Live to Learn profile image59
    Live to Learnposted 5 years ago

    I will say that if Northam makes the mistake of attempting to use the National Guard against law abiding citizens I'll drive to Virginia to stand in protest.

    They don't bother to address gang violence or murder in the cities, homelessness or drug abuse but they want to force peaceful people to hand over firearms?

    I don't see it happening.

  5. Live to Learn profile image59
    Live to Learnposted 5 years ago

    The largest red flag I see here is over 92% of the counties in Virginia are not in favor of these proposed state laws. The government wants to use a heavy hand paid for by a citizen not of Virginia.

    What happened to government for, by and of the people? It went away when democrats decided they don't care what anyone who doesn't agree with them thinks. It disappeared when democrats decided if they can't convince people they have a decent plan then they'll trash the constitution to get their way.

    1. Readmikenow profile image96
      Readmikenowposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I think we are learning elected Democrats in Virginia don't view their position as representing ALL the people, only those who agree with them.  Their dictatorial behavior will have a very bad ending should they challenge the will of the people in Virginia.

      When you have so many members of law enforcement AND the National Guard willing to go against the government, it is a bad situation.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        I don't see it that way.  It seems, to me, more like what happened with Trump's election - the vast majority of counties in the country voted red, with small majority of people (in a tiny minority of counties) voting blue. 

        City dwellers are a different animal than their more rural cousins and this is but one more area the plainly shows that, with metropolitan populations much happier to give control to faceless bureaucrats rather than retain their freedoms and rights.  And of course their responsibilities - as we give up our rights we also give up our responsibilities, making those same bureaucrats responsible instead of ourselves.

      2. Randy Godwin profile image61
        Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Cruised right past my question as usual, Mike. Too difficult I suppose?

        1. Live to Learn profile image59
          Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          I read your response to Mike. It was, as usual for you, void of an intelligent argument warranting a response.

          1. Randy Godwin profile image61
            Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            In other words, neither of you want to answer truthfully. And I doubt you can explain why my question wasn't worthy of a response either.

            Why don't you simply do like others of your bent and accuse me of hating Trump when you don't like the query? tongue

  6. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 5 years ago

    It does make you wish there were state level electoral colleges.  I know the founding fathers warned future generations about the "tyranny of the majority."  That is why we are a representative republic.

    "People often refer to the United States as a democracy, but technically speaking, that’s not true. It’s a republic." … e-majority

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I think we would find that most states, in the construction of their legislature, have at least some attempt to protect the minority.  They also commonly attempt to negate those efforts, but that's another story.

      As I'm now in the minority, a rural dweller or at least of the rural political bent, it's easy to complain when I don't get my way because the populous areas override what is such obvious common sense. big_smile  And it's easy to forget that we DO affect each other; cities affect what happens in the country (criminals and the homeless, drugs, etc. leave the city for easier pickings in the villages) and vice versa (country folk bring their guns to town as well as their quaint religious beliefs and old fashioned moral foundations).  Nevertheless, if Chicago wants to ban all guns from their citizens, I'm OK with that.  But it must end at the city limits and provisions must be made for visitors, for we ARE all one country.

  7. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 5 years ago

    1. Randy Godwin profile image61
      Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Who the hell is "Snake Eyes" and why should anyone care what he/she/it opines, Mike?

      Sorry Mike, I forget you don't like questions.

      1. GA Anderson profile image82
        GA Andersonposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        I checked out "Sanke Eyes" Randy, (no I didn't), and he is a he, and has a Masters in Political Science from Princeton. He has been a frequent advisor to past presidents and is widely acclaimed in academic circles for his philosophical insight on human societies.

        However, I haven't checked out Mike. So you and your questions are on your own there.

        Disclaimer: As a Georgia resident I am sure I don't have to tell you that was all BS. ;-)


      2. Readmikenow profile image96
        Readmikenowposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        I think the bigger question is "Who the hell is Randy Godwin and why don't people care what  he/she/it opines?"

        1. Randy Godwin profile image61
          Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          I never really expect you to answer any queries, Mike. But it's fun to make you evade them. tongue

          1. Readmikenow profile image96
            Readmikenowposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            It's even more fun for me to laugh at them.

            So, in addition to learning about the intricacies of the English language and studying some political science concerning the American judicial system, I suggest you also take a few lessons of world history.  When you've done this there is a good chance you may actually ask a question worthy of a response. 

            You have some work to do, but I'm sure with the right amount of effort you can make it happen.  It's up to you.

            1. Randy Godwin profile image61
              Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              So if I study up really hard you'll know the answers then, Mike?  lol

    'll still play the "too smart for you" game as Trump does. It doesn't work well for either of you.

              1. Live to Learn profile image59
                Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Randy, the main problem is you don't appear to seek dialogue. You just seek to create discord. Your questions make no sense, unless viewed from the point of view that you really have no desire to do anything but try to make fun of any point you disagree with.

              2. Readmikenow profile image96
                Readmikenowposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Randy, you missed the point again as usual.

                If you study up really hard you won't have to ask the questions because you'll know the answers.  The questions you do ask will result in a good dialogue and show you can do more than make snarky comments.

                1. Randy Godwin profile image61
                  Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  As I said, it doesn't work well for either you or your chosen role model, Mike.

                  I don't expect anything intellectual from you, never have. Your evasion is tiresome but humorous just the same. Just keep on entertaining us with the silly memes and comments you're known for.

                  1. Readmikenow profile image96
                    Readmikenowposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    I guess if you're comfortable just only being able to make snarky comments the so be it.  You've made your choice.

    2. Live to Learn profile image59
      Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      They don't care because they think they will be the ruling class once they strip us of our rights.

  8. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 5 years ago

    This didn't age well.

    “Dealing with firearms, it is irrational, with all due respect to the governor of Texas, irrational what they are doing,” Biden told reporters on September 2. “On the very day you see a mass shooting … and we’re talking about loosening access to have guns, to be able to take them into places of worship, it’s just absolutely irrational. It’s totally irrational.” -Joe Biden

  9. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 5 years ago

    National Guardsman: "We will not comply" if ordered by Virginia governor to arrest police, confiscate guns”

    "If you force local law enforcement to start violating peoples 2nd Amendment rights by taking their guns, you will wind up with temporary emergency due to an occupied territory.
    There are people who will dig in. They will fortify their habitations. They will stand firm in their resolution to exercise their un-infringed right. And it will get ugly." … cate-guns/

  10. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 5 years ago

    I think it may also be called liberals and Americans.

  11. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 5 years ago

    Just a reminder to support your local firing range.

  12. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 5 years ago

    1. Randy Godwin profile image61
      Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      But it's not rare in Texas for this to occur, despite the guns.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        But it IS rare in those other states...for a gunman to enter a crowded room and only shoot 2 others before he is stopped.  Despite gun control and the lack of guns, mass murderers are much more effective where their targets are not armed.

        While it is a no brainer that if we could remove even most guns from our citizenry there would not be so many bodies with bullet holes in them, it is also a no brainer that people willing and able to defend themselves will result in fewer bodies.

      2. profile image0
        Onusonusposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        It is however, extremely rare to hear about people in the liberal states to have the ability to shoot back, which is unequivocally the most effective way to stop a mass shooting.
        The only legislation that is effective in stopping mass shootings is the second amendment when not infringed upon by liberals.

        1. Randy Godwin profile image61
          Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Where do you draw the line as far as weapon ownship is concerned? Should we be allowed to own fully automatic weapons, handheld bazookas, suitcase nukes, or any other weapon you can hold in your hands? You decide...

          1. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Right where we are seems a good compromise.

            Would you prefer we limit weapon ownership to BB guns and slingshots?  About as reasonable a question as suitcase nukes and bazookas, wouldn't you say?

            1. Randy Godwin profile image61
              Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              I'm a strong proponent of the 2nd amendment, Dan. But I don't like magazines which hold a 100 rounds or more. I believe a tough fine for possession could limit some of the mass shootings. Not totally, but some.

              1. wilderness profile image89
                wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                I couldn't care less if 100+ round magazines are made illegal.  IF, of course, we can enforce it, which seems unlikely.

                But limit some of the mass shootings?  I doubt it.  I don't recall any of those shooters using 100+ round magazines.  I also don't see where forcing a madman to swap magazines a few times rather than keep pulling the trigger is going to do much.

                And, of course, there is always the bomb, or chemicals, waiting if we force a choice other than guns - both can be far more deadly than any single gun.

                1. Randy Godwin profile image61
                  Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  Changing a mag takes time, and under pressure it allows the shooter to be vulnerable to being shot or ttcked in some manner.

                  I wasn't only talking about 100 round mags, but also those with 30 or more rounds. The Las Vegas shooter used high capacity mags if I'm not mistaken.

                  I do think a stiff penalty--ten years or more mandatory--would  make people think twice before owning one.

                  1. GA Anderson profile image82
                    GA Andersonposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    A mandatory 10-year mandatory sentence for having a high-capacity magazine? Damn. I don't support any mandatory sentencing, that's what judges are for, but 10 years for a capacity violation sounds harsh. You're a hard man Randy.


                  2. wilderness profile image89
                    wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    You think a stiff penalty would deter a person planning to murder a mass of people and then die?  I doubt it.

                    Don't know about the Vegas shooter, but am hearing that the Texas one did not have a high capacity magazine (no help there, then) but it WAS illegal for him to own a gun.  Meaning prison time if he was caught...but he had one anyway.  Gun controls do very little to control whether murderers own a gun - a very simple fact that is shunted aside in favor of disarming America.

          2. profile image0
            Onusonusposted 5 years agoin reply to this


            1. Randy Godwin profile image61
              Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              Okay. I can take that tank out with my shoulder mounted rocket launcher. tongue

  13. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 5 years ago


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