Inspired by a fellow Forum dweller

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  1. abwilliams profile image70
    abwilliamsposted 3 years ago
    If I were a pollster for a day, here's what I'd ask:
    (1) Does the phrase "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" mean anything to you? Explain.
    (2) Why do you think the Founding Fathers LIMITED the Government and not the People? Explain.
    (3) Where do YOUR RIGHTS come from?
    (3) What does Freedom and Liberty mean to you? Please elaborate.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Liberty to me means simply freedom. to live within a society that is free from any outside control of oppressive restrictions that could be imposed by an authoritarian Government.  Liberty is a state of having free will.

      The Founding Fathers made sure the Constitution our government did not allow one person to call all the shots. ... It would appear when they wrote the Constitution they kept in mind if one man had too much power it could lead to turmoil, hence they provide a balance of power with the three separate branches of government. So, they did it IMO to create balance in Government, and to keep a fair sharing of policymaking

      Living in America has provided me with many civil rights. I like to think all human beings have innate rights.  Many of my rights come from my belief in God. --- I have the right to various emotions, the right to freely enjoy nature, the right to procreate.   

      Freedom and liberty are very important to me, They give me the ability to think for myself, make my own decisions,  create,  strive,  and live out my life as I see fit.

      1. abwilliams profile image70
        abwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Sharlee, it has already been suggested that a pollster musn't ask any poll takers to explain or to elaborate, so I'd already have a couple of strikes against me and then I'd be fist pumping with this type of answer, so I'd completely strike out in the polling business. wink

        1. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I caught the words explain, and elaborate, so I did so. And I enjoyed taking the time to think about your questions. They actually were very poignant., and pertinent to current events in myview.

          It would appear many are thinking about the very values that we have appreciated in the past. But some at this point are questioning these very values as insignificant.

    2. Kyler J Falk profile image84
      Kyler J Falkposted 3 years agoin reply to this


      1. First and foremost the quotation makes me recall every history class ever growing up, and how little I cared for the memorization of dates and the importance placed upon them rather than the occurrences within the dates. As a second thought, however, it reminds me that I would sooner die fighting than lose my freedom of choice.

      2. I believe the founding fathers limited the government because they were tired of having very little choice in the goings on of the royal court. While men and children fought and died here, many of them were off having orgies in Europe with the aristocrats who would assist them in expanding the US. Limiting the government essentially allowed them power they otherwise wouldn't have had, and avoided many of the follies of a royal court with a monarchy or otherwise. I don't really know, though, I'm pretty ignorant.

      3. My rights come from, "God."

      4. Freedom is what we are all born with, liberty is what we all fight for. Though both can essentially be synonyms, freedom is a "God" given right, and liberty is earned. Also, the word liberty itself has much stronger emotions attached to it, often being used across all languages as something like a promise for war should freedoms be infringed upon.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        If "God" has given a right, then "God" is the guarantor of that right, and ensures that it is there for you.

        What right has "God" supplied and guaranteed except for the right to "eat or be eaten" (take whatever you have the strength to take).  And the right to die one day, of course.

        1. Kyler J Falk profile image84
          Kyler J Falkposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          You have perfectly described in different words my exact take on the difference between freedom and liberty. You are born with freedom, and you must fight for liberty.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
            Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this


      2. abwilliams profile image70
        abwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        "Freedom is what we are all born with, liberty is what we all fight for".
        Amen to that Kyler and I'd (take off my pollster hat and add) Too many seem to be working overtime to give up on liberty, much less "fight for" it.

    3. tsmog profile image87
      tsmogposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      The way I see it Freedom is related to the individual and is internal. Liberty is related to a power of some type and is external. For instance Jefferson chose liberty with "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, . . ."

      The power in this case is the Creator, which is external. Later it goes on the power is government, yet that power is given liberty by the governed.

      However, I may be off especially since they are used synonymously many times.

  2. abwilliams profile image70
    abwilliamsposted 3 years ago

    Sorry. Not sure why Lady Liberty seems larger than life here. {shrug}

  3. wilderness profile image89
    wildernessposted 3 years ago

    One of the biggest problems with polls is that the "explains" and "elaborates" are not allowed.  Only simple, multiple choice answers, very often "yes" or "no".  This keeps the pollsters opinions out of the equation, for they need not "interpret" your answers, and that is as it should be.

    But it all too often results in questions that the possible answers do not fit into very well.

    1. abwilliams profile image70
      abwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      That's why I am not a pollster -humor me?

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        LOL  I'm afraid that if it were me doing the poll I would require a one page dissertation, complete with references supporting the opinion, for each question!

        1. abwilliams profile image70
          abwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          LOL...I guess neither of us were meant to be pollsters!

  4. abwilliams profile image70
    abwilliamsposted 3 years ago

    Exactly, Government was never given power over the people. The power lies with the people, who, in turn, choose the Government that will best secure their God-given rights.

    If the chosen (elected) Government, oversteps their boundaries, (as it currently does and has done in the past) we replace those Representatives.

    But...we've strayed so far, I don't know that we can get back to where we started; with, of, by, for....the people.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      we are destined to.

      1. abwilliams profile image70
        abwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        You're right Kathryn, let me rephrase; we WILL get back to where we started... 
        Thanks for the short and sweet pep talk. wink

  5. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    ... little people all over America will fight in their own little ways and we will get it all back.
    Not sure when.

  6. Castlepaloma profile image75
    Castlepalomaposted 3 years ago

    Freedom for me means to serve others well, wail being balanced. Also having to think very little about yourself wail serving.
    Being a lover not a fighter, wouldn't want to sing this song
    by Parker
    Freedom Isn't Free
    Team America: World Police

    What would you do
    If you were asked to give up your dreams for freedom?
    What would you do
    If asked to make the ultimate sacrifice?

    Would you think about all them people
    Who gave up everything they had?
    Would you think about all them War Vets
    And would you start to feel bad?

    Freedom isn't free
    It costs folks like you and me
    And if we don't all chip in
    We'll never pay that bill
    Freedom isn't free
    No, there's a hefty in' fee.
    And if you don't throw in your buck 'o five
    Who will?

    What would you do
    If someone told you to fight for freedom
    Would you answer the call
    Or run away like a little pussy
    'Cause the only reason that you're here
    Is 'cause folks died for you in the past
    So maybe now it's your turn
    To die kicking some ass

    Freedom isn't free
    It costs folks like you and me
    And if we don't all chip in
    We'll never pay that bill
    Freedom isn't free
    Now there's a hefty in' fee
    And if you don't throw in your buck 'o five
    Who will?

    You don't throw in your buck 'o five. Who will?
    Oooh buck 'o five
    Freedom costs a buck 'o five

    No wonder half of the world's war budget and quarters of the world's prisoners come from the free and the brave, USA.

    1. abwilliams profile image70
      abwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      While so many around the world crave it and seek it out (Cubans for example) many who have it, don't recognize it, don't embrace it! In fact, (many in the U.S.) praise places like Cuba and Venezuela, thinking they have it so much better and want us to be more like them. It's Crazy!


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