Why is the US Government Paying Kids to do LGBTQ Activism?

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  1. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 8 weeks ago

    Is this a good use of our tax dollars?

    "Biden admin bankrolled program that pays kids to skip class without parents' knowledge for lessons on LGBT activism

    A dozen schools tasked with recruiting students to participate in paid 10-week long 'intervention'

    The Biden administration handed out millions to researchers running an experimental program that pulls kids out of class for training on becoming LGBTQ activists.

    Under the $2.5 million National Institute for Health (NIH)-funded program, a dozen schools are tasked with recruiting students to participate in a paid 10-week long "intervention" designed to help LGBTQ-identifying youth "cope with the effects of minority stress," according to the grant description.

    Sample sessions in the intervention, titled Proud & Empowered (P&E), feature topics like "Coming Out, Disclosure And Decision Making" and "Families Of Origin And The Families We Create," according to the program flier.

    One sample lesson listed on the website asks students to read articles "that display LGBTQ+ youth leadership in their local community," such as high schoolers leading classroom walk-outs and marches.

    Another session includes LGBTQ+ history video and a "queer history" jeopardy game.

    Students do not appear to need parental permission to participate. Researchers requested a waiver for the parental permission requirement, which they worried could "put some sexual minority youth at risk regarding disclosure of their sexual orientation to their parents," according to the study protocol document.

    "This may then place these youth at risk for parental harassment, abuse, or expulsion from the parental home," the document continues.

    Financial incentives are available to program participants, according to the P&E website. Students can receive a $75 gift card, school staff can receive $1,000 and schools can receive a $4,000 honorarium, which P&E hopes will go towards "improving LGBTQ+ programming and support."

    In total, 24 high schools in the Los Angeles area will participate in the study, with half receiving the intervention and the other half making up a control group that will not receive it, according to the grant announcement. Students as young as 12 and old as 20 may participate, according to the eligibility criteria.

    https://www.wnd.com/2024/12/biden-admin … -activism/

    1. Willowarbor profile image59
      Willowarborposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

      Efficacy of a Mult-level School Interventon for LGBTQ Youth...

      Results of  suggest that Proud & Empowered help reduce mental health symptoms and exposure to minority stressors and build coping strategies. 

      Fine by me. 


      1. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

        "Students do not appear to need parental permission to participate. Researchers requested a waiver for the parental permission requirement"

        This is just plain wrong.  biden and his communist cronies don't have the right to subvert the rights of parent to raise their children as they see fit.  It is not the right of the state to raise children, it is the right of the parents.

        If you wanted a pure example of communism...this fits it.

        This is governmental promotion of homosexuality and it's wrong.

        1. Willowarbor profile image59
          Willowarborposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

          Promotion of homosexuality? 

          The program is offering coping strategies to stress.  That's a positive.  Maybe, just maybe those skills can prevent a suicide or a scenario in which am individual becomes so troubled and resorts to violence...like we have seen countless times in this country.  We have gay students in this country, like it or not.

      2. GA Anderson profile image81
        GA Andersonposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

        The concept—teaching how to deal with a particular stress—seems like a good idea. However, the details of its implementation (as presented in both links) are a problem.

        The 'program' shouldn't be school-sponsored, as in substituting class time, but should be school-assisted and accommodated, as in a 'club' or 'step program' (an open door for y'all).

        The payments, whether gift cards or school grants are really wrong. The government should not be paying for this. If someone isn't serious enough to participate voluntarily, paying them is just handing out free money.


        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

          You know, maybe we should say the same about appropriate classroom time and discussion regarding bible thumpers and their designs to indoctrinate students with their fables?

          Just a passing thought...

  2. Sharlee01 profile image87
    Sharlee01posted 8 weeks ago

    Thanks for posting this interesting thread, for those of us who like more current media reports.

    Mike,   I find this situation deeply concerning, as it raises significant questions about parental rights, the use of tax dollars, and the appropriateness of such programs in public schools. On the surface, it seems well-intentioned to address the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth, but the lack of parental involvement troubles me. When schools bypass parental consent, especially for something as sensitive as identity and activism training, it feels like overreach. It’s similar to the debate about removing religion from schools; many argue that public institutions should not promote specific ideologies or beliefs. By this same standard, doesn’t a program like this border on the promotion of one perspective, using public funds, in a way that some might find ideological?

    I also question whether this is the best use of taxpayer dollars, especially when many schools are underfunded and struggling to provide basic education. Encouraging activism is one thing, but doing so at the expense of classroom time without parental knowledge or consent seems to undermine the trust between schools and families. Parents should have a say in what their children are exposed to, especially when programs could touch on personal or controversial topics. This initiative feels like it crosses a line that many people, regardless of their stance on LGBTQ+ issues, might find uncomfortable. I would like to see money spent in ways that would benefit all students, providing better education and resources across the board.

    1. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this


      I agree with you.

      I don't think the government has the right to indoctrinate children into a specific lifestyle and make the US taxpayers pay for it.

      There always have been homosexuals and there always will be homosexuals.  A certain percentage of every society has homosexuals.  This occurs even in Muslim majority countries where they could be put to death for being homosexuals.

      There is no need for this indoctrination.  It will happen no matter what.

      There no reason to not get parents involved unless there is a hidden agenda.  democrats always seek out the most vulnerable to use for their purposes.

  3. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 8 weeks ago

    National Institute for Health (NIH)-funded program

    1. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

      Yes, and the United States taxpayers funds the NIH. 

      Where do you think the NIH gets its funding?  The US taxpayer.


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