Why doe Liz Cheney hate America so much?

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  1. profile image0
    woolman60posted 14 years ago

    Can someone please tell me, and the rest of America, why does Liz Cheney hate America so much? Is Liz truly that ignorant of the American justice system or is she contemptuous of it?  She is just like her father, or as they say, â��the apple does not fall far from the treeâ�� and it is apparent that she doesn't mind dragging any honorable people through hell and back if she can have her moment in American history, and score a few political points. Maybe she is the way she is; because of the way she was raise by her parents. Thatâ��s right her father was Dick Cheney, now I remember like father like daughter, need I say more.
    However I think this time the queen of terror and nepotism is not going to get away with this, she is getting some serious backlash from the right, even former legal advisor�s are criticizing her. What was she thinking, no one would notice, I am totally in awe that she would do something like this. Her words do nothing but put terror in the minds of all American, and these words of hate and terror in America should not be tolerated, is this what we call freedom of speech, I say no, this call I can get away with anything, just like daddy.

    Here is a comment made by Ted Olson:

    "When government officials are called 'war criminals' and when public-interest lawyers are called 'terrorist huggers,' it not only cheapens the discourse, it scrambles the dialogue," Olson wrote, along with Neal Katyal, currently a DoJ Deputy Solicitor General and one of the lawyers who represented Gitmo detainees. "The best solutions to these difficult problems will emerge only when the best advocates, backed by weighty resources, bring their talents to bear. And the heavy work of creating solutions for these complicated issues can only move forward when the name-calling ceases."

    Believe me when I say that this in no way Liz Cheney will not stop now, and she will be relentless now, because she has stirred up the American public. She will never miss an opportunity to politicize terrorism and national defense, Liz Cheney has no soul, and it is a trait she has inherited from someone close to her.

    Liz Cheney is not an American,
    Americans do not promote terrorism.

  2. Doug Hughes profile image60
    Doug Hughesposted 14 years ago

    She wants to rewrite the principle 'Innocent 'til proven guilty' to the reverse when the accused is Muslim.

    There's a religious bigotry at work here that's pure evil.

    Interviews with ex-terrorist recruiters shows they find it hard to recruit cash or soldiers when we apply the standard of justice we preach to accused Moslems. They find it easiest to find donors and volunteers when we torture and refuse due process. Bush was the best recruiter they had.

    Liz is trying to catch up.

    1. profile image0
      sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Lets see some hard numbers on recruiting terrorists.

  3. Doug Hughes profile image60
    Doug Hughesposted 14 years ago

    Here's the article that I base my claim on -

    There's a few articles on the page - scroll to the one titled -
    Ex-Islamic Radicals...

    http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn … d/?page=20

    1. profile image0
      sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      There is some truth to that but does it out weigh the danger of islamic terrorists in general. If they would quit attacking the west and Israel I say pull out and leave'em be.smile


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