all your unanswered
- 8,176What are the Great Things President Joe Biden Has Done While President
My Esoteric (2 weeks ago)
- 6,158Did Trump Really Try To Implement a Coup?
IslandBites (4 months ago)
- 790What to do About Russia and Ukraine?
Nathanville (4 months ago)
- 560It's NOT ONLY a Woman's Right to Choose that is Disappearing ...
My Esoteric (7 months ago)
- 11Physicians Bribed To Give Covid Shots
Valeant (9 months ago)
- 490The 118th Republican House
My Esoteric (9 months ago)
- 73Trump's Actual Campaign Slogan Should Read 'Make America Russia'
Miebakagh57 (11 months ago)
- 171Has Donald Trump Killed the So-Called Republican Party?
My Esoteric (11 months ago)
- 21Trump said that he would be a dictator only on “day one” of election!
Sharlee01 (12 months ago)
- 18Is Biblical Prophesy Coming True?T
Castlepaloma (16 months ago)
- 34Why do people risk death to get into America?
Sharlee01 (22 months ago)
- 0Are Republicans Trying to Defund the Police?
My Esoteric (22 months ago)
- 7Who will control the Senate in 2023?
My Esoteric (2 years ago)
- 42Is THIS One of the Examples of Trump Obstruction of Justice"?
My Esoteric (2 years ago)
- 85Did SCOTUS Finally Kill the Voting Rights Act?
My Esoteric (2 years ago)
- 13How (Exactly) Did Donald Trump Make America Great Again?
Sharlee01 (2 years ago)
- 1Has the Republican Party Turned into RINOs?
My Esoteric (3 years ago)
- 27What's Happened to Our Moral Compass?
Credence2 (3 years ago)
- 80Biden Is He In The Early Stages Of Dementia?
Castlepaloma (3 years ago)
- 174What Democrats Have Taught Me About Losing an Election
Readmikenow (3 years ago)
- 292Can Donald Trump be Tried as a Terrorist?
crankalicious (3 years ago)
- 19Is the Radicalization of the Right and Muslims Different?
Misbah786 (3 years ago)
- 10Is Donald Trump et-al Tools of the Russian Propaganda Machine?
Kathryn L Hill (3 years ago)
- 6CDC risk of coronavirus transmission outdoors greatly exaggerated
crankalicious (3 years ago)
- 133Biden said, "Black/Brown people can't use the Internet."
Al Stine (3 years ago)
- 3Is the Lincoln Project dead?
Kenna McHugh (3 years ago)
- 16A Thought
Tanmoy Acharya 10 (4 years ago)
- 114President Biden is trying to repair America from Trump's damage.
Sharlee01 (4 years ago)
- 11Trump's 10 Most Egregious Abuses of Power
My Esoteric (4 years ago)
- 65Here’s why the Senate needs to convict Donald Trump.
Sharlee01 (4 years ago)
- 30“Smoking Gun” Evidence of Georgia Voter Fraud
MG Singh (4 years ago)
- 44No More Statues -- So What...
Nathanville (4 years ago)
- 3Comparative politics of ancient people and modern world
FatFreddysCat (4 years ago)
- 11FBI knew of risk of Russian disinformation in Steele dossier
Readmikenow (4 years ago)
- 135Is capitalism getting in the way of socialism to mitigate COVID-19?
Eastward (4 years ago)
- 222Is America's Constitutional Democracy Dead?
My Esoteric (4 years ago)
- 5,161The Impeachment of Donald Trump!
My Esoteric (4 years ago)
- 12First Signs of a Clinton Attack
KC3Lady (5 years ago)
- 0The Beginning of World War 3
Aquila Kay-Peace1 (5 years ago)
- 873This is why our country is divided.
KC3Lady (5 years ago)
- 17Have safeguards of our Republic been destroyed forever?
Ken Burgess (5 years ago)
- 100None of the Apocalyptic predictions for the Climate Have Come True
Castlepaloma (5 years ago)
- 75Could former president Obama be hypocritical about wealth?
Valeant (5 years ago)
- 1Unanswered Questions in the Death of Jeffrey Epstein
gmwilliams (5 years ago)
- 8Boston Straight Pride Parade and a “True” Liberal
Castlepaloma (5 years ago)
- 61Number of mass shootings committed by white people in the US overblown
Annkf (5 years ago)
- 13The Liberal Piers Morgan: 'Liberals have become unbearable'
Sharlee01 (5 years ago)
- 12Should G7 become G8
wilderness (5 years ago)
- 185Portland mayor to allow Antifa to block traffic and hassle motorists
Ewent (5 years ago)
- 13Is Liberal Supremacy Harming Black America?
Credence2 (5 years ago)