Why there is so much disparity among haves and haves not.

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  1. pinto2011 profile image67
    pinto2011posted 12 years ago

    Why someone is destined to sleep empty stomach whereas someone has stacked millions in banks and no one to eat. Where this disparity will leads us. Are we as a human being not fellow brother to each other and should care for a person who is shivering in the chilly wind without proper cloths. Should we not help to manage a shelter for the homeless. Are we or our children for whom we are stacking will carry this burden of money to the heaven or we are going to carry our good deeds their. Will we not be more happy helping the needy and have a great self satisfaction of doing something good and have a meaning of our life.

    1. Evan G Rogers profile image62
      Evan G Rogersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      My heart is totally bleeding, man.

      But unless you want to blame government, or the federal reserve, you're just wasting time.

    2. John Holden profile image60
      John Holdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It is necessary for plenty to go without to enable others to have too much.

      1. Repairguy47 profile image60
        Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Who are you to say who has too much?

        1. John Holden profile image60
          John Holdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          You can only eat so many meat pies in a day and the quantity has little to do with how rich you are.

          1. Repairguy47 profile image60
            Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            But you can certainly provide meat pies for those who have none, and they do. Who are you to say who has too much? Don't bother answering, you will just offer up more socialist drivel.

          2. Hollie Thomas profile image61
            Hollie Thomasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Apparently John, there are people who have the right to tell you what you can and can't say. So do as you're told. lol

            1. John Holden profile image60
              John Holdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Oh,I know, keep me gob shut!
              You'll notice that he misses the point completely though.

              1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
                Hollie Thomasposted 12 years agoin reply to this


              2. Repairguy47 profile image60
                Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I wonder John, how many meat pies have you provided for the have-nots? Its very easy to research the generosity of the haves, but alas, your generosity is nowhere to be found. I'm sure you will have something different to say but will be unable to offer proof of any sort.

                1. John Holden profile image60
                  John Holdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  In my younger days I did a soup run, generic term, we supplied food and clothing.
                  The rich were notable by their absence from our donors.

                  Easy to prove, just go out and do the same thing.

                  1. Repairguy47 profile image60
                    Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    As predicted.

      2. Hollie Thomas profile image61
        Hollie Thomasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Indeed it is.

  2. pinto2011 profile image67
    pinto2011posted 12 years ago

    It is not just the government to blame. We call ourselves civilized society but are these signs of civilization to turn a blind's eye upon the problems of our fellow. How come we can have a peaceful sleep when someone is empty stomach shivering in the cold without a shelter.  If the government does not pay attention to these problems, why cannot we demand from it instead of demanding self-centric things like tax exemptions, nice infrastructures, better securities and all from the government?

    1. Evan G Rogers profile image62
      Evan G Rogersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      How much money have you donated?

      1. Josak profile image59
        Josakposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        What a clever answer?! You can't be serious, what does that mean maybe he has donated millions maybe not a more accurate question would be what percentage of your whealth have you donated, I donate more proportionately than Bill Gates but can't match his numbers :p.
        Do you not understand the difference between donating money and trying to create a world where that high handed bread to the masses charity isn't necessary? and Yes I do donate lots and yes I am happy for my taxes to be raised if that raise will go to helping others less fortunate.

        1. pinto2011 profile image67
          pinto2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I just fall for your answer. We really need thinkers like you. The positive turn you have given is the great gesture our society is looking today and is longing for making a change. Even if we have a few handful of people like you, there is hope that our government, our society, and our neighborhood will listen and someday  we will be able to make this world more humanly and more proactive towards the problems which needed much attention than a pub or recreational center.  I am looking for ways and suggestions through which we can pave a way to have such a hunger free world; a world where we will easily share our plate with a hungry child.

        2. profile image0
          Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          One of the few enlightened in the world today Josak.  Glad to see you.


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