Authentic spiritualism
The Spirit as depicted as a dove
As The Spirit Moves Me!
For quite some time now, I have felt that the Holy Spirit wanted me to write on the subject of spirituality, both the Holy Spirit and the Evil Spirit. Because in reality spiritual power comes from either two sources God The Father or The Father of Lies, for Satan is in command of all the other demons and everything they do is though his authority.
The problem is, that there is a large population of people that believe that spirits either do not exist or there is yet a third type of spirit that is neutral. There are those who believe that a spirit continues on and sometimes gets “stuck” in this plane of existence because of some unfinished business. Personally, I have become convinced that this is just another aspect of deception that the enemy of God and man, uses in his arsenal to distract us. For the more we are caught up in trying to reach a conclusion on something that in the end, does nothing to help use understand God and His Holy spirit, the more Satan celebrates!
Before I continue any farther, let me supply the context for this writing. I feel strongly that it is though God’s grace that I have been allowed to witness both unclean spirits and the Holy Spirit. My mission is only to expose spirits that are not of God as what they are, evil entities or better yet, fallen angles. I do not desire to go into the details about the nature of such entities for that is not my purpose. My purpose is to denounce that which is not of God and then find ways to bring glory to Him who has set me free from that which held me enslaved.
After all, everything comes from God who created it to be pure and perfect. Satan can only kill steal and destroy! This is the roll that this Deceiver choose when he decided to rebel against God. God is Authentic and Satan is the ultimate counterfeiter! We must not forget, that Satan himself was a created being and has limited power. Satan only has authority over that which God allowed him to have!
To start our exploration into the whole concept of what we refer to as spirituality, we should start at the very beginning of the Bible and Creation. It is here in Genesis, that the ”Spirit of God” is described as “hovering over the surface of the water.” This connects perfectly with the way that the Gospel of John depicts Jesus as the “Word” was used to create everything. To me, this demonstrates the action of the spirit though “The Word” to create the world. Then, Jesus at the end of his earthly ministry promises that he will send “ a comforter” the Holy Spirit poured out on “the day of Pentecost.”
Both in the Hebrew (ruach) and Greek (pneuma) words for spirit describe it as “wind” or “breath”. For the very fact that God breathed into Adam and Eve is what sets us apart from the animals. Then again, the spirit can be described as a emotion our mood. A person can be “mean spirited” or people can have a “spirited” conversation. Then there is something known as “team spirit” which demonstrates cooperation and willingness to be of “one mind.”
These are all aspects of the spirit, and I speak of them to create a better understanding of the wide angle view people have of things that are spiritual in nature. It is a massive subject that can spin off in many directions. My goal is to try to convey how the scriptures-both the Old and the New Testament utilises all the different religious concepts about Spirituality and simplifies them! I know this is quite a statement, for men have come up with many diverse beliefs and systems in regards to spiritual growth.
Personally I have become convinced that this is exactly what the deceiver known as Satan has planed from the very moment that mankind fell into sin. His agenda is to distract men with the pursuit of “spiritual enlightenment” that void within all us that can only be satisfied by a relationship with our Creator! The Father of Lies has planted all kinds of concepts within the hearts and minds of man, in a attempt to keep us chasing our tails instead of seeking after the free gift of God's Holy Spirit and Salvation!
I have already spoke of this to a degree in some my other writings such as The Devil Wears Camouflages and God Verses gods. In this writing, I want to do a comparison of some of the methods and concepts presented in other spiritual paths and how they are simplified and presented in more complete way though the Bible. I do not intend to do this, as a way to offend anyone, for it is not done in the spirit of judgement. I instead want to share why I have drawn the conclusions I have.
The first subject that I want to compare is the concept of being "in the Spirit" which John speaks about in Revelation 1:10 I have researched what other Christians had to say about this on many website and found there take was very vague. For to me the reference that is made in this verse and many others can be compared to Astral Projection. This is a subject that I have studied and experimented with for many years. In fact it was a "accidental" experience in which I found myself outside of my body after hitting a car at the age of seven, that catapulted me into exploring "the unknown" in the first place!
In fact, I believe that many experiences the Bible speaks about were accomplished by what some would call astral travel! Another verse that I have always found interesting, is in Acts 8: 39-40 were Philip was "snatched away" by the Spirit of the Lord. What intrigues me about this verse, is that Philip appears to be in the flesh when he was "transported" by the spirit. There are some mystical beliefs that claim that this "physical transporting" is quite possible. However, the question that I feel is important to ask, is who is giving one the power to accomplish such spiritual acts in the first place? For many of those who have explored Out of Body Experiences, will speak of contacting spirit guides while they are in that state. How can we be certain of the source of the guide in which we are using?
Personally, it is the means in which one obtains this ability that gives me a clue of if it is of God or not. For when John was "in the spirit" there was no mention of him meditating or any breathing technique necessary for him to accomplish this feat. God gave him the ability to do so without any special method. I also feel strongly that when it is of God it will be to glorify God and fulfil His purpose.
The next thing that I wish to explore is, the technique sometimes refereed to as "Silencing the internal dialogue" which some claim is a similar concept to the statement made in Psalm 46: 10 about "being still and know that I am God." I have heard many New Age types claim that that the act of silencing the mind is the path to enlightenment and even the Bible realized that fact. However, is this really what this verse is speaking of? Is this just a act of silence or is even more to it than that?
The Hebrew word that is used for be still is actually "raphah" which in this context means "go slack" or "be weak". It is also interesting to note in "The New American Standard" interpretation of this verse reads "cease striving". It is a the act of getting out of the way and letting God take action.
Now I wanted to investigate a subject that is a little touchy to some people, for even Christians can wander all over the place when it comes to belief in what happens to us when we die. To me, it is very important to understand what the Bible's take on this is. The reason for this, is that Satan just loves to interject other concepts and delusions about what happens to the soul of a person when they past away.
I have become convinced that many Fallen Angels invest much energy and effort into trying to deceive people into believing that a person is still aware of what is going on around them after they die. Even after the Bible makes it clear what happens to a person when they die!
The video I have chosen goes into much detail on what the Bible's view on what happens when we die, so I will not repeat much of the information given there. What I will do is share some of my own experiences with evil spirits who posed as the spirits of the dead. For I am fully convinced that Satan and his angels will play off of the emotions of a person who has lost a love one. Satan is the greatest of all con men, and he will tell people exactly what they want to hear or see!
As I have mentioned in my hub From Satanist to Salvation, I saw an apparition of my dead sister on the very night that she died! I was only nine years old at the time, and it was a event that was quite influential in my growing interest in the Occult and the New Age Movement. My mother was a devout Christian who believed that "the dead do not know nothing" and that what I saw was not my sister at all.
However, by the time I was sixteen I had turned away from that belief and I pursued a belief system that embraced life after death concepts. Though the years, I have seen many so called "ghost" and I now avoid any encounter with them for I do not believe they are of God!
Another counterfeit method that Satan will use to deceive a person, is mediums that are actual frauds and are just pretending to contact the dead. This by the way, is subject for yet another hub and yet, I strongly feel that Satan uses these people to deceive just as readily as he does his own demons! There are of course, some bible verses that seem to contradict one another for example: In 1 Samuel 28: 15 using the New international Translation we read....
"Samuel said to Saul, 'Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up? I am in great distress,' Saul said. "The Philistines are fighting against me, and God has turned away from me. He no longer answers me, either by prophets or by dreams. So I have called on you to tell me what to do."
In this verse I can see either two possibilities in what takes place. Either it was a demon impersonating Samuel, or God allowed Samuel to be temporally "awaken" so he could deliver the prophecy concerning Saul's death. Then there is the confusing bit concerning Enoch and Elijah. This subject also deserves a hub of its own, but what I will do is supply a link to a website that has some great insights on this
What I have hoped to accomplish with this writing, is encourage study into this deep and broad subject to get a better understanding of spiritual things as they pertain the scriptures.