Divorces Ending Marriages
Reality Talk questioned a social issue which each day is in advance; causing negative effect to the worldwide society. I felt like writing my answer with a hub, since I can make my answer, accompanied with other sources to sustain my point.
Reality Talk's questions and my answers:
Why do so many marriages end in divorce? Because divorces are ending marriages.
Why did you divorce your spouse? Immaturity and unfilled expectations on my part.
Why did your spouse divorce you? I let him know that our marriage did not have salvation.
Do you even know? If the desire for divorce was one sided, do you as the divorced spouse believe the divorcing spouse was honest in their reasons for wanting divorce?
We weren't honest in our decision, actually we were very confused. I don't like the idea of anybody else being under a divorce situation if there is doubt. If there are children ... if they have had a personal experience with the Source of love.
The problem is that if, in the future, both agree that the divorce was a mistake and death comes before the real reconciliation; I assure you, since it was my case, that healing is a long unrepairable process.
I thank God that Froggy213 is today in my life, and I wouldn't want that experience again. This is why I am Lastheart. This is why I wanted to answer with a hub, in case I may get the opportunity to make at least one person, making a divorce decision turn back to their marriage commitment..
What is a marriage, and what is a divorce? They are to be identified in some aspects before stating my whole point.
What is a marriage?
A marriage is a civil institution born of a contract between two people who agree to perform for each other with a series of duties imposed by law concerning their relationship.
Series of duties imposed by law concerning marriage relationship
Regardless of the economic situation, culture or country, spouses are obliged to each other in the following terms:
- Live together
- Be faithful to one another
- Help each other
- Ward each other
- Satisfy your needs with each other in proportion to their conditions
- Decide by agreement where will be the residence
Love vow ceremony
What is a divorce?
A divorce is the dissolution of a marriage. Such dissolution process may be performed only by complying with the requirements recognized by the system; among which there is one of the circumstances recognized in law as "grounds for divorce".
Grounds for divorce
In Puerto Rico and U.S.A. the causes of divorce are similar. Some individuals think that they can just walk out of the commitment made, but there are certain situations known as grounds for divorce which are not the same in other countries and not so simple to prove, such as:
- Adultery.
- Sentence of imprisonment of one spouse for felony (Has exceptions).
- Habitual drunkenness; excessive or continued use of drugs.
- Cruelty or severe injuries.
- Abandonment for a year or more.
- Constructive abandonment (physical abandonment caused by a sort of emotional neglect and marital neglect by the partner).
- Perpetual absolute and incurable impotence supervening after marriage.
- Attempted to corrupt own children or prostituting daughters and living in debauchery or prostitution.
- Proposal by the husband to prostitute his wife.
- Separation for a period of over two years without interruption.
- Incurable insanity.
- Mutual consent.
Europe highest rate in divorce
Divorces are ending marriages
Excuses are for those that make them. If you want a divorce you can get any excuse and formulate it in a convening way. This is why I say that divorces are ending marriages. It is just too easy to get a divorce.
I have heard such unsustainable excuses, with the best drama ever created. Have you ever heard someone claimed that his wife divorced him because he "worked too much". If a man works too much and abandons his spousal responsibilities...oh, that is a different situation.
People need emotional, spiritual, cultural and modern healing. We need to mature more in marriage issues. We need to go back to basics when divorce was consented by adultery only. We need to start being responsible. We need to stop putting faults on others!
Daily fruits
Galatians 5:22 - 23
The Bible is my guide...my map to what my Creator, Lord, and Savior wants for me. Despite your faith, I know that by following what is written in Galatians 5: 22 - 23, your marriage as well as other relations will go fine and in peace; just what everybody wants.
We have a Spirit, a Soul and a Physical body that needs to be attended. We get dressed, we eat, sleep and we do all sort of activities in behalf of the care of our Physical body. Our Soul is fulfilled with all the pleasures and desires we try to get from this world. Our Spirit is left aside, thinking perhaps that nobody sees it. How erroneous we are with that thought; by not taking care of it, we get into such a mess.
By not taking care of the Spirit we lose our spouse, our children, our families and friends. We are unhappy, living a dead life.
But the fruit of the Spirit is:
- love
- joy
- peace
- patience
- kindness
- goodness
- faithfulness
- gentleness
- self-control
Divorce is the easy way to escape
It is not easy, neither is it impossible to lift up a marriage! Don't let a divorce poison your life! Don't let a divorce steal away your dreams! Don't let a divorce invade the peace of those around you! Don't let a divorce conquer you!
The first days of a divorce are like a funeral in your heart. I haven't met anybody rejoiced by a divorce. The effects are that the "freedom" gained "enslaves". A divorce doesn't leave anybody permanently happy. It may lead to an artificial escape.
We, the people, have something called dignity that haunts us, when deciding the wrong way, as an escape. Something called "Cause and effect" is real.
My best advice
Everybody has something that may annoy, irritate, disturb, or harass. Learn to deal with yourself than with your spouse. A divorce is the very last option to rescue what you want.
Before committing yourself to one another, taking the step of marriage ...be sure both of you know each other well enough to decide that when "bad" moments come along (which they will) the option of "divorce" will not be available. Fight in love for your relation from the very start.
Blessings to all!
© Maria Magdalena Ruiz O'Farrill
Fire Proof a recommended movie
© 2013 Maria Magdalena Ruiz O'Farrill