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The Gay Agenda - Coming to Life Near You! Learn About Its Impact on Our Society.

Updated on March 24, 2018

Shock and Awe

Our constitution says:

Equality for everyone equally - Really?

The pursuit of happiness for everyone equally - Really?

Some people say that not everyone deserves to be treated equally.

Should everyone deserve equal status on this planet whether others oppose it or not?

Are people really all born equal in status, or should we maintain classes of people according to their religions, political affiliations, or wealth status instead?

Is This the Gay Agenda Everyone Fears?


The dreaded 'Agenda'

Spreading the gay agenda?

1. Is there really a gay agenda?

2. What is this 'gay' agenda?

3. Why are politicians and religions so afraid of the so called homosexual agenda?

4. Should there be a homosexual agenda?

AGENDAs; [Every body has one].

Definition: 1) a list or outline of things to be considered, or done. 2) an underlying and often ideological plan or program.

You bet your sweet bippy there is an agenda !! I will spell it out for you so even the simplest minded can understand it.


The True "Agenda"

Here is the dreaded 'Gay' agenda:

  • 1. Equal rights, under the law, just like any other American citizen.
  • 2. Equal protection, under the law, just like any other American citizen. This includes protection from harassment, at work, home, church, schools, public places. Also from physical abuse, mental abuse, etc.
  • 3. Legal recognition of marriages, civil unions, or what ever you want to call them, with the same spousal rights and privileges as afforded "Mixed marriages". Including health benefits, raising their children, equality in housing, and employment protection benefits.
  • 4. The same rights to enter into contracts, for marriage, housing, health care, hospital visitation rights, naming our own health surrogates, validation of wills, legal documents, all of which cannot be over ridden by family members solely by virtue of blood relationship.
  • 5. Protection under the law against hate crimes, harassment, threats, bullying and other atrocities currently afforded only to heterosexuals.
  • 6. Educate the religious community that their perceptions are wrong and it is time to get out of the out dated and archaic 1st century and middle ages hate mongering mindset and stop promoting this hatred and intolerance.
  • 7. Stop the government from the continual influencing of laws that promote hatred and bigotry. ie: get religion out of our politics. This government was never meant to be idiomatic in nature, just as it was never meant to be a plutocracy. Nor should it ever be - and yet it strives for both.
  • 8. To be recognized as equal, and worthy to have the same pursuit of happiness as everyone else.

Little Known Facts about the 'Gay Agenda'

Same sex couples are as monogamous as any 'mixed' couple.

Gay relationships are based on the same love, compassion, fidelity, honor, commitment to each other (usually by a stronger bond) as their heterosexual counterparts.

The desire to nurture and raise children is as strong and committed as their hetero counterparts.

Basic core values are the same, and their children will not be brought up with any prejudices, biases, or hatred toward other human beings, as their heterosexual counterparts do to theirs.

It is not possible to "make" children something they are not (with the exception of the abusive brainwashing they endure during their entire childhood, by their religious cults, as they are subjected to today).

Instead, the children reared by gay couples are taught respect for others, tolerance, and acceptance of all people regardless of their sexual orientation, nationality, race or religious affiliations, etc.. Much unlike most heterosexual couples are doing now to their children.

Living a Good life

People are born what they are meant to be, and no amount of preaching fire and brimstone is ever going to change that fact.

Gay couples always teach their children acceptance for whatever or whoever they are meant to be.

To be true to who they are, and proud of what God has given them.

God does not make any junk people. All are equal in His eyes.

Every person is beautiful in their own unique way, and deserving of all that life has to offer, without exceptions for any reason. And especially to never be judged by others for any reason.

Can heterosexual couples boast of this same teachings to their children? I think not.

Individuals should have the right to sue religious leaders who stand up in public and preach hatred, intolerance and condone violence against them.

There cannot be a productive relationship based on love that is evil.

To think otherwise is an oxymoron, and a total untruth.

Our national obsessions

No-one has any vested interest in what a heterosexual couple does in the privacy of their own bedrooms, and no-one on this earth has any right asking or making rules, or laws, about the private lives of others.

We must stop this national obsession with the sex lives of others.

We must stop this national obsession of having a continuing "pissing contest" to prove which religion is more valid than the others.

Evil is only in the minds of those who would judge and condemn others.

Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone ---

This was a lesson not well learned by the religious zealots.

by: d.william 10/25/10

Who has the right to judge others?

It Is Time to Stop the Discrimination, Hatred and Bigorty

The beauty of love belongs to all living beings without exception

One Life, One Love

© 2010 d.william


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