Why There are Gays and Lesbians
Someone asked me why the heck there are gays and lesbians, bisexual or homosexual. Oh yeah, never thought about that. And never knew the answer at all until an old friend of mine emailed me something that somehow would answer that bizarre question.
It's called the Myth of Love... and it answers questions about:
Gays and lesbians...
Same sex and opposite sex relationship...
and indestructible love..
After reading the origin of gays and lesbians -- The Myth of Love, it somehow made me understand that gay and same sex relationship is not really different from heterosexual relationship. Love has no gender, period.
Why are there gays and lesbians???
"It was said that before, in the origin of times,
there were three sexes; male, female, and rogene.
Original humans do not look like how we
humans look today. Humans before were said to be
twice of each person now,
with two heads, two pair of eyes, two pair of
lips, four hands, four
feet, two bodies, two hearts, and of course two
Then, if the person has two V (girl's genitals) , that is a
female. If the person
has two P (men's genitals) , that is a male person. If the
person has both the two
different organs, a V and a P, then
person is an androgene.
They said that androgenes were the most
people among all
because they have mostly the best features and
characteristics of both the
male and the female.
Because these people dream of being in heaven,
even if they already
have the heavens in their selves, they want to
experience it even for just
a little while. And so they climbed to Mount
Olympus. Zeus got furious
upon seeing the people going up the mountain. He
said, "How dare these
immortals climb our wondrous world? And to think
I'd let them experience
it! Especially now that they do not cherish of
what they have!!!" He
got so mad that he used his lightning bolts to
cut each person in half to
make them weaker enough so as not to continue on
The God of Healers healed the wounds of the
people cut in half. And
from then on, everyone started to look out for
their pair the moment they
got down from the mountains.
This is why there is the term "soulmates". Their
bodies, in which their
souls rest, used to be one. Therefore soulmates.
They said that this is also the reason why there
are people who love
their same sex, the gays and lesbians. They are
the males and females
before. And this also explains why gays are
creative, because they are
both males before, they tend to concentrate on
what they lack. The same
thing for lesbians. Because they are both
before, they tend to be
strong as not to be underestimated.
Androgenes would be equal to male and female
lovers. That is why
nowadays these couples are the most acceptable,
stronger, and the most
beautiful among all partners, they have the
strength of both males and
Lovers nowadays, whether gay, lesbian, or male
and female couples, are
indestructible because they are the pairs
They are really meant to be.
This myth also explains why it is natural for
people to just realize
the value of the people they love only when they
are about to be gone or
are already gone. Because this happened even
before, and we become
weaker without our pair. We realize that we need
them, truly love them, and
that together, we are stronger.
This is also why we kiss. We always try to find
the lips wherein ours
will fit well.
This is also why we like to hold hands with the
one we love, to find
out if the spaces between their fingers are the
spaces where ours used to
And finally, this is why we always find someone
to love. We always want
to complete ourselves... Because we need the
strength of the one we
love in order to go on with the hardships of
life... we need to fill in a
missing space... and most of all, because we
to have two hearts.
We need to find the other one."
***author unknown.
This was a shared mail so I've quoted the story, myth of love, above because it wasn't mine. It's so beautiful not to share so here it is. :)