What's your view on teenage love?

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  1. madmachio profile image59
    madmachioposted 12 years ago

    What's your view on teenage love?

    Does it work more oftan then not? Or, is it a by product of hormones ?

  2. mackyi profile image65
    mackyiposted 12 years ago

    It's just one of those natural stages of on becoming an adult. This is what is commonly refer to as "Childhood crush or infatuation."Most teenagers have experience this feeling or crushes( unable to eat or sleep, can't wait to see the person etc) and label it as "love"

  3. The Invincible profile image60
    The Invincibleposted 12 years ago

    Teenage love is usually not that mature...
    It is actually infatuation that makes you feel glued to your partner..  Majority of teenage affairs do not last long.... If they do, they are lucky enough !!

  4. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    it rarely if ever ends up working out mainly because teens are confused about what they actually feel and about what love is. obviously there are exceptions but not often.

  5. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 12 years ago

    It's usually leads to a heartache that prepares us for a mature love later in life. Largely teenage love is a by product of hormones and romantic fantasy. As a teenager we don't have much perspective about life. In fact we have not fully grown into the person we will eventually become. We often have not developed (self love) and we determine our worth by what others think of us. A teenager may be madly in love with someone who is cute, popular, and makes them laugh.
    An adult wants to be with someone who can handle adult responsibilities, hold down a job, pay their bills, has plans for the future, is able to cope with streessul situations without taking it out on those they "love"...etc
    Teenagers who meet at one another's locker, hold hands, eat together in the cafeteria, kiss and make out while their parents provide shelter, food, clothing, and spending money are in many ways living in a "fantasy world" which gives them permission to concentrate on each other in ways they would never be able to do as grown ups with adult responsibilities. We see the same thing happen on "reality shows" such as (The Bachelor)  There's no stress from work, office politics, fear of lay offs, taxes, car notes, household chores, grocery shopping, rising costs of gas, and other bills. You throw in having a few kids in the mix and the focus really changes. It’s the absence of these responsibilities that intensifies teenage love.
    Having so many responsibilities as adults and also having had some bad experiences in relationships makes it difficult to experience that (pure all encompassing love) we knew as teenagers. With maturity comes rational thinking which changes how we view romance and love. A lot of us long for those days in high school or college where we didn't have to worry about anything other than getting good grades and pleasing the one we love. Only the super rich have that kind of luxury where they can travel the world spoiling one another to death with love and affection without having to deal with the outside world constantly crashing in on them. Very few of us give 100% of our heart away again after the first heartache.

  6. profile image50
    Bella341posted 12 years ago

    Teenage love

  7. MickeySr profile image79
    MickeySrposted 12 years ago

    It doesn't seem like there is much romantic love that "works more often than not" anymore among any age group. Certainly individual maturity and being a responsibly participating member of society (as in, providing for yourself and those under your care) are key features that can encourage rather than hinder love, and those are not features associated with youth.

    But I don't think it all depends on the age of a person - the big problem, with all ages, is knowing what love really is, that's it's not the hormonal thing you mention but is an eternal interest in the good welfare of another, an unchanging wiliness to sacrifice your own best-interest to assure their wellbeing and happiness. If you cheat, separate, leave, divorcée, etc, when you don't feel so romantic anymore or feel like you 'fell in love' with someone  else, etc, then it's not really love in the first place . . . you don't fall out of love.

    But, age . . ? . . I met my high school sweetheart when she was 15 - we have 6 kids and 12 grandkids, have been together over 40 years, and I love her more today than I did when she was the prettiest girl at our school.

  8. vicki5897 profile image72
    vicki5897posted 12 years ago

    I think teenage love is possible. It depends on how long they have been together as well as how much they have in common and their goals for the future including their maturity level. I have only been in love once and it was actually when i was 18 years old. I am going to be 27 and I still have the love for him even though we have not spoken in 8 years and he is currently married with a child. I will never forget the times we've shared together and just how much him and I were compatable.Even though we were young at the time, that doesnt mean there wasn't love between us. But I have yet to find someone that I can relate to like that again, but I am happy and comforted knowing that he is happy with his life now and I wish nothing but the best for him. In fact, the song that best relates to how I feel about him is "Someone Like You" by Adele. Those lyrics describe EXACTLY how I feel and I can't help but cry everytime it comes on the radio. I totally understand that hormones can certainly play a big role in infatuation with teenager, but coming from my personal experience, it was so much more than that.


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