Why do so many people see gays as a problem?

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  1. TheBlondie profile image60
    TheBlondieposted 13 years ago

    Why do so many people see gays as a problem?

    Besides the obvious and always present "cause it says so in the Bible", why are gays and lesbians hated by so many people?

  2. izettl profile image83
    izettlposted 13 years ago

    To be perfectly honest, there are people who like and don't like several kinds of personalities and people. When people "belong" to a minority group they believe someone doesn't like them because they are gay (or whatever the group is). I had to broaden my social circle because my first examples of someone gay was the in you face type that couldn't keep their sex like to themselves. I don't like that type of person, whether they are gay or not, but if I stated I didn't like that gay person then either myself and/or that person will assume I don't like gays.
    I've learned now with more contact with gays that not all are like that, but you could see how if I only had those few experiences, I could easily assume they all were and distance myself from them. I have a feeling many people do that. There are men who hate women, but I don't identify myself as only woman. I am a writer, mother, caucasion, and many other titles or groups to be affiliated with so I don't think because some guy doesn't like me that it's because I'm a woman.
    Many gays have certain personality that many people come in contact with and people judge off that- it's not right, but it happens. Those that don't have that personality probably aren't being recognized as gay and other people don't realize that gay person wasn't the stereotypical they've run into. So the gays not like that get overlooked as an example. When you think of a woman certain personality traits come to mind, same with gays, same with Germans, same with celebrities, same with all groups of people- not just gays.
    Many groups of people, even ethnicities, have certain personalities to them and honestly why can't we just say we're judging on personalities rather than based on whether they are a minority group. Because we are all so different, is why we can't all get along and like each other.

  3. TimMEy profile image70
    TimMEyposted 13 years ago

    Well there are several reasons why people don´t accept gay people. The main reason why people don´t like them are religious backgrounds or stupidity.

    Religious people say: "The bible says NO", so they go along and will probably never change their mind. For them it is just simpler to follow what´s in the book then thinking themselves.

    Others especially other men do feel offended, most of the time because they feel insecure around gay people. Not sure why though, some psychologists claim that people who have problems with gay people just reflect their own homophobia because they sometimes have gay thoughts or dreams themselves. Some of my friends especially in Holland are gay and they are actually nice.

  4. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 13 years ago

    Because many people harbor homosexual feelings with which they refuse to cope. They deal with it by lashing out against people who are openly homosexual. What they don't understand is that homosexuality is a perfectly natural feeling of attraction and one does not have to be either 100% gay or 100% straight. There are no homosexual people. There are only homosexual feelings and homosexual acts. Some are more homosexually inclined than others.

  5. Ms. Safeforwork profile image57
    Ms. Safeforworkposted 13 years ago

    People have always feared what they don't understand. Whether it's strange cultures or different sexualities. I, for one, don't fear Elton John.

  6. micahjoy profile image60
    micahjoyposted 13 years ago

    1. Ignorance

    2. Fear

    There is no example of anyone who hates another person/race/group that can't be explained by either one, or both, of these things.

    People are afraid of what they don't know or understand. That leads to making assumptions, to distancing yourself, and finally to irrational hatred.

    If everyone made an effort to learn about other cultures/races/etc  or understand where other people are coming from, there would be no basis for hate.

  7. feenix profile image59
    feenixposted 13 years ago

    In my opinion, "many people" do not "see gays as a problem"; nor do some large number of people hate them.

    What "many people" see as a problem is the considerable number of so-called gays would are out there flaunting their sexuality.

    In that same vein, many, if not most, people are turned off by heterosexuals or "straights" who constantly flaunt their sexuality and/or sexual preferences.

    And that brings me to ask a big question: What I am I? Yes, me. Am I "gay" or "straight"?

    I am not going to answer that question and I never will in a venue like this one or in any other public situation.

    What I do behind closed doors and who and what I sleep with has absolutely nothing to do with the grand scheme of things. I will never publicly divulge something that says in so many words that "I love sleeping with women" or "I love sleeping with other men".

    It ain't nobody's business but my own -- and I believe that if the vast majority of those individuals who are now "openly gay" adopted the same attitude as mine, things would be far less complicated and contentious than they are.

  8. profile image0
    Emily Sparksposted 13 years ago

    Gay people, called Sodomites in the Bible, are a very wicked group of people who clearly violate God Almighty's commands.  Do not take my word for it however, see what God says: Leviticus 18:22......"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Again in chapter 20, verse 13......"If  man also lie with mankind ,as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."  Sodomites were commanded to be put to death for the sin of sodomy.  This was not a joke; this was a command of God.  Sodomy is a sin, and should be dealt with as such.  However, people today just overlook sin thinking they can commit any such things and be ok.  Be warned, God will not overlook this practice of Sodomites.  1 Corinthians 6:9-11 says that "abusers of themselves with mankind" (Sodomites) will not inherit the kingdom of God.  They, instead, will be destroyed.  Sodomy needs to be hated and looked down upon.  It is a wicked practice.

  9. Kyle Rivers profile image60
    Kyle Riversposted 13 years ago

    I don't see being gay as a problem. I see it as a choice. A choice that I may have ill feelings towards, but it's a choice you're entitled to. I can't judge you because of your sexual orientation. I also don't reserve the right to judge anyone in the first place. It's your life, so you have the right to live as you choose. Isn't that what having "free-will" is all about?

  10. profile image0
    nikashi_designsposted 13 years ago

    As with almost all things in life, it all boils down to education and geography. You say, most people have a problem with the gay population. From my findings I would have to say this is false. Considering that most of the US population lives on the east and west coast, and strangely enough those same people have the highest population of educated people and the highest population of a very diverse ethnic population which also includes the gay community. Some people use the bible as a weapon (I should say shield)  to condone the gay community or anything else that may be foreign to them. The irony is, for hundreds of years, the Church has been plagued by gay scandals and embarrassments, some very resent. Thanks for the great question.

  11. jlpark profile image76
    jlparkposted 11 years ago

    Emily - yes, Sodomy is wrong - given it's ANAL RAPE...so, yes, Non-consensual sex is wrong in any way. Anal sex that is between two consenting adults - male/male, male/female, female/female is fine.  As is any sex between two consenting adults. 

    Genesis is not about sex - the SIN of Sodom was not homosexuality at all.  The Sodomites wished 'to know' the angels who visited - 'yada' in every other place it is used in the Bible means "to know", not "to know sexually." The sin of Sodom was clearly explained by Jesus in Ezekiel - it is it's haughtiness, unwillingness to help others, inhospitiality.

    Leviticus was due to forging an existence in a hostile environment.  Sure, outlaw the things that don't produce children, or that you don't understand. I'm completely SURE that you don't follow all the commands of The Moral Code, Leviticus.  Do you stay away from everyone when you have your period? For 7days afterwards? Do you destroy anything that you have touched during this time? Do you eat shellfish? Pork? Do you wear polycotton blends (check the tag on your undies if you think you don't!). You've broken more moral laws of Leviticus than I have!

    Cororinthians is about stopping people from joining the pagans - what better way to do that than 'ban' some of the activities.

    Anyway - why do we get hated on? Because we're happy.  People always hate and fear other people's happiness.  Because they don't understand us, and they don't understand how we can be happy being gay.  We're happy, because we are true to ourselves.  It's not hard.  And we aren't scary. (ok, so a few of us know our Bible better than some of the hating Christians, and that could be scary, but otherwise we aren't that scary).  We just are.

  12. profile image56
    MikeyPeteposted 10 years ago

    I agree with TimMEy. The Bible is translated by humans in which it can be taken out of context, blown out of proportion, etc. I've dated women that I never was afraid of a gay man because he's not going to screw her. If she turned out to be a lesbian it may be that she always been in her and it finally came out. For those that use the bible to hate and condemn gays.They are the opposite of what it teaches.

  13. PinoyWitch profile image91
    PinoyWitchposted 7 years ago

    Because they would rather stay in the 50's mindset bullshit rather than face the ugly truth that they're just a bunch of hypocrites who just refuse to wake up in a world where being "Gay" is not being unique, not a disease and more importantly not a ticket to Hell.


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