What will you be doing in five years time?

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  1. Ashantina profile image61
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    What will you be doing in five years time?

    Curious to hear of what you 'know' you will be doing....

  2. jujanester profile image82
    jujanesterposted 13 years ago

    ...a fresh graduate in customs administration hopefully! and writing and promoting my hubpages!

  3. bdn9385 profile image59
    bdn9385posted 13 years ago

    Five years ago, I was confronted with that same question. "How do you see yourself five years from now working with our company?" the HR asked of me. I was momentarily stunned by the question but badly wanting to find a job prompted me with an answer I never taught so deeply and yet still positively. In a managerial position I challenged her. Five years after that, I have not made any dramatic progress to be near the position I dared her I would possess. Projecting life is a business filled with uncertainty. They say that you are the Master of your fate, the Captain of your soul but things, unusually, don't come out the way you wanted them to be. When these happens, most of the time, either atheist or not, you blame God. I did personally in my youth. An escapegoat for common people is to not believe in Deity and go through the challenges of unfair life, wicked life, harsh and uncaring life applying the same principle against itself. In Divine perception, predicting human life is not bounded within the power of man to perceive. It's not for the man walking to straighten the road he is trailing. Someone must prepare the way before him. However, those who believed they can make their life better, though, without reference to what they call imaginary creator were given finite timeslots in human history to prove their claims and make conclusion for themselves in the end. He, anyway is not selfish and self serving who would impose all His will to anyone who do not wish to follow Him. Foreseeing life is something one would only become certain once the time allocated came to pass.

  4. earnings33 profile image38
    earnings33posted 13 years ago

    After completing my studies i will running a Software company to earn more and more.

  5. profile image0
    Dandraposted 13 years ago

    Considering opening a holistic business or enterprise.

  6. curiousx profile image61
    curiousxposted 13 years ago

    May be I will be wondering how the 5 years just went by!!

  7. Dave Mathews profile image58
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    I could die in the next hour. How can I or anyone possibly know with any certainty what they might or might not be doing in five years?

  8. TheBlondie profile image60
    TheBlondieposted 13 years ago

    I don't know for sure, for all I know I'll be dead...but I hope to be a fairly successful writer, graduated from college, maybe living in a nice apartment somewhere in Seattle. I don't want too much to have changed, so that scenario would be great smile

  9. simonpeter35 profile image61
    simonpeter35posted 13 years ago

    If God bless. I probably retired. That's my dream and my plan anyway.

  10. sir_tallest profile image60
    sir_tallestposted 13 years ago

    next five years......made...relaxing and never worrying about money....working hard towards it

  11. zduckman profile image59
    zduckmanposted 13 years ago

    Cant' say for sure.....the future is very uncertain. If should live to see it, and all the 2012 hype is bogus, then i hope to be near completing my Masters in counseling.
    Oh and hopefully in a wonderful and loving relationship with a woman I respect and adore.

  12. pearlmacb profile image74
    pearlmacbposted 13 years ago

    hopefully still alive and running my own race hard--with a heart full of joy and gladness! ....retired and taking regular family trips, and have all paperwork approved to build a college for women in undeveloped nation.


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