As a result of the learning curve, what will you refuse to allow in your life in

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  1. Doris Dancy profile image69
    Doris Dancyposted 9 years ago

    As a result of the learning curve, what will you refuse to allow in your life in 2015?

    Sometimes we make our own lives miserable by allowing things that annoy us to constantly take a place in our lives. At some point, we have to realize that we make a lot of our own happiness by alleviating things that destroy our inner peace.

  2. manatita44 profile image73
    manatita44posted 9 years ago

    Yes, my Sweet.

    "alleviating things that destroy our inner peace." That is the process. But if it was all that easy, we'd all be Saints. If you look closely, you'll see a lot of people telling you to Love, and they would be right. But would they?

    By all means try to walk in the heart-room and away from the mind-room. Walk towards the light and away from darkness. Do what will make you strong and avoid things that makes you weak. Great! But I am giving you the same advice I just mentioned in a different way. Will it work?

    The twins of self-effort and Grace always go together, and yes, we have to try. I commend this highly. We also have to fall. The Soul needs its experience in order to become strong, to grow and to manifest. So by all means, try to alleviate the dark side, and 'refuse to allow' as you say, bearing in mind that at times we will still fail; that it's never that simple, and was never in our hands anyway.

    Be brave, be gracious; be patient, and with the right spirit of acceptance, all will be well.

    What will I refuse to allow in my life? I am continuing to work with what I believe to be positive choices, knowing that I will stumble and fall and stumble and fall, and yet keep moving forward, by His Grace. Isn't that wonderful! I wish you God speed!

    1. Doris Dancy profile image69
      Doris Dancyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      As always …such a powerful response.  Yes, we all will fall, but as you are saying, it is so important to get up and try again.  This year, I am leaving out the word "can't" from my mind.  My God says that I can do all things through Him.

    2. manatita44 profile image73
      manatita44posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Nice! my Sweet Sister! (Sometimes I write in strange ways. Do not mind my eccentricity)

  3. profile image51
    Ian Mooneposted 9 years ago

    Your right Doris we make our own lives miserable, & we do it as you say by allowing things to annoy us....In my opinion the thing that people have to realize, is that it's them creating/manifesting all of their own negative emotions feelings & thoughts....If any normal person feels miserable they will try to distract the feelings with the T.V, booze, drugs, food, partners etc etc, when what they should be doing is trying to find the way to not manifest the miserable feelings in the first place....So there is a cure to never feeling miserable ever again or receiving negative thoughts, & it requires training our mind at the exact time were feeling those unwanted negative emotions feelings & thoughts....There's another cure which is finding our hobbies passions & interests, & the last cure that i know of is through daily meditation....Like i say most people just try to distract the feelings when they should jump in, & train for a good few months until they "realize" the way to cure them for ever....As a result of my learning curve the only things that i wont allow into my life, would be any negative emotions feelings thoughts or people.  :-)

    1. Doris Dancy profile image69
      Doris Dancyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Ian, you have hit the nail on the head.  If we avoid the negative emotions, thoughts, and especially negative people.

    2. profile image51
      Ian Mooneposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      With a good few months of daily training Doris which is very confusing but fascinating, anyone out there can learn to function with a completely clear mind that can't manifest any negative emotions feelings or thoughts at all. :-)

  4. profile image0
    Sri Tposted 9 years ago

    Happiness only comes from within. All distubance comes from thoughts that we choose to entertain. Thus, being attentive to thoughts is the only way to freedom. We choose what we think about.

    1. Doris Dancy profile image69
      Doris Dancyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Sri T - I totally agree with you. The scriptures tell us to think on good things.

  5. Diana Lee profile image81
    Diana Leeposted 9 years ago

    I plan to avoid as many negative forces as possible. I refuse to be the subject of rudeness anymore. Life is to short to listen to such rubbish.

    1. Doris Dancy profile image69
      Doris Dancyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You are so right.  We seem to have the same goals in mind.


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