A Question of Salvation
The Lessons
I once had my salvation questioned by a man I chose to release from my life without a verbal conversation or his consent. He did not go quietly into the night, but instead began a text attack questioning who I am and what I represent. It prompted me to share the lesson of this experience, clarify the question, and thank God for allowing me the divine opportunity to learn my lessons on a deeper, transformative level. Since I have also chosen not to entertain the texts or communicate further at this time, I address the question in this manner, forum and community.
As in the phrase spoken by Sean Connery in The Untouchables, “Herein lies the lesson”:
- Do not cast your pearls before swine; it can result in an unpleasant backlash, especially when you decide it’s time to release, let go and move on without their permission.
- “When a person shows you who they are, believe them (the first time).” This is a Maya Angelou quote that has resonated with me from the beginning of this relationship and I will now immediately heed, accepting what is, instead of hoping for a change or believing what I want it to be and see. I’m not sure if Maya said “the first time” or if that point was emphasized in my coaching and spiritual development communities, but it is sage advice no matter who said it.
- Do not be unequally yoked. How can two walk together unless they agree? When you have to agree to disagree most of the time about the way you think, feel and operate, there is cause for concern, you are not the best people for each other and it's only a matter of time before the inevitable occurs on every level.
About Salvation
Salvation is a gift from God that cannot be bought or earned. It is not dependent on what you do or don’t do. It is simply the verbal confession and heart belief that Jesus is Lord, died for your sins and was raised up by God. Now this does not give one license to do and live any way one pleases that is contrary to the will and ways of God. God knows our hearts and minds and will not tolerate willful disobedience; all disobedience comes with consequences. The second work of grace, following salvation, is to strive for holy living one day at a time, growing in spiritual development to represent the God whose image we are created in.
However, Christian critics should bear in mind that God calls us to come as we are and this spiritual journey is a life-long process for imperfect people, striving toward perfection and often looking for love in all the wrong places. I am not offering this as an excuse because as Christians and spiritual beings, we ought to be growing in God daily. But, the reality is that as long as we are in this fleshly body, we will slip and fall in word or deed on our way to the final destination, which is why I thank God for grace and mercy. Grace has been defined as receiving what we do not deserve; and mercy has been defined as not receiving what we do deserve.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23 (NLT)
The Exhortation
So, to my former friend and love: I gave fair warning of my position, desires and tolerance level and chose to cut my losses and move forward unapologetically and without a consult when it no longer felt like love, value or appreciation. I pray peace, healing and growth for us both. Be blessed and stay well.
To my readers: Recognize and acknowledge the signs, learn and apply the lessons; be true to who you are, and honor and love yourself enough to separate from those things that do not align with who you are and what you desire to experience.
Be blessed, One love,