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Out of the Darkness and into the Light - a religious breakthrough

Updated on March 18, 2016

From out of the Darkness and into the Light

From out of the Darkness
From out of the Darkness
Into the Light
Into the Light

Out of the Darkness into the Light

WE ARE indeed our brothers keepers.

No man is greater than another, for spirits are all equal in the view of the Creator.

From the darkness comes the light.

We must all make a concerted effort to come out of the Darkness of the past and move into the Light of the Present so we can move into the Future in a new light.

The beginning

This is the latest revelation about the sufferings of the lost tribe.

The 'age of reasoning' beset the child in the 7th year with the child instinctively knowing that a lifetime of struggle was at hand.

Being born psychologically different caused insurmountable inner turmoil and an everlasting struggle in a quest to find a peaceful place in a hostile world.

The knowing that it would be a difficult lifetime ahead, filled with fear and apprehension, gave way to writing poetry as the only outlet.

Many of those poems were written using words and terminology that was not yet understood by the child writing them.

At that age there was no way of knowing, or rationalizing, why anyone would be born to carry such a burden into this world.

When the joy of love for another was given at age 20 it was received with great joy and happiness. That joy and happiness would be short lived for just nine years.

In the 1960's a revolution was in progress in this country.

A minority, consisting of the souls of what i consider the lost tribe, (or perhaps 'the new generation' ) was in its beginning phase. We watched in horror at the atrocities being committed against our kinsmen.

The partner and soul mate, of those too short 9 years, departed this earth at age 33, just 4 years the elder to the grown child.

The next 40 years were spent wandering in the desolation of loneliness in a career of comforting the sick and dying, isolated from, and denied participation in, any personal life.

The new revelations

After many years of tirelessly working with the sick and infirm, retirement was welcomed.

This was the time the 'revelations' started coming; vividly and rapidly.

They were enthralling, captivating, and quite disturbing at the same time. When they come they are delivered with the vision of the departed soul of that lost love.

Hundreds of poems were written in an unconscious attempt to dispel the trepidation, causing the hesitancy of engaging in world affairs.

The spirit guide that gave direction was to be the only means of survival throughout those 40 years spent in isolation.

Now the prevalence and urgency of these revelations becomes greater than ever, and a clear direction has been commissioned.

These are the days of the beginning of the enlightenment of mankind and changes must take place if mankind is to survive.

As history shows, changes are made and accepted slowly in humanity for many reasons that bad people learned to exploit, for their own self serving.

This life's commission was to help light a spark that would assist in the enlightenment of the world about the true role of religion in this world.

Religion has become a detriment to universal progress for humanity and a major cause of social unrest that was never meant to be.

Current trends

The trend today:

A new report out from the Pew forums on religion and public life suggests that many Christians, Muslims, and other more radical sects, are at the very least, terribly confused about their 'holy scriptures' they are taught as Gospel.

They have been corrupted, misquoted, and re-written for the sole purpose of confusion, to ensure the continuing psychological control over people for selfish reasons.

The most prevalent {and erroneous} view of today:

While our society continues to evolve, we must remember that: "....Jesus is the same - yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). He does not change. He alone is the way to God the Father, to heaven, to salvation, and nothing we can do will ever change that".

This underlying belief is tantamount to current social unrest, instability, and not relevant, when viewed as a reason to continue supernatural practices in a modern civilized world where slavery and oppression [both physical and emotional], are no longer productive, or acceptable, and yet continue to survive unfettered.

The persistent lies, and misgivings, of the past must not dictate the present, or the future.

If 'religion' itself is to be part of our society, we must change it from being a malignancy that destroys, divides, and polarizes our society, to be that of a power that unites ALL people in their sense of spirituality with the same goals for the survival of humanity.

It must be evolved and re-interpreted to embrace a broader perspective.

Individual religions teach that their respective "savior" or "messiah" is the only representative of the Creator.

This simply cannot be truth, unless it is accepted that there are multiple "creators", and if that be true, then there are multiple "heavenly" mansions for individual believers to dwell in after death.

['Spirit guide' assures that this is not the case.]

That multiplicity belief would also be a travesty that would be divisive and polarizing.

Ergo, the only solution is to re-interpret all those 'holy scriptures' to mandate that their own particular messiah is simply an individual agent of the Universal Creator, not the single path to salvation for all humans alike. Thereby dispelling the notion that any human being can possibly be the Creator itself incarnate. And it is so, as we are all part of the whole 'being' of the Universal Oneness.

The religious coming of age

If we view the world as a singular corporal entity then we must view religion, in its total, as an integral part of that entity.

Religion itself is often perceived (by myself, as well as many others) as a malignancy that should be excised from the 'global' body as a whole.

But if that malignancy cannot be excised, then we must re-evaluate its purpose and modify ourselves to be able to accept and live with it (as one would do with a birth defect that cannot be corrected).

Using religion as a crutch to not take any personal responsibility in one's life is also not what it was meant to be.

Spirituality will always be part of the human experience and will one day become a logical part of humanity (in years to come); but for now the adjustment toward an evolutionary universal spirituality is just being introduced and will take generations for most people to comprehend and accept this phenomenon as part of the Creator's great plan.

Quotes by famous people

Some interesting comments on the subject by famous people:

  • John Lennon: " I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right - It's just that the translations have gone wrong".
  • Mahatma Gandhi: "All paths leading to God are equally good".
  • Oprah Winfrey: "One of the biggest mistakes humans make is to believe there is only one way. Actually, there are many diverse paths leading to what you call God".
  • Homer Simpson: " I'm gonna die! Jesus, Allah, Buddha - I love you all".

There is one quote in particular that's generally attributed to a little known Scottish historian, Sir Alexander Frasier and it seems to both make good sense and profess the end of the American Republic.

He talks about the process by which democracies fall as a result of "individual voter selfishness".
He supposedly further said:

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:

  • from bondage to spiritual faith,
  • from spiritual faith to great courage;
  • from great courage to liberty,
  • from liberty to apathy;
  • from apathy to dependence;
  • from dependency back to bondage."

Others deny that Tyler said these words at all. They can be traced back to right wing American businessmen in the early decades of the twentieth century.

And why would right wing businessmen say such things? Because the thing that corrupts democracies is not the voters demanding free stuff {according to certain pessimistic politicians} but instead, it is businessmen buying off politicians.

It is not the powerless that corrupt democracies and religions, it is the powerful who corrupt them for self serving purposes making money the root of all evils after all.

Along with that comes the fact that those in charge, who control the purse strings, and have power over people, also exploit religions to ensure that the people remain in a state of unrest, filled with guilt and fear that prevents any progression away from those "wrathful" Gods that would send everyone to hell if they try to resist the "established" rules of engagement.

It is the most basic premise of maintaining control over the population even though it is without any rational merit.

The Global coming of age

There are thousands who quote from their holy scriptures to try and prove that their individual religions are the only route to heaven, and everyone else will be doomed to suffer in hell for eternity.

They are factually quoting literally from their holy books, but what they quote are not what the original writings intended to impart.

These exclusive claims supposedly made by Jesus are frowned upon in a pluralistic society such as ours and all other religions are guilty of the same fallacious rhetoric.

These exclusive claims are made all the time.

The question is which claim has the right to be exclusive? The answer is: None of them.

All religions are guilty of putting "human traits" on a Godly concept.

All our 'messiahs' are simply conduits to the Creator, with none being exclusively representative of such.

We can no longer believe in the narrowness of any written holy book, when the words are simply the interpretations of the man who penned the words. And those words that were penned were translated by other humans who put their own slant on what was written in the first place, in order to further their own personal agendas.

As well versed as the modern day theological "interpreters" are, they too are simply putting their own interpretations on those original thoughts and words.

The lesson being that all "messiahs" in every religion are on an equal par, when they represent the Creator, if there is only one Creator.

Or, if not, then we must acknowledge the concept of multiple 'creators' because all religions will not send their 'truly good brethren' to hell just because they had the misfortune to be born into an alternative religion.

We MUST first ascertain that God is NOT a religion. We need to shift our focus on a more universal view that continues to argue this narrow mindedness that modern day religions insist on for their own selfish reasons that all embrace the concept of 'control' over their brethren.

We must also embrace the fact that our lives are not a parable. We must simply live our lives in harmony, love, judging no one, enjoy the beauty around us and learn new things - not dwell in the past and live in fear.

The Creator is not to be feared, but respected as superior. We must learn to leave the past where it belongs - in the past. To let ago go.

Those religions that cannot, will not, or fear to, accept a broader view of the literal translations of what once was fruitful for the times, will, ( and must), all fall along the wayside.

  • Stubbornness is akin to denial.
  • Fear of change serves no purpose.
  • Judging others is a useless human fault that also has not purpose.
  • The original 10 commandments are great basic rules for a society to live by with some modifications afforded to them.

For example:

  • it is not the sexual act itself, but the betrayal of promises made to your chosen partner that makes adultery unacceptable.
  • Providing financial security for your family is commendable, but that commend-ability ceases at the point of hoarding to excess and harming others in the process.
  • Keeping holy the sabbath day must be replaced with continual awareness of the spirituality of each and every soul that resides on this planet alongside of us.
  • No one is greater than another in the eyes of the spiritual view.
  • Acute awareness and appreciation of one another, as equal, is a greater virtue than praying for our own deliverance, or for other souls to be converted to our way of thinking.
  • The further fallacies that some men preoccupy themselves with, is their belief that there is a universal war in continuous progress somewhere in the universe, between good and evil.

Spirit guide dispels this idea and suggests that perhaps those who believe this theory are actually having that battle within themselves; not knowing and accepting, or fearing, who they were born to be.

by: d.william 01/22/2013

Hell does not exist

© 2013 d.william


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