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Learning Lessons of Truth on Deeper Levels

Updated on January 12, 2025
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Jo Anne has been a woman of God since 1981 and is the author of the "Living a Vocal, Valued and Victorious Life" 3-volume book series.

Distractions and Disappointment

One morning, I found myself still awake from the night before because I was concerned about a friend after talking with him but not getting word that he had reached home safely. I slept for about an hour before realizing I hadn’t heard from him; and then I couldn’t go back to sleep. So, I channeled the energy into writing two articles. By the time I finished writing and posting the articles, it was close to my 4 a.m. meeting with God; therefore, I stayed up and transitioned into my morning routine of spiritual practices. I thought I would get a nap after the prayer line conference call, but ended up having three more phone conversations; two of which interrupted my attempts at getting some sleep.

When I finally got to sleep, I ended up missing the third night of consecration and intercessory prayer at my church because I overslept. I was disappointed, but then realized that it was probably for the best because my body was fatigued and the targeted prayer area was Satanic Involvement, which is not the wisest atmosphere to be in when you're in a vulnerable state.

Learning Truths On A Deeper Level

This is what I knew to be true:

  1. Whenever I set an intention or enter into a state of spiritual enlightenment and growth, everything unlike it will present itself as a distraction.
  2. Whenever I'm in a place of consecration, it is best to limit communication and stay focused on God and self.
  3. Protect the ear-gate and be careful with what is received because words heard sow seeds in the spirit and if not filtered and addressed may produce undesirable fruit.
  4. My inner struggles and desires out-picture themselves and reflect back to me in my relationships with others.

I had already known about potential distractions and through Spirit’s direction to set and stick to my boundaries in the beginning, instead of waiting and being forced to protect my sacred time. But I learned it on a deeper level that day.

Be blessed,

Jo Anne Meekins
Inspired 4 U Publications

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2012 Jo Anne Meekins


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