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National Security Blackouts

Updated on December 8, 2015
These "Babies" are Enormous! OH MY GOD! I'm telling you, there are other wachting us!
These "Babies" are Enormous! OH MY GOD! I'm telling you, there are other wachting us! | Source

Forbidden History Radio: Ancient Aliens - Myth or Reality / Philip Coppens


Information Blackout on the grounds of National Security

Ancient Astronaut Society

World Headquarters

July 1, 1991

Dear Mr. Coppens:

Thank you for four letter.

We will consider it, when time permits.

You must be aware

that quite often the information

is so heavily blacked out that what remains is useless

on the grounds of National Security.

You can write to P.O. Box USA.


A tax exempt, not for-profit scientific, educational and literary organization.


Ancient Astronaut

as Ancient Astronaut I visited

Earth prior to recorded history

for the exchange of ideas

and factual material

Currently, we have

World Conference

please write


Crop circle

frozen music

found in photos

mimicked designs

such as

this crop circle


Isis Unveiled

in an underground temple

how very different

would our wisdom appear today

if only the still hidden ancient

return to light

Red Ice Radio: Philip Coppens - The Ancient Alien Question


Library of Alexandria

in this brooding complex

of broken bricks, temple facades

and displaced sphinxes

hear voices echoing

in the pathways

and darkened corridors

Our Cosmic Ancestor

Dear Friend,

Our Cosmic Ancestor

will be shipped immediately

upon receipt of

the appropriate funds.

Please add $5.00

for shipping & handling.

We sincerely appreciate you.

the soul restored to life returning to the incubatorium
the soul restored to life returning to the incubatorium | Source

Queen of Sheba

September 12, 1991

Dear Filip,

I appreciate your kind

and I'm sorry you took

so much time reaching me.

Regarding the Queen of Sheba,

she was Ages in Chaos.

One of these days

I'll find an artist who can produce

a good likeness of me

and her.


The Great Pyramid

After a while

he discovered a secret entrance

quite by accident

then found ancient

anti-gravitational machines

used by Atlanteans to construct

the Great Pyramid


Mystery School

in meditation

fly to see at night

the Mystery School

back in time





Abductee Blackout

I was allowed a memory

staged in a blackout

leaving my bed and moving along

having my hand held face held

being put on a table and finally being told

I was going back to sleep

an abductee

beginning to realize

I just wanted

what you're doing


Sightings of the Cosmic Egg

Inside we see

alien creation of


human life


Alternate Reality

There is an archetypal reality

bleeding through

the dark recesses

of my memory


Delete Stonehenge?


"at your command"

I will delete Atlantis

You didn't make clear

whether I was "allowed"

to delete Stonehenge


Be my Flying Saucer

beam down in celestial glow

lurk in the outer dark

penetrate reality

transmit puzzling messages

sow seeds of impossibilities

disappear into the magic circle

of perverted science

either fade or bounce back

remaining beyond reach


our hiddenmost obsession

be my flying saucer


Ancient Agenda:

I say - beware!

Having lived

over 1.000 years

I say

watch out!


Ancient Skies of Atlantis

Viewed from Above

in a UFO


Whispers from the past

contain clues to our Future

which will lift the veil

to reveal concealed messages

from Atlantis.


Conspiracy theorists

a trickster

delivered messages

of doom and gnostic salvation

beyond reach

in a netherworld

of late-night testimonies


has gone into the body the mind the dream of

Thousands of

Conspiracy theorists

Gruesome grey is Atlantis...

as it rises from the watery depths of human consciousness to match with all the known and unknown.
as it rises from the watery depths of human consciousness to match with all the known and unknown. | Source

Atlantis Viewed from Above in a UFO

Dear Mr Coppens, Please provide me more information about Atlantis Viewed from Above in a UFO. Thank you in advance for your response - a Bird
Dear Mr Coppens, Please provide me more information about Atlantis Viewed from Above in a UFO. Thank you in advance for your response - a Bird | Source


Do you know what is what might be? Have a glimpse, have a shining and Imagine.
Do you know what is what might be? Have a glimpse, have a shining and Imagine. | Source

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