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Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)

Updated on March 16, 2013

What Lane-Poole said about Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?

He was the most faithful protector of those he protected, the sweetest and most agreeable in conversation. Those who saw him were suddenly filled with reverence; those who came near him loved him; they who described him would say, " I have never seen his like either before or after."

Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) is the final Messenger sent by Allah (s.w.t.) on this face of Earth. He was well known for his great characteristics like: truthfulness, patience, generosity, forgiveness, sincerity, modesty etc...

His characteristic gets reflected from below incidents:

His servant and companion Anas said "I served him for nine years but I know not that he ever said to me about a thing which I had done why I did that, or about a thing I had left as to why I had not done that." (Muslim: book 30: Hadith 5724)

Abdullah Bin Abbas, another companion also reports that 'Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was always ahead in distributing goodness.' He would involve others while eating, he would give his new clothes to the poor, and he would distribute wealth as soon as he would receive it and never kept a Dinar or Dirham for him.

Now, as we all know that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was Allah's Messenger, he has said many things which we need to Incorporate in our life to be a better Muslim. Below are the selected great sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Great Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)

  • If you cook some soup, add extra water and send some to your neighbor (Muslim: 6855)

  • Whoever believes in God and the Last Day should entertain his guest generously (Muslim: 6475)

  • The Lord's pleasure is in the parent's pleasure, and the Lord's anger is in the parent's anger. (Al- Tirmidhi: 2020)

  • If anyone cares for three (or two) daughters, disciplines them, marries them, and does good to them, he will go to Paradise. (Abu Dawood: 5149)

  • You will be rewarded for the handful of food you put in your wife's mouth. (Al Bukhari: 2742)

  • O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty. (Al Bukhari: 1905)

  • Each of you is a caretaker and is responsible for those under his care. (Muslim: 4828)

  • You and your wealth belong to your father. (Ibn Majah: 2292)

  • Whoever is pleased that he be granted more wealth, and that lease of life be prolonged, then he should keep good relations with his kith and kin. (Al Bukhari: 5985)

  • The person who severs the bond of kinship will not enter Paradise.(Al bukhari: 5984)

  • Cleanliness invites toward faith, and faith leads its possessor to the Paradise. (Al-Tabarrani)

  • Indeed each of you is the reflection of his brother. So if he sees something harmful in him, then let him remove it from him. (Al-Tirmidhi 1929)

  • Whoever believes in God and the Last Day should talk what is good or keep quiet. (Al- Bukhari:6476)

  • Shoe mercy to those who are on earth and the one who is a above the heaven will show mercy on you. (Abu Dawud:4941)

  • Let the judge not pass a judgement when he is angry. (Muslim:1717)

  • God has revealed to me, that you must be humble towards one another, so that no one wrongs anyone else or boasts to anyone else. (Abu Dawud : 4895)

  • A man follows the way of his close friend, so let one of you look at whom he takes as his close friend. (Abu Dawud: 4833)

  • Saying something good is Charity. (Muslim: 5934)

  • Removing a harmful thing from the way is charity. ( Al-Bukhari: 2989)

  • Modesty has not bring anything except good. ( Al-Bukhari: 6117)

  • The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by strength, but he strong is the one who controls himself while in anger. (Muslim: 6809)

  • When you are three persons, then two of you should not whisper excluding the third person, for that would grieve him. ( Al- Bukhari: 6290)

My other articles on Islam:

This article is based on an Australian guy who converted to Islam. The article explain about the difficulties he had which made him to change his religion.

Islam has given special rights to women’s 1400 years ago , which western culture has started to enjoy recently. Rights includes: Right to work, right to seek knowledge, right to choose spouse, Financial rights, financial security after divorce, Laws for widows, Mothers given more importance compared to father, right to be treated kindly and respectfully

In this article I have mentioned the scientific facts, which Quran had mentioned 1400 years ago. Scientific facts like : Shape of Earth is spherical , water Cycle and Big Bang Theory

In this article I have mentioned the scientific facts, which Quran had mentioned 1400 years ago. Facts like: Mountains are like pegs, Barrier between sweet and salty water, every living thing is made of water, the sun rotates, the universe is expanding, Fruits are created in pair, male and female


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