Seek out the real truth about the Bible!
Believe system!
Do you believe everything you are being taught from you preacher, without meditating and studying the word for yourself!
That will be a shame because our enemy is active and he is the father of all lies?
Not all that is preach from the pulpit is the truth in today's churches, be careful and seek God for the truth.
Statement of Truth!
Everything in the Bible is truly stated, but everything is not a statement of truth. All truth might be equally true, but all truth is not equally important.
Seek out statements of truth. If a truth is prominent, it will occupy a position of prominence.
For example, salvation, from Genesis to Revelation, is to be found in every book of the Bible. God want to save us and He show us love through out the Bible, this is truth.
The word should shape your convictions. What you do with the truth will determine what the truth will do for you.
Scrutinise the Word!
Many read the Bible without considering or “meditating” on what they have actually read.
To scrutinise the Word means to read through it accurately, closely and seriously until we reach the depth of the scripture being read.
The Word is in layers and you must read until you can read deeper than the surface. The Word can be seen as written in the physical and also in the spiritual.
The Holy Spirit will help you to open the Word to see deeper, into the spiritual.
A question I have asked hundreds of believers is this?
When Moses (with the exodus of Israel) stood before the Red sea, what did he do when the water parted, so they could walk through?
Most say that Moses struck the water with his staff and the water split open with a loud noise, so they could trek through. Most of us are taught that Moses struck the water with his staff in Sunday school and even from the pulpit.
This is not true. Shocked? Go and read the truth for yourself (Exodus 14.)
There are many such examples in the Bible and we believe people rather than to study it for ourselves. If you really want to know the truth, go and find it for yourself.
How can any person put their eternity into the hands of another person? Put your eternity into God’s hands. Here is the truth about Moses and the red sea!
Exodus 14:21: Moses held out his hand over the sea, and the LORD drove the sea back with a strong east wind. It blew all night and turned the sea into dry land. The water was divided. (GNB)
I challenge you to go and make a study of this scripture portion and to read carefully and look for the truth in this scripture and seek out other truths in the Bible!
A good starting point is to go make a study of whenYeshua (Jesus) was born in the book of Matthew.
Questions to help you find the truth will be:
- Why did Herod not know of the star?
- Why did his people not see the star?
- Why did he ask for the time span of when they first saw the star?
- Why did he kill the children from birth to up to 2 years old and not only the newborn babies?
There are lots more questions you can ask, and by doing so you will discover the truth, with the help of the Holy Spirit .
You can also use tools like the Hermeneutical Filter system.
Bible truths can also be tested through the Hermeneutical filter system.
When we see an Old Testament Truth and it continues on into the New Testament (after the Crucifixion), it is an eternal truth. An eternal truth or law is a truth that applies in the Old as well as in the New Testament Church. An example is tithing.
When we see an Old Testament truth and it stops at the Cross that truth was only for Old Testament Israel and does not apply to the New Testament Church, it is a Mosaic truth (Law of Moses). These Old Testament truths were clearly meant for Old Testament use as they have not been carried over to the New Testament through the Hermeneutical filter. Example is circumcision.
Some truths in the Old Testament become distorted in the New Testament. These truths are only half truths and are not relevant for the New Testament Church. Example, the ceremonial sacrificial laws stopped but we still have to bring a Spiritual sacrifice but now it is a sacrifice of praise and not of the blood of animals.
Use this tool to find the truth of God’s word.
Many people just read the Word but do not apply it or understand it.
They will not experience God’s miracle working power. You have to apply the Word of God unconditionally to grow in faith and spirit.
Through prayer we can have gentle, humble and receptive hearts, so that God can plant His true Word in our hearts.
Hearts that are dependent on God – hearts hungry for truth and change.
The Bride of Christ!
Being chosen to be God's special saved people or His treasure (Bride) made holy by His Word and blood, had nothing to do with any of our accomplishments, race, nationality, gender, IQ, or academic training.
We are special and thus blessed because "God loves us" and because "He is faithful" to His promises to the fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
This is Grace alone.
He reinforces these points by emphasizing that He is faithful, as well as by warning us that He is a God of justice.
Deuteronomy 7:7-11
(7) The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples;
(8) but because the LORD loves you, and because He would keep the oath which He swore to your fathers, the LORD has brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you from the house of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
(9) "Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments;
(10) and He repays those who hate Him to their face, to destroy them. He will not be slack with him who hates Him; He will repay him to his face.
(11) Therefore you shall keep the commandment, the statutes, and the judgments which I command you today, to observe them.
God is clearly stating that the foundation of our relationship is based completely in what He is within Himself, otherwise the relationship would have never gotten past the casual stage of mere acquaintance. His grace is sufficient.
The vast majority of Christian are merely acquainted with God never looking for something deeper, never looking for the truth. they are lazy and believe everything humans tell them, but God's personal calling from John 6 :45-46, we have been made special to have an intense and intimate relationship with Him.
The very character of God, not any excellence in those He has chosen, is the basis for our being special. We can only discover this with the truth about God.
What is truth and what is a lie?
Seek the truth with all your heart!
The Bible!
What to read next?

- The question is about - Sabbath or Sunday?
Truth about Sabbath - Satan deceives you into believing you are following God’s Word, when you are not. Don't you long for the truth? - Incorrect Practices for Christmas, what is the TRUTH!
Truth about Christmas! Satan deceives you into believing you are following God’s Word, when you are not. (that many ministers belong to Satan, openly preaching the lie) - Truth about Mary the mother of Jesus: The Passion Of The Christ and Catherine Emmerich - what is tru
Most Christians have seen The Passion of the Christ. I have seen it at least 6 times and it has always given me a feeling of horror. I thought that it was because for my love for the Lord and His suffering. - Stop Mixing God's Word!
There are two ways of knowing the Bible, namely; the true unpolluted Word of God and the Hollywood way of half truths and lies.
Bible Study
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© 2010 Louis Fourie