Why Do Pentecostals Shout???
Everybody Can't Be Putting On
Have you ever thought something wasn't real or true because it just seemed out of the realm of reality? It was just totally beyond your intellectual ability to grasp? Sure you have...but, if you really examine yourself on this point, you will have to say that part of your "not believing" is because that "thing" has never happened to you....Isn't that the truth? C'mon, tell the truth, nobody is around you as you read this...it's just you,(that is you and God).
One of the things many people, both Christians and non-Christians, think is fake, is the move of the Holy Ghost in praise. Accepting the phenomena of the creator God tangibly touching the heart and bodies of His people, of His creation, can be difficult for those who have never experienced it.
Most people can get with the solemn and controlled worship, (which is fine), but when it comes to running, hollering, dancing, weeping, screaming and falling out, acceptance is more difficult. Why is that? Well, that is the subject of another Hub.
God is real, Jesus is real and the Holy Ghost is real...below are several YouTube.com videos from different church services in which there is a move of the Holy Ghost which causes the people to respond with spontaneous dance.
Watch and enjoy and don't forget to let me know what you think.