Am I an Agnostic Theist????

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  1. Kain 360 profile image91
    Kain 360posted 9 years ago

    I have had many revelations in the past year...I'm not sure what to consider myself, as I am somewhat a paradox. Although I like many stories from the bible, I do not believe in it 100% -- at least certain aspects. I am starting to hold many esoteric beliefs in Numerology, Law of Attraction etc. but they are not exactly religious, but spiritual.

    As of this year, I no longer believe that I will go to heaven or hell when I die. But I do believe I have angels or spirit guides on my side -- mainly because of what has happened in the past year -- most related to my personality, numbers, etc. I believe in reincarnation more than heaven or hell.

    Is it odd that I believe in angels (or spirit guides) but believe (not 100%) that I will not go to heaven, hell, or purgatory? 

    I describe myself as an agnostic theist with spiritual esoteric beliefs, but I am not sure if that is accurate. My Dad claims he is an atheist, but I am no atheist! But I also am no hardcore Christian who condemns other atheists or other people's belief systems. I also not a Christrian who blindly follows the bible 100%. The bible intrigues me -- I simply question whether or not certain aspects are true.

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Do you believe there is a god out there?  An omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient creature somewhere that is active on earth (or maybe not active at all)?  Then you are a theist - an agnostic has no belief concerning such an entity.

      1. JMcFarland profile image69
        JMcFarlandposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I have to disagree with your definition.   Agnosticism/gnosticism addresses knowledge,  where gnostic is a claim of knowledge and Agnosticism is a lack of knowledge.   It does not have anything to do with belief.   Theism/atheism is about a belief or lack thereof.   An agnostic theist is someone who believes in a god but doesn't claim absolute knowledge of their existence.   An agnostic atheist does not believe in a god,  but does not have knowledge of its existence,  etc.   
 … ic_atheist

        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I stand corrected.  It comes from the (belief) that not a single person on the planet has knowledge regardless of claims made.

          1. JMcFarland profile image69
            JMcFarlandposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            I agree that no one actually has knowledge of god,  because I don't consider knowledge through faith as knowledge.   That doesn't change the fact that many people claim to have knowledge of god :-)

            1. Kain 360 profile image91
              Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, I do not claim to have knowledge of god or knowledge of the non-existence of god.

      2. Kain 360 profile image91
        Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I believe that there "may" be a god, but I also believe we are a part of god to an extent -- like we are the rays of god and god is the sun. Conversely, I believe a god may not exist at all. Perhaps the universe itself is why everything exists -- but god may not have manifested this material world.

        And sometimes I think that there may be other parallel dimensions or other universes where a god does not exist. This is totally different thinking, however.

        I saw that definition:

        Agnostic theist:
        believes a god exists, but doesn't claim to know that this belief is true

        This is probably me, but I don't believe in god 100%. And some people believe many gods exist.

        1. Aime F profile image70
          Aime Fposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          From what I understand, agnostic theism isn't specific to one god, it's just sort of like saying that you think there's some god or several gods but you aren't sure of what they/it may be.

          1. Kain 360 profile image91
            Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, there are so many different terms it can be confusing.

            I refuse to believe in anything 100% but have preferences to certain beliefs, perspectives, and philosophies.

            There is the perspective that there is no inherent "good" or "evil." Whether a person is good or evil may be a matter of circumstances -- example "The Standford Prison Experiment."  Then there is the topic of moral relativism.

            The issue I have with the bible are the specific details -- like Moses having the power to move the water, Jesus healing powers, etc. Nothing like that is happening today. The stories are very interesting to me, but are they true? How do we know someone did not write the bible to deceive others? Or perhaps some aspects of the bible were changed hundreds of years ago. . .

    2. Righteous Atheist profile image58
      Righteous Atheistposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Why would heaven, hell and purgatory be the only options?

      Seems to me that you are like many "believers in god," who are attempting to distance themselves from the obvious outcome of that belief - religion. Since religion is clearly destructive.

      To me - reincarnation sounds at least as unlikely as heaven, hell etc. But that is because I am fairly certain that the me that is me will not exist after I die.

      1. Kain 360 profile image91
        Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Well, I must admit, I am biased when it comes to thinking I will be reincarnated. It mainly has to do with personal experiences that have happened and a book (and spiritual teacher) that made me have a revelation so to speak.

        Quite frankly, I want to believe that I will go to heaven. But from my intuitive and logical perspective, I don't think that will happen.

        1. Righteous Atheist profile image58
          Righteous Atheistposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Well, if you want to talk "logic" I think you might need to re-evaluate your thinking. big_smile

          I want to believe I will be reincarnated. But from my intuitive and logical perspective, I don't think that will happen.

          1. Kain 360 profile image91
            Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

            I do not merely think logically; I use intuition as well. I believe that logic cannot always assist as us, as we are limited by the five senses in this 3-dimensional reality, although intuition can be wrong.

            1. Righteous Atheist profile image58
              Righteous Atheistposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              And you don't know where "intuition" comes from?

              1. Kain 360 profile image91
                Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

                Intuition is ambiguous. But I have had a few things occur inexplicably that may point to a source, but I'd prefer not to say.

                1. Righteous Atheist profile image58
                  Righteous Atheistposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  Intuition is your choice of word. I know where my intuition comes from. Inexplicable things are inexplicable. "May" is ambiguous also. This is where god belief and all other irrational beliefs come from. Can't explain it? Goddunit. big_smile

                  We have solid evolutionary imperatives that compel us to believe things with no evidence that we are continually coming to a greater understanding of.

                2. profile image0
                  Rad Manposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  It's human nature to apply a reason to events. When we can't find a reason we just make one up and move on. Studies show that when we use intuition to find answers to questions we have no experience with we get the wrong answer. Using reason and checking the answer will give us the correct answer.

                  So, does it make sense that the functions of the brain that collectively make 'you' suddenly upon your death escape your skull without anyone noticing and search for something about to be born as a new host? Is there any evidence to back up that claim? Does it sound made, something someone would say to himself to deal with death?

    3. Link10103 profile image59
      Link10103posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well, if you believe in god, and I mean any god and any version of what you would classify as a god, then calling you an agnostic theist sounds about right.

      If you do not believe in any one particular god, but do not claim to know that one does not exist, then you might be an agnostic atheist.

      Honestly it sounds like you are right in between the inbetween point lol, somewhat difficult to exactly classify you from my perspective.

      Edit: Look up pantheism, see if it means anything to you.

  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
    Kathryn L Hillposted 9 years ago

    ...look to your True Self. Words are not really needed.



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