why can't polar opposites shake hands?

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  1. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 15 years ago

    Everyone (sane ones anyways) want peace.  We want to live together without all this bologna hanging over us daily saying do this, pay this, wear this, say this, go here, this place is prohibited, this place is for the ?, go to school, don't go to school, take this medicine, don't take that medicine.  This theory says this, this theory says that, this one is right, no this one is right... did you forget the first part of the op?

    What is it really? I know the simple answer will be because this side or that side wants total control of all the people a communist nation... excuse me, I mean a communist globe (and don't get me started on communism as if democracy, liberalism, capitalism,socialism, imperialism, Catholicism, and whatever "ism" there is all have the same underlying principal no matter how heavily clothed it may seem, they want total control so don't be fooled by a liberal, democrat, republican effort that speaks volumes about what is good for the whole where there is no possible way that what is good for one is good for everyone else.

    Religionist get a beat down for laws prohibiting certain things and telling you you "must" do this or that blah, blah, blah and then use "force" if need be to achieve their desired outcome... praise God...no I mean, praise Allah, I mean Jesus, I mean, I mean, I mean... this is the right path, take this one and it will all go away... don't bitch at white rabbit.

    Then the anti-religionist, you can't tell me this, I can do that, you can't do this, you should chose your own way, if you chose god's way your an idiot, you can't think for yourself, go to school, get an education, go to college, learn how to make money to support a happy lifestyle, say what you want... don't bitch at the white rabbit.

    Then the government, you have to pay this, you can do this but you must pay for that, if you don't like that then leave, but before you leave you have to pay to leave, you need health insurance, you need to send your children to school, you have to support your local government and pay your taxes, you have to pay for your home you have to pay for the law makers to make laws that you don't even know exist until you get fined for it, forget about trial by jury, we have a speedy more cost effective approach to it, what? 

    You have the freedom to chose but that doesn't include the freedom to not pay taxes that are supporting war and criminal activity? Oh wait a minute, yeah ya do but when it goes unchecked for so long, it's pretty friggin hard to reverse, ever think that America would fail disastrously without proper checks an balances?  Yeah it was the point of being an American democratic society. You were supposed to do your part to ensure that we would not fall into a socialist society, but it looks like a rouse of "religious/political" affiliation has shattered the foundation of the every law whether Judaic or governmental law and this is a problemo.

    It's a religious foundation that went against its own principal by incorporating political law into their "covenants".  The very thing that Jesus sought to destroy was "satanic (political law) influence in a god fearing community". 

    Now don't go all, oooh satan blah, blah blah or where do you get your information or see that is what religion does or that's why there is separation of church and state rhetoric bull shite.

    I can piss off a perfectly tame cow with a few simple words, don't bitch at the white rabbit.

    Have a nice day.

    1. Make  Money profile image68
      Make Moneyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well I can see one of those isms that doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell of gaining total control in the US.  Guess which one.  Tip; it's the only ism listed that is not a political system.  In the next couple of years, you never know, any one of those other isms listed could gain total control in the US. smile

      Now what was the original question?  Oh yeah, why can't polar opposites shake hands?  The other side's hand is too cold. big_smile

      Let Prince Moses' people go. lol

  2. Dame Scribe profile image55
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    Feelin better now? lol lol

    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      why yes, yes I am thank you. big_smile

  3. Prince Moses profile image60
    Prince Mosesposted 15 years ago

    I will not shake Pharaoh's hand until the day that my people are free from bondage.

  4. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    The short answer?  Arrested development.

    1. Make  Money profile image68
      Make Moneyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Do you mean the song Everyday People by Arrested Development? smile

      Or the TV show Arrested Development, that I have never seen?

      Or something else?

      1. profile image0
        Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I'm using it in the medical term for a disorder sense.  Kinda like carpal tunnel, really!

    2. Make  Money profile image68
      Make Moneyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      arrested development, a medical term meaning stoppage of development.

      Oh that is dirty Lita.  tsk tsk smile

      And I finally caught on. roll

  5. Make  Money profile image68
    Make Moneyposted 15 years ago

    carpal tunnel syndrome

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol!  Yeah, makes people cranky...

  6. Make  Money profile image68
    Make Moneyposted 15 years ago

    Yep that's the clear answer to the question, why can't polar opposites shake hands?  An epidemic of carpal tunnel syndrome. smile

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol! Yep, clearly.  We must tell Sandra!

      1. profile image0
        sandra rinckposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yo werd! LOL, I can understand now.  big_smile

  7. Paraglider profile image90
    Paragliderposted 15 years ago

    You mean like boxers do? Shake hands and come out fighting...

    1. mohitmisra profile image60
      mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol  lol  in the spirit of sports lol

      1. Paraglider profile image90
        Paragliderposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        But of course wink

  8. profile image0
    IĆ°unnposted 15 years ago

    good read from sandra, as usual. 

    on the other issue, I would consider good debating a 'sport'. It's only the sporting thing to do.  big_smile

    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yo, your back! I guess you finally shook the stoker off your trail... unless you beat him over the head with a rubber chicken and cool socks.  Glad to hear ya again. big_smile

  9. profile image0
    fierycjposted 15 years ago

    My guess is Polar opposites cant shake hands anymore than the North and South pole cant meet.

  10. profile image0
    \Brenda Scullyposted 15 years ago

    they cannot shake hands maybe because they are just two far away from each other...... could blow a few of these instead xxx

  11. Uninvited Writer profile image78
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    Some people can get past their beliefs and be friends

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, they can.  Unless they have 'arrested development.'  wink  smile

      1. Mark Knowles profile image59
        Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        They certainly can. I have plenty of friends with irrational belief systems. The ones that can take a joke get made fun of and the ones that can't - we agree not to discuss the subject. Because we both value each others friendship more than we do fighting about it.

        1. tksensei profile image60
          tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          They must really appreciate you, in all your self-consuming egotistical glory, dismissing their beliefs.

          1. Mark Knowles profile image59
            Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this


            1. profile image0
              Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this


            2. tksensei profile image60
              tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              I don't think you will.


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