What do you think about the holy book of Muslims Koran?

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  1. mindprison profile image60
    mindprisonposted 13 years ago

    What do you think about the holy book of Muslims Koran?

    This question is for non-muslims, what do non-muslim know about this book, what how when and whom and for what?


  2. firdousi0 profile image61
    firdousi0posted 13 years ago

    Quran or Koran is a book of knowledge and truth and by following the guidelines, provided in it, one can touches the heights of morality. It teaches us what is wrong and what is right. It is a book from God, who has created the mankind and knows best out His Creature. So, the guidelines provided in Quran are suitable for every human being for his prosperity in this world and in the world hereafter. It ratify that all the Prophets of God, including Jesus, Moses and Joseph etc were on the right path and Tauret, Zaboor and Injeer (Bible) are the books from God. Marium (Marry) was pure of any sin and had great rank in the sight of God. However, the books, mentioned above, are not available in their original form due to changes made by the humans. It invites all the study it and one who studies Quran keeping all kinds of discrimination aside, would be compelled to ratify its trufulness.

  3. deenahere profile image67
    deenahereposted 13 years ago

    In my opinion, the differentiation of Muslim and Non Muslim is wrong. The word 'Muslim' is someone who has submitted to God and 'Islam' means submission to God.

    A person can become a Muslim only by his deeds not by his name.

    The holy QUR'AN says:

    "This Qur'an guide unto that which is straightest, and give tidings unto believers who do good works that theirs will be a great reward" (17:9)

  4. SPIRIT n TRUTH profile image63
    SPIRIT n TRUTHposted 12 years ago

    To take a shot in the light, I will say that both of you that answered so far are Muslims, because you speak from a position of following the Koran. This question is for people who do not follow the Koran, however you want to word it, there's no way around it. But Grace to you even still.

    I am a Christ-ian Believer, so I technically qualify. I seek to speak in love that is both grace and truth. I have studied the Koran. Basically it is a book that was written down by Arabs around a man name Mohammad that spoke it, in about 623 A.D. when Mohammad was in a cave, having seizures and terrifying visions, two marks of being demonized/oppressed by demons. Thus, it makes strange, ridiculous, false, evil, etc. claims such as Muslims are to kill nonMuslims/people who don't believe the Koran and Mohammad and Allah and cut off their toes, etc. this is found in Surah/Chapter and Verse 4:89 and 5:33. It also says that Jesus of Nazareth 1st Century A.D. was not Who He said He was, but rather who Mohammad says he was, and wasn't crucified but rather someone else as Mohammad says, etc., which is ridiculous because Mohammad was illiterate (so he hadn't even read the eyewitness accounts of people who were actually there), hundreds of miles away from the events that took place, hundreds of years past from when the events took place (about six hundred years), plus there's multiple eyewitnesses of the events themselves recorded, about seven New Testament Christ following writers, plus at least eight non Christ followers that record Him as well, all saying the exact opposite of what the Koran says and all agreeing with what is recorded, that He claimed to be God, that He did miracles, that He was crucified under Pontius Pilate (the most well documented authenticated event in human history). How could anyone believe this? If a Muslim was asked if an Indian man in India in 1223 A.D., who was illiterate, hundreds of miles away, and hundreds of years (about six hundred) past from the time the events of Mohammad and the Koran happened, and he claimed that Mohammad was not a Muslim but a Hindu and so you must follow Mohammad the Hindu and many gods that are in Hinduism, would you stop believing the Koran and believe this man? No, of course not. So why would a Christ-ian or anyone believe Mohammad. It makes no sense. It's illogical. That's quite objective truth. The Koran is not all bad, but it has led many people astray from God and truth, into such things as lies, murder, legalism, and more. Grace and Peace, Grace and Truth, be upon everyone to See and Think Rightly and Clearly and See the Light and the Truth.

  5. badermunir74 profile image60
    badermunir74posted 12 years ago

    QURAN   is   holy  book    of   ALLAH   and   message  of   ALLAH    for   all    human   .

  6. taw2012 profile image60
    taw2012posted 12 years ago

    the most beautiful and the most honorable book ever written


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