What do Evolutionists really mean by "Intelligent Design?"

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  1. John Sarkis profile image82
    John Sarkisposted 12 years ago

    What do Evolutionists really mean by  "Intelligent Design?"

    For example: if you believe in Einstein's "Big Bang Theory" - then wouldn't the universe/cosmos had to be "Intelligent" enough in order to bring itself into existence?  I've oftentimes heard Evolutionists say "we're here because of an accident," but I've never heard any scientist use the word "stupid" to describe our origins.  What's your take?

  2. SomeoneUseful4U profile image60
    SomeoneUseful4Uposted 12 years ago

    They really mean that we are here, because of an “Intelligent Designer” and he has a thousand names, but most of us know him as “God,” our Holy Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth.  Those who wish to think that we came here by accident, just want an excuse NOT to serve God.  Ignorance is no excuse; we must give credit to where credit is due.  If your Aunt raised you…should your brother get the credit?  If you worked for Joe’s Trash Service, should Kent’s Trash Service pay you?  If you paid your water bill, should the gas company reward you?  Those lost in the applesauce of Evolution, need to read my book on Kindle, “Meet God in 3 Hours”  or "Job & the Devil's Limitations!" If they didn’t believe in God before, I bet they will believe in God after reading this.

    1. John Sarkis profile image82
      John Sarkisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your answer.

  3. M. T. Dremer profile image83
    M. T. Dremerposted 12 years ago

    I don't think any scientist refers to our creation as stupid because, even if it's an accident, it's an incredibly beautiful and fascinating one. Kind of like a natural waterfall. Nobody intentionally placed it there, but the way it eroded the land, and the way it looks, is inspiring. But I suppose accident isn't the best word to use as science recognizes cause and effect. So, maybe that river/waterfall is there because of a glacier that melted thousands of years ago. So, when we think of the big bang, there is a question on the minds of scientists; what came before that? Intelligent design states that a deity was responsible, but for people who believe in evolution; that answer is insufficient. There is no measurable evidence to suggest a deity was involved, and even if there was, we would still ask the question; where did the deity come from? And that's the fundamental difference between science and religion. Science acknowledges that they don't have all the answers, but they promote the pursuit of those answers. Religion claims to have all the answers and does not encourage exploration. That's why intelligent design doesn't work as a scientific theory; because it declares a final, unprovable answer.

  4. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    intelligence has nothing to do with how the earth came to be. even today, many products we use are accidentally invented by combining a few different things and we end up with something useful. just because the universe is an amazing place, it doesn't mean intelligence had anything to do with it.

    1. John Sarkis profile image82
      John Sarkisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Precisely my point...then why do we even use the term "intelligent design?"  Good answer.

  5. Dustin Staples profile image60
    Dustin Staplesposted 12 years ago

    They are saying that it's impossible to have an inteligent (conscious purposeful) designer, more so that it is empirically un testable to prove the existence of a designer, and that there is no reason to assume that we need an intelegent designer to exist.

    So no, it doesn't have to be an intelligent universe, it just has humans in it who think that their intelegence is only validated with some sovereign purpose or design.

  6. rfmoran profile image67
    rfmoranposted 12 years ago

    I had a classical Catholic education. We were always taught that evolution is the only valid theory, but that it doesn't preclude the existence of God, Who also designed evolution.

  7. Bruce A. Beaudet profile image70
    Bruce A. Beaudetposted 12 years ago

    Humans are at their very core "intelligent designers" who creatively and intentionally design, and have designed, weapons, machinery, infrastructure and technology among countless other designs. Scientists cleverly and intelligently design experiments to test their theories. Writers create worlds in literature, animation, films and yes, even in hubs!

    So, the question for me has less to do with universe/cosmos and more to do with the natural human tendency to intentionally create and design.

    Is the human ability to create and design the result of accidental circumstance or is it the intentional design of a greater more powerful being?

    1. John Sarkis profile image82
      John Sarkisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great answer.  Yes, this is why when we see a chicken and an egg, it is in our inherent nature to question which came first; however, we forget that the chicken did not design the egg, but just simply laid it.

    2. Bruce A. Beaudet profile image70
      Bruce A. Beaudetposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The "design" blueprint of the egg is inherent in the chicken's DNA.  Similarly, computer programs do not design their outcomes but rather, they execute what they have been programmed to do.  Is it possible that chicken's do the same?

  8. mintinfo profile image63
    mintinfoposted 12 years ago

    I believe in Intelligent design but not the conventional model that many people subscribe to. I believe that "universal intelligence" exists outside of the realm of conventional understanding. Universal intelligence created the universe but not in a "big bang", While the universe is intelligent, life is disconnected from it. Life learns as it grows and in that process everyone discovers a different version of truth within the same reality. If someone discovers something valuable to humanity but never shares it then that knowledge never becomes universal. It goes back into oblivion. On the other hand, if two separate scientists unknown to each other discover an effective treatment for cancer, they have simply tapped into "universal intelligence" by different paths. To discover is to tap into universal truth.

    1. rjbatty profile image56
      rjbattyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Human beings are bound to look upon the creation of the universe and the development of evolutionary life through an anthropomorphic prism.  We have nothing with which to compare ourselves and make assumptions that follow our own small understanding.


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