My Scariest Sleep Paralysis Episode

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  1. S.Shields profile image61
    S.Shieldsposted 15 years ago

    I had a lot of sleep paralysis episodes, where I see black shadows in my room, felt pressure on my face and chest, I also felt a hand press down on my side! But the most scariest episode that I ever had in my life, happened about 3 years ago and i will never forget it!!
    I was really sick, so I decided to go to bed. At night, I always left my computer on so there is a little bit of light in my room. I fell asleep and not to long after i awoke to something holding me up and I could not move. I seen this "figure" right beside me, and I could feel his bony arm underneath my back. He was looking at me but I couldn't see his face, just the glow from the monitor shining off his facial features.. I could see that he had no hair and a skeletal type face! but,I couldn't see his full face because it was dark.
    This thing was trying to kiss me, and I was so scared, so I started to chant out the archangels names to protect me, and I could feel the thing get angry, rose his hand to slap me (he had spidery bony fingers) and just before his hand hit my face. I woke up, still in the same position as he was holding me, drenched in sweat.
    I f**kn freaked and turn on my light, but i could still feel his presence in my room.. it soon left..  man that was so creepy!!

    1. SEGREEN profile image57
      SEGREENposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I thought I was the only one... It started over 20 years ago.. and I believe somehow it's my grandfather whom I met when I was 14 years old.   I would also feel the bed shake or become awake by someone calling my name.

      Nowadays, the presence is with me more than ever.. It even happened to me when I went to Florida..I was going to take a nap...I barely lay down.. and there it was.. I felt a pressure over me.. I tried to scream.. but I couldn't... all I could do was try to move side to side.  Sometimes I feel as if a feather is being brushed against my lips.. It sounds creepy... but it's real and darn scary..

      It's happened to me a lot nowadays.. When I'm laying on the couch or on my bed.. it really scares the heck out of me..

      I burn Frankinsence & Myrrh (sp) the real one or the incense sticks.. they seems to work for a while.. but after a month or so.. this darn presence presents itself.  My husband often tells me to sleep on my side.. but it doesn't matter how I lay down.. this thing won't leave me alone.. Sometimes I'm afraid to even go to sleep.

    2. Mrvoodoo profile image57
      Mrvoodooposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Scary stuff!  Was talking with friends about SP just last night, it's interesting to note that when people do talk about it just how many then claim to have experienced it.

      Thankfully I haven't had it in a while, although last time I said that I had an episode later that evening. big_smile … _Treatment

  2. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    Sounds like a series of nonsexual demonic encounters.  Sleep paralysis is often associated with those types of visitations.   Hope you're in better shape nowadays....

  3. S.Shields profile image61
    S.Shieldsposted 15 years ago

    ya I haven't had one in a long time

  4. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    Your fear feeds the spirit's energy and encourages its activity.     It may be difficult to do, but remind yourself over and over that no real harm is being done to you by it's actions; the biggest harm seems to be your fear, which adds stress to your mind and body when you encounter the spirit and even afterward.   Some people tell unwanted entities out loud and respectfully but firmly and repeatedly that they are'nt welcome, that they must leave, and it works.
    Others have them banished by a reputable conjurer.    Still others banish unwanted entities themselves.

  5. S.Shields profile image61
    S.Shieldsposted 15 years ago

    My twin sister gets them too, but they alway have to do with water.. she had one and she could here what sounded like waves hitting against a dock. and another time she felt like she was submerged in water and she could feel the water in her ears...

  6. donotfear profile image81
    donotfearposted 15 years ago

    I relate to this. I had a really freaky encounter several years ago. I was sleeping, my daughter was sleeping on the couch that night. I see and feel a dark entity floating above her in the next room. My fear is paralyzing, knowing in my heart it's real, yet knowing I could do nothing. I began to feel the dark entity moving towards me in my room. I sensed the evil and oppression in the room....I felt fully awake, yet not sure I was asleep. As the force hovered near me, I began to recite the Lords prayer aloud (this always worked in similar dreams). I forced my eyes open...I realized my daughter had come into the room & was standing by my bed.  "I'm scared Mom, I'm sleeping in here with you....."  She evidently saw it too, but I wouldn't acknowledge it or say anything so I wouldn't alarm her.  I lay there with the full knowledge that something from the powers of darkness was trying to opress my daughter and myself. God's word sent it away.  Sometimes if I am dreaming of something sinister, some evil force, I begin to pray in a prayer language to God (tongues) in my sleep.  This ALWAYS combats the powers of darkness. Also, in my sleep, have rebuked bad spirits in the name of Jesus. This creates a protective cloak around my mind & soul as well as covers me with the blood of Jesus.

  7. torimari profile image69
    torimariposted 15 years ago

    Mmm incubi.

  8. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 15 years ago

    I've had that experience. I felt totally conscious and a dark figure was over me and I wanted to scream but I couldn't make any noise come out! Horrifying!

  9. earnestshub profile image70
    earnestshubposted 15 years ago

    I would suggest you all trot off to your GP who will be able to organize some psychotherapy.

  10. Mike Lickteig profile image80
    Mike Lickteigposted 15 years ago

    Closest I've come to a similar experience was in 1986, and I was in bed asleep.  I felt a pressure on my chest as if someone or something was sitting on it.  The pressure caused me to wake up, but it didn't go away, so I knew it wasn't a dream I'd awoken from.  A few moments later I felt the pressure move from on top of me--as if something slid off my chest.  I never saw anything, though.

  11. karmic ties profile image56
    karmic tiesposted 15 years ago

    Hands up how many of you have done drugs, they damage your chakras lower your vibration so you will attract not nice company.
    Drugs also increase the chance of sleep paralyses.
    when this happens just focus on a body part, say big toe-relax think about wiggling it and presto! Your physical and non physical bodies re-allign
    (which is what the problem was).

  12. profile image49
    Precious100posted 15 years ago


    1. profile image0
      ryankettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Oh shut up, I will go with the generally accepted scientific theory that sleep paralysis is caused by low levels of melatonin. The best cure for sleep paralysis is to simply avoid chronic sleep deprivation, it has worked great for me.

      Everybody on this thread, if you still suffer from sleep paralysis, needs to get their ass to bed earlier and have a lay-in when possible. Avoid sleeping on you back. Demons have bugger all to do with it, typical religionists breeding fear.

      1. Bovine Currency profile image60
        Bovine Currencyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Nice one Ryan.  Some truth tongue

  13. rytntyt profile image60
    rytntytposted 15 years ago

    When I was about 8 or 9, I awoke to see a dark figure standing in my bedroom doorway.  It practically filled the whole doorway, I couldn't see any facial features, no details atall, just the outline.  All I could do was just stare.  I never saw it move, it just stood there.  Now that I think about it, I never saw it move, I didn't even see it leave, and I didn't put my head under the covers or anything.  Thats weird.
    Anywho, have you tried, protecting yourself with the white protective light? Or cleansing your house/room with sage and salt?


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