by kallini2010 11 years ago
What was the most difficult ethical decision you've ever made?I probably should say the "most difficult ethical decision" that you are comfortable to share because certain decisions concerning ethics we are unwilling to even talk about. If you unwilling to share your own experience, you...
by aka-dj 11 years ago
I found this via a post on facebook. Thought it worthy of reposting here, since so many revere science as being the be-all and end-all for any philosophic/religious argument.I guess the "scientists" are not all so unbiased as many may assume.
by PeterStip 8 years ago
Can you make jokes about religion or is it unethical?Do you have to be political correct and be serious when you talk about religions or can you make jokes about God,Allah,Christ and Mohamed? Is making jokes about faith a sign of bad manners, unethical and offensive or a healthy and a more humane...
by andrew savage 11 years ago
Is it ethical to restrict certain members of society from breeding?Is there anything unethical about restricting members of society, such as the handicapped certain criminals, from breeding in our society?
by phoenix_028@yahoo 9 years ago
I am currently working at a multi global company as an MA but somehow it boggles my mind that this company has no code of ethics, manual of operations, etc. Now, I have a boss that is obviously going way beyond all his efforts to steal or embezzle money from the company. In spite the reports if the...
by AdsenseStrategies 14 years ago
I've just been doing a bit of, very light, research on different schools of ethics in philosophy.There is a bewildering array of approaches to this subject.What is your approach to this topic?