Can you make jokes about religion or is it unethical?

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  1. profile image0
    PeterStipposted 8 years ago

    Can you make jokes about religion or is it unethical?

    Do you have to be political correct and be serious when you talk about religions or can you make jokes about God,Allah,Christ and Mohamed?
    Is making jokes about faith a sign of bad manners, unethical and offensive or a healthy and a more humane approach towards religion and life itself.

  2. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 8 years ago

    There does not seem to be a shortage of religious jokes.
    My guess is not everyone finds everything funny so you're going to always have some people who are offended by {any} joke.
    Political correctness is a "choice" people make based upon what they may stand to lose. In the U.S. that usually means dollars and cents.
    Anyone with enough "F- you money" can say whatever they want.
    "He who has the gold makes the rules."

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      True, I don't want to go to much of topic, but yes, pc is used today as a excuse. It depends on the lawyer you have. If I call Trump a nazi then it's not seen as pc incorrect but as makings one's name black. And before you know it you're sued.

    2. dashingscorpio profile image71
      dashingscorpioposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Trump would also have the option of suing you for calling him a Nazi. However "public figures" rarely sue over name calling.

  3. ChristinS profile image36
    ChristinSposted 8 years ago

    I think all topics in life should be open to humor and scrutiny, that being said, sometimes humor can cross lines - but often that kind of humor is the most thought provoking precisely because it is uncomfortable.

    Moving beyond comfort zones and challenging what we believe to be true are how we grow.  Comedians are often the best social commentators because they get to the heart of the matter using humor. Humor tends to disarm us while at the same time making us think.

    George Carlin, who was a true great and one of my favorites, comes to mind as one who pushed all kinds of boundaries and often targeted religion, but in a way that was thought provoking and intelligent as well.   He could be tough to listen to, but he made a lot of really good points and knew how to make you laugh.  He spared no one.

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes George Carlin is a fav. of mine too. As a standup you have to cross lines to shake up a society. A bit like the jester is the only one to insult the king. You need those people to open up a broader perspective.

  4. Link10103 profile image60
    Link10103posted 8 years ago

    I really don't see how joking on religion could be seen as unethical in any way, especially since most religions are barely ethical to begin with.

    I only see a joke being offensive if you know its true/cannot refute it properly.

    Out of the 3, I would say bad manners is more likely. There are those of faith who keep to themselves and/or don't try and force their beliefs on others. To actively target them really serves no purpose other than being a donkey.

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      yes, in general to make jokes to offend people personally is a bit stupid, but you can easily joke about a group (it depends on your taste and intelligence.) A good joke is intelligent. a stupid one about girls and cars not.

  5. chef-de-jour profile image100
    chef-de-jourposted 8 years ago

    Yes, you should be free to make jokes about religion and any other subject under the sun. Please note the word free, which is what we mostly have in established democracies - the freedom to express without fear of violent or aggressive reaction. Without fear of being visited by the Thought Police.

    If we are free to make jokes about anything then you can be pretty certain that we are living in a tolerant society, which means that we are intelligent enough to be comfortable with humour that cuts the edge.

    Humour is the great release valve for society. It brings to the surface hidden emotion, oppressed angst and taboo issues. I think that without humour in all its varied forms - farce, satire, pantomime, irony and mimicry - we are doomed as a species.

    Having said all that there is also a responsibility that goes with expressing humour and in many western democracies laws have evolved over centuries to deal with this.

    Fundamentally, it is the right of every comedian/humourist to joke about any subject they wish. If these jokes are controversial and interpreted by some as insulting then the challenge from religionists should be through the channels of debate and through the courts.

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      true and humour is also a great weapon. I miss Spitting Image sometimes. It was such a healthy critic against politics. We could use a Cameron or Trump puppet right now.

  6. Oztinato profile image74
    Oztinatoposted 8 years ago

    It depends on the joke. Some " jokes" can be racist, some pornographic etc. In such cases these alleged jokes are intolerance thinly disguised as "humour". Racists use the same tactic and exclaim "I was only joking" after expressing hate speech.
    Religious people often use humour at themselves such as the gentle jibes we read outside churches

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It depends on the joke. Jokes can be about everything. Good jokes are intelligent though and have several levels. Dumb blond jokes for example are stupid and not funny. Jewish Sam jokes are for example intelligent and healthy self mockery.

  7. junkseller profile image80
    junksellerposted 8 years ago

    I think there is a big difference between a joke that will be laughed at by the ones being made fun of and a joke that you know will offend people (and a joke that is specifically meant to offend people).

    Some people might argue that it's okay because "they shouldn't be offended," but it is a tricky proposition to start trying to tell people when, how, and why they should or shouldn't be offended. Personally, if someone says they are offended I will take them at their word. And personally, I don't think a chuckle is worth hurting someone. Would I say it is unethical? Yes, probably.

    Now if we are talking about satire, that is a bit different. Satire is supposed to make a criticism or be challenging (and also happens to be funny).

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sometimes humour is the best way to express your thoughts and its liberating. Dictatorships, extreme doctrines and rigid religions hate humour.  Its a good weapon to criticize. and yes maybe you offend people but that's life. give some take some.

  8. tsmog profile image85
    tsmogposted 8 years ago

    Lets begin with a joke smile

    Why is everyone taking sides between Republicans and Democrats. They all are Marxists!!! (Atheists) Ha-Ha . . .

    You have to get the joke. (I'll explain in a little bit about the joke if not understood)

    There are differences with a joke, joking, and joking about. The point being is there is a point to a joke and there is a punch line. The punch line does what it says . . . it punches at . . . It takes a swing. So, that leads toward purpose as intent and motive. Consideration is how it is accompanied . . . the length of pause for instance. Or, Is it a slight slap on the back or is it harsh thud.

    As Christin I too am a great fan of Carlin and his style. Yes, he did get many laughs from me and I did not find it offensive while did provoke thought too. Perhaps it was easy for me at that time relating to him. For instance I was a bearded long hair hippie that was into hot rodding and so forth. But, my parents kind'a squinted at his humor. So, possibly I liked his 'style' as much as I liked his humor. Perhaps, jokes are audience specific with identification.

    I like what everyone shared so far. Most agree it has somewhat to do with being okay is based on tolerance. So, that is an individual thing. Or, don't take the joke personally, yet it is a punch with humor as intent. So, that asks is a joke healthy while thinking if clean humor.

    Studying stigma for school sometime back while being stigmatized at times as is most - blonde, fat, a Republican/Democrat, a Christian - Muslim - Hindu - Buddhist - Hellenist, and etc. I learned to distinguish between a healthy joke and one that is not IMO. A healthy joke seeks to 'laugh with' while an unhealthy joke seeks to 'laugh at'. The latter stigmatizes. It takes a position of power with a cause to keep someone or something in a lower place.

    So, as humor ones asks if one laughs while being stigmatized does one concede being less than. Or, one is put into their place and not a part of the power structure. Not really funny at times. Perhaps that is where political correctness comes into play with religion and politics much less any frailty.

    BTW . . . political correctness has its roots with Marxism as far back as WWI. "If we look at it analytically, if we look at it historically, we quickly find out exactly what it is. Political Correctness is cultural Marxism. It is Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms . . ."

    But, like most I enjoy a good joke, even if I dislike it . . .

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      well said, there is a difference in making fun of somebody with the aim to belittle on a personal level or to make a fun in a broader sense (except when it becomes racist or sexist.). Fun is healthy and, a laugh a day keeps the doctor away.

  9. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 8 years ago

    If a person truly believes in their religion, it won't matter to them.

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Don't know, it's mostly the fundamentalists who have the most problems with jokes about regions.

  10. profile image53
    peter565posted 8 years ago

    I not only make joke about Christ. I state outright Christ is evil and I support Lucifer.

    Take a look at some of the stuff the bible teaches

    Deuteronomy 13:6-10
    “If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or the wife you embrace or your friend who is as your own soul entices you secretly, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ which neither you nor your fathers have known, some of the gods of the peoples who are around you, whether near you or far off from you, from the one end of the earth to the other, you shall not yield to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him, nor shall you conceal him. But you shall kill him. Your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. You shall stone him to death with stones, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

    Christ is evil. If Christ is evil and Lucifer is his enemy. Then Lucifer must be good. I side with Lucifer over Christ anytime

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Smile, the bible sure is funny, sounds like a good Q. Tarantino movie to me. ;-)

  11. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 8 years ago

    Some people make a very good living doing comedy stand-up, which includes everything, including religion.  Laughter is the most wonderful, healthy, welcome & healing activity known to man. 
    Personally, based upon my upbringing, family life & general outlook, I could never imagine having to be totally somber, serious and/or void of positive emotion on too much of anything.

    While there are surely occasions & particular situations where there is no place for humor, they're few & far between & I've not even known anyone to go over the line.  Basic common sense and courtesy prevails.

    As a Recovering Catholic, I can always appreciate a great Catholic joke and there seem to be a LOT of them.  I still remember several my Uncle Pete, a DEVOUT Catholic told so many years ago.  He had superb "delivery" and always kept us laughing.  One that most of you have heard long ago is  "One day as Jesus preached to the crowds, He said, Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Suddenly a huge rock came hurling out from the crowd and fell right in front of Jesus.  He looked up and immediately saw the person responsible, He shook His head from side to side and said,  "Awww, C'mon Mom, will you please stop that stuff?"............LMAO!   Now C'mon Larry the Cable Guy would say,  "That there's FUNNY, I don't care who you are!!"

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, laughing is very healthy. Self mockery is a necessery tool to keep your feet back on the ground. May it be jokes about Christians, Atheists, Muslims or Jehova Witness. We are human after all.and a smile is a wonderfull thing (and it's free!!)

  12. Stella Kaye profile image84
    Stella Kayeposted 8 years ago

    There is humour in religion just as there is in everything else. As long as personal beliefs are not ridiculed then there is no harm done in making jokes. God if you believe in him must surely have a sense of humour if we are created in his image. Read more about this subject in the following article: … -of-humour

  13. tamarawilhite profile image82
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    Yes it is ethical to tell jokes about religion. And it should be equally applied to all religions, political ideologies and ideas.


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