May the fittest survive!

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  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 years ago

    Isn't that how God set it up ... through evolution?

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Actually it is the most diverse animals that survive best, not the fittest.

      1. lone77star profile image72
        lone77starposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        What do you mean by "diverse?" Isn't what your suggesting another way of saying "fittest?"

        Any creature with a diversity of talents to handle anything nature can throw at it will have a greater likelihood of survival. That array of talents is its "fitness."

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Darwin's only the fittest survive has been in question by new research.  The best species, the fittest, that will eventually dominate to exclude all others.

          I call on diversity like gut and heart the other 2 brains. The heart is like your dreams, you loose your dreams you loose your mind. The gut is the physical, for lack of nutrition and exercise is the top 10 ways to die.
          The evolution of biodiversity leads to a better understanding of the diversity of bacteria that cause human diseases.The experiments generated lots of unexpected genetic diversity."

          At present the largest Corperation in the world , is the US military complex assume to be the fittest. Yet works opposite for our Survival. Many call on God for their best survival, yet the two most offensive things toward human survival is Christians lack of understanding for natural environment and their deep concern for war and synthetic moral righteousness. The survival of the fittest rules than dies like empires.

          Lots of diversity maintains or takes us beyond. Our happiness and  stable diversity simplest possible, is through the natural environments and what we can forget, like the horror of war.

    2. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Wonderful, Kathryn. We live in a very old universe and evolution is a perfect extension of God's wisdom. After all, creation took zero time, because it happened before time. God resting allowed time to start, and we are living in God's day of rest. Persistence, evolution, and every other aspect of time are the products of God's creation allowed to continue without His micromanagement.

      I base this on my own experience with miracles and truth -- and the fact that things disappear when you discover the exact truth of them. I discuss more on this in my book, The Science of Miracles.

      1. NatureBoy0 profile image58
        NatureBoy0posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Do they disappear because they are understood, Lone Star, (a Texan I'm supposing, I was raised one), or do understanding them make them a part of something vaster so they become insignificant and only appear to disappear?

    3. NatureBoy0 profile image58
      NatureBoy0posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      No, Kathryn, there's no fittest nor less fit, everything is designed to happen forever unceasingly governed by the law of karma. As so many movies and scriptures suggest, we are living robots who don't understand it because there is the illusion of "free will" to prohibit it.

  2. Live to Learn profile image59
    Live to Learnposted 6 years ago

    Are we creatures to be batted around by the forces of nature? Are we just in it for ourselves? Are we islands, cast out into the universe?

    Not to build a philosophy around a movie quote, but I found this statement from 10,000 BC pretty profound.

    : A good man draws a circle around himself and cares for those within. His woman, his children.

    Other men draw a larger circle and bring within their brothers and sisters.

    But some men have a great destiny. They must draw around themselves a circle that includes many, many more.

    We all have a great destiny. Whether the parts we play are recognized by others, or not.

    1. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Beautifully said. Recognition is a selfish concern. Those who have zero self-concern and unconditional love of all others have the greatest impact.

    2. NatureBoy0 profile image58
      NatureBoy0posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I've never heard that one, Live to Learn, I believe I can find a place to use it.

  3. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 years ago

    The whole is not responsible for the whole. It is am impossible task.

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 years ago

    Art: Every individual is a like a tache/stroke of color in an impressionist painting. Every single tache is vital in creating the whole.

    In a democracy, every individual contributes with his own talents and willingness to contribute.

    Music: Beautiful music is made by members of an orchestra. But the music ends. Why? Because the musicians can only play for a certain amount of time before they need to go home to recharge their batteries and resume their lives.

    Likewise, if citizens in a society are orchestrated by the conductor of government, they soon tire and drop out one by one.

    Volition must be considered. Individuals must contribute of their own will. They gladly contribute with their own talents and intrinsic motivations.

    In conclusion: The belief and acknowledgement and celebration of individual free-will is vital for the health of a robust and truly thriving society.

    Down with socialism which does not consider the importance of freedom of will of each individual. Down with socialism which only sees the whole as some sort of wheel with government as the cog.

  5. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 years ago

    The fittest are those who are the strongest.
    End of story.

  6. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 years ago

    Q. What contributes to strength?
    A. Joy of life.

    Q. What gives joy of life?
    A.  Free Will.

    Q. What takes away free-will and self-determination?
    A. Socialism/government over-reach.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      The Idea of socialism and  capitalism mix is best so far, although I think there are better systems.

      The worst offenders of outreach creating poverty and unplayable debt, and making us slaves is under banks. I know a system around that too.

  7. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 years ago

    Following and enforcing laws is just too darn difficult, I guess.

    Where is Superman when you need him?

    Obviously we can't do it ourselves.
    We are slothful, present oriented, unprincipled, ignorant and greedy.

  8. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 years ago

    Bah to self determination, self reliance, individual strength and excellence, enthusiasm, love and joy of life.

    Many have become self-oriented, unappreciative and extremely low key.
    Socialism is good enough for those people.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      People way underestimate the self enpowering strength of themselves.

      I can bring 10 or 100 People together and create a entire ethical system. Use a currency like Gold or silver, although mining is harmful to the earth. Maybe cannabis, the most important plant on earth.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
        Kathryn L Hillposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        They say water may be the new gold.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          There is already been water wars.
          They even fight over, who owns the rain water.


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