Peaceful spread of Islam in Melanesia/Oceania

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  1. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 14 years ago

    Hi friends

    It is a wrong notion that Islam spread with sword or bloodshed. Islam never needed it; Islam’s brilliant teachings are sufficient to convince anybody for its natural spread.

    This can be well observed from the following article:

    Islam in Oceania

    Islam in Oceania refers to Islam and Muslims in Oceania. Some countries in Oceania, notably Australia, have Islam as their third largest religion, after Christianity and Buddhism. By current estimates, there are 500,000 Muslims in Oceania ( 340 000 in Australia,36 000 in New Zealand, 62 500 in Fiji, 6 350 in New Caledonia, 2 000 in Papua New Guinea, 350 in Solomon islands, 200 in Vanuatu, 100 in Tonga, tiny numbers in Kiribati and Samoa. [1]
    According to a 2007 article in Pacific Magazine, entitled 'Green Moon Rising', Islam has seen a substantial increase in adherents amongst the peoples of Vanuatu, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia. There have been thousands of indigenous converts to Islam in Melanesia.[2][3]
    There is also approximately 400 Muslims in Palau whose government recently allowed a few Uyghurs detained in Guantanamo Bay to settle in the island nation.[4]
    Islam has been in some parts of Oceania for at least 400 years (since the 1600s). When the people of Papua New Guinea and West Papua traded with China and the Malay empire, in the early 1600s, the presence of Islam was felt in Oceania for the first time. [5]
    Other parts of Oceania hadn't felt the presence of Islam until the 1800s. For instance, the first Muslims in Fiji came when Muslim migrants came on a ship bringing indentured labourers to Fiji in 1879. Muslims consisted of 22% of the boarders on Leonidas, which was the first such ship.


    I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

    1. Beelzedad profile image57
      Beelzedadposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      When the facts show Islam was spread with sword and bloodshed, one need not embrace a notion. smile

  2. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 14 years ago

    Hi friends

    One may like to read the following article in full:
    by Margaret (India), Aug 8, 2007 at 11:35

    For several years Melanesia has witnessed a phenomenon all but ignored by the international community; amongst the Pacific islands the diffusion of Islam has obtained highly successful results and in every country in the region an Umma, Islamic community, has been founded.The term Melanesia indicates the region that extends for the western side of the Western Pacific to the sea of Arafura which touches the northern and north-eastern coasts of Australia. The islands belonging to the area are: he Bismark archepelego, the Fiji Islands, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, the Maluku Islands, the Solomon Islandsm the Torres Strait Islands, Vanuatu and Palau Islands. Nauru, Timor, Flores Islands and Sumba are not entirely part of the region.

    Islam is the religion that diffuses itself faster than any other and this tendency has been confirmed in the Pacific. Islamic organisations from Saudi Arabia and Malaysia are actively promoting Islam in the region and are actively involved in creating numerous Umma in Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. The level of diffusion is unparalleled throughout the world.


    I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

  3. Beelzedad profile image57
    Beelzedadposted 14 years ago

    Good article, thanks for posting it. Allow me to copy/paste the last paragraph:

    "Spread of Islam in these countries will pose a grave threat to Australia , New Zealand , Singapore and other Non Muslim Countries in this areas.Islamisation of these Islands will also threaten US interests in Pacific areas."


  4. profile image0
    Audreveaposted 14 years ago

    Australia is a highly multicultural country. We have all kinds of people living side by side. Sydney has, for example, a large Lebanese-Australian community. We also have many Asian cultures represented here as well as Greek and Italian immigrants (and their children) and many others besides.

    1. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Audrevea, did you know that we have more than 180 languages spoken here? You are spot on, Australia also has the largest Greek city outside of Greece. My home town Melbourne.
      Integration works very well here doesn't it?
      I am a boring ole Caucasian who's family has been here since convict days! smile

      1. Sufidreamer profile image83
        Sufidreamerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        My Aussie-Greek mate is desperate to get back there, but is stuck for the moment. Not all bad, though - we watched the film 'The Wog Boy' last week, which was funny, and he is bringing over some State of Origin DVDs that his brother sent.

        Looking forward to watching those big_smile

        1. earnestshub profile image73
          earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Ah yes, the Greeks here love their footy! I lived next door to a Greek family in Prahran for 20 odd years. I swear they were born for this country as well as Greece. Many are more like Australians than Australians in lifestyle and spend most of their time outdoors.
          The Greek love of family has permeated our country and added new dimensions to all our lives. smile

  5. Sufidreamer profile image83
    Sufidreamerposted 14 years ago

    He certainly sees himself as Aussie, not Greek - he likes Rugby League, Aussie Rules and Cricket, all watched whilst enjoying a few cold ones. A triumph for integration!

    1. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      How Australian is that?
      lol lol lol

    2. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Sufi, that has always been the way with the Greeks here. They will tell you they are Australians very proudly, and seem to fit here like a second skin.
      The best of it is the sense of humour is a perfect match! I love the sardonic and often self effacing humour. When the wog boys started, I did not know what to think! It soon became very clear that they were very comfortable in their own skins. Comfortable enough to make light of it all. smile

  6. Sufidreamer profile image83
    Sufidreamerposted 14 years ago

    'Tis true, and we have the Ashes at the end of the year, so the beer-fuelled banter will be good!

    Just have to find a taverna that will show it - the Greeks don't understand cricket sad

    1. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am keenly awaiting the ashes. The banter is fun, and I like watching the English get trashed! Just kiddin. smile It is usually a great competition.


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