I want to dispel the notion that Agnosticism is the future of humanity.
There is no future for the Agnosticism; it is a state of doubt which will be short lived only; it is a transient stage. Its only usefulness is that it will swallow up the myth of some religions like Trinity of Christianity and Jesus being god or son of god. This way it will pave way for the truthful and peaceful Quran/Islam/Muhammad as revived by the Promised Messiah 1835-1908.
The future of humanity lays with the Ahmadiyya- the truthful and peaceful Islam
Humanity's future is in the hands of Almighty God, and Jesus The Christ.
Do you mean the Almighty God is Creator- God Allah YHWH; and Jesus is no god? that is OK with me
there is Almighty God PERIOD NOT GOD-ALLAH-YHWH and JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD HE DIED ON THE CROSS and that is OK by me............
With that as your banner, nothing more than war can ever result from it.
Really Usmanali? LOLOLOLOLO
Your religion relies on ignorance and irrational non reason.
Please stop.
Thank you.
You did not start this thread with peaceful discussion, you started by attacking and threatening. If you don't recognize that you have done so, then that is another problem entirely which needs to be addressed.
friend's paar has admitted he knew Jesus was going to be resurrected, to be resurrected first you must die, so Jesus DID die on the cross so he could be resurrected, Paas said he knew Jesus was going to be resurrected so if paar belives in the resurrection he also knows Jesus died on the CROSS thank you paar
Parr, is all of Islam self serving like your statement above?
If it is, and from your words I am learning that it is. I have to ask then why do you call it a Religion? There is much more to this world than the "Holy Book of Parr!"
I am sorry but I think I'd rather read 1001 Arabian Nights, it was a more truthful Fairy Tale than this mess.
The word used in Quran is "deen" which may be translated as religion or faith or path or way or guidline.
Quran provides guidance in Ethical, Moral and Spiritual realms; the rest of the world is open to you and it supports one.
Quran is not a fairy tale; it mentions real events for the benefit in Ethical, Moral and Spiritual realms.
If you have something specific in your mind; please mention and we will discuss here.
I don't mind if somebody differs with me
"Quran is not a fairy tale; it mentions real events for the benefit in Ethical, Moral and Spiritual realms"
I have heard the same argument about 1001 Arabian Nights also Parr!
with one added sentence
"Its good for kids!".
It is good for the kids no doubt; it is good also for the teenagers, young, adults, old; good for the illiterate, good for the literate, good for the Scientists; it is good for everybody.
Quran is for everybody
How much is Ben Laudin paying you to spread all this stuff!
The energiser muslum bunny, just beating that drum!
Qu'ran isn't for me... so it isn't for everybody Parrsurrey!
I don't agree with a prophet who lies, steals, rapes, changes laws for his own selfish desires, threatens Jews and Christians, and the list goes on and on!
I agree Libby keep up the truth God bless you
He is radical; I am peaceful.
I know no drumming, please.
bin larden will have Parr for beakfast he is not peacefull hehehehhee
'it is good for everybody' I do not think so ,wake up Paar try Quoting your 'PEACEFULL QURAN' if you can!!!!!!!
paar how is the quran good for the illiterate how the illiterate can't read it ?
paar how is your Quran 'good for everybody'????
you do mind if people disagree with you Paasurrey, you bring up more falshoods QUOTE FROM THE QURAN not from 101 Arabian Nights
hasen't the Quran spoilt '101 Arabian Nights?
The problem with your religion Paar, is that even though you say your religion is peace, the only way you know it will be fulfilled is by killing everyone who doesn't believe.
Of course it makes perfect sense! If you kill everyone who doesn't believe that your religion is peace, then there will actually be peace.
Truth is the only reason the Amadiyya cult call themselves peaceful is because their founder was paid by the British government to draw the Moslems away from an Indian Jihad.
We Ahmadiyya peaceful Muslims are not involved in the killings; it is against the teachings of Quran/Islam/Muhammad.
show me were the Quram preaches PEACE and QUOTE ONLY FROM THE QURAN give page and verse?
[3:20] Surely, the true religion with Allah is Islam (complete submission)*. And those who were given the Book did not disagree but after knowledge had come to them, out of mutual envy. And whoso denies the Signs of Allah, then surely, Allah is quick at reckoning.
http://www.alislam.org/quran/search2/sh … p;verse=19
*complete peace
'compleate submission' how is that peacefull...................... surely Allan is quick at reckoning............................. not a verry peacefull statement from a God
When this Ahmedyya character shows up will I be beheaded if I tell him he's a false prophet?
Though it would be incrrect of you to say so; but you are free to express your sincere thoughts/beliefs.
Did you say peaceful and truthful islam???
Hi friend Davidsonofjesie
Yes; I did say; Quran/Islam/Muhammad is peaceful; there is absolutely no doubt about it.
humanities future is in the hands of humanity. where you folks get the idea that alah, god, jesus or whatever are going to save us is beyond me. saying islam is peaceful with absolutely no doubt is nothing short of absurd. do you want proof. the "prophet mohammad married a 9 year old, raided carravans and modern day islams rioted because a guy in denmark made a picture cartoon with mohammad in it. yup peaceful.
When we have to decide whether Quran/Islam/Muhammad were peaceful, we have to look up the roots for the teachings. Later people may be misguided and act on their own for which the roots are in no way responsible.
actually the roots of the teachings are irrelevant. it's how people live that matters. whether a book teaches good or bad only matters when it's readers live by what is written. islam followers have shown that the quaran is and can be interpreted in many horrible ways. just having the presence of the term "jihad" in a book shows that peace is not taught but rather that intolerance is worth killing over. say what you will about islam, but actions speak louder then words and the actions of quaran followers have spoken with extreme clarity.
The roots are important; if there is no wrong teaching in them; then Quran/Islam/Muhammad should not be blamed.
how did the foolish Muslims know it was Mohammed as there is NO PICTURE of Mohammed in existence, ask any Muslim they have no picture or likeness of Mohammed PERIOD!!
thank you for your post nightwork4 another speaker of TRUTH
I like the way you can pass off Christianity, and yet you believe in your own religon so whole heartedly.
Atheism is the future.
Atheism is a religion of doubt. They cannot reach truth which is based on certainty yet has no physical embodiment.
You could not dispell anything. You don't deal in reality. But, nice try.
Paarsurrey! Why don't you focus on your own religion instead of putting down others! Your religion is based on Muhammad's views of life... murder, steal, rape, insest, child rape, lying, falso prophets and the list goes on and on!
If you would just post things about your own religion and stop telling everyone how others are wrong but you can't do that!
According to the Qu'ran Muhammad made himself more like a God than Allah. He proclaimed that God gave him exclusive rights to change laws/qu'ran to suit his own needs! Especially if he wanted a specific woman or to push war to get their booty!
God and Allah are not the same! Allah was fictional made up by Muhammad to sway people to do what he wanted! he was a conman! And he continues to con people today!
Libby I agree with you. He should look closely at his own Islamic Religion rather than attacking and trying to disect other religions. But being a Muslim all he really knows to do is to teardown and destroy.
Absolutely, without a doubt!!!
If he would dig in deep into the Qu'ran he will see who Muhammad truly was! it's all right there in the Qu'ran! It will make a person's jaw drop open!
you are not wrong Libby I read it too only one thing I can say is 'OH MY GOD' is this real.
God bless Libby
I don't attack anybody; I am a peaceful Ahmadi Muslim. I only hightlight the truth; you may disagree with my with reasons.
paar PLEASE do not insult us as well. All you do is attack Jesus, yet you are to gutless and scared to answer questions, you only attack you will not debate, you will not answer questions, so what good are your comments if you will not defend or debate them, ANSWER THAT PAAR??
I understand from your above post that you have not read the Quran yourself. If you have read Quran then please quote from it.
I know you cannot do it
Hadith of al-Bukhari, the Book of Jihad, verse 1204: A man asked Allahs Messenger, Guide me to a deed that equals Jihad in reward. Muhammad replied, There is no such deed. Incidentally the professor who translated this volume said: Jihad is holy fighting in Allahs cause with maximum force and weaponry. It is the most important part of Islam. By Jihad Islam is established, made superior, and propagated. If Jihad is forsaken, Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position. Their honor is lost and their lands are stolen. Their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. Islam is a war manifesto.
From Quran, Surah 5:33: The punishment for those that attack Allah and His Prophet and perpetrate disorders in the land is to kill or crucify them. Such is their disgrace in this world and in the hereafter, their doom shall be dreadful.
Or from Quran 8:59: The infidels, defined as Christians in surah 5:72, should not think that they can get away. Prepare against them whatever arms and cavalry you can muster and strike terror. And from the Hadith, Muhammad said, Allah guarantees to admit fighters in his cause into paradise if they are killed or Allah will return them home safely with war booty if they survive. Or, also from the lips of the peace-loving Prophet, Allah will endow a person with an understanding of the Quran, so that he understands the ransom of blood-money for captives and the judgment that no Muslim should be killed for killing an infidel. Islam is a license to kidnap and kill.
From the Hadith: Allahs Apostle has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah alone or pay us a tribute (which is tax). Our Prophet informed us that Allah says, Whomever among us is martyred shall go to paradise to lead a luxurious life beyond imagination, and whoever among us survives the battle shall become your master. Or, I heard the Prophet saying, Jihad will bring about either a reward in the hereafter or booty in this world. How do you lose with a deal like that?
Hadith was collected 200/250 after the demise of Muhammad. The first and the foremost source of guidance of Muslims is Quran, whatever the denomination.
Hadith is only accepted if it is not against the teachings of Quran. Hadith does not mention the context; Quran provides the reasons of a teaching as well as the context in brief.
Please therefore quote from Quran to establish your viewpoint.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Ok then..... In the 4th sura Muhammad asks, O Allah why did you make war compulsory for us? In the 8th Allah says, O Prophet, urge the faithful to fight. From the 9th surah: Slay the infidels wherever you find them and lie in wait for them. (9:5) Fight these specimens of faithlessness. (9:12) Fight them that Allah may punish them at your hands and put them to shame. (9:14) And Allah sent down invisible troops to punish the infidels. (9:26) Fight the Jews and Christiansuntil all of them pay the protective tax in submissionhow perverse are they. May they be damned by Allah. (9:29) For those who offend the Apostle of Allah there is a painful punishment. Have they not realized that anyone who opposes Allah and His Prophet will abide in Hell forever? (9:61) Believe in Allah and fight along with His Prophet. (9:86) O believers, fight the infidels around you. (9:123)
If thats not peace loving enough, consider these verses from al-Bukharis Hadith: The Prophet said, Allah assigns for a person who participates in holy battles in Allahs Cause that he will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty if he survives or will be admitted to Paradise if he is killed in the battle as a martyr. Then he added, Had I not found it difficult for my followers to do without me I would have remained behind in army units going for Jihad and would have loved to be martyred in Allahs Cause. (#34) Allahs Messenger was asked, What is the best deed? He replied, To believe in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad. The questioner asked, What is the next best deed in goodness? The Prophet replied, To participate in Jihad, holy war in Allahs Cause. (#15) Just issue orders to kill every Jew in the country. (#6) The Prophet proclaimed, Embrace Islam first and then fight. (#1216) Allahs Messenger said, I have been made victorious with terror. (#1279)
Anyone can see that Muhammad used the Qu'ran and "ALLAH" for his own selfish wants. Look at how he used "if anyone opposes allah and his prophet"... he always through himself in there too!
It is very clear that the teachings are being given when Muslims are attacked agressively.
Is it not the norm of the human society and rational to defend when attacked? What is bad about it?
Muslims are not allowed here to attack anyone
Ok show me where these verses are in relation to them being attacked? It doesn't say this at all! This is how you deal with such violence? To assume it is only when they are attacked agressively? It says to lay in wait for them and seek them out!!! That is being attacked agressively? I think NOT!
9:26) Fight the Jews and Christians until all of them pay the protective tax in submissionhow perverse are they. May they be damned by Allah. This verse is clear! Fight ALL jews and Chrisians and make them pay a protective tax in submission? Damned by allah? It says ALL... not the ones who are agressive!
Pay a protective tax??? So his reasoning is war or pay money? sounds like we can see the mindset of Muhammad.... money and women!
I think you my friend have been deceived!
libby101a wrote:
From Quran, Surah 5:33: The punishment for those that attack Allah and His Prophet and perpetrate disorders in the land is to kill or crucify them. Such is their disgrace in this world and in the hereafter, their doom shall be dreadful.
Paarsurrey says:
"The punishment for those that attack Allah and His Prophet and perpetrate disorders"
Please read the above again
For every one verse that says this there are a hundred that spout something totally different... and it contradicts itself...
Muhammad said to fight all chrisitans and jews until they paid a tax... to lay in wait for them! He contradicts himself over and over, time and again!
Muhammad based Islam on the Bible, but being illiterate he fouled up every account. He even claims repeatedly in the Quran that Moses Torah and Jesus Gospels are Allah-inspired. But the Jews and Christians at the time, knowing right from wrong, truth from fiction, exposed Muhammad for the fraud he was. This gave rise to Muhammads hatred for Christians and Jews; it became his preoccupation and ultimately brought us to the place we are todaywith Muslim terrorists killing us in the name of Allah.
If they disagreed with the false prophet Muhammad they became his focus of hate in the Qu'ran!
The Qu'ran says the Bible is inspired of Allah.. yet the Bible tells a different tale than the Qu'ran! Either Muhammad is lying or God has changed his views... and we know God does not change! Thus we must conclude that Muhammad was a false prophet inspired by his own selfish wants and lusts!
These are two totally different "Gods"! Allah and the God of Abraham and Moses are not the same God! I don't think Allah exists... Allah is the sun God! and this is exactly what the people in Muhammad's time thought... the sun God had three daughters... and Muhammad even references to this to stop the talking of this!
Look at the huge differences that Muhammad betrays God and the God of the Bible! Clearly Muhammad uses his status to get what he wants from women and push wars!
It's all a farce!
Please read it says "and his prophet"! That proves how Muhammad put himself right up there with God/Allah! I believe that is self serving and proves the mindset of Muhammad...along with the entire Qu'ran!
Nice try Paarsurrey but it don't work!!
why is the a need to read the quaran. it doesn't matter what it says but rather how it's followers behave and their behavior is appaling way too often.
Humanity’s future is set with Ahmadiyya; Jesus died a natrual and peaceful death in India. Jesus's Second Coming has already taken place in the form of the Promised Messiah 1835-1908.
All the 32000+ denomination of Christians, severally or collectively only talk about Jesus' Second Coming but cannot bring Jesus back literally or physically.
Humanity’s future is set with Ahmadiyya due to the following:
1. Ahmadiyya respect founders of all Revealed Religions and believe they were truthful persons.
2. Ahmadiyya respect revealed books of every religion; that they were truthful in their religion.
3. Ahmadiyya recognize any good name for the Creator-God Allah YHWH on the basis of attributes; whatever it is in the language of a person.
4. Ahmadiyya are peaceful Muslims.
5. Ahmadiyya accept right of religion for everybody and free will for everybody.
6. Ahmadiyya separate state and religion; in this meaning we are secular.
7. Ahmadiyya like science and technology; we believe that science and religion are complementary and not contradictory.
8. Ahmadiyya like reason and rationality; we don’t believe in any myth or superstition.
9. Ahmadiyya are loyal and faithful to the country they live in and are peaceful citizens.
10. Our branches exist in almost every country of the world.
Etc, etc, etc………
you believe in allah which is a myth so you have already proven yourself wrong . hmmmm
P -
I think that religions today have become more social institutions than literal belief systems. Modern people are more educated and science is more advanced than in the past; this makes it harder and harder for people to accept writings and explanations which conflict with historical and scientific reality.
Old creation stories, visits from God, denial of the obvious imperfections of religious founders -- these all exceed what many of today's people are willing to believe.
I'm not denying the possibility of the existence of a God or some non-physical reality ... I just don't think that religion offers very believable explanations for either.
Facts, once uncovered, are eternal. Religions come and go.
Ahmadiyya like reason and rationality; we don’t believe in any myth or superstition.
Myth: That Muhammad was peaceful! He spent his life at war and taking booty! He raided carivans and villages (how is that of God?)
Myth: Jesus was saved from the cross! (Anyone with any sense knows that once you are on the cross you are not coming down). Why did Muhammad spread such a lie....because he could not keep jesus followers from thinking that Jesus was the son of God... so he had to agree with part of it... Just as he does with almost all religions... he includes them to draw in everybody... but changes parts of them!
Myth: The angel Gabriel visited Muhammad and called him to be a prophet for Allah/God. ( The Qu'ran says that the OT of the bible is inspired of Allah... yet in the OT God always called his prophets himself... such as Moses! He always came down and directly called a prophet... he never sent an angel! And all of God's prophets performed miracles to prove they were truly called by God.. Muhammad never did the first miracle)
Myth: Muhammad was a good man. (One does not put himself above his own people as Muhammad did. In the qu'ran a man can only have 1-4 wives but Muhammad took 24 wives from himself)
Myth: God and Allah are the same. (We see the differences all throughout the Qu'ran and the bible of these two. God is loving and peaceful while Allah is pushing war and violence! Allah came into existence when Muhammad wanted to be a leader. He stole the "Moon god" from the Meccans and stole from the OT because he was not literate enough to come up with his own material! The problem with his plan was the fact tha the could not read or write and did not know the correct stories. He knews bits and pieces of what he had heard. The biggest mistake he made was saying the OT was inspired by Allah. If "Allah" says the OT is inspired of him... then why is it that it is totally different than the way it is told in the Qu'ran! And the God in the OT is so different from Allah that you could compare it to night and day... God being the light and allah being the darkness! Allah was a made up God from the mind of Muhammad or stole from the Meccans! The meccans knew he was false and that is what sparked Muhammad to war against them!!!!
I'm getting tired of you going around saying Jesus did not die on the cross and he's just a prophet! Focus on your own religion! Or is it too cruel for you to do so???
God bless Libby nice to hear the truth thank you
Humanity's Future Lays with Ahmadiyya!!
Will we evolve back into apes again?
Ahmadiyya are loyal and faithful to the country they live in and are peaceful citizens
So when it come to choice between country and religion, what side they prefer ? or they make sure that country is ruled by religion ?
We are secular people; the state deals with the temporal matters and the religion deals in Ethical, Moral and Spiritual matters; so there is not friction; not the least.
ofcourse religion..even i can answer that on my friend paar's behalf..countries are temporaries...religion is right from day 1 of human existence as per religious people's version of reality...
There is no question of choice; both deal different realms and are essential.
It is a part of our religion to cooperate with the sate we live in:
O ye who believe! obey Allah, and obey His Messenger and those who are in authority among you. And if you differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger if you are believers in Allah and the Last Day. That is best and most commendable in the end.
http://www.alislam.org/quran/search2/sh … p;verse=59
they are NOT faithful to the country they live in. here in canada , ings they try to get away with. canada is not about that but it doesn't matter to followers of islam.
Ahmadiyya accept right of religion for everybody and free will for everybody.
Ahmadiyya recognize any good name for the Creator-God Allah YHWH on the basis of attributes; whatever it is in the language of a person in any part/region of the world.This way Ahmadiyya establish respect of every nation and religion.
Ahmadiyya respect revealed books of every religion; that they were truthful in their religion.
Ahmadiyya like reason and rationality; they don’t believe in any myth or superstition
hey paar what do you eat man..you dont seem to get tired...
Hi friend pisean282311
Not any special food.
I love the humanity; and want them and myself on the right path; I am an ordinary man, neither a priest nor a pious man. This is in search of truth.
Thanks for your appreciation.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Hmmm.. Speaking of which, it looks like your Messiah wasn't too picky about how much to eat, Paar. Didn't he feel kinda guilty gorging on big meals while there were so many starving people around??
His poor son has an "I wish Daddy would toss me one of his cookies now and then" look on his face
is that Paars Messiah glad he is not mine , looks very well fed kid looks hungry oh well what can you expect from a Islamic Cult that cannot even go to Mecca.........................
Nothing you wrote is correct. An Atheist Skeptic could do no better; they only know derision and ridicule; once again it proves.
Thanks for the photo, however
Ahmadiyya respect revealed books of every religion; that they were truthful in their religion
Paarsurrey... Muhammad was trying to win over everyone in evey walk of life! He wanted to be ruler over everybody! The jews wouldn't accept him and neither would the Christians!! So he hated them! And it shows in the Qu'ran! He said to kill them and lay in wait on them!!!
He didn't respect anything...
Paarsurrey, oh my God are you for real!!! look at what has been done to this world by Islam,the death distruction all by Islam, you keep attacking the Jews and they kick your sorry arses, you want to rule the world make every country Islamic. It will never happen, the west is starting to get very sick of Islam and God help you if the west reacts to Islam's terror if we strike every person of the Islamic faith will not know what hit them. if Islam pushes hard enough, all I can say is I hope you have plenty of body bags, when the whole world gets fed up of your bombing's, your terror, your disrepect of non Islamic religions then you will need your Allah to save your sorry arses...........................just a thought as a peacefull Muslim ........ if there is such a person............... is that like a Claytons Muslim the muslim you have when not haveing a Muslim??............ QUESTION QUOTE FROM THE QURAN PLEASE ........ Were it says to be peacefull to Christians and Jews????? no other answer but a direct quote from the QURAN page and verse if you can, nothing else will be accepted BUT A DIRECT QUOTE!!!! Again Quote from the QURAN 'How can Mohammed have many wives and you can only have 4 wives? ANSWER from Quran only verse and page.ANSWER FROM THE QURAN were Mohammed preaches peace to non belivers? You tell us to QUOTE THE QURAN now you must also QUOTE THE QURAN
There is no future for the Agnosticism; it is a state of doubt which will be short lived only; it is a transient stage. Its only usefulness is that it will swallow up the myth of some religions like Trinity of Christianity and Jesus being god or son of god. This way it will pave way for the truthful and peaceful Quran/Islam/Muhammad as revived by the Promised Messiah 1835-1908.
Paarsurey, no offense but that false messiah of 1835 - 1908 is a farce!! Ahmad in fact claimed his writings were directly from God...that his poetry was directly from God...yet it was proven that he plagarised much from from Maqamat al-Hariri, the best known poetry collection of the Arabic scholar and poet Al-Hariri of Basra.
He also claimed that God taught him the arabic language directly...yet his writings in arabic were labelled as inadequate, ungrammatical and 'unchaste'.
And his visions of people nude is an eye-opener!
I saw in my dream last night that Muhammadi (Begum), concerning whom a prophecy has been made, was sitting with some people in a village rest-house and perhaps her head was shaven and she was naked and she looked very repulsive.
– Tadhkirah, Page 259
When we had finished the Prayer, I found that I was sitting on a bed in front of Muhammad Husain. It seemed to me that at that time he was dark of complexion and quite naked and it appeared to me that his complexion was darkish. I felt embarrassed and would not look at him....It seems that I said to him: Is it not time that you should make up with me, and incline towards peace? He replied in the affirmative and came close and embraced me while I was sitting.
– Tadhkirah, Page 344
All my Arabic books are type of revelation since I wrote them with special support from God. Sometimes I do not understand the meaning of some words and sentences unless I use a dictionary
– Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Narration No. 104
If he was the Messiah and all his books were a revelation and had special support from God then why did he copy from someone elses work? And why did he have errors in his work?
He was in fact a fake!
Furthermore, the Qu'ran, your own holy words, Paarsurrey, states clearly that there is no excuse for blaspheming a holy prophet of God. Yet your so called Messiah of 1835, Ahmad, did blaspheme Jesus then made excuses later saying he was upset because of those who were saying bad things of the prophet Muhammad. Islamic beliefs based on the Qu'ran say anyone who blasphemes a prophet of Allah is kafir (infidel) and that is one of the major reasons Muslims consider all followers of Ghulam Ahmad as kafir.
Quran says "Where ever you find a kafir you kill them".
Let me quote Ahmad's own blaspheming words of Jesus:
The family of Jesus was perfectly holy and immaculate. Jesus' three paternal and maternal grandmothers were fornicators and prostitutes, from whose blood the body of Jesus came into existence. May be it was a condition for divinity. His inclination for prostitutes and interaction with them might also be due to this ancestral relationship. [88]
– Anjam-e-Atham, pg. 291
It should be remembered that he (Jesus) had also to some extent the habit of lying. All the prophecies he described about himself in Torah are not found anywhere in the books of Torah.[88]
– Anjam-e-Atham, pg.289
Once people noticed his blaspheming of Jesus he changed his stance and said this:
I have uttered no word of disrespect concerning the Messiah, it is all a calumny of my opponents. It is true, however, that as there has not in fact been a Messiah who claimed to be God and who held the Khatamul Anbya, who was to come, as an impostor and who called Moses a robber, I have as a matter of argument certainly stated concerning such a Jesus that he who might have expressed himself in this manner could not be held to be righteous. But I believe in the Messiah, son of Mary, who describes himself as a servant of God and Messenger and affirms the truth of the Khatamul Anbya.[89]
– Taryaqul Qulub, p.77
paar which God do you follow you always mention three Gods ( God CHRISTIAN) Allah ( MUSLIM) YHWH ( JEWISH) so PAAR who is your God answer please?
Humanity’s future is set with Ahmadiyya; Jesus died a natrual and peaceful death in India. Jesus's Second Coming has already taken place in the form of the Promised Messiah 1835-1908.
All the 32000+ denomination of Christians, severally or collectively only talk about Jesus' Second Coming but cannot bring Jesus back literally or physically.
prove Jesus went to India no true follower of Islam except that.
it is not in the Quran.
prove your Messiah no beliver in true Islam BELIVES THAT
you insult Jesus that is against the teacehings of Allah
prove your words paar????
Let it be noted that though Christians believe that Jesus (peace be on him) after his arrest through the betrayal by Judas Iscariot, and crucifixion -- and resurrection -- went to heaven, yet, from the Holy Bible, it appears that this belief of theirs is altogether wrong.
Matthew (chapter 12, verse 40) says that just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish, so the Son of Man shall be three days and three nights in the bowels of the earth.
Now it is clear that Jonah did not die in the belly of the fish; the utmost that happened was that he was in a swoon or a fit of fainting. The holy books of God bear witness that Jonah, by the grace of God, remained alive in the belly of the fish, and came out alive; and his people ultimately accepted him.
If then Jesus (on whom be peace) had died in the belly of the 'fish', what resemblance could there be between a dead man and the one who was alive, and how could a living one be compared with one dead?
The truth rather is, that as Jesus was a true prophet and as he knew that God, whose beloved he was, would save him from an accursed death, he made a prophecy in the form of a parable, revealed to him by God, in which he hinted that he would not die on the Cross, nor would he give up the ghost on the accursed wood; on the contrary, like the prophet Jonah, he would only pass through a state of swoon.
In the parable he had also hinted that he would come out of the bowels of the earth and would then join the people and, like Jonah, would be honoured by them. So this prophecy too was fulfilled; for Jesus, coming out of the bowels of the earth, went to his tribes who lived in the eastern countries, Kashmir and Tibet, etc. viz. the ten tribes of the Israelites who 721 years before Jesus, had been taken prisoner from Samaria by Shalmaneser, King of Assur, and had been taken away by him.
Ultimately, these tribes came to India and settled in various parts of that country. Jesus at all events must have made this journey; for the divine object underlying his advent was that he should meet the lost Jews who had settled in different parts of India; the reason being that these in fact were the lost sheep of Israel who had given up even their ancestral faith in these countries, and most of whom had adopted Buddhism, relapsing, gradually into idolatry.
Dr. Bernier, on the authority of a number of learned people, states in his Travels that the Kashmiris in reality are Jews who in the time of the dispersal in the days of the King of Assur had migrated to this country.
http://www.alislam.org/library/books/je … a/ch1.html
Bowels of the earth is the resting place, the Tomb of Arimathea, He did not die there. He had "Given up the ghost" before his placement in the tomb. It was prophesied that he would die a cursed death "upon a tree" He told his disciples, "You will see The Son Of Man ascending and descending" from heaven to earth, and did so several times after the resurrection. Christians are not permitted to question this. They don't lose our heads over it just their salvation. Jesus sent his disciples, not just among the Hebrews, but among the gentiles, non Hebrews. There is more creedence that he visited the British Isles, and that is extremely unprovable. It is said that he walked among the native americans, but there is no evidence beyond certain spiritual beliefs that they hold, none of those traditions include anything which is proof of his "physical" contact, but some of their traditions seem somehow....familiar.
right on Druid,
Jesus and God the Father are not in the 'beheading trade'' that was left to Islam.
Atheism is a religion of doubt. They cannot reach truth which is based on certainty yet has no physical embodiment.
Ahmadiyya bridges gaps between the human beings; so the future of humanity rests with it.
by paarsurrey 10 years ago
http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/42912#post996684Hi friendsAs requested by our friend AdeleCosgroveBray,in the above post, I start this thread.Ahmadiyya or who are sometimes called Ahmadi peaceful Muslims are those people who believe Muhammad as the Seal of the Prophets Messengers and who believe...
by gulnazahmad 13 years ago
Prophet Muhammad was the most peaceful man on the earth ever and he is and he will be. People who say that religion teaches aggression should know that all the prophets Muhammad, Jesus and Moses who followed their religion to the extremes were the most peaceful human beings. They never invoked any...
by thirdmillenium 8 years ago
Does Islam contain some doctrines that make it mandatory for all Muslims to kill/destroy/annihilate followers of other religions/atheists/agnostics? Some say it does. Some others say it was not originally in the text but had been stealthily inserted later by religious fanatics.
by paarsurrey 13 years ago
One may ask questions about Quran/Islam/Muhammad from paarsurey he will answer from Ahmadiyya sources with related references; Paarsurrey has no claim to any scholarship or to piety. Paarsurrey is only an ordinary man in the street in search of Truth.
by Phil Perez 9 years ago
I am personally a little distressed and uneasy of the quote coming in the Qur'an concerning one particular message. Qur'an (4:34) Men are maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out their property; the good women are therefore obedient,...
by andrew savage 11 years ago
Can someone who has studied Islamic literature/scripture explain that killing people for having different religious view is not okay in the Quran?
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