I am the bosses kid, as are we all

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  1. mischeviousme profile image60
    mischeviousmeposted 13 years ago

    Jesus wasn't the only kid to be born of God, the silly part is that many people think so. If there is a God that created man, then Jesus wasn't his only child. I don't believe that there is a God, I'm just pointing out how silly some christians tend to sound. Jesus being the only way to God is silly, because it's all God, we just haven't been willing or able to admit it. Besides the few that are willing to admit they know nothing, the greater crowd thinks they know everything and that's a very juvenile way to go about life.

    1. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think you've misunderstood the standard Christian argument. They appear to believe we are all children of God and Jesus was God in the flesh.

      1. mischeviousme profile image60
        mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I keep hearing that Jesus is the truth and the light and that none come before God except by him. That is making God mutually exclusive and that to me is very silly. That's like when a child snatches a toy and says "Ask my daddy, he bought it for me, not you". It's a very childish and arrogant way of telling people how they should envision God.

        To put it in another way... Christians have a tendancy to say that one cannot be open minded about it. "This is th only way". I've heard that come from the mouths of many men that I once respected as the authority on the subject. No one knows anything and Jesus was only pointing out his path to God, not everyone elses. At least that's what I've gotten from it, as of late.

        1. profile image0
          Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Well, I'll start out with saying that I believe there are many paths to enlightenment. But, I do think that a large part of the journey is spent on a single path. And there is nothing wrong with that. It's probably due to the fact that such a small amount of our time is free for spiritual reflection that it's easy to remain in one place. You have to remember that the Christian faith has had centuries to ponder the question and there is much that can be learned through study within it.

          We all think we are on the correct path; but it is really only the path  that is right for ourselves. I get frustrated with evangelical Christians too but, if truth is told,  they are no different than anyone else who claims they know better how one should approach spirituality. They are only doing what they think is right for them. And assuming it is right for others also. They aren't unique in this behavior.

          1. mischeviousme profile image60
            mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I can agree with that. I'm not trying to steer people clear of their faith, I just think that the whole "my idea your idea" thing is outmoded and a bit childish. If we are going to get anywhere as a society, we have to see everyone else's way as equally valid. If this means abollishing religion, so be it, though I would still think that would be just as silly.

            1. profile image0
              Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              You may have missed my point, because you apparently disagree while you are claiming to agree.  Let me rephrase it.

              How are you different from the Christian you are complaining about?

              1. mischeviousme profile image60
                mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I'm not. I'm just as crazy as anyone else, though I can admit that I don't know anything. There are others that see it the way I do, but this is the path that I have chosen and no faith based remark or dialogue will prove me wrong. I see reality as it is and I don't fear or hope for a future that does not yet exist. I don't tell people that they are wrong and I've tried pointing out mistakes on all sides, even my own. The point is, one cannot be certain of anything. Our idealism changes just as the premise we base our beliefs and lives upon. We know absolutely nothing and until it can be proven without a doubt, it's all just a form of silliness.

                1. profile image0
                  Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Are you not certain of your uncertainty?

                  1. mischeviousme profile image60
                    mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm just as uncertain as anyone else in life. I have no idea what the future holds and I must just adventure into it just as everyone else. The future scares people because it is blank and being in the dark is the scariest thing for anyone. We create all sorts of fantastic stories, but in the end we still are just running the gauntlet of existance.

      2. Jerami profile image58
        Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Good day Emile R (and all)...

           Just looking in for a minute and this statement caught my eye and gave me a thought ( imagine that? )

           And I'm going to post that thought before I have time to think about it.!?

          Is it true that we are all children of God; but not until we are born in the flesh ????? 

          Who said that. (grinning broadly)

        1. mischeviousme profile image60
          mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          big_smile I'm grinning with you, yet I have no idea why.

          1. Jerami profile image58
            Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Well I guess that I don't either.

               a lot of times I find myself doing it .....    and don't care why

            1. mischeviousme profile image60
              mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              That's nature of lunacy and we're all nuts here.

  2. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 13 years ago

    Don't you get tired?

    1. mischeviousme profile image60
      mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Never. I have just realized that religious folk seem to think that salvation can be given to them. I just don't see it working that way and I'm not realy attacking anyone, I'm just pointing out a form of what I see as silliness.

      1. Pcunix profile image82
        Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        If that were the silliest part..  Oh, never mind..

  3. Dave Mathews profile image61
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    Jesus still isn't the only "Child of God" but he is the only "Begotten Son of God." Every Human is a child of God, His creation.

    1. mischeviousme profile image60
      mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Do you not see the flaw in that remark? If we are creations of God, then Jesus isn't his only begotten son. God in this sense has been made our stepfather and we've all been put aside to ask the bosses kid for help. It's just silly and therefor makes no sense what so ever.

    2. Insane Mundane profile image59
      Insane Mundaneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, but the History Channel told us that the virgin Mary, like a lot of poor innocent Homo Erectus versions of females, was artificially inseminated by the ancient aliens via the ancient astronaut theory.   
      With all jokes set aside, you can't explain the Jesus in the New Testament without bringing up "magic" of some sorts, and that's what causes problems - but mainly 'cause there has never been anything "magical" proven to ever exist within this 3 dimensional realm, and I'd hope not, since I'm just another confused being living in the flesh and bounded by reality as I experience.  Uh, duh!  Oh, crap, I forgot what the question was...  hmm

  4. Insane Mundane profile image59
    Insane Mundaneposted 13 years ago

    Wait just a minute...
    As the old Zen-based quote states:  "It is clear that Zen is not a philosophy. It is beyond words and intellect and is not, as in the case of philosophy, a study of the processes governing thought and conduct, nor a theory of principles or laws that regulate people and the universe. For the realisation of Zen, practice is absolutely necessary. Nevertheless, Zen is neither a mere anti-intellectualism nor a cheap intuitism nor is it an encouragement to animal-like spontaneity. Rather, it embraces a profound philosophy. Although intellectual understanding cannot be a substitute for Zen's awakening, practice without a proper and legitimate form of intellectual understanding is often misleading."

    With that being copied & pasted, what in the hell is the Jesus subject doing on a Zen forum to begin with???

    I'm lost...  Perhaps I need better road signs so I don't have to run into such things.  What's next?  People posting about Scientology in the "Hubber hangout" forum?  Ever heard of being germane?  LOL!

    Anyway, have fun with it, as I may return back to this forum subject - but only if I need to reply to intelligent insults.

    1. mischeviousme profile image60
      mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I was pointing out silliness from my point of view and I choose to write in the zen category, for that is a way of thinking formlessly. I say what I am thinking now, not twenty minutes ago and I never plan what I'm about to say. I can admit that everything I say is silliness, because it is how I feel, as one of the loonies in the institution of life.

      1. mischeviousme profile image60
        mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Listen to this and tell me what you think.


        1. Insane Mundane profile image59
          Insane Mundaneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          It reminded me of a web page I once wrote that was talking about all-natural, drug-free sleep aids.  Many thanks for this, as I'll definitely cut that sucker back on, when I try to go to sleep later.

        2. Insane Mundane profile image59
          Insane Mundaneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          By the way, I don't think it is wise to live life in the "death mode," so to speak, as the video plainly say to "shut up" and "quit thinking" and lets all dream of floating in the dead realm of reality via meditation.  Ya know, that's fine and dandy to some, but I figure that I'll have plenty of time to contemplate the universe, if it is possible, after I die, so I say LIVE and be LOUD if need be, so as if I can breathe life through my vessel I can shout and/or express from it, as well!   Now, back to what I originally said, your video link makes for an excellent drug-free sleep aid, or does it need drugs, as well, just to make sense?   "Everything is Zen, everything is Zen, I don't think so."  LOL!

          1. mischeviousme profile image60
            mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Everything is what it is, it's right now. 4th dimensional happenings and they all happen now. The universe isn't here for you, your here for it. You might call it God or universe or whatever you like. It's all the same thing and it's all over the place.

            1. Insane Mundane profile image59
              Insane Mundaneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I once wrote a page about the Anthropic Principle, if that's what you're saying...

              1. mischeviousme profile image60
                mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I guess, I just looked up and it seems to flow with what I've been saying, yet consciousness is another thing all together. We are not able to explain it or the meaning of life. Until we can see it without our ego, we aren't really seeing it all. We see only the images our brains tell us to see and filters it through the ego to the primitive self, which in turn becomes a desire and an attachment.

                We generaly desire sensations and they rule our senses, we make  judgements (sometimes harsh) and we honestly think that it doesn't have anything to do with the illusion of reality. There is no way to tell anyone the meaning of life, only what life means to the individual. There are no words that will ever solve the why of consciousness.

                1. Insane Mundane profile image59
                  Insane Mundaneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  No, dear, consciousness would be the backbone of the Anthropic Principle, if you think about it...  Oh, scratch that, you say you shouldn't think or use your brain because it filters things out...  Oh, great...  It goes back to that "death mode" belief of meditation without brain crap...  Dang!    I'm confused now...

                  1. mischeviousme profile image60
                    mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    my brain is a tool and it's not in charge. If one can shut the brain up for a moment, the true senses come alive. That is the meaning of here and now, everything is still real, but if I let it, my brain makes an illusion of it.

  5. Jerami profile image58
    Jeramiposted 13 years ago

    If we are children of God ....?  When did we become it?

    1. mischeviousme profile image60
      mischeviousmeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      We're all a creation of the here and now and that encompasses the whole of creation.

    2. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      We would have always been children of God, but by the Christian dogma it would have been when the gentiles were grafted onto the vine. I guess.

      I am curious about the born in the flesh statement. Where is that from?

  6. Jerami profile image58
    Jeramiposted 13 years ago

    Emile R, mischeviousme;   I made it up ... "If we were .....   then we are ...   then we are some more".   

      I think that "IF" my name was written in the book of life long before My physical body came into being? 
    I was probably someplace not too far away from the book!



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